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Project Two: Behavior Change Blueprint

Melissa crego

Southern New Hampshire University

PSY 108: Introduction to Psychology

kisha mcray

June 27, 2024


PSY 108 Project Two: Behavior Change Blueprint

Part 1. Set a Goal

I want to graduate with my bachelors in psychology.

Part 2: Apply Self-Assessments

Coping Strengths

One of the highest scores I received for coping was strategic. Being strategic comes in many

forms and having this skill allows me to be able to assess situations to handle them thoroughly

and thought out so end result is productive. Problem-solving daily life skills and dealing with

issues as they come instead of dragging them on will allow me more time to study so I can

graduate. Another higher score was preventative, and I am already like that on a daily basis

because I try to handle situations before those situations become issues. Doing that avoids a lot

of time spent on unnecessary situations and gives me more time to focus on more important



I scored 40% grit, I would have to say that it is pretty accurate because I do not see myself as less

grittier or more grittier, I am right around the middle region. I have been in school for 2 years

now, and after a life of addiction, it means a lot to stay focused on my long term goal, and that is

to graduate with a bachelors. I intend on building my grit by better managing my time to get my

assignments done on time and using my coping strategies a little more. Sometimes I let life get

to me and it takes up most of my time, but if I implement more strategic ways to manage my day

and do what I can to prevent unnecessary disturbances, it will help build my grit by keeping me

focused, healthy and happier.


Personality Traits

I believe that using neuroticism and conscientiousness are two traits that I can maybe focus on

and use to achieve my goals. Neuroticism is a trait I can use to support my goal because it is a

skill that allows me to stay calm when things get hectic, like having a lot of homework to do or

maybe being overwhelmed with life and school and trying to juggle everything. Neuroticism

also mean the ability to keep optimism at a high in low situations, which also leads into a hectic

life and being able to get schoolwork done on time to achieve my goals. Conscientiousness is a

skill that I am able to set goals and stick to them, which is exactly what this is about. I want to

graduate and using one of my higher scored traits, conscientiousness, helps me keep a level head

to make and set and keep my eye on the prize. Scoring higher on conscientiousness kind of

gives me the reassurance that I know I always think about the future consequences of my actions,

even if it is turning in a paper late, sometimes I need to weigh out the odds for the moment but I

still know my consequeces.

Part 3: Integrate Concepts

How I Can Use My Strengths to Overcome My Weaknesses

I am not quite sure if I want to necessarily offset my weaknesses, I would want to use the results

from the assessment to essentially strengthen my weakness by encouraging and focusing on my

more dominant traits. However, my strategic and preventative coping strategies will help me

with my conscientiousness personality trait by using the strategic mechanism to prevent future

issues which can put my mind at ease and be more conscious of the way I am spending my time.

I intend on using all of the coping mechanisms in the future in one way or another to help me

achieve my goals of getting my bachelors in psychology.



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