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1/10/24, 10:20 PM Module 11: Chemistry 🧪🩷Chemistry | Quizlet

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57 Matching questions

These are the negatively-charged particles. A. Chemistry 1-57 of 57

B. Colloid
A very hot form of gas which is considered as the 4th
C. Gas
form or state of matter.
D. Sublimation

A mixture that has only one phase; only one of the E. Pure Substance
ingredients found in the mixture is visible.
F. Double
The bonding between metals and non-metals as
manifested in salt or NaCl, a mixture of the metal sodium G. Non-metals
and the non-metal chlorine.
H. Condensation

I. Table Sugar
This is the most abundant organic compound used in
perfumes and food colorings due to its sweet scent. J. Covalent Bonds

K. Tellurium (Te)
This does not occupy space and does not have a mass.
L. Aurora Borealis or
Aurora Australis
A change wherein a chemical composition has been
M. Exothermic
altered or when a chemical reaction has taken place.

A substance containing two or more substances that have N. Fourteen (14)

been combined with no chemical bonding and just
O. Heterogenous
physical combination.

P. Table Salt
The study of the composition of matter and the changes
it undergoes. Q. Non-matter

R. Matter
AB → A + B + Energy 1/6
1/10/24, 10:20 PM Module 11: Chemistry 🧪🩷Chemistry | Quizlet

S. Homogenous
The process by which a solid changes directly into a gas
as observed in mothballs used in room closets and T. Protons
albatross fresheners used in comfort rooms.
U. Suspension

These are substances that are made up of only one atom V. Element

and cannot be broken down into simpler substances by

W. Endothermic
chemical processes.

X. Alcohol
This change in matter involves change in its physical
appearance or its state of matter, but with the same, Y. Liquid
unchanged chemical composition.
Z. Melting

A state of matter that has definite volume but has no AA. Exothermic

definite shape; usually takes the shape of the container it Synthesis

AB. Physical Change

AC. Atoms
The maximum level of acidity.
AD. Oganesson (Og)

These are substances that exhibit exact properties and AE. Endothermic
composition; and can be an element or a compound. Reaction

AF. Carbon Dioxide

A compound that is made up of one carbon atom and (CO2)
two oxygen atoms.
AG. Compounds

AH. Electrons
A mixture which contains particles that do not settle at all
like milk or fog. AI. Water (H2O)

AJ. Plasma
These are the building blocks of matter.
AK. Esters

AL. Bases 2/6
1/10/24, 10:20 PM Module 11: Chemistry 🧪🩷Chemistry | Quizlet

A chemical reaction that breaks down compounds into AM. Exothermic

simpler products; AB → A + B. Decomposition

AN. Synthesis
A mixture that contains particles in large sizes that
eventually settle out and need to be re-suspended AO. Seven (7)

usually by means of shaking; usually seen on orange juice AP. Freezing

or chocolate milk.
AQ. Decomposition

A compound that is made up of two hydrogen atoms and AR. Acids

an oxygen atom.
AS. Metalloids

The process by which a gas turns to liquid. AT. Evaporation

AU. Chemical Change

Two or more simple substances form a new product; A + AV. Neutrons

B= AB.
AW. BEC or Bose-
A + B → AB + Energy Condensate

AX. Deposition
The process by which a liquid becomes a solid.
AY. Metals

AZ. Ionic Bonds

A mixture that has the components visually distinguished
like the ones we saw in fruit salad, halo-halo, and other BA. Mixture
native desserts.
BB. Oxygen,
A reaction that releases energy in the form of heat. Sodium, Iodine,
and Gold.

These are some examples of an element. BC. Solid

BD. Substitution
The bonding of two or more non-metals as manifested in
BE. Endothermic
water or H2O.
Synthesis 3/6
1/10/24, 10:20 PM Module 11: Chemistry 🧪🩷Chemistry | Quizlet

Is anything that occupies space and has mass.

The process by which a solid becomes a liquid.

A + B + Energy= AB

These are the neutrally-charged particles.

This is the most abundant organic compound in perfumes

and colognes.

A compound consisting of 12 carbon atoms, 22 hydrogen

atoms, and 11 oxygen atoms.

These elements are classified as having low conductivity,

meaning they are poor conductors of heat and electricity
like oxygen, carbon, bromine, and sulfur.

This metalloid has been used for rubber vulcanizing,

glass and ceramic tints, solar cells, CDs and DVDs, and oil

The interchange of two parts to form new substances;

AB + CD → AD + CB.

A state of matter that contains a collection of atoms near

absolute zero; is super cold.

It is the 118th element in the periodic table of elements

which is a highly-radioactive element used only for
research. 4/6
1/10/24, 10:20 PM Module 11: Chemistry 🧪🩷Chemistry | Quizlet

These are elements that are classified as good

conductors of electric current and heat like copper and
iron, and excluding mercury and gallium.

A reaction that needs energy in the form of heat/

The process by which a liquid turns into gas.

The process by which a gas turns into solid as observed

in frosts.

A more active element replaces the less active element;

AB + C → AC + B.

These have pH value of above 7.

The neutral pH value; neither acidic or basic.

These have pH value of below 7.

These are substances formed by chemical combinations

of two or more types of atoms and can be broken down
into simpler substances by chemical processes.

AB + Energy= A + B

A state of matter that does not have a definite shape or

volume with its particles moving freely. 5/6
1/10/24, 10:20 PM Module 11: Chemistry 🧪🩷Chemistry | Quizlet

This light phenomenon contains plasma.

These are the positively-charged particles.

A state of matter that has definite shape and volume.

These are elements that have properties of both metals

and nonmetals.

A compound consisting an atom of sodium and chlorine


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