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1. How to download the BPK reporting template?


There are two ways,

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2.1 Meaning of Nationalism

Meaning of Nationalism

- Feelings of deep love for the nation and the country

- National spirit that explains attitude and approach

related to the struggle against the colonialists and defense

against the nation and the country

- Movement to achieve political, economic and social freedom

from the domination of foreigners

- The idea of nationalism is not the same between countries and times

because the idea is closely related to historical experience

and surrounding influences such as descent, religion, language and customs


Character opinion

- Is a movement that puts

one's loyalty is only to the country or

his nation
- The rise of Malay nationalism more to

self-awareness and assertiveness in the decade

last before PD 2

- This is due to threats against

the interests of the Malay people as well as economic factors

- Society's concern about secularism

and Western imperialism that hit the Earth


- We want to reveal a more nation

sturdy and strong, can stand on the soles of the feet

ourselves and take our place

real on the side of other strong and united nations

- There must be a struggle against the colonialists

strong unity and unity (National


- All forces against colonialism

should be used to achieve

independence by sticking to

discipline and manners of the Malay race and

Islamic religion to redeem, seize and

take back the absolute rights of our nation

has sunk it.

- A universal phenomenon that recognizes the rights of everyone

nations in the world to establish their country

own and transfer sovereignty to

the people

- Demanding the ultimate loyalty of individuals is channeled

to the nation.

- Malay nationalism is not a new phenomenon

the incorporation of Tnh Malay by the British, but

Malay nationalism has existed since ancient times


- Loyalty to the king is a characteristic of nationalism

The Malays at that time and the Malays held on to pd

national understanding that is "Land


- In the pre-independence Malay context,

nationalism refers to the struggle of the Malay people

regain a superior position in

own country

Interpretation of Nationalism

- Based on history, the pattern of struggle and the charisma of the leader

support the struggle

- Closely related to the feeling of love for the country that triggers desire

build a nation state and give birth to its own identity

- Movement to create a sense of belonging by using

cultural similarities and historical experiences to liberate

nations and countries from colonialism.

- Toward the same goal of building a united nation and country


2.2 Development of the Idea of Nationalism in the West

Nationalism in the West

- The result of opposition to the monarchy that became a symbol

oppression that undermines the rights and freedom of the people like Revolution

Majesty in England and the French Revolution

- The idea of nationalism is also linked to the struggle to gain

independence from foreign colonialism like the American Revolution.

Thoughts of John Locke (English philosopher)

- After the drafting of the Bill of Rights, he

produced the work Two Treatises of Government

who popularized the principle of constitutional monarchy.

- He rejected the system of absolute power of the king

- Emphasizing that the government should be based on

agreement between the government and the people.

- Laws need to be enacted to fulfill basic rights


The development of the idea of nationalism






in England

- Due to the desire to uphold parliamentary sovereignty

and human rights

- The reign of King James II turned his back on parliament

when enacting laws.

- Parliamentarians opposed the absolute power of the king with

support of Mary II and husband King William of Orange from


- Realizing the support is getting less and less King James II ran away

to France.

- Known as the Majestic Revolution because of the transfer of power

peacefully without bloodshed.

- During the reign of Mary II and William of Orange

the concept of parliamentary sovereignty and the king's system

institutionally established

- The Bill of Rights was drafted to give priority

to the parliament to enact laws and the right to collect

Bill of Rights - Signed by William of Orange and Mary II

(the ruler of England) after King James II was deposed.

- Made in 1689

- Limiting the power of the monarchy, increasing the status

parliament and outline the rights of certain individuals

- Freedom and key concepts

▪ Freedom to choose members of parliament without interference

hand of the king/queen

▪ Freedom of speech in parliament

▪ Freedom from the king's interference with udg2

(the king is forbidden to establish his own court /

acting as a judge)

▪ Freedom to send petitions to the king

▪ Freedom to use weapons for

defend yourself as allowed

▪ Freedom from cruel and unusual punishment

and excessive bail

▪ Freedom from special royal taxes without consent


▪ Freedom from fines and confiscation without trial

▪ Freedom from military custody during peace and

without parliamentary approval


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