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fugn wi-org
ft-f, hrilt
sfuor €qFr /cano*(6roeio)-06 / 2024 ...-^-.... / fu", .reql, k{io-
! 3nitl.;
fud ffirr, ft-gn, qrcr n qcren&-o €fuq lnr d qqfiorff u'id qlc d sgq rm-s {
nft-a q{nq vs Asq d irjsR srde-d old or ftqr{l otr}:*

f dttv
gqr{ ft'd. r c'i@ ,r,{ ft{a ? qQ{rr ft{r,. 3 J,!,{ \J ,iF c.rr. fr,;
fr"".5 qrr (a ri, a 6 ,r,:6ra.n rnnr / cR"q. ,,r sd
rft{$qts-{) 1:R_y:.I:
fffiur Elnq e qdi:.r I.irr
l}'I,r 10 ,lE}.I fitqrJr 11"F.q
rrrr sdh tbrr,r rz r)"r.rr "" "J
\q faim funq
(o"^Pc^*'y,P .!,rdrr5i 1, tunrn 61 st€6{ *!
wir..F3{ (promomn r s.toic. condiron.)

stmrF.- Derarotiorv Ehbez:refr€nv Antmst husbandry pspe6/ hrer Dep€nmsntst

/Oivk@n,ol A$els a L isbit'ty'Or.*.t fom Civir D.posit a p/L A@ounvr,D€s! Ode;/ htdpr.r.rEn ot Bthar
ry Code/ Rer.bno,v p@Adi6 And nnelv t;obnentation

qwflF 13- Deatng w'lh Fesou4e mon,rori.g ..d Resou,c€ Mob,hsah.

or Rogr3tlstrodMtn$ !
gldoltrcMredlt TarerTr.Gporvf rose & poh,b,t,odNanonat \av,rrgDebr Mrnag.menrcrsh
M.nlgeEru Scheme ot Fh.Em.

Iry:].^. C 1.-1scft.n. odryF F'nan@/R4e.uc a L.nd Reroms/ Reg,sr€do t

Elci6€/Law,r/'gr ance/Eledor/Home^abour Re3or@s/ prjj,.merlary A{rB/ SGen6 Toch;o,ooy/M nor
rnisar'o,tsoc,a, wenaer Looo a consJr€, p,oreclorv oanchayai, p,i v;*rv &
Eact*ad e Mcl Sscrward Wbf.relt.romation I pobric Retrri*v r"to,,i,"rion r"i,noioCyAn_Crnr. i
Youlh /Hearwagn@rul! /Mrss A Gsoroav/ Comrn€roat rar
CcorerarML/ r?i*p"A i*ar
PllndnO & Omrorme.t/ Rurar O.*op-""u warii c",o, ioulsm/
ForeBl / InoLBlr.r SCSr We,ta'e / PHFD /D6a6tor Varaqcrcnucab,.el enwoimeir a
Adminiskation /Slgar Cane Indlsl .s/AnmatA Fishery Resolr.4vUdan Devetopment
BulldlngEn.fgry - scheme

lrrn ar 1r i re Eno.naly Aid.d proFcls (EAps)

nrnqr-35--d-*q lid 3ar{}:r,/rrq ftfl srqlq

tnnElr 36 ii{R tirr f?fi fur|] Br{r ii.Itin' {.|3. *1!. ar< qilrtr

!'!IEII-r-G.4Ied E3tabtishment

qf+q Cdcq)
{nl{fl-} Non Ga:6t6d Est.btishmenr

!r!rI€|I-3- seturca conditiodRegubnsarion, Addnionat pay^jrtaryr xonoraaurwA.ank

Srmllt Medk5l R.rrnbuEen.nin ..v.
tnm6ll-5-Go!.rnme.tPre$ Elt btishnent
qmcr-6 RTI/Fubttc Gdovanc6/ C.nratized plbtb Gn€van6
REdess and Monilo nq SF|gm (CPGFIAMS)

lrrFer-F al6 ftn *iild

lmlqFri-Vt!l.nc6 Cell

lnrrsFlF Lega I Cet/co!.t C.sei

srlrqFr.T i!: o-no- auaqeucei,r ldset
*r{rrzr d zs- eey Sttp
$['|tF26 Pay Fir.tion

C|IIlt-27 Perutodshte p.6td Ce / c6up rnsuranG

u{rur .5 NAr}ARo, l}30 (scDF). uroF

u:Irur 3r- Oir.doble oIGPF

wlfltr 3.' Bure.u ol Publlc Enr64tl..3

dl td{ vlrr6 -. Goverdenre-M.rt l Pl.e (GsM)
dqti drit, lnrrur ? rmiitut'onal (sant) Finlnci.l Inclcion (rlqrr ql rrtnFn TrnR T<I d'I
f{nq qftrq !l-!irr funrc,{ "i,r( .r di d-dnB.r. {ev,e sc its4. wrrnd lrr un n)rfl.
ftni'ri i,t4r nrrift .fir nltr{D
lrmul I Institund.lFin..6iNBFC)

vr .rr I Aldn Rcport wde ot0 A.G. Aulit

lmqr€ lo ornetE a Enrloyees

Irlr{to r. il 1e (6!dr.t .nt}Minet a G.ologv/ connorcial T6x/ ccop.raiv'/ Tt'nlpdtPltnnrng &
oev6loDnent Rurdl oevelopm.nt/ w.ler Resources/ Edlaton/Tou.ism/ E.lnonmenl & FoBt u'!an
ttewlopnen, F insnce/GNftor Seoelt aV Buildi.dEreqv/P.ncnavsli Ray'child Budsot

c!ll*} 1r rl 19 (! Losn Repaymenulnteresl/PEnsion

!!nEn r. i 1e {Budr.t oit} BPSC/ Indusl.i66/ sc/sT wellae/ PHEE Di6aste. Managemen' cabinel
seq€bri.v Gereral MminiBtrllion/H{h coutvcgne Dewlotme.t/ Anim.l & Filh€ry

urlrur 14 i 1g-lsurlget ontyt Hearlh/ Revenue & Land Regbl@lion & E'ci36/ LtuNigilance/
Eledron/ rlomo r-aooui nesource3/ P.n'amdntary afiars' Leg'slabe/ sc'6n@ & Techmlogy'Mmor
lrnoat'on/SocJ wells e/ food a consum. P'otecto{ vinon t w€f''elRurtr worv tt
aiii-l'J-w"Lriiii r;t;;;ion a Pubric R€r.lion/ Inromation rechnoloov/An cllrue a Yoorh
wellare/Aqncullure/ Outcome Bldg€t / Ro.d conlr.clioo DePcdmenl

lrlllsll 20 Conmlnication lo A G./E4rzelle

ln|rnJl- 20 Legislalive & Pttlramentary work qleslions

q!rr- ,6 crMs pojecr-.nd
@nl6d;anasenem ncruo'^s neass jt a*'or'r'n r'|es n'natns elc
CFMS orored cormJncat'onwlh erlernalslakcrorder5 | e ln@fe
lst oeponnenl aG offi@ sBl RBI
ercl and,{e'n.l sr,Ghold€rB (orher oepanm.nts ol GoB elcl R€gul/ P6Fct M'nageme- MMrs
ketlv/monthlv prco6$ twitu and reponins lo Sectetary (FrpendiluB)t Ne@$arv reM!@ n
iii.a,ir'i"c ;.j"a sr" t'lcmm 6. lPscl P'opcr Manaq.nont rh (PMU, tnd wo*ita Gmup
o_ de'ive'tbl'3/ oulput3 oTCFMS projed
reer'.cs,'Re";w a"a prov;e ,o@mtre'dllion 'or 3ign_o'lqTM
svsb; Reoure' seecitlc€ton (SRs) deum.-t l6'n'ng Pl.n TEininE Md€nal lEhino
.i"d"e"e.. *ses.."t. misraled elc based on ihe '.pul .nd reedD'd( thal rom wotun! oEup
Memb.6 P@d€ 3uqgestons lor n6i m.noqeoent mrugalron alonq with altemal*r ct' B trtnlEleo
n; aclonablp or.c-'Monito' CFMS p'qP(l nresrone and rdcl'lare delve'ables tsn_ofi/ HRMS'rcFM9
cfMs Dro|ed connuni@tlon wth ihl€hal st.keholde6 li6 sthil Financ€ oepanm€fl atu rEesurv
oin*"i i- .-,d'n"r" ov.t ll d.cl3ion on svstem3 R6quiomenl sp€on@lid (sRs) d@nFr'
R6urc;ed lr!@.bilit M.ut (RTM). U*r Ak pranc. loshng (UAT) elc tot varioc modu6 rmwhs
r'rim irour r'om ndlute lea6.,qwq.'d adv'6€ on dala drsozatlon
'iil.."^oim" oiies. i;; ..d !6ese o^ r@mme m.tsr'r Tcs R'u'w
@ntcd erc shacd bv'rd-mr9Ellon
and a;iGe on irn;un6n ol sRs do@m€nE mcrudins rJA I etc "d
rot nlegtatm slth extemel ag€no:€' 13u'h
;s RBI S& h@re T.r ) Revifl dnd adv6e on reY bPR e@mmend'lio6 mado bt Sl
t{Gi:n* r-E,ai"o urj, k"gpta!* t""t.q Eth gupl?gn modur6 ro'd8 €rc )
cnRri ia +oo"erna^o cs|| fun ?F il {Fi-c nr

e€overnane li rilq+( aqr- cTMls/PFMSi/eRecaipV e Pav60nt GsT ac'o!'tin!/ 'ofrc6/

rwDMs / cM D.6h aoad /Diecl Ben.l Tonsler (DBT)
9:rrur-36-T€e.ury & Accounk secllon

nff.{r-2e i 3. -acdunt co.tltlgdch.

c:Ir€t-!6_ Ac Dc s uc if{'{rr!I G trdlii{4riiR '{l rl'l'q{r

(Ac.oc & c€rD


Clirln 3t NP9NSDI (Monmnng ol fund T'aGbry Fuid L.6le, unde, NpS ot GpF Oretdare

cllf{rl- 3e N.lM.rS.vino6 /or.ia!r ft,}rltii{. ft{ri q(1[ I {rDr itrir,{ ,}rtj

Corponte S6i.r Re3to6ibaht (CSR)

D.$!o.rd - D.lly lronltortnO

2. Ddily/ Monrdt Repon ot RBt RMirt t ap€r$iiuB

Bodg.r rontdr.g c ErF.dn{D cort ol
2 O.Danment{ sE €rr.odibe
3 PVPOAdounl Bd5n@
P€nlion oigiriati@, AG tiaiso *od(

(a) on .[ rs.ues or Frn..c€ deD.nhonr

(b) Integtalion oICFMS, HRMS. W MtSsithAG
{c) A@olnl subn$ro. roAc

PEF.dtlon ol Oo.ud.nt :

{d) P!rctuse Prole.enm & Prccureh€nl Guiderin€s

srdn+ fLlla {r.{lt6R. fld fttra

t{r{ 4r{lqk{6 qqr&d,r{l-sd qrq ft?tr6. firR llq RlElr fin ft{rr fA". qrfl

2. Fq g€qr 01 n sfidR.d qyr|rar/ftcq n 6fud €F|6d Eqrfr c-drffi aRr €t) l'fdd
ftisFrq) oi sq*pnft-d o1 qrt fi | rF{ *irsr oz rq os q sFqibd qynrfl/fl4cq i *isfud
sffii r€a (qq)//Hs rrfuq d Tilrrq i q-fia ({Js]qr) ,i,) sq€rft( qi qrtlfi
3. sctttr arqltirc arfu tnorho er*rq t dpt d'n r

4. 6,rqhler sdln Td q fud 3{IA{I {a FE Tq, .csifud sri ani4


gs cr ftrq ctfufirr fl eqfEq qrqr g ,

Fa<EK r"ar)
srq.--l/^{e{ro(6ro3Tr-1 ot7zoze.,..(.?,tl...7tuo.uc.u.n.,iJTL.t5Tr,Bizv
,-, ^o!Fft,: "ftr "f Sq Frd) 1dr d enn eh<7eF+< Gi€r-rli ; srTq ee-sZqto;
Cqq) 6 3tIkI sl-trq,/l-i$q sffu d orrq sfus,/s,fi sgft nfte * olvnrTau-e v<fifor{i7e-u-e
Ffrr.firi/ftdiq Aels{,/g|i irg-fi 3ngEil/$fl ii qfusZfttrc of qrrg-A z;mq-*
Ro.)/ryrfl q-{rffi. ft-tr") ft'n'r7 .{Irft rr+r oEuZ*trq .it"r* ;.ffi.
sT[q tFsr$ Tnlq$ ffiq csrmr r<rfifr€l/rflff *qr q<rororfi \'ii qrfi cynsr
litd tnllrr in6R ce{r 6l Tfqir Ts i{rs{{r6 orlErj iq nfte r

z +ftqff rftq tsr. ffi \.{rla€. fi-fl larm ffir. qr+ oi flaqr,ftq ffiz w
3Trd#s E-{n Bg eltd r }1
- , . .s

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