June 2024 Atpl Radio Nav

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1. ADF indicates 189. What is Quadrant Error direction?

2. A/C 25000 & VOR 900. Range?

3. Intruding TA colour?

4. Which frequency will give greatest surface range?

500 Khz, 2182 Khz, 38 Mhz

5. GPWS Mode 5

6. How does a DME distinguish between its replies and replies of other aircraft?

7. CAT 3 ILS

8. ADF Coastal error -> The wave accelerates & bends away

9. The accuracy of Doppler Groundspeed is?

10. Minimum range is determined by? Pulse Length

11. Doppler beam Depression angle?

12. Why is 3 cm used in AWR?

13. What type of Autoland system would be required for the LDG to continue following a single
failure below alert height? (direct oxford)

14. Swept gain of AWR?

15. Cylinder Head Temperature

16. DME transmissions does not respond to other radar?

17. IVSI Lag

18. Sink Rate excessive. What alert?

19. Gyro compassing

20. Cat 2 ILS altitude info given by?

21. Electrical power supply for a basic thermocouple

22. Validity of NAV database

23. Strongest Echo has colour?

24. Modes of GPWS?

25. HDG 017 RB= -60 QTE?

26. Middle marker indication?

27. Most accurate position in RNAV given by? DME/DME

28. Drift meaning?

29. Single axis autopilot? Wing levelling

30. Sensors used in EGT?

31. Artificial horizon degree of rotation

32. Constant speed propeller, RPM Indicator

33. OBS set 330. FR indication. Indication 3 dots Fly Right. QDM?

34. Primary Radar Range and Power relation?

35. Machmeter consists of? ASI & Altimeter capsule

36. TCAS Resolution Traffic shown by?

37. AWR -> Red echo > Heavy rain

38. Alert MSG in FMS shown how?

39. NAV Mode selection INS/IRS

40. Resolution Advisory

41. VHF Range and Power relationship

42. FMS updating

43. Blue Line on ASI

44. Servo Altimeter indication is accurate why?

45. False Nose-up in Artificial Horizon

46. Apparent decrease in Transmitted frequency proportional to Transmitter velocity?

47. Compass swing purpose?

48. Range of ADF factors

49. Amplitude Modulation meaning?

50. Wavelength 3.75 m Frequency?

51. Yaw Damper requires?

52. Mass Flow meter v/s Volume flow meter


54. Stall warning system input?

55. Frequency change reflected from the ground is useful in what?

56. SSR definition?

57. Precession increases with increase in RPM

58. GPWS Mode 1

59. Frequency bands of ILS Components\

60. Azimuth Gyro Drift rate 0.01 degree/hour, speed = 500 kt, Time 12 hours

61. Position error reduced by?

62. A/C 19000, VDF 1400. Range?

63. Surface Radar band? SHF

64. Range = 300, VOR 2500. A/C?

65. GPWS Mode 3

66. If Manifold Pressure Gauge measures ambient pressure?

67. 3-Beam Janus array

68. EPR meaning?

69. Control Wheel Steering released -> Autopilot maintains? New Attitude

70. Real Wander

71. DME Saturation

72. The pointer of a Rate of Turn indicator shows a steady turn?

73. Quadrantal error

74. PFD display shows?

75. Pressure Altitude definition

76. ADF Night effect? Dawn & dusk

77. Strapdown Gyro?

78. Turn needle shows?

79. A/C Thermocouple resistance use element?

80. Inputs to ADC?

81. Jittering of Frequency


83. VSI Lag

84. Localiser azimuth coverage

85. A/C 2500, VOR 196. Range?

86. Doppler VOR principle of Operation

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