7J Scratch Instructions Workbook

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Year 7 Unit 3 Scratch



Scratch Setup

Lesson 1 Algorithms
Make a cup of tea
Task 1 - Flowchart symbols
Simple Flowchart
Task 2 - Simple Flowcharts
Task 3 - Independant Flowcharts
Learning Review

Lesson 2 Iteration
Task 2 - Iteration
Task 3 - Iteration
Extension Part 1
Extension Part 2
Extension Part 3
Learning Review

Lesson 3 Variables
Task 1 - Variables
Task 2 - Variables
Task 3 - What is your name?
Task 4 - Ask the user questions
Extension Part 1
Task 5- Asking the user for numbers
Extension Part 1
Learning Review

Lesson 4 IF ELSE
What does this code do?
If Else
Task 1 - IF ELSE Intro
Task 2 - Getting your sprite to move
Task 3 - Getting your sprite to turn
Learning Review
Extension Anagram
Extension - Movement

Scratch Setup

● Go to scratch.mit.edu
● Click on ‘Join Scratch’
● Your username:
19Initialsurname19 (no spaces or dots)
e.g 19jsmith
● Make your password the same as your school password - so it’s easier to remember!
● Enter your information:
● Date of birth
● Gender
● Country - United Kingdom
● Insert your school email address:

Lesson 1 Algorithms


Slide 3 of your project diary, answer the following questions

● What is computer hardware?

● What is computer software?
● What does CPU stand for?
● What is 1010 in denary?
● What is 0011 in denary?

Make a cup of tea

Slide 4 of your project diary, give bullet pointed instructions on how to make a cup of tea

Task 1 - Flowchart symbols

Match the flowchart symbols to the correct definition

Simple Flowchart

Here’s a flowchart to print out all the odd numbers between 1

-100. In other words the numbers will come out in the following way. 1,3,5,7,9, 11,13 … all the way to
99. The flowchart below demonstrates what the program would look like.

Task 2 - Simple Flowcharts

Here a flowchart to print all the

odd numbers from 100 down to 1.
In other words, the numbers will
come out in the following way 99,
97, 95, 93, 91, 89… all the way
down to 1.

The text fragments for the

program are given below on the
right. Create the flowchart and
place the information in the correct

Task 3 - Independant Flowcharts

Using the information you have learnt from task 2, create a flowchart to make some toast
ensuring you include a loop in it. Attach the flowchart to Google Classroom.

Learning Review

Click on the following link https://kahoot.it/

1. Enter the code that is displayed on the board
2. Enter YOUR first name, if there is more than one person with your name put the
first letter of your surname eg Sam T
Lesson 2 Iteration


Slide 7 of your project diary

Give a description for the following keywords

● Iteration
● Programming
● Debugging
● Variables


Slide 8 of your project diary

What shapes do these two pieces of code make? Which one if any is better to use and why?


Iteration is the act of repeating a process. It is used to make computer programs efficient.

This is useful if you need a piece of code to be repeated a number of times - this could be twice or

Task 2 - Iteration

Slide 9 of your project diary

Find all the possible ways of repeating a piece of code in Scratch

Remember to take print screens of each piece of code and paste them into your project diary

Task 3 - Iteration

Slide 10 to 13 of your project diary

What shape would this piece of code create?

Think about the number of sides that the shape has!

Create the shapes in your project diary in Scratch using iteration - use this example to help you!

You need to create code for the following shapes and then print screen them into your project diary:

● Square
● Triangle
● Rectangle
● Circle

Extension Part 1

Slide 14-15 of your project diary

Create 2 shapes of your own that uses iteration that you haven't yet used

Extension Part 2

Slide 16 of your project diary

Create two separate shapes in Scratch that uses iteration

(One of the pen tools will help you separate them)

Extension Part 3

Slide 17 of your project diaryLook at the last line of code and say
what will happen

What does X: 0 and Y: 0 do?

Learning Review

Slide 18 of your project diary

What do these 3 pieces of code create?

Lesson 3 Variables


Slide 19 of your project diary

Task 1 - Variables

Slide 20 of your project diary

Using the video that we have just watched give some examples of variable names and what could be
stored in that variable.

Task 2 - Variables

Slide 21 of your project diary

Identify the variables from this piece of code

Task 3 - What is your name?

Slide 22 of your project diary

1. Create a variable called ‘Name’

2. Create a code so that when the green flag is clicked, the sprite will ask ‘What is your name?’
3. Set the variable ‘Name’ to answer
4. Run the code

Task 4 - Ask the user questions

Slide 23 of your project diary

You need to allow the user to save some more information about themselves. In
order to do this, you need to create another variable for each question you ask.
You are going to ask the user another 4 questions.

Things to think about:

● Suitable name for the variable

● How you collect the information

Extension Part 1

Slide 24 of your project diary

You have created questions to ask the user but currently the code does not show what has been
stored. You need to add 1 extra block of code Example, get your sprite to say

Task 5- Asking the user for numbers

Slide 25 of your project diary

In the same way as you have with asking the user questions you are
now going to ask the user to enter a number. Complete the following
Extension Part 1

Slide 25 of your project diary

1. Create a variable called number1

2. Get the user to enter a number
3. Store the answer to variable number1
4. Create another variable called number2
5. Get the user to enter a number
6. Store the answer to variable number2
7. Add both of the variables together
8. Get the sprite to say the answer for 2 secs

*remember your number1 and number2 need to start from 0 - look under the data block

Learning Review

Slide 26 in your project diary

Click on the link below to complete the topic assessment:


Puth the score in your project dairy

Lesson 4 IF ELSE

Slide 27 of your project diary

What does this code do?

If Else

Slide 28 of your project diary

Describe what is happening in the picture using the words provided.

This is known as pseudo code

Task 1 - IF ELSE Intro

Slide 29 of your project diary

Looking at the code below complete two of your own IF ELSE statements

We make decisions everyday, you will have already made many decisions today without even
realising for example
IF the alarm clock goes off
Get out of bed

Stay in bed
What you need to do is now think of another two decisions that you make regularly and write them
down in your project diary
IF ELSE Statements

IF represents the question

IF the answer is true, do something
ELSE points to what to do if the answer to the question is false
Key Concepts:
● Used to make decisions in a program
● Return a Boolean answer (True, False)

Task 2 - Getting your sprite to move

Slide 30-31 of your project diary

● Create a variable called

● Ask the user how many
steps the Sprite should take
● Set the ‘steps’ to answer
● IF ‘steps’ is more than 0
● Then move ‘answer’ steps

Task 3 - Getting your sprite to turn

Slide 32-33 of your project diary

Now get the user to tell the sprite which direction

that they have to turn. Right or left.

Use the IF ELSE statement to help you do this one.


Slide 34-35 of your project diary

You now need to combine the two pieces of

code so that they work as one piece of

You need to make it repeat the code forever

but also clear the screen once a shape has been created. You need to get the sprite to always start
back at the same starting position.

Learning Review

Slide 36 of your project diary

Look at the code and explain what the code is doing.

You can give example data if needed, meaning if you

enter a certain number what would happen.

You also need to explain what the IF ELIF ELSE

statement does
Extension Anagram

Slide 37 of your project diary

Unscramble the words to get the correct keywords

Extension - Movement

Slide 38 of your project diary

The code below shows how to move a sprite using the up arrow. You need to use this code as a
guideline to move, up, down, left and right.

Program your sprites to move around your background

Things to think about:

● Speed your sprite moves - the more steps the faster they move
● Keys - choose what keys each player is going to use or are they going to move forever without
using keys

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