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IPE – Important Question!

Most Important

Senior Intermediate - 2024

Long Answer Questions

1. Explain the formation of stationery waves in stretched strings and hence deduce the laws of
transverse wave in stretched strings.
2. What is Doppler Effect? Obtain an expression for the apparent frequency of sound heard When
the source is in motion with respect to an observer at rest.
3. State Kirchhoff's law for an electrical network. Using these laws deduce the condition for balance
in a Wheatstone bridge.
4. State the working principle of potentiometer explains with the help of circuit diagram how the
EMF of two primary cells are compared by using the Potentiometer.
5. State the working principle of potentiometer explains with the help of circuit diagram how the
potentiometer is used to determine the internal resistance of the given primary cell.
6. What is radioactivity? State the law of radioactive decay. Show that radioactive decay is
exponential in nature.
7. Explain the principle and working of the nuclear reactor with the help of labelled diagram.

Short Answer Questions

1. Define focal length of a concave mirror. Prove that radius of curvature of a concave mirror is
double its focal length.
2. Define critical angle. Explain total internal reflection using a neat diagram.
3. Explain the formation of mirage
4. Explain the formation of rainbow
5. Why does the setting sun appear red
6. Write the expression for the intensity at a point where interference of light occurs. Arrive at a
condition for maximum and zero intensity
7. How do you determine the resolving power of your eye
8. State and explain Coulomb's Inverse Square Law in electricity.
9. Derive an expression for the intensity of electric field at a point on the axial line of an electric

10. Derive and expression for the intensity of electric field at a point on the equatorial plane of an
electric dipole
11. State Gauss law in electrostatics and explain its importance.
12. Derive an expression for the electric potential due to a point charge.
13. Derive an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor
14. Explain the behavior of dielectric in an external field
15. State and explain Biot-Savart's law.
16. State and explain Ampere's circuital law.
17. What are the basic components of cyclotron mention its uses.
18. Derive an expression for the magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron.
19. Compare the properties of para, dia and ferromagnetic substance.
20. Obtain an expression for the EMF induced across a conductor which is moved in a uniform
magnetic field which is perpendicular to the plane of motion
21. Describe the way in which Eddy Currents are used to advantage.
22. Obtain an expression for the mutual inductance of two long coaxial solenoids
23. What are the limitations of Bohr's theory of hydrogen atom
24. Write a short note on De Broglie explanation of Bohr's second postulate of quantization
25. Explain the different type of spectral series in hydrogen atom
26. What are N type and P type semiconductors? How is a semiconductor junction formed.
27. Discuss the behavior of P-N junction how does a potential barrier develop at the junction.
28. Describe how a semiconductor diode is used as a half wave rectifier
29. What is rectification? explain the working of a full wave rectifier
30. Distinguish between half wave and full wave rectifiers
31. What is a photodiode explain its working with the circuit diagram and draw its I-V characteristics?
32. Explain the working of LED and what are its advantages over conventional incandescent low
power lamps.
33. Define NAND and NOR Gates give their truth tables.

Very Short Answer Questions

1. Define focal length and radius of curvature of a concave lens.
2. What do you understand by the terms 'focus' and 'principal focus' in the context of lenses?
3. Define power of a lens and write its unit.
4. A concave mirror of focal length 10 cm is placed at a distance 35 cm from a wall. How far from the wall
should an object be placed so that its real image is formed on the wall?
5. A small angled prism of 4∘ deviates a ray through 2.48∘. Find the refractive index of the prism.
6. What is 'dispersion'? Which colour gets relatively more dispersed?
7. What is hypermetropia? How can it be corrected?

8. What is myopia? How can it be corrected?
9. What is the importance of Oersted's experiment?
10. State Ampere's law and Biot-Savart law.
11. Distinguish between ammeter and voltmeter.
12. What is the principle of a moving coil galvanometer?
13. How do you convert a moving coil galvanometer into an ammeter?
14. How do you convert a moving coil galvanometer into a voltmeter?
15. A magnetic dipole placed in a magnetic field experiences a net force. What can you say about the nature
of the magnetic field?
16. What happens to compass needles at the Earth's poles?
17. What do you understand by the 'magnetization' of a sample?
18. What is the magnetic moment associated with a solenoid?
19. What are the units of magnetic moment, magnetic induction and magnetic field?
20. Magnetic lines form continuous closed loop. Why?
21. Define magnetic declination.
22. Define magnetic inclination or angle of dip.
23. Classify the following materials with regard to magnetism: Manganese, Cobalt, Nickel, Bismuth, Oxygen,
24. Define magnetic flux.
25. State Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction.
26. State Lenz's law.
27. What are Eddy currents?
28. Define 'inductance'.
29. A transformer converts 200 V ac into 2000 V ac. Calculate the number of turns in the secondary if the
primary has 10 turns.
30. What type of transformer is used in a 6V bed lamp?
31. What is the phenomenon involved in the working of transformer?
32. What is transformer ratio?
33. Write the expression for the reactance of (i) an inductor and (ii) a capacitor.
34. What is meant by wattles component of current?
35. What is the phase difference between A.C emf and current in the following: Pure resistor, pure inductor
and pure capacitor?
36. What is the average wavelength of X-rays?
37. If the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation is doubled, what happens to the energy of photon?
38. What are the applications of microwaves?
39. Give two uses of infrared rays.
40. The charging current for a capacitor is 0.6 A. What is the displacement current across its plates?

41. What are cathode rays?
42. What is "work function "?
43. What important fact did Millikan's experiment establish?
44. Write down de - Broglie's relation and explain the terms there in.
45. What is Photoelectric effect?
46. Write down Einstein's photoelectric equation.
47. Give examples of " photosensitive substances ". Why are they called so?
48. State Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
49. What are intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors?
50. How is a battery connected to a junction diode in (i) forward and (ii) reverse bias?
51. What is an n-type semiconductor? What are the majority and minority charge carriers in it?
52. What is a p-type semiconductor? What are the majority and minority and minority charge carriers in it?
53. What is p-n junction diode? Define depletion layer.
54. What is Zener voltage (V2) and how will a Zener diode be connected in circuits generally?
55. Draw the circuit symbols for p-n-p and n-p-n transistors
56. In which bias can be a Zener diode be used as voltage regulator?
57. Which gates are called universal gates?
58. Write the truth table of NAND gate. How does it differ from AND gate?
59. Define modulation? Why is it necessary?
60. Mention the frequency range of speech signals.
61. Mention the basic method of modulation in Mobile phones.
62. What are the basic blocks of a communication system?
63. What is “World Wide Web” (WWW)?
64. What is sky wave propagation?

1. A steel wire 0.72 m long has a mass of 5.0x10-3 kg. If the wire is under a tension of 60 N, what is
the speed of transverse waves on the wire?
2. A rocket is moving at a speed of 200 m/s towards a stationary target. While moving, it emits a
wave of frequency 1000 Hz. Some of the sound reaching the target gets reflected back to the
racket as an echo. Calculate the frequency of sound as detected by the person at the position of
target and frequency of echo as detected by the rocket.
3. A stretched wire of length 0.6 m is observed to vibrate with a frequency of 30 Hz in the
fundamental mode. If the string has a linear mass of 0.05 kg/m find (a) the velocity of
propagation of transverse waves in the string (b) the tension in the string.
4. A string has a length of 0.4 m and a mass of 0.16 g. If the tension in the string is 70 N, what are
the three lowest frequencies it produces when plucked?

5. A closed organ pipe 70 cm long is sounded. If the velocity of sound is 331m/s, what is the
fundamental frequency of vibration of the air column?
6. A 10 Ω thick wire is stretched so that its length becomes three times. Assuming that there is no
change in its density on stretching, calculate the resistance of the stretched wire.
7. Two lamps, one rated 100 W at 220 V, and the other 60 W at 220 V, are connected in parallel to
220 V mains supply. What current is drawn from the supply line.
8. A wire of resistance 4R is bent in the form of a circle. What is the effective resistance between
the ends of the diameter?
9. Two bulbs whose resistances are in the ratio of 1:2 are connected in parallel to a source of
constant voltage. What will be the ratio of power dissipation in these?
10. A potentiometer wire is 5 m long and a potential difference of 6 V is maintained between its
ends. Find the emf of a cell which balance against a length of 180 cm of the potentiometer wire.
11. The energy equivalent to 1 g of substance.
12. The half-life of U92
undergoing α−decay is 4.5×109 years. What is true activity of the 1 g sample
of U92
13. Compare the radii of the nuclei of mass numbers 27 and 64.
14. The half life radium is 1600 years. How much time does 1 g of radium take to reduce to 0.125 g.
15. A certain substance decays to 1/232 of its initial activity in 25 days. Calculate its half-life.
16. The half - life period of a radioactive substance is 20 days. What is the time taken for 7/8th of its
original mass to disintegrate?


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