Makalah Petak Umpet Edo

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Submitted to fulfill the assignments of the writing for general report course
which is supervised by:
Erik Candra Pertala, S.S., M.Hum.

EDO RAMDHANI : 2230911021

S1 English Literature 2022



Praise be to Allah SWT, who has given His gift so that we can finish this
writing. Prayers and greetings are always poured out to our lord Prophet
Muhammad SAW, an example for all mankind.
This paper raises a cultural aspect that is rich in value and meaning, namely
"Hide and Swear". Petak Umpat is an oral tradition that has crossed generations and
become an integral part of the life of the people of West Java, especially in the
Sukabumi region.
In this paper, I attempt to review the origin, evolution, and role played by
Petak Umpat in shaping the identity and cultural sustainability of the Sundanese
people. We also hope that this paper can provide a deeper understanding of the
nation's cultural richness and the values contained in it.
We would like to thank all parties who have provided support, inspiration, and
assistance in the preparation of this paper. Without their cooperation and
contribution, this paper would not have been realized.
We realize that this writing is far from perfect. Therefore, constructive
criticism and suggestions are very much expected for future improvements.
Finally, hopefully this paper can be a small contribution in preserving and
appreciating cultural diversity and our ancestral heritage.

Sukabumi, Mei 2024





I.1 Background 4
I.2 Problem Statement 4
I.3 Purpose of writing 5
I.4 Benefits of Writing 5

II.1 History of the Development of Petak Umpet Games 6
II.2 How to Play Petak Umpet .7
III.3 The Loss of Petak Umpet Games Due to the Effects of Globalization 8
II.4 Preservation Efforts 8


III.1 Conclusion 9
III.2 Saran 9




I.1 Background

Petak Umpat is an oral tradition rich in cultural values that has become an
integral part of the life of the Malay community, especially in the archipelago. This
tradition has crossed generations and remains relevant in maintaining cultural
identity as well as values passed down from ancestors.
The origin of Petak Umpat cannot be ascertained with certainty, but it is
believed to have existed since time immemorial. This tradition shows the cultural
richness of the Malay community which is reflected in various aspects, such as
language, music, and performing arts.
In practice, Jumping Tiles is often manifested in the form of clever and
humorous puns, accompanied by distinctive rhythms and melodies. Through various
verses of rhymes spoken with a distinctive rhythm, Petak Umpat becomes a place
for creative expression and communication between community members.
Apart from being a means of entertainment, Petak Umpat also has an
important social function. This tradition is often used in various traditional events,
ceremonies, or celebrations as part of rituals or entertainers for invited guests. In
addition, Petak Umpat can also be a means to convey moral messages, advice, or
social criticism in an intelligent and indirect way.
Despite oral tradition, Petak Umpat has undergone various developments
and adaptations along with the changing times. Technological advancements and
social media penetration have also brought Petak Umpat into the digital realm,
expanding its reach and introducing this tradition to a wider audience.
By understanding this rich background, we can better appreciate and
understand the values embodied in the Petak Umpat tradition and its role in
strengthening the cultural identity.

I.2 Problem Statement

1. What is the history of the development of the Jumping Plot game?

2. How have technology and social media impacted the practice and spread of
the Petak Umpet tradition?
3. What are some of the challenges and obstacles faced in preserving the
Petak Umpat tradition in the contemporary era?

I.3 Purpose of writing

1. To know the history of the development of the game Petak Umpet.

2. Preserving and introducing the game of Petak Umpet in the Sukabumi

3. Impact of Globalization and modernization

I.4 Benefits of Writing

1. Preservation of Cultural Identity: In the midst of globalization that affects
cultural homogenization, writing about Petak Umpat helps maintain the
cultural identity of the Malay community. This allows the distinctive cultural
heritage to remain alive and known by the younger generation as well as the
international community.
2. Introduction to Local Culture: Writing about Petak Umpat introduces local
culture to a global audience that may not be familiar with the tradition. This
opens up opportunities to broaden understanding and appreciation of the
world's cultural diversity.
3. Intercultural Linkages: Tiles can be intercultural crossing points where
people from different backgrounds can come together and interact. Writing
about Petak Umpat can expand the reach of this tradition, enabling greater
intercultural dialogue and exchange.


11.1 History of the development of Petak Umpet games

This game has been around for a long time i.e., around the 2nd century.
Usually this Petak Umpet game is played by at least 2 people and the more people
who come into play, the more exciting it will be.
This game of petak umpet is a game of finding people with the beginning

who as guards close their eyes and face the wall, then count to 10 to give time to
the others to find a place to hide, if he sees his friend who has cursed he shouts
while holding the wall or the place he guards. The one who is caught first is the one
who will take care of the next.
This petak umpet game is not only in Indonesia, but this game has spread to
many other countries with different names.
The game of petak umpet was first described by the Greek writer Julius
Pollux. In modern Greece, the game of Petak Umpet as we know it today was called
In the UK, the game is known as Petak Umpet , played by children while
wearing blindfolds. In Spain, the game is called el escondite, while in France it is
called jeu de cache-cache.
In the land of ginseng, the game of petak umpet is known as sumbaggoggil
and in Romania it is called de av ati ascunselea.
The game of petak umpet is also known throughout South and Central
America under the names tuja (Bolivia), escondidas (Ecuador and Chile), and
cucumbe (Honduras and El Salvador), while in Israel, people call it machboim. While
the version from Nigeria, petak umpet is called oro where the game is played by
means of a finder standing in the middle of a large circle that has been drawn in the
The seeker will tell other players to hide then he will step out of the circle to
find and chase other children who must run into the circle to be safe.
So this petak umpet game is not a game that only exists in Indonesia, even
many countries have similar games with their respective names

II.2. How to Play Petak Umpet

1. Gather as Many Friends as You Can

The game of petak umpet will feel more fun and fun if followed by many children.
Therefore, in order not to get bored quickly, you should invite your friends to
participate in playing.
2. Do Gambreng
The next step to play petak umpet is to do gambreng. Next, the two losing children
performed suits. The child who loses the last must have to keep the goal.
3. Work Safety
The child on guard must close his eyes and count from one to ten. In that count, the
other children had to hide in the least likely places to be found. After the count is
over, the guards must search for them until they are found.
4. Find a Hiding Friend
If a child is found hiding, the guard must run all the way to the goal and hold the goal

while saying "INGLO". This indicates that the child has been found. If it turns out that
the one who arrived first is the child who is hiding, then the goalkeeper must be
punished to guard again in the next round.

II.3. The Loss of the Traditional Game of Petak Umpet Due to the Effects of

Apart from the convenience obtained, the development of science and

technology also has a great impact on people's lives. Technological developments
tend to change people's social behavior. People tend to be preoccupied with their
own world and do not pay attention to their surroundings. The development of
individualism and indifference to those around him has a negative impact on society.
A sophisticated device that can be held and carried anywhere. "The world in
everyone's grasp" as people often call it, everyone can easily access the information
they want with just one keystroke. Not only that, the games found on the device also
fade the traditional games of the community.
This traditional game of Petak Umpet is played together, so that the
interaction that occurs raises the social spirit that exists in the children who play it.
Because some traditional games, require the players to work together and must
have a high sportsmanship spirit. Not surprisingly, children born before the 2000s
are rarely considered the strawberry generation.
During the reign of President Abdurrahman Wahid, the Ramadan holiday was
set for 30 full days. This holiday is used by playing traditional games. Relatives who
returned from overseas also participated in playing. Thus, social interaction in the
community is always maintained.
The development of science and technology also triggers globalization.
Globalization that occurs results in a lack of community interaction. All activities can
be done independently without the help of others. This is what has a negative
influence, especially among children.
Minors can easily access bad shows. They tend to imitate what they often
watch, it also affects the character of the child. It is not surprising that children
nowadays like to fight against their elders. In fact, there are some cases of children
who are addicted to devices, if not given a device will rage and act tempramental.
At this time, children are reluctant to play traditional games because they are
considered old-fashioned and will be considered kampungan if they play them.
Children prefer to play their devices wherever they are. They are busy playing games
on their devices. Games on devices often show violent actions that affect children's

II.4. Preservation Efforts

Basically, traditional games give rise to high social attitudes, cultivating
caring attitudes towards others. And this has a good influence on society, because it
instills a high sense of social from an early age.

Therefore, the use of devices in early childhood must be limited and
supervised. Because it can damage the child's mentality if left continuously.
Some studies show that traditional games can build children's minds, taste
and sports. In addition, traditional games also contain character values such as
religiosity, nationalism, independence, mutual assistance, and integrity values.
Teaching traditional games to children also prevents the extinction of
traditional games. The development of science and technology is naturally a good
thing. However, if not used wisely it will be able to bring bad influence to its users.
So, you must be wise in utilizing science and technology.


III.1. Conclusion
Petak Umpat is an oral tradition that is rich in cultural values and is an
inseparable part of the life of the people of Sukabumi. In this paper, various aspects
related to origin, form, cultural values, roles in society, and challenges in its
preservation in the era of globalization have been revealed.
From the analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that Petak Umpat
has a very important role in maintaining the cultural identity of the Indonesian
people, especially in Sukabumi. This tradition is not only a means of entertainment,
but also as a medium of communication, maintenance of traditional values, and
unification in building social solidarity.
Despite facing challenges from the influence of globalization and

modernization, efforts to preserve the Jumping Plot are still needed. It requires
cooperation between various parties, including governments, local communities,
and educational institutions, to keep this tradition alive and relevant in the
contemporary era.
The relevance and sustainability of the Petak Umpat tradition also lies in its
potential as a source of inspiration for contemporary creativity as well as a vehicle
for introducing culture to the international world.

III.2. Saran
In order for this game of Petak Umpet not to disappear, we as a Society
must contribute to preserving this Petak Umpet . By inviting young children around
us to play Petak Umpet and tell us that this game is a culture that must be
preserved for generations


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