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Session: 2024-25
Summer Holiday Homework

Q1.News paper activity-

*Write the answer,cut out and paste(minimum 2each) clippings of given the questions on classified advertisement th
1.Advertisement writing for the ‘situation vacant’ column of ‘The National News ‘
Stating the requirement of TGT(Maths) for your school.

2.Advertisement writing in the missing person column of a Local newspaper urging people to help you find your 5 year
younger brother who has been missing for three days.

Q2.Make a model on the topic of ‘Tenses’ with examples.

It helps to give a basic understanding to students about how to phrase a sentence reffering to the certain time in that

Subject-Business Studies

1. Project One: Field Visit

1.Visit to a Handicraft unit.
2. Visit to an Industry.
3. Visit to a Whole sale market (vegetables, fruits, flowers, grains, garments, etc.)
4. Visit to a Departmental store.
5. Visit to a Mall.

2. Project Two:
Case Study on a Product

3. Project Three:
Aids to Trade

4. Project Four:
Import /Export Procedure

5. Project Five:
A visit to any State Emporium (other than your school state).

Presentation and Submission of Project Report At the end of the stipulated term, each student will prepare
submit his/her project report. Following essentials are required to be fulfilled for its preparation and submi
1. The total length of the project will be of 25 to 30 pages.
2. The project should be handwritten.
3. The project should be presented in a neat folder.
4. The project report should be developed in the following sequence- Cover page should include the title of
Project, student information, school and year.

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