Most Common Dependent Prepositions

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There isn’t really any logic behind which preposition goes with which verb, adjective or noun – you
just have to memorise and become familiar with them. The table below shows some common
dependent prepositions:

With Verbs With Adjectives With Nouns

add to according to attack on

agree with accustomed to attitude towards

apply for/to afraid of comparison between

ask for annoyed with/about/at decrease in

believe in confused by/about delay in

call for different from difference between

choose between excited about difficulty in/with

comment on fed up with increase in

compare with friendly with information about

complain about frightened of intention of

deal with good at knowledge of

decide on interested in need for

depend on jealous of notice of

forgive (somebody) for mad at/about on behalf of

hear of/about opposed to preference for

hope/wait for pleased with protection from

laugh at popular with reaction to

listen to proud of reason for

pay for satisfied with reduction in

refer to similar to result of

thank (somebody) for sorry for/about rise in

think of/about tired of room for

worry about used to solution to

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Common mistakes with dependent prepositions

As there is no real logic behind which dependent preposition is used for which word, it is very
common for students to make mistakes when deciding which preposition to use (or whether to
use one at all). Here are the most common mistakes students make with dependent prepositions.

Using the incorrect preposition

One of the most common mistakes is to use the incorrect preposition, perhaps because the
student’s own language uses a different preposition:

• It will depend of the weather. It will depend on the weather.

• He was thinking in buying a new house. He was thinking of/about buying a new house.
• We’ll arrive to the train station at 4pm. We’ll arrive at the train station at 4pm.
• I graduated of law. I graduated in law.

Omitting the preposition

Another common mistake is omitting the preposition when it is required:

• I’m listening music. I’m listening to music.

• She asked a coffee. She asked for a coffee.
• Parents care their children. Parents care for their children.
• He was looking a new shirt. He was looking for a new shirt.

Adding a phantom preposition

Sometimes students use a preposition when one is not required in English:

• This could become in a bad situation. This could become a bad situation.
• I helped to my parents. I helped my parents.
• She entered to the building. She entered the building.
• We’re going to meet with our neighbours tonight. We’re going to meet our neighbours tonight.

Confusing the preposition to with the to-infinitive

Many words take the dependent preposition to. Some common verbs that take the preposition to
are add, contribute, admit, object, refer and consent. Some common adjectives that take the
preposition to are used, accustomed, opposed, addicted, attracted and allergic. Remember that a verb
after a preposition is always the gerund form, not the infinitive form:

• He admitted to steal the money. He admitted to stealing the money.

• My wife objected to be called bossy. My wife objected to being called bossy.
• I’m addicted to eat chocolate. I’m addicted to eating chocolate.
• He’s not used to drive on the left. He’s not used to driving on the left.

WOR KSH E ETS, ACTIV I TI E S & G AMES Who has the same answer?

Questions My answer Name

1. Who are you similar .......... in your family?

2. Are you afraid .......... any animals or insects? If so,

which ones?

3. If you had your own personal chef, what meal would

you ask .......... the most?

4. What do you think your country is famous ..........?

5. What activities or sports are you good ..........?

6. How do you prefer to pay .......... purchases?

7. Who are you most proud ..........?

8. What are you interested .......... learning about?

9. Do you believe .......... ghosts?

10. What are you most excited .......... right now?

11. Who was the last person you argued ..........?

12. What do you worry .......... the most?

.......... your best friend?

14. How do you deal .......... stress?

15. Who do you have a lot in common ..........?

16. What do you do to prepare .......... a test or exam?

Dependent prepositions activity
Correct preposition

Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition:

1. He has extensive knowledge _____ the subject.

2. He is so good _____ public speaking.

3. His attitude _____ the subject is very narrow-minded.

4. I am so excited _____ the upcoming concert!

5. I believe ______ him – he is such a talented and hard-working artist.

6. I had to choose _____ going to the cinema or out to dinner.

7. I totally agree _____ your opinion – everything you say about this is true!

8. It was an unjustified attack _____ an innocent party.

9. She is unavailable at the moment as she is attending _____ an urgent issue.

10. She was so kind _____ me when I was having problems.

11. The company is aware _____ the problem and is working hard to fix it soon.

12. There is no need _____ violence in any circumstances.

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