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co») United States c2) Patent Application Publication (o) Pub. No.: US 2015/0216223 Al Russick et al. US 20150216; 231 (43) Pub, Date: Aug. 6, 2015 (54) FOOD was om om a @ DEHYDRATOR _Applicants:David Russick, Shorewood, MN (US) laventors: Appl. No. Filed: ohn Adams, St Paul, MN (US); William Northrup, Minaespolis, MN (US); Todd Martens, Hopkins, MN (ws) David Russiek, Shorewood, MN (US) John Adams, St. Paul, MN (US); ‘William Northrup, Minacapolis, MN 'S); Todd Martens, Hopkins, MN 141515,264 et. 18, 2014 Related US. Application Data (60) Provisional application No, 61/936,731, filed on Fe 6.2014 Publication Classification (1) Inc ABN 17/00 (2006.01) (2) US.CL crc A23N 17/004 (2013.01) on, ABSTRACT A food waste dehydrator that can eficiently collet food serapsand food waste and ceate an tpt that can be used as livestock feed, livestock feed supplement, or can be further processed into compost or soil amendment, In some embod ‘ments, the food waste dehydrator is mobile and modular. In some embodiments, the food waste dehydrator includes a self-contained heating and energy source. US 2015/0216223 Al Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 1 of 33 Patent Application Publication ZOL L eunbl4 US 2015/0216223 Al Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 2 of 33 Patent Application Publication Zz onbi4 Patent Application Publication — Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 3 of 33 US 2015/0216223 Al Patent Application Publication — Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 4 of 33 US 2015/0216223 Al 1600 3206 3204 400 FIG. 4 402 3202 3302 404 Patent Application Publication — Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 5 of 33 US 2015/0216223 Al ry QO S “77 e g p p / 3 g 3 5 1600 Patent Application Publication — Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 6 of 33 US 2015/0216223 Al FIG. 6a FIG. 6b 606 5 | 604 602. 608 Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 7 of 33 US 2015/0216223 Al FIG. 7 Patent Application Publication — Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 8 of 33 US 2015/0216223 Al FIG. 8 2702 202 3204 Patent Application Publication — Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 9 of 33 US 2015/0216223 Al 602 FIG. 9 702 3302 US 2015/0216223 Al Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 10 of 33 Patent Application Publication OL Dla zocz Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 11 0f33 US 2015/0216223 Al FIG. 11 Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 12 0f33 US 2015/0216223 Al FIG, 12 yo 706 7 \ 7—— 704 702 702, oz aN, TN 702 I\ 7 NS, 702 Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 13 0f 33. US 2015/0216223 Al FIG. 13 Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 140f33 US 2015/0216223 A1 FIG, 14 704 Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 150f33 US 2015/0216223 Al FIG. 15 Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 160f33 US 2015/0216223 Al s Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 170f33 US 2015/0216223 Al FIG, 17 t Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 18 0f33 US 2015/0216223 Al 1802 ~] 1902 2002 1902 Oo 1802 2002 Patent Application Publication —_ Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 19 of 33 US 2015/0216223 Al FIG. 19 * * * 6 1902 6 + 6 * * * Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 200f33 US 2015/0216223 Al FIG. 20 2002 O Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 210f33 US 2015/0216223 Al FIG, 21 3204 2300. Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 22 0f33 US 2015/0216223 A1 FIG, 22 202 2400 2300 Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 23 0f33 US 2015/0216223 Al FIG, 23 2300 2300 Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 24 of 33 FIG, 24 2400 US 2015/0216223 Al 2400 Patent Application Publication — Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 250f33 US 2015/0216223 Al 3204 Patent Application Publication — Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 260f33 US 2015/0216223 Al FIG, 26a FIG. 26b 2504 a FIG. 26c }—— 2504 Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 270f33 US 2015/0216223 Al FIG. 27 Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 28. 0f33 US 2015/0216223 Al FIG, 28 2800 Patent Application Publication — Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 290f33 US 2015/0216223 Al FIG, 29 2900 2902 Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 300f33 US 2015/0216223 A1 FIG. 30 2702, 2802 606 604 2302 = 2802 Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 31 of 33. US 2015/0216223 Al FIG, 31 2704 ~— Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 32 0f 33 US 2015/0216223 Al FIG. 32 a ~~ 2206 ot suo Patent Application Publication Aug. 6, 2015 Sheet 33033 US 2015/0216223 Al 3302 FIG. 33 3302 US 2015/0216223 Al FOOD WASTE DEHYDRATOR ‘CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED. “APPLICATION [0001] This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provie sional Application No. 61/936,731, fled Feb. 6, 2014, titled FOOD WASTE DEHYDRATOR. FIELD OF THE DISCLOSURE [0002] The present invention generally relates to @ food Waste dehydrator. More specifically, it relates to a mobile and modular device that can accept food seraps and food waste, deyydrate the food, and create a usable output such as five stock feed or compost BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0003] | Curremly, when establishments such as restaurants, Schools, hotels, and food processing plans have food waste, they dispose of it in dumpsters along with other garbage ‘Garbage tacks then come and pick up the trash and haul itto landills, where the food waste remains unil itis degraded. However, there are many more uses for such food waste. The general order of preference for reuse of fod according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency is: fist, for human consumption, provide the food is ina suitable éon- Post or soil amendment. While examples provided herein refer to food seraps and food waste, any material capable of being dehydrated can be processed using the presently di closed device [0044] In one embodiment, the main part of the device roughly resembles a cylindrical tank, as lustrated in FIGS. 1 ‘and 4, and hasan exterior shell, insulation beneath the exte- rior shell, a temperature control mechanism on the outside of ‘an interior shell, anda stainless soe internal shel that physi= cally separates the temperature control mechanism from the food serps and food waste, Inoue embodiment, the tempera- ture control mechanism is comprised of coils 102, In one ‘embodiment, the temperature control mechanism is eom- prised of itet-fied tbe heaters onthe sides ofthe tank. The size ofthe dehydrator tank can range in capacity from 200 zalloas to 9,000 gallons. The exterior shell, depicted in FIG. 5, can be made of a metal such as, but not limited to, alumi num, tel, or stainless steel, and serves to keep te insulation safe from environmental elements such as ai, wind, precipi- tation, and UV rays. The insulation between the exterior shell ‘and the temperature contol mechanism can be made of a variety of different types o insulation such, but not mite 'o, ceramic insulation or foam spray insulation, [0045] _Inoneembodiment, the tank can containat least one. auger 302 on the inside of the tank that agitates, mixes, mcerates, and cuts the food seraps and food waste. As the food seraps and food waste are agitated, mixed, macerated, Aug. 6, 2015 ‘nd cut into smaller pieees air and het ean be more evealy applied, thus allowing fora faster drying period [0046] In one embodiment, the detydrator tank has an ‘evacuation tbe 3206 athe bottom ofthe tank that ean collect moisture and water during the dehydation process. The ‘moisture and water can ext the tank throug the evacuation ‘ube 3206.nd, insome embodiments, can run directly into the city’s sewage system. In other embodiments, the moisture ‘and water can be collected and subjected to further process- ing. [0047] _Inone embodiment, the dehydrator tank ean havea blower 3202 or venta the top of the tank to release vapors Additionally, the dehydrator tankcan havea fan nar the vent that can blow the vapors out ofthe main tank and ino or near aflter3204 such as, but not limited to, a earbon filter that will minimize or prevent odor release from the dehydrator. {0048} Inone embodiment, the dey rato ank canhavean intemal fn that circulates hot rand works in tandem with at least one auger 302 o increase the surface area ofthe food that is exposed to heated ar, This, in tur, can increase the speed at which food seraps and food waste are dehydrated, [0049] In one embodiment, as illustrated in FIG. 2, the device can have an automated dumping device ift 202. When ‘waste bin with food seraps and food wastes brought tothe ‘aulomated dumping device lift 202, the it 202 is capable of mechanically iting the waste bin to the top port door 204 where the food seraps and food wastecan be dumped into the tank. [0050] In another embodiment as illusttatod in FIGS. 4,7, 9, and 38, the device can have a fil spout 3302, wherein food scraps and food waste are poured through the fill spout 3302 {no the tank. The il spout 3302 may have acap that prevents beat from escaping witen the device isin use and the tank is hot [0051] In one embovtiment, an evacuation port 104 can be located atthe rear ofthe tank to allow removal ofthe finished, dehydrated material. Removal ean take place afer the tank fas been filled and the food scraps and food waste have been dehydrated to a desired moisture content level. In one embodiment, the desired moisture content level is 10% oF Tess. The dehydrator tank is not intended to oporate as storage unit ora silo, wherein new material is added wo pre= viously dehydrated material, Therefore, once the device has hydrated the food scraps and food waste, the output is removed from the tank through the evacuation por 102 and put into storage such as barrels, bins, or drums (or other storage unit that is capable of being sealed), The dehydrated ‘material wll msiniin a desired moisture level w be safe for livestock consumption. Inoue embodiment, the desired mois- ture level for livestock consumption is 1% [0052] The dehydrator tank ean be @ mobile and modular Unit. Inone embodiment, the dehydrator tank caa be mounted fon the back ofa vehicle or trailer though the use ofa steel frame 304. Attachment or removal ofthe dehydrator tank ean be accomplished by rolling it on or off ofa vehicle or tile. Alternatively, the device canbe attached to or removed from the vehicle or tailer through the use of a roll-off hook or cable. In one embodiment, a non-dehydrator collection device canbe eltatan establishment, picked up once itis full, ‘and hauled back to an energy docking or transfer tation, and duped into a debydrator tank [0053] Ione embosiment, the debydrator tank, when ful, ‘an be picked up from an establisment and transported oan energy docking or transfer station where the food seraps and US 2015/0216223 Al food waste can be processed. At the energy docking or rans- fer station, the dehydrator tank can be removed from the Vehicle or trailer and placed on the ground. It ean then be attached to an energy source such as, but not limited 10, natural gas, propane, or electricity. Allematively, the deby sdrator tank can be let on the vehicle or teiler when it i attached to an enengy source. The energy source can come: from a gas line or from a unit seh as, but not limited 1, propane nk or an electric outlet [0054] In one embodiment, the enengy source can heat the temperature control mechanism, such as the coils 102, iret, if the coils 102 are electrically heated, or indirectly, if the coils 102 contain a heating elomeat such as, but not imited to, oil, water, or sit For indirect eoil heating, the ‘energy source heats the heating element through the use of device such as, but not limited to, a furnace or boiler. When citer direct of indiret heating i used to produce heat, the coils 102 become heated and, consequently, can heat the air inside ofthe tank up to temperatures that ar high enough to dehydrate the food scraps and food waste are high enough 0 kill pathogens when the heat is applied for a long enough period of time, and are low enough to maintain nutritional ‘alue.Inone embodiment, this temperature ranges from 180 'o 200 degrees Fahrenheit. In one embodiment, the energy source can also pump and circulate the heating element ‘through the coils 1020 providean even disteibution of heat the food scraps and food wast. Once the food seraps and food ‘waste have been dehydrated, the evacuation port 104 can allow removal ofthe finished, dehydrated material. After the

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