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Citizen Newsletter #311 Henry Citizen (; Sunday, December 4, 2011 8:27 AM

The Citizen Newsletter

Issue # 311

December 5, 2011

The Conservative Voice of Henry County

Contact The Citizen at View or download at In This Edition Britton Buttrills Uffizi Deception in Media Herman Cain Drops Out National Defense Act Bill Evelyn Got It Wrong Bang for Our Bucks? Carroll TEA Party Workman is Worth His Hire YOUR VOICE Do You Care? DoE Career Pathways Supreme Court Rulings Do you have a story to tell? Become a Citizen contributor. Submit your opinions, commentaries and articles to HC.CITIZEN@HCCITIZEN.ORG

BY BRITTON BUTTRILL, AT THE S TRAWBERRY ONE ACT FESTIVAL The Citizen challenges friends and all fellow Henry Countians to help support the efforts of our own BRITTON BRITT BUTTRILL. Please take one minute of your day to watch this short video. Consider contributing, even if its only $5 or $10. Give Art a chance, YOU can make a difference! Visit us at

Deception of the Media

Editorial / Publication Policy at

Only in the United States

This Upcoming issue of Times Magazine will be censored in the United States with a picture dealing with Anxiety, while in other countries it will be dealing with the truth of world crisis naming the issue Revolution Redux.
Truth for the rest of the World

O Come All Ye Faithful Joyful and triumphant,

Come and behold Him, Born the King of Angels; O Sing, choirs of angels, Sing in exultation, Sing all that hear in heaven God's holy word. Give to our Father glory in the Highest; O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.

Merry Christmas

27,000 Over 27,0 00 reads at Over 4,100 subscribers View or download at

Herman Cain suspends presidential campaign

Plagued by allegations of sexual harassment and marriage infidelity, businessman Herman Cain announced Saturday that he is officially suspending his campaign for president of the United States. "As of today, with a lot of prayer and soul searching, I am suspending my presidential campaign," Cain said at what was supposed to be new campaign headquarters in his hometown of Atlanta. "I am disappointed that it came to this point that we had to make this decision." But he added, "Before you get discouraged, today I want to describe Plan B. . . . I am not going away. I will continue to be a voice for the people." With that, he unveiled the headquarters of his new website, Standing with his wife Gloria by his side, Cain added that he would make an endorsement before the primaries were over and vowed that he "will not be silenced."

Obama's dictatorship is almost complete -- the Senate votes yes on the National Defense Authorization Act

This is a critical step over the "stuck on stupid" line to the traitorous and treasonous line by our Senate this week. They voted for our military to detain American citizens as long as they want to, without charges, representation, or trial......just because they are suspected of being a terrorist. Americans could be gathered up and placed at GITMO for a "mystery" terrorist reason decided by the military front and directed by Obama or any other power-hungry president. It is all kosher and approved by the Senate and the president now. Naturally, Obama is threatening a veto, of course that hits the airwaves to soften this traitorous ruling against the American people. This betrayal by the Senate only gives a U.S. citizen just one hearing by the military where they can then be locked up for life without charge. How is that anything like America, our Constitution, or freedom as we know it? ~~ Annie, Get Your Gun. It's not just an old movie title ~~


US firearms sales reached a record 129,166 during last week's Black Friday that kicked off the holiday shopping season, a 32 percent increase from the previous all-time high, officials said.

Bill Evelyn got it wrong on S. 1867

From DownsizeDC (many others have also pointed this out):

The two sections seem to contradict each other. Some people, including some Senators, think that Section 1032 exempts Americans. But a more accurate rendering goes like this . . . According to Section 1032, the military cannot indefinitely imprison citizens and legal resident aliens. But that doesn't mean some other law enforcement agency couldn't eternally jail citizens and resident aliens, because of the vague wording of Section 1031. How vague? Section 1031(b)(2) "includ(es) ANY PERSON who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces." What is a belligerent act? There have been more than 40 cases of alleged terrorist plots that were little more than entrapment, and not actual threats to the American people. The way we read it ANY of these entrapped people, AS WELL AS completely innocent people associated with them, could potentially be imprisoned without due process because of the vagueness of Section 1031. And Section 1032 has NOTHING to do with this, because it only deals with military custody. Here's the thought to take away from this -- 1032 says the military can't kidnap citizens, but Section 1031 opens the door for other federal agencies to do so. But even the supposed exemption from military detention isn't so clear cut. If a citizen or resident alien is arrested by the military, he or she may have great difficulty proving that they are a citizen or legal resident alien, because the habeas corpus burden on the military is weak, or perhaps non-existent. Its even more problematic that this bill was explicitly designed to permit the military to play a police function on American soil, even if it is only to arrest and hold alleged foreign "belligerents." Hat tip to Nathan Adams

Bang for Our Bucks?













the Hack Line

Citizens should note the convenience of "saving $3,280,011 while spending $2.7 million up front on the airport, and budgeting $900,000 for 2012 operations. And the fact Henry County is down about 40 officers from HCPD due to higher pay in other counties/cities, attrition, etc. and nobody is talking about filling all those jobs - or doing a salary review to make us more competitive. Of course, we always have enough money to provide existing staff for "in-kind matching funds on grants for walking trails. The board seems to think that existing staff is 'in the budget so there is no cost to using them for such things. There is also a $1.5 million annual cost for maintenance and operation of our senior centers. That does not include any work done by DOT, Park & Rec, etc such as cutting grass or paving a drive. Yet, the board (Holder, Stamey & Holmes in majority) would not raise the out-of-county fees to match either DeKalb or Clayton. There are too many straws breaking the taxpayer's back. At rates higher than 83% of all Americans. We elect the board members to serve as a board of directors for managing the business of the county. To be sure there are differing approaches and beliefs about how to do that. In the 2012 campaign year, taxes and fiscal management will win or lose elections for both incumbents and challengers.


As requested and as in the past, Carolyn Henderson (an active member and leader in the Carroll County Tea Party) has determined that the below candidates best reflect the core values and principles that embody the conservative movement. Although the Carroll County Tea Party does not endorse candidates, we wish to share these qualified candidates Carolyn is supporting for your benefit. We hope that this information will be of some help to you.

These are the folks that I am supporting in the December 6th Senate 28 runoff and House 68 special election. Because we have a large slate of candidates for Tim Bearden's former District 68 House Seat, I am endorsing two fine men; Thom Fitzpatrick and Dustin Hightower for this seat. I am sure we will be having a run-off, but either of these candidates would do a great job.

Mike Crane is the guy for Mitch Seabaugh's former District 28 Senate Seat. A vote for Mike Crane will be one of the best votes you will ever cast in an election. Mike is not only a bright young man, but a man of superb character and a devoted Christian.

These are very important elections so please be sure to go to the polls on December 6th and encourage your friends to vote! God Bless America! Carolyn Henderson Carrollton, GA

Thanks to John Douglas

The Genesis of the Bible's Exodus from Troop Hospitals

This should make Obama happy and patriotic Navy vets ashamed. Previously the Air Force has led the way in anti Christian political correctness. It seems the Navy is working hard to catch up. A Workman is Worth His Hire
Someone posted at Henry County Times: Hey Henry, I just watched the Henry County Commissioners meeting on the local cable station and was appalled that the County Probate Judge requested retroactive pay for her duties in dealing with Vital Records and Passports. The total of the retroactive pay was over $90,000. Think about this. The Probate judge was elected to serve in a position that provides a certain pay scale. The judge has not been paid by Henry County. It is right; it is justified that the judge seek payment for services rendered. The good people who fill positions in local government deserve compensation for the work they do. Just like any secretary, clerk, manager or accountant working in private industry. In fact, pay must be commensurate with private industry or qualified, competent people would never apply! Ronnie Reagan said the most competent people do not work in government. If they did, private industry would hire them away. Although every citizen is rightly concerned about government waste and there is plenty of it a workman is worth his hire. (Luke 10:7) It's not dishonest to make a deal, or agree to do a certain thing for a certain fee. its dishonest not to hold up your end of the deal you made, at any fee. And it's slavery to force anyone to accept a fee, high or low, or to deny someone who decides for themselves what they will work for, before they can or will do the job, so if they want to make their deal, they are free to. A workman is worth his hire says the Bible, and so he is! So, an employer is not giving the employee a job, but paying the employee for having performed the job which he was hired to do! Employees, whether elected or hired, are compensated for performing tasks according to their education, training and abilities. Henry County provides a county supplement in addition to base salaries in order to meet State of Georgia civil servant pay rates. That additional compensation allows our county to remain competitive with other metro counties and cities. Note the following salaries for our Division Directors recently acquired from the county Finance Department: Henry County Board of Commissioners Division Directors & Department Head Listing 2011 Salary $66,634.67 $64,894.34 $115,000.00 $126,050.05 $111,996.56 $83,749.12 $91,055.54 $56,988.26 $78,000.00 $71,136.83 $62,969.50 $88,838.46 $92,598.06 2012 Salary $66,634.67 $64,894.34 $130,000.00 $126,050.05 $111,996.56 $83,749.12 $91,055.94 $56,988.26 $78,000.00 $71,136.83 $62,969.50 $93,500.00 $92,598.06

Department Name County Clerk Communications County Manager County Attorney Finance Technology Services Human Resources Risk Management Tax Assessor Elections Facilities Maintenance Police Department Fire Department

Job Title County Clerk Communications Director County Manager County Attorney Director of Financial Services Director of Information System Social Services Division Director / Director of H.R. Safety Officer Chief Appraiser Director of Elections / Chief Registrar Director of Building Maintenance Chief of Police Fire Chief

E-911 Code Enforcement Animal Control Public Works Division Director Fleet Services Connecting Henry Transit Senior Services Recreation Planning & Development Director Extension Service Building Department Planning & Zoning GIS Mapping Development Plan Review Environmental Compliance Plan Review

Director of Emergency Communications Director of Code Enforcement Animal Control & Shelter Director Public Works Division Director Director of Fleet Services Social Services Director Director of Unified Transit Director of Senior Services Director of Recreation Economic Development Division Director Extension Coordinator Building Department Director Director of Planning & Zoning Director of GIS Director of Development Plan Review Director of Environment Compliance & Plan Review

$91,898.35 $53,835.61 $57,821.71 $106,663.23 $58,057.17 $73,202.48 $58,423.66 $78,836.58 $80,315.66 $105,606.18 $18,882.24 $0.00 $81,836.27 $73,246.37 $57,249.09 $0.00

$91,898.35 $53,835.61 $57,821.71 $106,663.23 $58,057.17 $62,441.96 $58,423.66 $78,836.58 $80,315.66 $105,606.18 $18,882.24 $74,500.00 $81,836.27 $73,246.37 $0.00 $74,500.00

Stormwater Management SPLOST Capital SPLOST Roads

Director of Stormwater Management Capital Projects Director Roads Project Director

$84,108.34 $85,000.00 $101,673.52

$81,161.82 $85,000.00 $101,673.52

Only two positions saw an increase from 2010-11 to 2011-12. The county manager received a change in rate of compensation, and the Police Chief was promoted from an interim position.

The Anatomy of a Crisis: Threats and Response Planning

By Paul C. Scheib

I recently asked a friend, Do you think I am crazy for wanting you to develop a survival plan? She paused for a long moment, and then slowly drawing out her words, said No, youre not crazy, but it just seems that if something happens there is nothing I can do about it anyway. I wonder if you feel the same way. Do you feel paralyzed by all the possible threats? The truth is, there are potential events that could radically change they way we live our lives in America today. History is filled with catastrophes that have negatively altered the lives of billions. We can learn some important lessons from history that will allow us to turn and face the future not as frightened people awaiting the unknown, but as informed citizens that have a plan to get from the crisis to the recovery. Lets look at the types of problems we could face and the dangers they present..... Read the rest of this article: http://www.thegeorgia9-

Cemetery Research Group

Signature Broadcasting

Network SBN TV Were all about you!


They remind me of DEMOCRATS. They all hang together, Half of them don't work,

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AND The ones that do...aren't that bright.

Len Brewer on Newt Gingrich

LEN BREWER: I was very attentive when Newt made the Federal government balance the budget. He caused them to shut down. That was for us and it took a man who cared about us to do it. My only concern about him being elected is that who will we get after his terms to replace someone so genuine. Contact Nicole Curry


"Almighty and eternal Lord God, the great Creator of heaven and earth, and the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; look down from heaven in pity and compassion upon me Thy servant, who humbly prorate myself before Thee." ~ George Washington's prayer at Valley Forge

Witnessing the Republicans and the Democrats bicker over the U.S. debt is like watching two drunks argue over a bar bill on the Titanic.

As we approach Christmas I ask that you think of those that have passed. Many lay in Cemeteries in bad need of cleaning or repair. If you know of one please find it in your heart to go by and pick up trash or rake a few leaves up to make it look better. Remember with out them the place we call home Henry County would not be what it is today. ~ Alfred Britt

Do You Care?
By Michael Moon There are not many people in this society who will take up the cause of the dead. Think about this; there are many family graveyards, old church cemeteries, and even new burial sites that are left unattended. Mostly because of the fact that the families of those who are buried in these cemeteries are no longer in the area. The family cemeteries that lie in a patch of weeds or wooded areas are abandoned and left to the care of the county in which they lie or the municipality. There are some old church cemeteries which fall into the same category. Even new burial sites are vandalized by the uncaring. The key is the last word uncaring. Now there are those families or groups who do care about what happens to those who have come before us. The Cemetery Research Group was founded here in Henry County by Alfred Britt III. It has always been an uphill fight to get help with taking care of the graves of those who made our past. This is history and when it is not cared for then it is history at its worst. It leaves a legacy upon the living of today who will be looked upon by future generations as uncaring. There have been roads built over graves ranging from Native Americans to the Slaves of the past. Even buildings have been built over these who cannot speak for themselves. And the sad part is that those who committed these acts knew they were there. These are too many to list and they would try to deny it anyway because they know they broke the law. But God will remember them on that last day. The question people need to ask themselves is this: Do you want your grave to be built over, do you want your remains cast to the dumping grounds for building materials, do you want someone to care enough to repair your grave, do you want vandals to go unpunished for not caring and do you want your family to deny you as though you never existed? Most people who have a moral background know how to answer this. But

always remember we get back what we do and sometimes it comes back in ways that we do not like.

Georgia Department of Educations new Career Pathways

This past week I attended the Georgia Department of Educations (GaDOE) Career Cluster Advisory Meeting at the Rockdale Career Academy, in Conyers, Ga. Where State School Superintendent Dr. John Barge presented the expanded, career pathway options for high school students to ensure their college and career readiness. As a result of last year's passage of House Bill 186 sponsored by: Representatives Nix of the 69th, Davis of the 109th, Coleman of the 97th, Carter of the 175th, Clark of the 104th, and others. The end result is a blending of the traditional core curriculum and Career Technical Education programs, to better meet the educational needs of the student. Georgia, following in the footsteps that Mississippi implemented this school year with their Pathways to Success initiative, and one that South Carolina preceded both with several years ago. If the link fails, cut and past into your web browser <> For this initiative to be successful we will have to change how we consider the education of our children to one of purpose, an element currently absent from public education. Students will be introduced to possible career choices starting in elementary school. The discussions will continue through middle school and final choices for a career will be made during the ninth grade school year. Starting in the tenth grade, student courses will be tailored to the career chosen by the parents and the student. Currently careers are separated into 17 Career Clusters: 1 Agriculture, food, and natural resources, 2 Architecture and construction, 3 Arts, audio-video technology, and communications, 4 Business, management, and administration, 5 Education and training, 6 Finance, 7 Health science, 8 Hospitality and tourism, 9 Human services, 10 Information technology, 11 Law, public safety, and security, 12 Manufacturing, 13 Government and public administration, 14 Marketing, sales, and service, 15 Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics , 16 Transportation, distribution, and logistics, and 17 Energy (Not required in law but will be developed) Each cluster will have up to four career paths, and the GaDOE will develop a curriculum for the different programs of study as needed. The four basic career paths: One: Student will be work-ready upon the completion of high school, and will not require post-secondary education or training. Two: Student upon the completion of high school will need to enter a certification program, or a two-year institution to become work-ready. Three: Student upon the completion of high school will enter a four-year institution, and upon graduation will be work-ready. Four: Student upon the completion of high school will matriculate into a four-year plus institution, and after completion of extended studies, will be considered work-ready. The purpose here is to give students a purpose-driven educational path; encouraging them to stay in school until they are ready to enter the workforce. Bruce Kendall

Supreme Court Rules Obama Ineligible!

According to the United States Supreme Court, Obama is ineligible to be the President. Thats right, you read that correctly. The United States Supreme Court has ruled that Obama is ineligible to serve as President. Its not that you havent been paying attention lately and yes, you can be excused for missing the ruling as it came down, not in the last few days but back in 1875. This is the argument currently being made by the Liberty Legal Foundation. The Liberty Legal Foundation has filed not 1 but 2 lawsuits, one in Arizona and the other in Tennessee neither of which have one single thing to do with Obamas birth certificate OR challenging whether or not Obama was born in the United States. There is no need for either in regard to these lawsuits. At the core of this action is a simple request that Federal courts uphold the Supreme Court ruling. Both

lawsuits, and the Liberty Legal Foundation promises there will be more, would render it impossible for the Democratic National Committee to place Obamas name on the 2012 ballot. Heres the crux of it. Back in 1875, the United States Supreme Court, in Minor v, Happersett, ruled that: Natural Born Citizen was defined as children born of two U.S. citizens regardless of the location of the birth. It found: The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. Obamas problem, by his own admission and records of the State Department is this: Obamas father was not a United States citizen. Therefore, via Minor v, Happersett and the United States Supreme Court in 1875, Obama is ineligible because, since his father was not a U.S. citizen, Obama is not a natural born citizen. There are 4 cases in which the United States Supreme Court has addressed Natural Born Citizen.
Post Continues on

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