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Scientific Research Methodology – ROIT7119

Assignment No. 1


1) Pick a topic / title that interest you.

2) Develop research questions.

3) Formulate Objectives: General and Specific of your study.

4) List the possible variables of your study.

5) Select your research design.

6) If possible, compose the title of your research.


1. Research Title

“Enhancing Claim Management Efficiency in Ethiopian Construction Projects: A case

study of selected mega Construction Projects”

2. General Objectives:

The general objective of my research would be to explore the multifaceted aspects of

Construction Claim Management efficiency within the context of selected mega
construction projects in Ethiopia., with a particular focus on the critical stages of
project management such as Planning, Execution, Monitoring and Communication

2.1. Study Variables:

The study will focus on key variables that influence claim management efficiency on
the critical stages of project management.

These key variables are:

 Project planning,
 Execution,
 Monitoring, and,
 Communication strategies

3. Research Questions:

• How does project planning affect the efficiency of claims management in

construction projects?

• In what ways does the execution phase influence the occurrence and handling of

• What role does monitoring play in identifying and managing claims effectively?

• How do communication strategies impact the resolution of claims and contribute

to the final settlement of claims in construction projects?

• How can the efficiency of Claim management be enhanced in the construction


4. Specific Objectives:

• To investigate the influence of project planning on the effectiveness of claims

management in construction projects.

• To examine the impact of execution practices on the frequency and severity of

claims in construction projects.
• To assess the effectiveness of monitoring processes in early detection and
management of claims in construction projects.
• To evaluate the role of communication strategies in the negotiation and resolution
of claims in construction projects.

• To evaluate the effectiveness of Claim management strategies in construction


5. Research Design:

The research will adopt a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and

quantitative research methods. Qualitative methods, such as interviews and focus
group discussions, will be used to gather insights from key stakeholders in the
construction sector involved in mega projects, mainly of the selected projects. These
qualitative data will help in understanding the current practices and challenges
related to claim management in construction projects.

Quantitative methods, including questionnaires, will be employed to collect data on

the efficiency of claim management strategies and their impact on project success.
These quantitative data will help to analyze the relationship between project
planning, execution, monitoring and communication on claim management efficiency
in the construction sector in selected projects.

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