Laws of Motion - Activity #2

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Name: Date:

Strand and Section Marks:

Answer the following:

1. Newton’s first law of motion states:

Every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change
its state by the action of an external force.

2. Newton’s second law of motion states:

That a higher force is equal to higher acceleration and more mass would require more
farce to accelerate.

3. Newton’s third law of motion states:

That in every action there would be an equal reaction to. It.

4. What two variables is acceleration dependent on? What is the relationship

between these variables and acceleration? (i.e. if you increase one variable
what happens to the acceleration?)

Solve for the following:

1. Your shopping cart has a mass of 65 kilograms. In order to accelerate the

shopping cart down an aisle at 0.3 m/sec 2, what force would you need to use or
apply to the cart?
65kg x 0.3m/sec^2 = 19.5 Newtons

2. When an F-14 airplane takes-off an aircraft carrier it is literally catapulted off the
flight deck. The plane's final speed at take-off is 68.2 m/s. The F-14 starts from rest.
The plane accelerates in 2 seconds and has a mass of 29,545 kg. What is the
total force that gets the F-14 in the air?
0 - 68.2 / 2 = 34.1
34.1 x 29,545 = 1,007,484.5
3. Because of a frictional force of 2.6 N, a force of 2.8 N must be applied in order to
slide a book across the surface of a wooden table. The book accelerate at a
rate of 0.11 m/s2.

a. What is the net force in the book?

b. What is the mass of the book?

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