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"Do you need to print all the subject slips for each student?"


Are you serious about printing everything? how much paper should be used? Actually, it is not necessary
to print everything, but it depends on the school. If you have more money, a lot of paper, and plenty of
printer ink, you can print.

There is a letter from KPM to inform about this. Understand the letter below:

Semaun changes social-patterned organizations-

democratic to communist

- 1921 the emergence of the PKI strengthened the communists.

The PKI's anticolonial/anticapitalist stance helps the PKI

infiltrate the national spirit in Indonesia

- 1923, Dutch pressure caused PKI leaders

leave Indonesia including Tan Malaka. So

PKI leadership moved to the extremist group like


- December 25, 1925 PKI launched a rebellion

against the Netherlands but failed. Dutch impression

Arrest, detention and deportation

communist leaders abroad

- PKI movement moved underground to

PD2. The official PKI was abolished

- 1926, PKI rose against the Dutch in Java and

Sumatra failed

- Many members fled to Singapore and Malay states like

Alimin and Moeso and Tan Malaka, Hasanoesi,

Boedisoejitro, Sutan Perpateh, Winanta, Soebakat and

Jamaluddin Tamin

- Communist expansion efforts in Malaya are not

welcomed by the Malays

National Party


The background of the establishment

- 1922 Indonesian students in the Netherlands established

The Indonesian Assembly is fighting towards independence.

Strictly do not cooperate with the Netherlands

- The assembly managed to get support.

- 1923-1927 assembly members returned to Indonesia and

establish student clubs in several cities

- The club as a center for discussion and ideas

struggle The most active Bandung Student Club. So

Soekarno established the National Union

Indonesia on June 4, 1927 and changed its name to

Indonesian National Party (PNI) led by Soekarno

and assisted by Ir. Anwari, Iskaq Tjokrohhadisoerjo,

Sunarjo, Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo and Ali



- Demand absolute independence

- Uniting the people through a coalition of political parties

- Forming a democratic parliamentary government

b/answer to the people

- Honoring Indonesian as an official language

PNI struggle

- Radically to achieve the goal of liberation

Indonesia from the Netherlands

- PNI's efforts: not cooperating with the Netherlands and scattered

idea through Banteng Priangan newspaper in Bandung

and the Indonesian Association in Jakarta

- When the Youth Congress came out with the "Oath" pledge

Youth" that emphasizes "all Indonesian people

are of the same race, same language and same country"

- Soekarno unites the people and the PNI can


- PNI merges the existing party apt Kelab Pelajar

Surabaya, Budi Utomo, Pasundan, Ikatan Sumatra,

Sarekat Islam and the Betawi tribe in agreement

Indonesian National Political Assembly PPPKI and

trying to form national unity.

-Radical and fight for independence

-Leader Soekarno

-Influential parties

Youth Congress


-1928 congress gave birth to the pledge "Oath

Youth" who are the pillars of nationalism

-3 basic oaths

i) One homeland

ii) One nation

iii) One language

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