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"Screening is a number of health checks that are carried
out to find out a person's health condition. This
examination is important because it can help detect
diseases early, so that treatment can be carried out

What is Health Screening?

Health screening is a number of health tests that doctors use to check
for diseases and health conditions before any signs or symptoms appear.
These tests help find health problems early, making them easier to treat.
There are many types of health screenings. Undergoing recommended
check-ups according to your age, gender and medical history is one of
the most important things to maintain your health.

1. General health check-up
It includes a variety of health parameters, including blood pressure,
cholesterol levels, and body mass index (BMI).

2. Cancer screening
Routine cancer screening can also detect pre-cancerous conditions that
doctors can treat before they develop into cancer.

3. Cardiovascular examination
These tests focus on heart health and may include tests such as an
electrocardiogram (ECG), which measures the heart's electrical activity.
4. Diabetes screening
Common tests include:
Diabetes screening helps identify blood sugar abnormalities, allowing
for early management of diabetes.

5. Vision and hearing examination

This health screening is important to assess your vision and hearing
abilities, so that problems can be detected and treated immediately.

6. Bone density check

This examination is often recommended by doctors to detect
osteoporosis, it is very important to maintain bone strength.

• Immunization is a way to actively increase a person's immunity

against an antigen, so that if they are later exposed to a similar
antigen, disease does not occur.

• Immunization is one way to maintain health that is relatively cheap,

because it has been proven to prevent or reduce the incidence of
illness, disability and death due to diseases that can be prevented by
immunization (PD31)
Immunization is one of the main ways of preventing
transmission of infectious diseases in the community
→ Reports show success in reducing the incidence of morbidity, disability and mortality due to
polio, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and measles

-Immunization is defined as the induction of immunity to occur in various ways, both active
and passive.
-Vaccination is the act of administering a vaccine.

Benefits of immunization

→ Immunization aims to increase the level of immunity and provide

immune protection by inducing a memory response against certain pathogens or toxins using
nonvirulent or nontoxic antigen preparations
Reasons for immunization in adults:
Immunization as a child does not guarantee the formation of permanent immunity for a life time
2. immunization plays as important a role as diet and exercise in maintaining health
3. Prevention of certain diseases with immunization will prevent disease
It infects the family and environment
Adult immunization is recommended for:

aged over 12 years and want to get immunity against various diseases, for example influenza, pneumococcus, hepatitis A and
B, MMR (measles, Mumps, Rubella), DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis, tetanus), DT (Diphtheria, Tetanus

Indications for certain immunizations:

1.Travelers who will visit countries with a particular risk of infection,

especially developing countries with high rates of polymyelitis, diphtheria,
tetanus, typhoid, hepatitis A and tuberculoid

2. Hajj/umrah participants, meningitis and influenza vaccination

Difference between active and passive immunization

>To obtain sufficient immunity, the amount of anti-substance in the body must increase, in active
immunization it takes quite a long time to make anti-substances compared to passive immunization

>The immunity contained in active immunization lasts a long time

(years), while passive immunization only lasted several months

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