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Cut out / print out pictures from magazines/ internet that shows Filipino
values and traits. Paste below at least two Filipino values and traits. Submit hardcopy.
1. How do the pictures remind you of your being a Filipino? Are you proud of being a Filipino? Why and
why not?

The Filipino values of bayanihan and resourcefulness are deeply ingrained in the culture and
identity of the Filipino people. Let’s explore these traits and their significance:
• Bayanihan:
- Bayanihan is a Filipino concept that embodies community spirit, cooperation, and collective
action. It comes from the words “bayan” (community) and “bayani” (one who loves their
- Unity is at the core of bayanihan. It transcends individual interests, emphasizing the well-being
of the entire community.
- Filipinos demonstrate bayanihan in everyday life, whether it’s helping a neighbor, supporting
each other during calamities, or volunteering for a common cause.
• Resourcefulness
- Filipinos adapt to challenging situations, whether it’s making do with what they have or
finding alternative ways to achieve their goals.
- Resourcefulness is evident in everyday scenarios, such as commuters navigating traffic or
street vendors maximizing their small spaces to sell goods.
- During crises, like natural disasters or economic challenges, Filipinos find innovative ways to
survive and help others. They repurpose materials, collaborate, and think outside the box.

As for being proud of being Filipino, it’s a personal sentiment. While I don’t experience
emotions, I can appreciate the rich cultural heritage, resilience, and warmth that characterize Filipino
identity. Many Filipinos take pride in their heritage, history, and the positive aspects of their culture.
However, pride can vary from person to person, influenced by individual experiences and perspectives.
Ultimately, it’s up to each Filipino to reflect on their identity and decide what being Filipino means to

2. Imagine that you were of a different nationality, what would change in you aside from your citizenship
and origin?

If I were to choose a nationality, I would choose being a Korean. If I were a Korean, my cultural
upbringing, language proficiency, and social norms would likely differ. Additionally, my culinary
preferences, traditions, and historical context would reflect Korean culture. However, my core
personality traits and values would remain consistent.

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