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International & Erasmus

here, you will see the world through different eyes

Student Welcome Guide

Table of Contents
Welcome to Euromed Management and to Marseille. 1. BEFORE ARRIVAL 1.1. Pre-departure Checklist. 1.2. Academic Calendar 1.3. Application Process... 1.4. Course Offer & Course Registration.. 1.5. Student Visa 1.6. Housing 2. UPON ARRIVAL 2.1. Pick-up Assistance. 2.2. How to get to Euromed Management. 2.3. Orientation Programme. 2.4. OFII (Residence Permit)... 2.5. Insurance. 2.6. Banking 3. RESOURCES AVAILABLE AT EUROMED MANAGEMENT 3.1. Information Systems Department 3.2. Library & Language Centre.. 3.3. International Corporate Relations 3.4. Student Associations. 3.5. Other Services 4. MISCELLANEAOUS 4.1. Adjusting to Culture Shock 4.2. Important Numbers & Addresses. 5. UPON LEAVING 6. F.A.Q... DIRECTORIES Office of International Partnerships (OIP).. Undergraduate & Graduate Academic Programmes.. Registrar International Promotions Office (IPO)...... International Promotions Office (IPO)....... InterAct, the International Students Association. 43 44 46 47 47 37 38 39 40 31 31 32 32 35 20 21 26 26 28 29 6 7 9 11 15 16 4

Dear Student,

Welcome to Euromed Management!

The aim of this guide is to help you get a successful arrival to Marseille as well as a successful start at Euromed Management. Please take the time to read it carefully and completely before leaving your home country. This is only a guideline and it is your responsibility to make sure that everything is prepared from your side in order to be ready to start on your course at the appointed starting date. Euromed Management staff looks forward to welcoming you to Marseille and to Euromed Management. The Office of International Partnerships (OIP)

Welcome to Marseille!

"The new Mediterranean resort, the gateway to Provence"

The 2600 year old city of Marseille welcomes you
Marseille was founded about 600 B.C. by Greek sailors from Phocea. It was the first of France's cities, and it is surely the most complex. Poorly known, Marseille does not instantly reveal its charms to the visitor. You must take time to understand this town and its passions discover its strange beauty and take in its excesses. You can start by strolling around the Vieux Port (Old Port). With its forest of masts, the fishwives selling freshly-landed fish at the open-air fish market and the caf terraces flooded with sunshine, the Old Port is a permanent spectacle. To the west, the imposing masses of the 17th century forts of St Jean and St Nicolas frame the harbor entrance. From the terrace of the Palais du Pharo (Pharo Palace), the former residence of the Empress Eugnie, there is a splendid view of the Harbor and the Mediterranean. The famous Canebire (Marseille's main central street) ends at the Old Port on Quai des Belges, the embarkation point for boat trips to the islands in Marseille Bay. The ferry-boat immortalized by Marcel Pagnol still runs between the North and South quays. On the opposite side of the Old Port is the Panier (Basket) area, a tiny neighborhood perched on the hill that goes down to the Mairie (Town Hall). It bears the spirit of the city. Narrow alleys and dark steep streets seem to have been designed to keep out the sun. At the far Southern end of Marseille, the village of Les Goudes is the gateway to the Calanques. Here, the cabins built into the rocky slopes reach almost into the sea. At the very end of the road stands Callelongue. You can also discover Marseille from the sea. You can take a boat trip to the islands of Frioul, Chteau d'If (where, according to the legend, the Count of Monte Cristo was imprisoned), Mare, Pommgues and Ratonneau (where Hpital Caroline was built during the Restoration). From the boat, you have a splendid panoramic view of the capital of the Mediterranean. To know more about Marseille and its surroundings:

1. Before Arrival
1.1. Pre-Departure Checklist
Before leaving your home country and your family, there are lots of things to arrange. To help you, we have listed a few points. So make sure you have completed all the following items well before your departure:

> Things to do
Organise your Travel Arrangements: Student Visa, Air Ticket, Travel Insurance Organise your Accommodation for your whole stay Arranged temporary accommodation if necessary Plan for your expenses Plan to have some cash to cover living costs on arrival in France (approximately 500) Make copies of all important documents Register for classes Register with InterAct for pick-up at the Marseille Saint-Charles Train Station Register for the orientation programme

> Be prepared for a cultural transition

Consult some interesting web sites: France The official French Tourist Office: La Maison de France Provence Marseille

1.2. Academic Calendar

Fall 2010
Orientation Programme (1) Information Week (2) Integration Week-End (3) Courses start > Bachelor Programmes (CeseMed & PMF) > ESC Programme Bachelor level Master level Examinations > Bachelor Programmes (CeseMed & PMF) > ESC Programme Bachelor level Master level Christmas Holidays (end of Fall semester) September 1 - 2 & 3 September 6 to 9 September 10 to 12 September 13 September 13 September 20 November 22 December 6 December 8 December 19

The school will be closed from December 24 and will open again on January 3, 2011.

Spring 2011
Orientation Programme (1) Courses start > Bachelor Programme (CeseMed & PMF) > ESC Programme Bachelor level Master level Examinations > Bachelor Programmes (CeseMed & PMF) > ESC Programme Bachelor level Master level Courses end
(end of academic year)

January 5 - 6 & 7 January 10 January 10 January 17 April 26 May 2 May 2 May 21 7

Please consult in September the detailed Academic Calendar for a complete updated version as changes may occur.

(1) Orientation Programme: the OIP organizes for all international students (exchange and non exchange) a seminar including an Intercultural workshop, a lunch and a visit of Marseille (no fee). (2) Information Week: Open to all students. Mandatory for French Students, Regular International Students & Degree-Seeking Students. During this week, information about Euromed Management, the Bachelor & Master Programmes will be given.

(3) Integration Weekend: A three-day weekend is organised by the Student Union Bureau Des Elves (Thursday 10 to Saturday 12). For more information (place, registration, price), please contact the Student Union directly at:

1.3. Application Process

> Application Deadlines Fall Semester: April 30 Spring Semester: October 30 To register, Exchange Students from partner schools nominated by their home institutions have to register on-line. Guidelines are given to your study abroad advisor who informs you. He/She will send the complete applications to Euromed Management. Please also include the following documents: Printed copy of the on-line Application Form with the approval/signature of home institution Official Academic records from home institution An identity photo Curriculum Vitae Photocopy of passport or European Identity Card Toefl Score of 550 or proof of English Proficiency from home institution Proof of your own Health Insurance or subscription to the French Social Security. For students staying more than 6 months, please also submit: Birth Certificate (officially translated into French and with a validity of less than 3 months) (make copies and make sure they are officially stamped by a notary; you will need this for your residence cards). Proof of Scholarship from your Home Country, if applicable


1) MSc in Management (Programme Grande Ecole) Application for this programme is done via a consortium of French Business schools called Universa. Online application form available on Application deadline is May 30. 2) International Master in Management (IMM) Documents required for admission: Application form to be filled on-line Official Academic records Curriculum Vitae Official documentation of completion of three years post-secondary education of bachelor degree or equivalent GMAT and TOEFL Copy of Passport or European Identity Card Other documents required: Birth Certificate (officially translated into French and with a validity of less than 3 months.) (make copies and make sure they are officially stamped by a notary, you will need this for your residence cards) Proof of Scholarship from your Home Country, if applicable Proof of own Health Insurance or subscription to the French Social Security. Contact :International Promotions Office (IPO) at


If you are interested to study at Euromed Management as a free-mover student, please contact the International Promotions Office (IPO) at


1.4. Course Offer & Course Registration

Before arrival, Exchange Students from partner institutions must talk to their advisor at their home institution about the number and type of courses (undergraduate/graduate) they need to take while at Euromed Management. Exchange students can attend classes at the Bachelor or Master levels, depending on their level of studies at home institution:

> Bachelor Students must have at least a 2-year level of post-secondary education
and can select courses among 3 different programmes: - CeseMed Programme (programme focusing on International Business). - PMF Programme (programme focusing on Finance & Banking). - ESC Programme (Bachelor Year 1) (programme focusing on Management). Students can select courses among the 3 programmes. Please note classes can be mixed from the different years of the CeseMed and PMF programmes. Students can also mix classes from the 3 different programmes (CeseMed, PMF & ESC) but in this case, making sure classes do not overlap.

> Master Students must have at least a 3-year level of post-secondary education and can select courses from:
- ESC Programme (Master Years 2 & 3).


Courses of Management
Language of Instruction: Courses can be taught in French and English. Students can mix courses of both languages. Course Load: Each course represents 30 hours per semester and counts for 5 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System). The average is 6 courses per semester (except languages). Exchange students can choose the number of courses according to their home institution requirements. Students are asked to select their courses each semester.


Types of Courses: All classes are taught face to face except the 6 core courses at the Master level that are taught on-line. Important: It is strongly advised not to mix courses from the Bachelor & Master programmes as schedules may overlap, including exams. Students have until the end of the first week of classes to drop or add a course. List of Courses & Course Description: the list of courses is sent to students by email when students are officially accepted & registered by Euromed Management. The course descriptions for all programmes are available on the website Students do not need to enter any login/password to consult these syllabi. Students or academic advisors just have to click on Direct Access then on Virtual Campus on the homepage and then click on Netsyllabus (Public Area) at the bottom of the column on the left side. Then, select the academic year & semester of study and the programme. Examples for Bachelor students: If Bachelor student interested in choosing a class from the CeseMed Programme Year 2, select CeseMed programme, then CeseMed 2. If Bachelor student interested in choosing a class from the ESC Programme Year 1, please select Master of Science in Management, level Bachelor (that corresponds to ESC Programme Year 1). Example for Master students: If Master student, please select Master of Science in Management, level Master (that corresponds to ESC Programme Year 2 & 3).

French as a Foreign Language

All International students have the possibility to attend French as a Foreign Language and get credits. Different levels are offered (beginner, intermediate, advanced). Courses are taught by professors. Students have to register on-line according to the process indicated by their contact at the Office of International Partnerships (OIP). The international Students association InterAct also offers international students the possibility to attend classes of French as a Foreign Language, classes being taught by students, at different levels, during lunch time. No credits granted. InterAct also provides a Survival French class during the orientation week in early September and early January.


Once the complete application has been received by Euromed Management, students are officially accepted & registered and receive by e-mail a personal login & password. These login & password allow students to access all on-line resources. The course registration is to be made on-line. Students will be kept informed by their OIP regional coordinator by e-mail about the dates and registration process. A general recap will be made upon arrival with the OIP regional coordinators during orientation.


ECTS : European Credit Transfer System Credits & Grading System

ECTS is the system used throughout Europe for the assessment of academic achievement. The general application of this system is part of the Bologna Process. 60 ECTS credits represent the workload of a year of study (30 credits per semester). Credits are awarded when the course and all required examinations have been successfully completed. ECTS credits are transferable. Original transcripts of grades on which all the academic credits and grades earned at the host institution are being sent to the home institution at the end of the semester. % of successful students achieving the grade
10 % 25 % 30 % 25 % 10 % FX F -

ECT Grade A B C D E

Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Sufficient Fail some more work required before the credit can be awarded Fail - considerable further work is required Equivalency Grade/20

17 15-16 13-14 11-12 10 7-9


US Grade A+ A AB+ B BC F I

18 15 14 13 12 11 10 < 10 Incomplete


1.5. Student Visa

Students from a non European country must obtain a visa D, marked tudiant.


NOTE: the following countries CAN ONLY obtain student visas through an online application: Algeria, Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, China, Colombia, Congo (Brazzaville), Korea, United States, Gabon, Guinea, India, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Mexico, Russia, Senegal, Syria, Taiwan, Tunisia, Turkey and Vietnam. Make an appointment with the nearest French consulate or with the visa service of the French embassy in your country. Neither Campus France nor any other organization, individual or entity has any role in the visa-granting process which is the sole responsibility of the French consular service. There is a minimum two-week waiting period. We advise students to make an early contact with the French consulate in the home country. Check the list of documents to be submitted and note whether these documents need to be translated or authenticated. Submit only one file and make sure it is complete in every way. Documents usually required when applying for a visa: - proof of admission to Euromed Management - proof of financial resources - proof of a bank account to which funds will be transferred - proof of travel & repatriation insurance - passport whose period of validity encompasses the entire length of the visa period - other documents may be required depending upon the country. Very Important: According to the new French visa & immigration regulations, all international students coming for at least 3 months in France must register before coming to study in France through Campus France ( Students will have to create their accounts on Campus France and will get an access code which will need to be memorized for the visa process and follow up. CAMPUS FRANCE: if you are staying the year you must apply to Campus France before obtaining a visa. This process can take up to 3 weeks. The cost of Campus France is: $60 for study abroad students and $120 for students who are applying directly to a school in France. All students applying for a long stay student visa must first apply to Campus France. 15

1.6. Housing
International students are advised to book their accommodation before coming to France.

On-Campus Housing
Limited number of rooms. Accommodation offers are made in the order that applications are received. Please be aware of the fact that there is a shortage of rooms in the students residences on campus. To ensure you find accommodation during your stay a Euromed, we are offering you alternative solutions through our dedicated housing website at Please contact to investigate the different possibilities of on-campus accommodation. Euromed Management offers rooms in two main residences. Students can only reserve a room in these residences through the Housing Department. Students have to inform InterAct early in advance about their date and time of arrival. Students will then be able to enter their room from from Monday to Friday (8:00am to 8:00pm). Indeed Interact can pick up the room keys in advance. Students who plan to arrive without Interact assistance will able to enter their room only during office hours: from Monday to Friday, from 2:00pm to 5:00pm (except January 1st).

The Alotra Residence (Check-in Monday to Friday).

This residence is situated 5 minutes from school by bus. The rent per month for a furnished room is approximately: - 355 for a single room including electricity & water but without toilets and shower - 391 for a single room including electricity & water with toilets and shower - 516 for a studio for 2 persons (kitchen to be shared). A one-month deposit of guarantee is compulsory and to be paid in advance. This deposit is reimbursed to the student if the apartment is returned clean and without damage to property. A one-month notice is necessary before departure. The Estudines Residence ( (Check-in Monday to Friday). This residence is situated just outside the school premises. The rent per month varies from 500 to 600 for a studio (1 person) with toilets and shower and a small kitchen and from 350 to 400 per person for an apartment for 2 persons. 16

Description: Les Estudines Residence (2 buildings), has single rooms and studios for 2 persons, fully equipped with a kitchenette with a sink, hotplate, microwave, and refrigerator, as well as a bathroom. Location: The student residence is located in the heart of the Marseille-Luminy university campus. Buses #21 and #21S provide direct access to the Rond-Point du Prado roundabout from the Luminy stop (end of the line). In this residence, the CAF is paid directly to the manager, in the students name and students only have to pay the remainder of the rent. Please note the CAF is often paid late and for the 1st month, students must pay the whole month. A three-month notice is necessary before departure.A guarantor is compulsory. Electricity is at an extra cost (30-50 Euros per month)

Off-Campus Housing
Students also have the possibility to live off-campus. Euromed Management offers international students the possibility to find an apartment through the Immo@Euromed Service (students association). Please send your request to: For other web sites, please contact:

Other Residences
Euromed Management has negotiated prices with some residences off-campus situated in the Prado-Perier area (bus n 21 and/or subway station Perier). Students have to contact directly these residences on behalf of Euromed Management. These residences are similar to hotels, offering apartments with private bathrooms with separate toilets, fully-equipped kitchenette, TV with satellite channels, direct telephone line, air conditioned and a weekly cleaning. Prices depend on the duration of the stay. - Citea 161, avenue du Prado - 13008 Marseille (subway Perier station) +33(0)496 208 870 E-mail: Website: - Citadines 9, bd de Louvain -13008 Marseille (subway Perier station) +33(0)496 206 500 E-mail: Website: 17

Other Possibilities
- Youth Hostel Bonneveine ( Avenue Joseph Vidal - Impasse du Dr Bonfils - 13008 Marseille (Bus n44 or n45) +33(0)491 176 330 - E-mail: accueil@ajmarseille.rg Price per night is approximately 18,60 (21,80 Euros for a double room). A membership card is required (15). Maximum authorised stay: 6 days 3 days in July & August. - Htel Etap Hotel Marseille (subway Rond-Point-du-Prado station - Bus n21) Boulevard Rabatau 13008 Marseille. +33(0)892 683 186 Price per night is 51 (room for 1 person). Price per night is 54 (room for 1-3 persons). Open 24/24. - La Cigale et la Fourmi 19-21 rue Thophile Boudier 13009 Marseille. +33(0)491 400 512 - E-mail: Price per night: 15 dormitory 35 double-room 45 Studio (for 2). Bus n 22 or n44.

Practical Information
Some abbreviations (How to read a housing advertisement?) - Part. (Particulier): means that the landlord is not represented by a real-estate office. Students will be dealing directly with him. - T1/Studio: a one-bedroom apartment with a separate kitchen. Prices between 300 & 500. - T2: A two-bedroom apartment with a separate kitchen. Prices between 350 & 550. - Ch.n.ind: a room in the occupants house. The room is generally furnished & students have access to a bathroom & toilet. Prices between 200 & 250. - Ch.Indp: a room in the landlord's house but with a separate entrance. Prices between 200 & 250. - T3-T4: three-four bedroom apartments that students can share. Prices around 250 per student.


Some Advice
- Leaving the apartment/room Students have to inform their residence 3 months in advance of the date they will leave their apartment/room, one month in advance for a furnished apartment/room. However, students are required to check their renting contract! - Deposit Students are required to pay a deposit. When leaving, the landlord has to return this deposit within 2 months unless the apartment/room is returned with damage.

Useful addresses upon arrival

The CROUS Social Worker Service: Ms FRANCESCHINI is a social worker who can help students having any kind of problems. Students may contact her directly +33(0)491 628 380. Prfecture (Residence Permit) /66B, rue Saint Sbastien - 13006 Marseille ( Castellane area) EDF (Electricity Company) For the 9th district 76 Traverse de la Gaye 13009 Marseille 0801 305 560 E- mail: For 6th & 8th districts 1bis Boulevard Pbre 13008 Marseille 0801 815 850

France Tlcom (Telephone Company) 194, avenue de Mazargues (Prado office) 13008 Marseille 0800 131 014


2. Upon Arrival
2.1. Pick-Up Assistance
Students from INTERACT welcome international students and provide pick-up service from the Saint-Charles Train Station only. If students arrive at the Marseille-Provence airport, they have to take the shuttle to the Marseille-Provence Saint-Charles Train Station. This arrival assistance is provided only if requested in advance and is only possible during certain days and hours (from 8am to 10pm). InterAct contact students by e-mail to offer their assistance. Then, it is the students responsibility to register on the InterAct website at (connection on their calendar) and provide them with day and time of their arrival, as well as housing information (name of the residence and number of room). Interact is a young association, whose purpose is to care for the international students of Euromed Management. The association is composed of 12 students who act without payment all year long to make international students life in Marseille easier. InterAct students offer pick-up assistance: - Fall 2010 - August 27 to September 19 - Spring 2011 - January 3 to 16 For the Fall semester, students will have to inform InterAct by August 22, 2010 at the latest about their date and time of arrival. For the Spring semester, students will have to inform InterAct by December 30, 2010 about their date and time of arrival. Students will then be able to enter their room from Monday to Friday (8:00am to 8:00pm), except on January 1st. Indeed Interact can pick up the room keys in advance. Students who plan to arrive without Interact assistance will be able to enter their room only during office hours: from Monday to Friday from 2:00pm to 5:00pm (except January 1st).


2.2. How to Get to Euromed Management

Taking a taxi is not advisable, the fare from the airport being between 70 & 80 and about half this cost from Saint Charles Train Station.

If Arriving at the Marseille-Provence Airport (City of Marignane)

The easiest way to get to town (to the Saint-Charles Train Station) is to take the shuttle bus. It leaves every 20 minutes from 5:10am to 00:10am and costs 8,50 one way and takes 30 minutes. Once at Saint-Charles Train Station, if no pick-up assistance by InterAct requested, students have to follow the instructions below to get to Euromed Management.

If Arriving at the Marseille-Provence Saint-Charles Train Station

The best way to get to Euromed Management if no pick-up assistance by InterAct requested, is to take the subway Metro (the entrances are near the taxi stand or within the train station itself). Students have to take Line 2 (direction Sainte Marguerite-Dromel) and get off at the Rond-Point-du-Prado station, then take the Boulevard Michelet exit (the one to the left) and cross the road to reach the bus stop for bus n21 or 21s, either of which will go directly to Euromed Management. Bus line n21S ESC arrives directly to the entry-gate of the School. Bus 21 (different from 21s) will take you to the last stop and you will have to walk 5 minutes to reach the School up a rocky path. A "solo" ticket costs 1.7. It is valid for one hour in all buses and subways. After your ticket has been punched the first time, it is valid for one hour. You may change from the bus to the subway and back with the same ticket as long as you re-punch it each time within the one-hour time frame. There are different types of cards depending on your age and your needs of transportation. When in Marseille, please ask the students (Interact) for advice on the best card to buy. Weekly unlimited passes can also be purchased for 10.60 or monthly unlimited passes for 38.00 (for students under the age of 26).


> Subway Lines


> Directions to Euromed Management Luminy Campus


> Directions to Euromed Management The Docks Campus


> Euromed Management Premises


2.3. Orientation Programme

Euromed Management will welcome all International Students and provide them with general and academic information, assisting them to proceed with their different administrative formalities (residence permit, opening a bank account, health insurance) as well as organising cultural events. Detailed programme on the Euromed Management web site.

2.4. OFII (Immigration Office)

International students who are not European and who have a Long Term Visa, which is at the end of the process equivalent to a residence permit, must send by post to the OFFI (61 Boulevard Rabatau, 13008 Marseille Telephone within the 2 months of their arrival the following documents:

Documents required to get the stamp from the OFII

- OFII form which was given to you by the Consulate to be filled - copy of passport & visa - 1 passport photograph (an automatic photo booth is available at the Rond-Point-duPrado and Castellane Metro stations) - document proving your residency in France (This document is also important if you wish to receive a certificate of rent allowance) Approximately one month later, the Immigration Office will send students 2 letters (in French): - the 1st letter is an acknowledgement of receipt - the 2nd letter is a notification requiring students to go to the Immigration medical office (ANAEM) for a medical checkup (it costs 55, cash not accepted). At the end of this medical control students will receive on his/her passport a stamp equivalent to the previous residence permit. To travel outside France and if students do not have a visa that says the number of entries allowed is M (meaning as often as you want until visa is valid), students must have obtained from the OFII the stamp equivalent to the former residence permit on their passport. So, it is strongly advised to immediately begin these formalities to receive this stamp as soon as possible. 26

A long-term visa is also necessary to benefit from the French housing allowance:

The CAF. (Caisse dAllocations Familiales in French):

It is an allowance given by the French Government to help students financing a part of their rent. This allowance is granted only to European students and to international students who have gone through the process described above and are covered by the French Social Security. It is given to students from their 2nd month onwards or from the day the students is receiving the stamp form OFII.

Documents required to get the CAF:

- application form to be downloaded at: - certificate of attendance at school (in French: Attestation de scolarit). You will get this document at the school with a receipt of payment of tuition fees (original copy) and of health insurance (Scurit Sociale if you are not exempt). - a R.I.B. (Relev dIdentit Bancaire) proving the students address. RIB are available in the cheque book that the bank will issue students approximately one week after opening the account. - European citizens must provide a copy of their identity card. Non European students must provide a copy of their passport and of their residence permit. - a copy of birth certificate, translated into French if you do not have the French nationality. The complete file is to be handing in to the CAF by mail at the address indicated on the application. Very Important: One page of this document must be filled out & signed by the residence manager or the owner of the apartment. Students living in ALOTRA, can be assisted by the manager to fill in this file. It is important to note that sometimes the CAF directly settles the owner/residence manager and then students only pay the remaining rent. Sometimes, students have to pay the whole rent and then the CAF reimburses students. It is up to the CAF, students do not choose.


2.5. Insurance
Health Insurance: All international students must have health insurance coverage. > Students under 28 years old on October 1, 2010 - European students
* as a member of the European Union: students must have the E111/E128 form or the European Card. These documents are issued in the home university/country. * as a Canadian citizen (Qubec), students must provide the SE-401-Q106 form.

- Non-European students
Non-European students will have to possibility to subscribe to the French Social Security system upon arrival that covers medical expenses up to 70% (subscription for 2010/2011 is 201): it is mandatory unless you can show a copy of a private insurance covering you for the duration of your stay. To be covered up to 100% , students can subscribe to a complementary insurance, not compulsory but strongly recommended. There are two French Health Insurance companies: MEP ( & LMDE ( Caution : If you do not subscribe to the French Social Security, you will not be able to apply for the CAF.

> Students over 28 years old on October 1, 2010

Students do not need to subscribe to the French Social Security. However, it is compulsory to subscribe to the CMU (Couverture Maladie Universelle = Universal Health Cover) which is free. It includes both the French Social Security & the complementary health coverage. To benefit from the CMU, students have to live in France on a permanent basis more than 3 months. If the CMU agrees to insure students, the CMU will send students a certificate of rights and a health card. Rights for the CMU are opened for one year from the 1st day of the month which follows the decision of acceptance (for example, if the decision of allocation of CMU is dated September 10, 2009, rights will be opened 28

from October 1, 2009). Rights are revised every year, the duration of rights being indicated on the certificate of rights and on the health card. If students need to go to hospital or consult a doctor, they will have to show this certificate to avoid having to pay expenses. Insurance for Accommodation Upon arrival, all students are legally required to get insurance for their room/apartment (against flooding, fire or natural disaster as well as theft). This document is necessary to check-in at Estudines Residence. Car Insurance To drive a car in France, students must have a valid driving licence & insurance. To hire a car, students must be over 21 years old and have two years of experience minimum.

2.6. Banking
Opening a Bank Account
International students staying in France for more than three months are entitled to open a bank account. It is an obligation for students who need to apply for a residence permit. If the stay is for a shorter period, it is still advised to open an account as for example bank cards that are sometimes seized by ATMs are automatically returned to their country of origin. If this happens and if students have a bank account in Marseille, they will receive a new credit card. Opening a bank account is free of charge. However some services have to be paid (for example a stop-payment order if credit card is lost or stolen). Some banks also charge for closing an account. Students will receive a chequebook and/or a credit card after the opening of the account. Chequebooks are usually free of charge. When opening an account, students may be offered an overdraft facility. Overdrafts can be expensive when the account balance is negative and the bank charges high interests (agios). Exceeding the authorised overdraft limit involves the possible withdrawal of chequebook and credit card. In case students loose their chequebook/credit card or in case of robbery, students must contact immediately their bank. Most bank clerks speak English. However, international students can ask for assistance of students from INTERACT who can go with them for the first visit to the bank. 29

Euromed Management works with the following banks but students are free to open a bank account in any other bank of their choice: BNP PARIBAS 475, avenue du Prado - 13008 Marseille +33(0)491 169 446 (Nadge FLORI) HSBC 522, avenue du Prado - 13008 Marseille +33(0)491 307 845 (Ms Anne Claire DUVAL) +33(0)491 307 871 (Mr Eric RODDE) 3, rue Emile Zola - 13009 Marseille +33(0)491 409 052 (Ms Lucia SALINITRO) SOCIETE GENERALE 305, avenue du Prado 13008 Marseille +33(0)491 135 726 (Ms. Ccile BARTELEMY) LCL 25 rue Saint Ferrol 13001 Marseille +33(0)491 597 605 (Ms. Sabine ATTALI) Documents required to open a bank account: - copy of passport & visa (for students from the EEC, a copy of Identity Card) - certificate of attendance at school (in French Attestation de Scolarit) - proof of accommodation in Marseille

Closing a Bank Account

Students can leave France without closing their bank account, waiting for the last operations to be finalized. However, this has to be agreed with the bank before departure. Special conditions are offered and once the balance is settled, the account can be closed from the home country.

Some useful keywords

Agio: expenses due to overdraft.


Dcouvert: when opening a bank account, students may be offered an overdraft facility, Even if expensive, it can be useful in case the account balance is negative, otherwise the bank will charge interests. Bordereau: paper document simplifying the operations with your bank. DAB: automatic cash dispenser where you can do most banking operations. Endosser: to sign & register an account number on the back of the check. Interdit Bancaire: rights of payment are abolished & the status is communicated to all the banks. If exceeding the authorised overdraft limit, students risk (interdiction bancaire). This means you will have to pay for everything in cash, including bills, rent and all purchases. Prlvement Automatique: Method of automatic payment to settle your bills in a regular and scheduled way. RIB: Statement of French Banking Identity. IBAN: Statement of International Banking Identity. Solde: Bank account balance. Virement: Wire transfer of money. Opposition: Make a stop-payment order.

3. Resources available at Euromed Management

3.1. Information Systems Department
Students have extensive access to these facilities. Three rooms are fully equipped with several computers and two laser black & white printers per room. Students can also work there using their own laptops. Assistance is provided in room 304 Help Desk which has open hours on weekdays from 8:00am to 7:00pm. The Help Desk can setup your personal laptop for the wireless connection in the school premises.

3.2. Library & Language Centre

The role of the library is to welcome and inform students, to facilitate communication and provide information. It has two floors and measures 1200m. Students have a 31

reading and study area and video facilities. Professional librarians and other trained staff are available to assist students seeking information. The Center has computers with CD ROM drives, books, journals and audio-visual material, as well as two laser black & white printers. Open hours are Monday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday from 8:00am to 8:00pm, Tuesday from 9:00am to 8:00pm, and Saturday from 11:00am to 5:00pm. Proof of identity will be required when borrowing books. The Language Centre also offers TV programmes that allow students to learn at their own pace or to follow personalized programmes.

3.3. International Corporate Relations

All International Students who require advice or assistance about internships can contact Ms Karen RAY (Building A - Office 233 - - +33(0) 491 827 744

3.4. Student Associations

An active extra-curricular calendar is one of the hallmarks of Euromed Management. Students participate in the daily life of the School, develop projects and become involved in activities such as marketing, the Stock Exchange, international activities, sports, and student offices and functions. Euromed Managements student associations are organised through a Confederation of Associations, which consists of a President from each association. Its role is to set policy and administrate the activities of associations.

The main student associations are:

> InterAct This association is in charge of welcoming international students when they arrive in Marseille and ensuring their integration by organising events, evenings out, trips to visit sights in Marseille and the surrounding areas and also in Europe (one trip each semester, including Barcelona in Spain),. Do not hesitate to contact them when you want to take part in one of their events. E-Mail: +33 (0) 491.827.972. > Bureau Des Elves (BDE - Students Union) Elected by the schools students, the members of the BDE represent the students in the schools administrative departments, programmes and faculty, as well as external organisations and corporate partners. Additionally it organises numerous events and takes part in various projects. 32

> Bureau Des Sports (BDS - Sports Office) This office is responsible for organizing sports activities for students for a wide variety of sports at various levels. The association allows students to participate in a variety of sports, at every level, and organises events such as the Smineige (a winter sports week for students) and the Challenge Ecricome (a yearly competition between schools in the Ecricome network). > The "Foyer" It is a convenient meeting place for students, professors and administrators in a more social atmosphere. > Marketing Mditerrane (Junior Enterprise) "Junior Enterprise" is a concept which is specific to business schools in France and other European countries. Students set up an association which functions as a real company offering services to businesses. "Meuh Meuh", as this association is popularly referred to, is regularly ranked the best "Junior Enterprise" in France. This association has been active in the school for over 26 years and allows students to offer their services to companies for market studies in communication, business start-ups, finance, marketing, international business and industrial marketing. Students thus gain corporate experience by acting as prospectors (selling the associations services to companies), market researchers (administering questionnaires or conducting qualitative interviews) or project leaders (taking overall responsibility for studies). They also take part in organising well-known local, national, and international events, such as CAP CREATION (a forum for entrepreneurs), and Les Nouveaux Virtuoses , a concert for young pianists. > COBFI (Financial Markets Association) Euromed Management has a trading room with on-line connections to the Paris Stock Exchange. The COBFI offers training sessions enabling students to discover these facilities. This is followed up by work in the association's investment clubs. It also organises a series of conferences under the auspices of the Centre de Formation aux Techniques Boursires (a center providing training in financial markets). Speakers at these events include financial planners and chartered accountants. You will find more details in their investment clubs. The association publishes a specialised review and each year awards the Trophe de la Communication Financire (Financial Communication Trophy) in partnership with chartered accountants, legal and financial advisers, financial planners, bankers and others. In addition, COBFI has a range of financial books and publications available to all students, as well as the Chronoval which enables students to follow changes (CAC 40) on the French stock exchange index in real time.


> International Association of Economics & Business Students (AIESEC) AIESEC has over 60,000 members in 85 countries and enables students to discover other cultures. The association has also taken part in humanitarian missions. It enables students to go abroad on internships as export mission managers for French firms involved in international trade. > Action Grand Sud (Marketing Direct Association) This association helps students to find temporary employment that is compatible with their studies, such as demonstrations of telephone equipment for MATRA Communication or Microsoft software. Other companies involved are Alcatel and Franaise des Jeux. Students can also participate in telephone marketing or carry out market surveys. > Accede Provence (Company Development) This voluntary association acts as a consultant for local unemployed people who wish to set up their own companies. Accede was created in 1995 and provides counseling to potential entrepreneurs in a variety of fields while strengthening links between Euromed Marseille and the local community. More specifically it advises on marketing strategy, carries out market surveys and provides pointers on sales and distribution techniques. Accede also gives practical assistance in financial and legal areas, drafting income statements and balance sheets, forecasting cash flow and advising on the appropriate choice of corporate structure in accordance with French company law. > LuminArt (Arts Office) Founded in 1995, the goal of this association is to promote cultural activities such as dance, theatre, music, painting and writing within the school. The BDA organises numerous events such as cafs-thtre and cafs-concert . > Le Citadingue This association promotes the cultural wealth of the city by publishing an annual guidebook of Marseille, free of charge. For students who want to know all about Marseille and the area, this organisation informs them about the different spots they can visit or should get to know. This guide provides a number of addresses and plenty of useful information on pubs, nightclubs, shops etc. The Citadingue Web site is > Unis-Terre Unis Terre manages humanitarian projects, with the objective of making students aware of humanitarian professions and helping them to find job placements in this sector.


> DynamHit The local student web radio: it broadcasts entertainment reviews, interviews, debates, meetings and music. > Euromeds Cup This association organises meetings between decision makers of tomorrow and those of today. It also participates in financing school charity projects with sustainable development as the main theme. > Marsrace This association deals with automobile events: Karting, 4L Trophy in Morocco > Clepsydre This association deals with political and geopolitical news. The objective is to organize events in order to make students aware of important news and inform them about civic rights > Publicity Advertising sales agency for students guidebooks. > Phoenix Equal opportunities project. > Marseyes A non-profit organisation designed to keep students informed on various activities and to create a tangible record of the school. They produce photos and videos of school events; they also offer photo development, audio-visual production, a Photo Festival and a chance to participate in various projects such as short film making. facebook Marseyes mmoires de lcole. > Kallistos Euromed Management Campus Store: where students may purchase tee-shirts, bags

3.5. Other Services

> E-mail: Each student will be given an e-mail I.D. and user name & password. Important information may be sent by e-mail. It is the students responsibility to check their e-mail account regularly. If you should have any problem, please contact +33 (0) 491 827 300


> Virtual Campus: Students can consult their schedule of classes on-line via their Virtual Campus network. > Student Card: Each student will be given with a Euromed Management student card. > TV Sets: Important information may also be communicated through the televisions located throughout the school. > An ATM machine situated facing the Library entrance. > A vending machine for photocopying cards situated in the Library. A card costs 7 (120 copies). Students can also make copies at the Student Union/BDE (0,20 euros/copy) > A Cafeteria & Snack-Bar > Vending-machines (drinks, sandwiches, etc...) throughout the school premises.


4. Miscellaneaous
4.1. Adjusting to Culture Shock
Adjusting to life in a new country can be challenging but also rewarding. One good way to cope is to prepare so you know what to expect. Culture Shock can hit you in many different ways. You might experience culture shock all at once or feel it at different times. In any case, you need to be prepared and know how to handle it. Culture shock is defined as, the mental shock of adjusting to a new country and a new culture, which may be dramatically different from your own. It is also said that it is a normal stage in the acculturation process that all newcomers go through. Being in a strange place and losing the power to communicate can disrupt a persons world view, self-identity, and systems of thinking, acting and feeling. France has many cultural differences from your home country. Some of these differences can become so overwhelming that you will want to leave France forever (culture shock). Learning how to deal with these differences and understand the French reasoning is key to coping with culture shock. has listed a few things to expect and to do before coming to France: 1. French people believe in taking their time. For example, obtaining important documents will take longer than what you were used to in your country. Most of them also take their time in eating. 2. French people mind their own business. They seldom greet strangers they meet on the streets like the Americans do. 3. It is normal for people to walk in front of you to reach for something. French people do not consider it rude to do that. 4. French people are not very observant of street signs and nobody minds. 5. It is normal to see dog wastes in streets. 6. Most French park cars wherever there's a space. 7. Driver's license in France does not expire. Most French drive fast. 8. "Squat toilets" are common in France. 9. French people mean what they say most of the time. Here are some tips to properly adapt to French culture: Learn to enjoy your meal. There is no need to hurry. Most French people eat with no hurry. 1. Learn to speak French. 2. Adapt the French schedule. This mean that you should know the usual time French people eat lunch, go to work, go shopping and other activities. 3. Avoid leaving a great amount of tip when eating out. 4. Dress like the French people do. French dress casually but elegantly. 37

4.2. Important Numbers & Addresses

Emergency Numbers
- Firemen: 18 - SAMU-Ambulance: 15 - Police: 17 - Emergency Assistance throughout Europe: 112

Embassies & Consulates in Marseille

Please consult the "Yellow Pages" on the Internet If not in Marseille, Embassies or Consulates are located in Paris.

Tourism Office 4, La Canebire 13001 Marseille

+33 (0) 491 138 900 Fax +33 (0) 491 138 920 -

Doctors/Specialists (speaking English)

- Family Doctor: Dr Didier Fareau 23 boulevard de la Concorde 13009 Marseille +33 (0) 491 406 423 or +33 (0) 611 506 020. Open every day without appointment. - Gynaecologist: Dr Martel-Ferrigno 72 boulevard de la Concorde 13009 Marseille +33 (0) 491 401 340 - Dental Centre 26 rue de la Caisserie 13002 Marseille +33 (0) 496 116 296 - Saint-Joseph Hospital (Rond-Point-du-Prado Area): 26 Boulevard de Louvain 13008 Marseille. +33 (0) 491 806 500 - Medical Centre Maison Mdicale de lOctroi : 2 place de lOctroi 13010 Marseille +33 (0) 491 294 029. Open everyday until 10pm including weekends. - Permanence Mdicale du Vieux Port: 48, rue de la Rpublique 13002 Marseille +33 (0) 491 906 564. Open everyday until 10pm including weekends.


Sending letters
within France and Europe. Stamps are available at the Student Union/BDE or in the City at Post-Offices and most "Bureau de Tabac". A Post office is also situated on the Luminy Campus.

5. Upon Leaving
> Inform the Housing Office at Euromed Management & your landlord of your date of departure > Update your Virtual Campus indicating the address where you want your mail to be sent. > Close your bank account although you can keep it open when back home. Check with your bank. > Transcripts of grades will be sent to the home institution (approximately in February for the Fall semester and approximately in June/July for the Spring semester).


6. F.A.Q.
Q: Will my professors speak French or English? A: When registering for classes you have the option to select your courses either in French or in English. If you prefer English be aware that your professors will most likely not speak English as their first language so they will have an accent. Q: What kind of sport programmes does Euromed Management offer? A: Euromed Management has a sporting office which offers a variety of sports. Sports include but not limited to: Soccer, Basketball, Dance, Wakeboarding, Kite surfing, Windsurfing, Snowboarding, Rafting More information at Q: What kind of public transportation does Marseille have to offer? A: Public transport in Marseille is very good and extremely efficient; the charge is 1.70 for one hour. Weekly unlimited passes can also be purchased for 10,60 or monthly unlimited passes for 38,00 (for students under the age of 26). Tickets/cards can be obtained at any RTM subway station or RTM information office. To receive your annual bus card (can be recharged as you please) you will need a passport photo and a valid identification card to prove your age. The solo ticket can be bought directly on the bus (it is better to have cash). Please see page 13 for more instruction. Q: Is it easy to travel from Marseille to other countries? A: The airport is located about 40 minutes from downtown. You can take a shuttle to the airport for 8,50. The shuttle bus leaves every 20 minutes. The shuttle bus runs from 4:30am-11:30pm. It is very easy to fly to different countries and can be very cheap if you use the discount airlines such as and Q: What documents should I bring with me from home to Marseille? A: Here are some documents you should bring with you when coming to Marseille. - 6 copies of your passport (you need copies for everything) - 6 copies of your Visa - 8 passport photos (to save money you can cut out passport size photos out of a regular photo and use them for ID cards, bus cards, etc. just be sure it is the proper size and there is nothing in the background, a white background works best.) However, for your residence card YOU NEED 4 REAL PASSPORT PHOTOS - Bring 2 copies of your credit card, ATM card, Drivers license, School ID, health insurance, etc. just in case your wallet gets stolen or lost. (VERY IMPORTANT!) 40

- 2 Copies of everything you needed for your visa (Financial guarantee, bank statements, letter of admissions from Euromed Management, school transcripts, etc. when applying for your residence card you will need all of this) - Approved courses from your home institution so you can register for courses at Euromed Management. - Make sure to get an ISIC card before you leave so you can benefit from student discounts and make a copy. Q: How do you register for classes? A: If you are a Bachelor student you will have to wait until you arrive in Marseille to register for classes. Your advisor will help you register during orientation week. If you are a Master student you have to register online via Virtual Campus. Before your arrival you will receive an email with your login and password explaining how to register. Q: How do you find housing? A: You have to contact If you decide to live off campus you need to find housing on your own either before or upon arrival. Q: How much are textbooks? A: Euromed Management does not use textbooks, all of your work and assignments will be online. Q: How long are classes and how many days a week? A: Classes are one day and 3 hours long. You will have 10 sessions (9 lectures and the last being your final exam). Q: Is there internet on campus? A: Euromed Management has WIFI on campus and is free for students. You must memorize your login and password that is given to you upon registration. Q: Should I bring a laptop? A: Yes, a laptop is very important because you are expected to do most of the work on the computer. Euromed Management does not have textbooks so professors expect you to have internet use for articles and access to campus virtual. You must check you Euromed Management email daily because important announcements will only be sent to this email.


Q: How much money should I have with me when I arrive in Marseille? A: When arriving in Marseille you should have at least 500 in cash. We recommend this because you may not find an ATM that is linked to your bank in the first few days. You will want cash for grocery shopping, bus card, taxi, etc. Q: Will I need a cell phone? A: You do not need a cell phone, however many exchange students do prefer it. You can buy a pay as you go phone at many stores in Marseille for around 40 and recharge your minutes as needed. NO CONTRACT IS NEEDED. Q: How do I take money out of my bank account from home? A: Before leaving make sure to contact your bank so they know youre going to be using your card in a different country. If you dont they may assume your card is stolen and freeze your account. When you contact your bank ask them what bank in Europe they are linked with so you know which ATMs you can use without a fee. EX.) BNP is linked with Bank of America. Each bank is different so be sure to check before you arrival. Q: Where can I see the exchange rate for my home currency to Euros? A: will show you all the exchange rates and is easy to use. Q: Is there a cheap way to call home or make other international phone calls? A: It is advised to download Skype on your computer. Skype is an internet phone service which lets you talk with friends for free through the use of the internet. You can call Skype for Free anywhere in the world at any time. You can call to other countries on a land line for as low as 2 cents per minute. Make sure your parents download the program on their computer as well; otherwise you will not be able to call them for free. We also recommend buying a web cam because you can use Skype video during a call.


Office of International Partnerships (OIP)

Cynthia ZOUBIR Director International Affairs Office B 103 +33 (0) 491.827.965 Office B 103 +33 (0) 491.827.908 Office B 103 +33 (0) 491.827.929 Office B 103 +33 (0) 491.827.915

Corinne MARCELLI Coordinator and Graduate DoubleDegree Programmes Frederique LARIOS Regional Coordinator Africa, Asia, South America (Argentina, Chile & Peru), MiddleEast & Southern Europe Vronique SPANU Regional Coordinator North America: USA, Canada & Mexico. Oceania: Australia, Singapore South America: Brazil, Colombia & Panama Catherine ROSSINES Regional Coordinator Northern Europe

Office B 103 +33 (0) 491.827.904 Office B 103 +33 (0) 491.827.949 Office A 208 +33 (0) 491.827.978 sophie.desaintaubert@euro 43

Pierre PETROSINO Regional Coordinator Northern Europe

Sophie DE SAINT AUBERT Administrative Coordinator Overseas Campuses

Undergraduate & Graduate Academic Programmes

Bruno CAMUS Associate Dean for Undergraduate & Graduate Programmes Office B 130 +33 (0) 491.827.777

Undergraduate Programmes
Alexandra COUSTON Director Office B 130 +33 (0) 491.827.777 alexandra.couston@euromed Office B 130 +33 (0) 491.827.829 Office B 130 +33 (0) 491.827.856 Office B 130 +33 (0) 491.827.875 Office B 130 +33 (0) 491.827.829 emmanuelle.bruneau@euro Office B 130 +33 (0) 491.827.811 44

Brigitte AMLING Academic Coordinator

Laurence DEXELLE Academic Coordinator International Josiane MAYALI Academic Advisor France

Emmanuelle BRUNEAU Assistant

Marie FRIES Assistant

Graduate Programmes
Bernard PARANQUE Director Office B 106 +33 (0) 491.827.301 bernard.paranque@euromed Office B 116 +33 (0) 491.827.854 Office B 123 +33 (0) 491.827.364 deel.debaschmakoff@eurom Office B 123 +33 (0) 491.827.321

Claude SPANO Academic Coordinator

Deel de BASCHMAKOFF Academic Coordinator

International & MSc in Management

Damien COSTELLO Academic Coordinator

International & MSc in Management

Pro-Act Team (Projects-Actions)

Olivier PELAZZA Head Office C 162 +33 (0) 491.827.986 Jean-Marc BLANC Coordinator Office C 161 +33 (0) 491.827.926 Office C 161 +33 (0) 491.827.857 45

Nathalie LALANDE Assistant

Nathalie SERNA Head Office B 103 +33 (0) 491.827.822 Jrme LARIO Assistant Head Office B 103 +33 (0) 491.827.914 Pascale DUHAMEL Assistant Office B 103 +33 (0) 491.827.870 Magali ESPOSITO Assistant Office B 103 +33 (0) 491.827.372 Audrey PLAZIAT Assistant Office B 103 +33 (0) 491.827.967 Manon DEROS Assistant Office B 103 +33 (0) 491.827.360 Lucy TASSET Assistant Office B 103 +33 (0) 491.827.924


International Promotions Office (IPO)

Priyanka SHAH International Promotions & Recruitment Manager Office A 224 +33 (0) 491.827.746

The InterAct 2010-2011 Team

The International Association
Tel: +33 (0)491 827 972 - +33 (0)672 929 956 E-mail:



Euromed Management
Domaine de Luminy BP 921 13288 Marseille Cedex 09 France Fax: +33 (0) 491.827.851

This booklet has been produced by the Office of International Partnerships. Many thanks to the persons who contributed to this guide. Every effort has been made to ensure that it is accurate at time of going to print. However, Euromed Management is not bound by any error or omission therein.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 48

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