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IPE – Important Question!

Fast Learner

Junior Intermediate - 2024

Long Answer Questions

1. Develop the notions of work and kinetic energy and show that it leads to work energy
2. What are the collisions? Explain the possible type of collisions? develop the theory of one
dimensional elastic collision
3. State and prove law of conservation of energy in case of freely falling body
4. Define SHM. show that the motion of projection of a particle performing uniform circular
motion on any diameter is SHM
5. Show that the motion of a simple pendulum is simple Harmonic and hence derive an
equation for its time period. what is seconds pendulum
6. derive equation for the kinetic energy and potential energy of a simple harmonic
oscillator and show that the total energy of a particle in simple harmonic motion is
constant at any point on its path
7. Explain reversible and Irreversible process describe the working of carnot engine obtain
an expression for the efficiency
8. State second law of thermodynamics. how is heat engine different from a refrigerator

Short Answer Questions

1. State parallelogram law of vectors derive an expression for the magnitude and direction
of the resultant vector
2. Show that the trajectory of an object thrown at certain angle with the horizontal is a
3. Define unit vector null vector and position vector
4. If │�+�│=│�-�│prove that the angle between � and � is 900.
�2����2 Ө �2 ���2Ө
5. Show that the maximum height and range of a projectile are 2�
and �
respectively where the terms have their regular meanings.
6. State Newton's second law of motion hence derive the equation of motion F= ma from it
7. define the terms Momentum and impulse and explain the law of conservation of linear
momentum. give its example,

8. Why are shock absorbers used in motorcycles and cars? Explain.
9. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of friction
10. Mention the methods used in decrease friction
11. Why is pulling the lawn roller preferred to pushing it
12. Distinguish between Centre of mass and centre of gravity
13. Define angular velocity. derived v  r
14. Define angular acceleration and torque establish the relation between angular
acceleration and torque
15. explain about the centre of mass of earth moon system and its rotation around the sun.
16. Define vector product explain the properties of a vector product with two examples
17. State Kepler's law of planetary motion
18. Derive the relation between acceleration due to gravity (g) at the surface of a Planet and
gravitational constant (G).
19. What is orbital velocity obtain an expression for it
20. What is escape velocity obtain an expression for it
21. What is geostationary satellite state its uses
22. How does the acceleration due to gravity changes for the same value of height and depth
23. Derive the relation between acceleration due to gravity at the surface of a Planet and
gravitational constant
24. Describe the behavior of a wire under gradually increasing load
25. Define Strain energy and derive the equation for the same
26. Define strain and explain the type of strain
27. Define stress and explain the types of stress
28. Define Hooke's law of elasticity, proportionality limit, permanent set, and breaking stress
29. Define Young's modulus bulk modulus and shear modulus
30. Define modulus of elasticity stress strain and poisson’s ratio
31. Explain conduction Convection and radiation with example
32. In what way is the anomalous behavior of water advantageous to aquatic animals
33. Pendulum clocks generally go fast in winter and slow in summer why
34. Explain Celsius and Fahrenheit scales of temperature. Obtain the relation between Celsius
and Fahrenheit scales of temperature.
35. Two identical rectangular strips one of Copper and the other is Steel are riveted together
to form a compound bar (bimetallic strip) what will happen on heating.

Very Short Answer Questions
1. What is Physics?
2. What is the discovery of C.V Raman?
3. What are the fundamental forces in nature?
4. What is the contribution of S.Chandra Sekhar to Physics ?
5. Distinguish between accuracy and precision.
6. What are the different types of errors that can occurring a measurement?
7. How can systematic errors be minimised or eliminated?
8. What are significant figures and what do they represent when reporting the result of
9. Distinguish between fundamental unit and derived units.
10. Why do we have different units for the same physical quantity.
11. Express unified atomic mass unit in kg.
12. The state of motion and rest are relative explain.
13. How is average velocity different from instantaneous velocity?
14. A vehicle travels half the distance L with speed V1 and the other half with speed V2 what
is the average speed?
15. The vertical component of a vector is equal to its horizontal components. What is the
angle made by the vector with x - axis?
16. Two forces of magnitude 3 units and 5 units act at 60º with each other. What is the
magnitude of their resultant?
17. A  i  j ,what is the angle between the vector and x - axis?
18. When two right angled vectors of magnitude 7 units and 24 units combine, what is the
magnitude of their resultant?
   
19. If P  2i  4j  14k , and Q  4i  4j  10k find the magnitude of P  Q .
20. What is the acceleration of projectile at the top of its trajectory.
21. What is Inertia?
22. If a bomb at rest explodes into two pieces, the pieces must travel in opposite direction.
23. Can the coefficient of friction be greater than one?
24. Why does the car with a flattened type stop sooner than the one with inflated tyres?
25. What happens to the coefficient of friction if the weight of the body is doubled?
26. Is it necessary that a mass should be present at the centre of mass of any system?
27. Why are spokes provided in a bicycle wheel?
28. We cannot open or close the door by applying force at the hinges. Why?
29. Why do we prefer a spanner of longer arm as compared to the spanner of shorter arm?
30. By spinning eggs on a table top, how will you distinguish a hard boiled egg from a raw egg?

31. Why should a helicopter necessarily have two propellers?
32. State Hooke's law of elasticity?
33. State the units and dimensions of stress.
34. Define average pressure, mention its units and dimensional formula. Is it a scalar or
35. What is the principle behind the carburettor of an automobile?
36. What is magnus effect?
37. Why are drop and bubble and spherical?
38. Give an expression for the excess pressure in air bubble inside the liquid?
39. Give an expression for the excess pressure for soap bubble in air?
40. What is angle of contact?
41. Distinguish between heat and temperature.
42. What are the lower and upper fixed point of Celsius and Fahrenheit.
43. Can a substance contract on heating? Give an example.
44. Why gaps are left between nails on a railway
45. State wien’s displacement law.
46. What is greenhouse effect? Explain global warming.
47. State newton`s law of cooling.
48. The roof of building are often painted white during summer why?
49. Define mean free path.
50. When does a real gas behaves like an ideal gas?
51. State Boyle`s law and charle`s law.
52. What is the expression between pressure of gas molecule?

1. A ball is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity of 20 m/s from the top of a multi-
storey building. The height of the point from where the ball is thrown in 25 cm from the
ground. (a) How high will ball rise? and (b) How long will it be before the ball hits the
ground? tale g = 10 m/s
2. A man walks on a straight road from his home to a market 2.5 km away with a speed of 5
km/h. Finding the market closed, he instantly turns and walk back home with a speed of
7.5 km/h. The average speed of the man over the, the interval of time 0 to 40 min is equal
3. A car travelled first third of a distance at 10 km/h, second third of the distance at 20
km/h and last third of the distance at 60 km/h. The Mean speed of the car over entire

4. A bullet moving with a speed of 150 m/s strikes a tree and penetrates 3.5 cm before stop-
ping. What is the magnitude of its retardation in the tree and the time taken for it to stop
after striking the tree?
5. A food packet is dropped from an aeroplane, moving with a speed of 360 kmph in a
horizontal direction, from a height of 500 m. Find (i) its time of descent (ii) the horizontal
distance between the point at which the food packet reaches the ground and the point
above which it was dropped.
6.    
Find the angle between force F  3i  4j  3k unit and displacement d  5i  4j  3k unit.
Also find the projection of F on d.
7. It is well known that a raindrop falls under the influence of the downward gravitational
force and the opposing resistive force. The latter is known to be proportional to the speed
of the drop but is otherwise undetermined. Consider a drop of mass 1.00 g falling from a
height 1.00 km. It hits the ground with a speed of 50.0 m/s. (a) What is the work done by
the gravitational force? (b)What is the work done by the unknown resistive force?
8. In a ballistic demonstration, a police officer fires a bullet of mass 50 g with speed of 200
m/s on soft plywood of thickness 2 cm. The bullet emerges with only 10% of its initial
kinetic energy. What is the emergent speed of the bullet?
9. A machine gun fires 360 bullets per minute and each bullet travels with a velocity of 600
m/s. If the mass of each bullet is 5 gm, find the power of the machine gun?
10. A pump is required to lift 600 kg of water per minute from a wall 25 m deep and to eject
it with a speed of 50 m/s. Calculate the power required to perform the above task?
11. Find centre of mass of three particles at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. The masses
of the particle are 100g, 150g, and 200g respectively. Each side of the equilateral triangle
is 0.5 m long.
12.    
Find the scalar and vector products of two vectors, A  3i  4j  5k and B  2i  j  3k .

13.  
Find the torque of a force 7i  3j  5k about the origin. The force acts on a particle whose

position vector is i  j  k 

14. A rope of negligible mass is wound round a hollow cylinder of mass 3 kg and radius 40
cm. What is the angular acceleration of the cylinder if the rope is pulled with a force of 30
N? What is the linear acceleration of the rope
15. What is the length of a simple pendulum which ticks second?
16. A mass of 2 kg attached to a spring of force constant 260 N/m makes 100 oscillations.
What is the time taken?

17. A particle executing SHM has amplitude of 4 cm., and its acceleration at a distance of 1 cm
from the mean position is 3 cm/s2. What will be the velocity be when it is at a distance of
2 cm from its mean position?
18. Calculate the change in the length of a simple pendulum of length 1m, when its period of
oscillation changes from 2 s to 1.5 s.
19. The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the moon is 1.7 m/s2. What is the time
period of a simple pendulum on the moon if its time period on the earth is 3.5 s. (Given, g
= 9.8 m/s2)
20. Five moles of hydrogen when heated through 20 K expand by an amount
of 8.3×10−3m3 under a constant pressure of 105 N/m2. If Cv=20 J/mole K, Find Cp.
21. How much steam at 100 °C is to be passed into water of mass 100 g at 20 °C to raise its
temperature by 5 °C? (Latent heat of steam is 540cal/g and specific heat of water is 1
cal/g °C).
22. A steam engine delivers 5.4×108 J of work per minute and services 3.6×109 J of heat per
minute from its boiler. What is the efficiency of the engine? How much heat is wasted per
23. A refrigerator is to maintain eatables kept inside at 9 oC. If room temperature is 36 oC,
calculate the coefficient of performance.


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