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Table Of Contents Table Of Contents

Technomagic Spells Screenslaver

Awaken Artificial Intelligence Search Engine Guidance
Arcane Hacking Shutdown
Calculate Odds Slow Processors
Boost Signal Suggestion String
Command Construct Synchronicity
Commune with City System Backdoor
Commune with System Throttle Data
Conjure Data Barrage Translation Program
Conqure Knowbot Vicious Trolling
Copy Credentials Virtual Maze
Counterhack Virtual Weapon
Cyber Clairvoyance We Can Rebuild Them
Deepweb Lorecrawler Wirewalk
Detect Mechanics White Noise
Digital Phantom 3D Fabrication
Doctor Image
Dominate Tech Drone Rescue Mission Hook: Deep Space Radio Six
Duplicate Data Xenomorph Egg
Encode Data Xenomorph Headcrab
Explosion Xenomorph Goreworm
Find Vehicle Xenomorph Drone
Glitch The Wizard of Bops
Hacker's Curse (Bestow) Maxx & Meesch McMurphy
Hacker's Curse (Remove)
Hacker's Rebuke Legal
Holographic Disguise DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,
Holographic Duplicate Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon
Holographic Smite ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast
Haywire product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of
Hex Code Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
Hypnotic Screen This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of
Infallible Relay the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with
Instant Message permission under the Community Content Agreement for
Invisibility to Cameras Dungeon Masters Guild.
Cyber Crusader's Mantle All other original material in this work is copyright 2022 by
Locator Beacon Keen Hudson and published under the Community Content
Locate Flora or Fauna Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Major Hologram
Minor Hologram On the Cover
Medi-Nanite Swarm
Never Tell Me The Odds
Norton's Watchdog
Pixelcaster's Armor
Pixelated Bolt
Pixelated Smite
Protection from Ballistics
Programmed Knowledge
Programmed Hologram
Radiation Leak
Regenerative Nanotech
Remote Access
Scan for Invisibility Cover art by David Revoy (2021), licensed CC-BY-4.0
Screen Trick (
Screethraller 09-29_lofi_cyberpunk_by_david-revoy.jpg).
Page 3 art credit: Moon Funk by Rink licensed CC-BY-4.0

"Mayday, Mayday; this is The Wizard of Bops AKA DJ $ign$ from Deep Space Radio Six sending out an S-O-S emergency
message- broadcasting on all know frequencies in this reality and beyond- Mayday, I repeat Mayday, the DSR6 station-asteroid has
been overrun by some Big Bad Bugs and listeners... I need your hardcore help!
Mayday to any Jammers in the area, this is the Wizard of Bops requesting emergency evac! Total bloodbath out here in the black;
our college interns didn't make it out...
Repeat DSR6 Mayday, I'm currently floating through space on a Big Bop proving music saves lives, floating aimless, oxygen
levels depleting. Repeat, DSR6 Station overrun, requesting evac from any groovy Jammers in the area!" (DMs, go to page 19 for
the Rescue Mission Hook!)
Expanded Technomagic Spells
Awaken Artificial Boost Signal
Intelligence Level: 1st level Enchantment (Technomagic)
Casting Time: 1 action
Level: 5th Transmutation (Technomagic) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Casting Time: 8 hours Range: 30 feet
Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S
Range: Touch You initiate a probability enhancement program for up to
Components: V, S, M (a crystal worth at least 1,000 gp, three creatures of your choice within range, each of whom
which the spell consumes) must carry an electronic device linked to your device.
After spending the casting time coding and installing an Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw
advanced logic engine, you touch a Huge or smaller vehicle, before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the
object or machine. The target gains an Intelligence of 10. The number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw.
target also gains the ability to speak one language you know. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
It gains the ability to operate itself without a crew, and it of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature
gains senses similar to a human's. Unless it has a method of for each slot level above 1st.
propulsion it doesnt gain the ability to move, but it does gain Classes: Cleric, Paladin, Sorcerer, Wizard, Paladin, Ranger
access to other systems within its network if stationary. Your
DM chooses statistics appropriate for the awakened machine
(see A Survivor's Guide to the Living for simple vehicle stats). Command Construct
The awakened machine is charmed by you for 30 days or Level: 1st level Enchantment (Technomagic)
until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. When Casting Time: 1 action
the charmed condition ends, the awakened machine chooses Duration: 1 round
whether to remain friendly to you, based on how you treated Range: 60 feet
it while it was charmed. Components: V
Classes: Artificer, Wizard, Warlock You transmit a one-word command to a construct you can
see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom
Arcane Hacking saving throw or follow the command on its next turn. The
spell has no effect if the target doesn't understand your
Level: 2nd-level transmutation (technomagic) language, or if your command is directly harmful to it.
Casting Time: 1 action Some typical commands and their effects follow. You might
Range: Self issue a command other than one described here. If you do so,
Components: V, S, M (hacking tools) the DM determines how the target behaves. If the target can't
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour follow your command, the spell ends.
You gain advantage on all Intelligence checks using Approach. The target moves toward you by the shortest
hacking tools to break software encryption or online security and most direct route, ending its turn if it moves within 5 feet
when using a foreign system. of you.
This spell also allows you to break 2nd level and lower Drop. The target drops whatever it is holding and then
protective spells such as Encode Data, Arcane Lock, Glyph of ends its turn.
Warding by making an Intelligence check using hacking tools Flee. The target spends its turn moving away from you by
against the spell save DC of the spell’s caster. the fastest available means.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot Fall. The target falls prone and then ends its turn.
of 3rd level or higher, you can attempt to counteract a spell Halt. The target doesn't move and takes no actions. A
set to secure the foreign system if the spell’s level is equal to flying construct stays aloft, provided that it is able to do so. If
or less than the level of the spell slot you used. it must move to stay aloft, it flies the minimum distance
Spell Lists. Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard needed to remain in the air.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
Calculate Odds of 2nd level or higher, you can affect one additional creature
for each slot level above 1st. The creatures must be within 30
Level: Divination Cantrip (Technomagic) feet of each other when you target them.
Casting Time: 1 action Classes: Cleric, Paladin, Bard, Wizard, Artificer, Sorcerer
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round
Range: 30 feet
Components: S
You observe a target within range. Your magic grants you a
brief insight into the target's defenses. On your next turn, you
gain advantage on your first attack roll against the target,
provided that this spell hasn't ended.

Commune with City Conjure Data Barrage
Level: 5th-level divination (ritual) (technomagic) Level: 3rd level Conjuration (Technomagic)
Casting Time: 1 minute Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S Range: 60-foot cone
Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M (a Flashdrive loaded with a virus)
You briefly become one with the city and gain knowledge of Each construct, uncarried electronic device and
the surrounding area. Aboveground, this spell gives you computerized object that can store data in a 60-foot cone
knowledge of the area within 1 mile of you. In sewers and must succeed on an intelligence saving throw (for this spell,
other underground settings, you gain knowledge of the area use the AC of an object as its saving throw total). A construct
within 600 feet of you. or device takes 3d8 lightning damage on a failed save, or half
You instantly gain knowledge of up to three facts of your as much damage on a successful one.
choice about any of the following subjects as they relate to
the area: Conjure Knowbot
Terrain and bodies of water Level: 4th-level conjuration (technomagic)
Prevalent buildings, plants, animals, or intelligent Casting Time: 1 action
creatures Range: Touch
Powerful (CR 1 or higher) celestials, fey, fiends, Components: V, S
elementals, or undead Duration: 10 minutes
Influences from other planes of existence You touch a single computerized device or computer
Electrical currents, wireless signals, and active transit system to conjure a knowbot—a partially sentient piece of
lines and tracks software imprinted with vestiges of your own skills and
For example, you could determine the location of powerful computer abilities. For the duration of the spell, you can use a
undead in the area, the location of major sources of electrical bonus action to have the knowbot execute a computer related
power or interference, and the location of any nearby parks. task that would normally require an action. The knowbot
Spell Lists. Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard makes Intelligence ability checks using your ability score and
proficiency bonuses including your proficiency with hacking
tools, if applicable.
Commune with System You have a limited telepathic bond with the knowbot, out to
Level: 5th-level divination (ritual) (technomagic) a range of 500 feet from the device or system where the
Casting Time: 1 minute knowbot was conjured. If you move beyond this range, the
Range: Self knowbot disappears in 2d4 rounds, as if the duration of the
Components: V, S spell had expired. Moving within range again immediately
Duration: Instantaneous reestablishes the bond.
You briefly become one with a digital system and gain The knowbot is bound to the system in which it was
knowledge of its security functions, abilities and created, and it stays there until it is dismissed or the spell’s
vulnerabilities. You instantly gain knowledge of up to three duration expires.
facts of your choice about any of the following subjects as At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
they relate to the system: of 5th level or higher, the spell’s duration increases to 1 hour.
Additionally, your telepathic bond with the knowbot is
System layout and network connections effective out to a range of 1,000 feet, and if you leave the
Hidden and recently deleted data range of the bond, the knowbot continues performing its last
Powerful (CR 1 or higher) users and admins directed task until the spell expires.
Influences from other planes of existence Spell Lists. Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Electrical currents, wireless signals, and active cables
For example, you could determine the location of server
mills, information on computer usage and shift change
schedules for security guards, and the location of automated
security features withing a building.
Spell Lists. Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

When you cast the spell, you choose seeing or hearing. You
Copy Credentials can use the chosen sense through the sensor as if you were
Level: 2nd-level transmutation (technomagic) in its space. As your action, you can switch between seeing
Casting Time: 1 action and hearing. A creature that can see the sensor (such as a
Range: 10 feet creature benefiting from see invisibility or truesight) sees a
Components: S luminous, intangible glow about the size of a fist wrapped
Duration: 1 hour around the device's processor.
You target a computerized device or computer system
withing range (such as a security keycard or cellphone),
copying its stored passcodes onto your own device. For the
Deepweb Lorecrawler
duration, your device acts as clone of the copied device, Level: 5th Divination (Technomagic)
granting you the same authorization, system access and Casting Time: 10 minutes (or 1 hour ritual)
security clearance. Duration: Instantaneous
Until the end of this spell's duration, any access you've Range: Self
utilized with the copied credentials is documented by a Components: V, S, M (incense worth at least 250 gp,
system as originating from the device you targeted to steal which the spell consumes, and four ivory strips worth at least
those credentials. When the spell ends, your device will once 50 gp each)
again register as a foreign system. Casting this spell at a 3rd You initiate a deepweb search on a person, place, object,
level slot or higher increases the duration by 2 hours up to organization or event. The spell brings to your screen a brief
level 7, when the effects become permanent. summary of the significant lore about the thing you named.
The lore might include current and forgotten stories, or even
secret lore that has never been widely known (bank records,
Counterhack digital footprints of crimes, government files on the target).
Level: 3rd level Abjuration (Technomagic) The information you learn is accurate but might be
Casting Time: 1 reaction (which you take when you see a couched in subjective, figurative, colloquial or coded
creature within 60 feet of you casting a spell) language.
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 60 feet
Components: S
Detect Mechanics
You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of Level: 1st Level Divination (Technomagic)
casting a technomagic spell. If the creature is casting a spell Casting Time: 1 action
of 3rd level or lower, its spell fails and has no effect. If it is Duration: Concentration (up to 10 mins)
casting a spell of 4th level or higher, make an ability check Range: Self
using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell's Components: V, S
level. On a success, the creature's spell fails and has no effect. For the duration, you can detect traps, wondrous items,
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot enhanced items with upgraded slots, and hidden machinery
of 4th level or higher, the interrupted spell has no effect if its within 30 feet of you. If you sense magic in this way, you can
level is less than or equal to the level of the spell slot you use your action to see a faint aura around any visible creature
used. or object in the area that bears magic, and you learn its
school of magic, if any.
The spell can penetrate most barriers, but it is blocked by 1
Cyber Clairvoyance foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or
Divination (Technomagic) 3 feet of wood or dirt.
Level: 3rd
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Digital Phantom
Range: 1 miles Level: 2nd-level abjuration (technomagic)
**Components: V, S, M (a focus worth at least 100 gp, Casting Time: 1 action
either a jeweled horn for hearing or a glass eye for seeing) Range: Self
You create an invisible digital sensor within range in an Components: V, S, M (a small piece of copper wire)
electronic device familiar to you (a computer you have used Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
or seen before, a traffic camera you can see) or in an obvious This spell works to actively hide your presence within a
device that is unfamiliar to you (such as a CEO's cell phone, a computer system. For the spell’s duration, you and any other
security guard's monitor station). The digital sensor remains users you choose on your local network gain a +10 bonus to
in place for the duration, and it can't be interacted with Intelligence checks to avoid detection by administrators,
unless discovered with a successful Investigation check using knowbots, tracking software, and the like. Whenever you and
Hackers' Tools against your Spell Save DC. your chosen users leave any computer system you are
working in while this spell is in effect, all trace of your
previous presence in that system is erased.
Spell Lists. Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

Doctor Image Duplicate Data
Level: 3rd-level transmutation Level: Cantrip Enchantment (Technomagic)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30ft Duration: 8 hours
Components: S Range: Touch
Duration: indefinite Components: Somatic
This spell changes the identity of a person on a video You create an exact copy of any physical or digital visual,
recording with that of another person. This spell does not audio or text-based data that you can access with your casting
change the voice of the subject, and facial glitches may occur focus or camera.
in the magical rendering. If a creature uses its action to
examine the video, the creature can determine that the video
has been tampered with with a successful Intelligence Encode Data
(Investigation) check against your spell save DC. Level: Cantrip Enchantment (Technomagic)
Casting Time: 1 action
Dominate Tech Drone Duration: 8 hours
Range: Touch
Level: 5th Enchantment (technomagic) Components: S
Casting Time: 1 action Accessing a device that can store data, you pull a memory,
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute an idea, or a message from your mind and transform it into a
Range: 60 feet string of glowing code on the device called an Arcane Cache,
Components: V, S which persists for the duration. The Arcane Cache appears
You attempt to beguile a humanoid using a computerized only to those accessing the device, and at the time of casting
device or a construct that you can see within range. It must you may set an access passcode to view the data. If cast as a
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you for 10 minute ritual, the Arcane Cache created by this spell lasts
the duration. If you or creatures that are friendly to you are indefinitely.
fighting it, it has advantage on the saving throw. If you cast this spell while concentrating on a spell or an
While the target is charmed, you have a telepathic link with ability that allows you to read or manipulate the thoughts of
it as long as the two of you are on the same plane of others (such as detect thoughts or modify memory), you can
existence. You can use this telepathic link to issue commands record the thoughts or memories you read, rather than your
to the creature while you are conscious (no action required), own, into an Arcane Cache.
which it does its best to obey. You can specify a simple and Spell Lists. Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
general course of action, such as "Attack that creature," "Run
over there," or "Fetch that object." If the creature completes Explosion
the order and doesn't receive further direction from you, it
defends and preserves itself to the best of its ability. Level: level 3 evocation (Technomagic)
You can use your action to take total and precise control of Casting Time: 1 action
the target. Until the end of your next turn, the creature takes Duration: instantaneous
only the actions you choose, and doesn't do anything that you Range: 150ft
don't allow it to do. During this time you can also cause the Components: V, S
creature to use a reaction, but this requires you to use your You create an explosion from a piece of technology at a
own reaction as well. point within range. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere
Each time the target takes damage, it makes a new centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw,
Wisdom saving throw against the spell. If the saving throw taking 8d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much
succeeds, the spell ends. damage on a successful one.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 6th-level The fire spreads around corners. It ignites flammable
spell slot, the duration is concentration, up to 10 minutes. objects in the area that aren’t being worn or carried.
When you use a 7th-level spell slot, the duration is Delayed
concentration, up to 1 hour. When you use a spell slot of 8th At Higher Levels. When you cast this power using a tech
level or higher, the duration is concentration, up to 8 hours. slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for
each slot level above 3rd.

Find Vehicle Hacker's Curse (Bestow)
Level: 2nd-level conjuration (technomagic) Level: 3rd Conjuration (Technomagic)
Casting Time: 10 minutes Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Components: V, S Range: Touch (or digital access to the target's system)
Duration: 8 hours Components: V, S
You summon a spirit that assumes the form of a You target a creature using a computerized device, and that
nonmilitary land vehicle of your choice, appearing in an creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become
unoccupied space within range. The vehicle has the statistics cursed for the duration of the spell. When you cast this spell,
of a normal vehicle of its sort, though it is celestial, fey, or choose the nature of the curse from the following options:
fiendish (your choice in origin). The physical characteristics Choose one ability score. While cursed, the target has
of the vehicle reflect its origin to some degree. For example, a
fiendish SUV might be jet black in color, with tinted windows disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws made
and a sinister-looking front grille. with that ability score.
You have a supernatural bond with the conjured vehicle While cursed, the target has disadvantage on attack rolls
that allows you to drive beyond your normal ability. While against you.
driving the conjured vehicle, you are considered proficient While cursed, the target must make a Wisdom saving
with vehicles of its type, and you add double your proficiency throw at the start of each of its turns. If it fails, it wastes
bonus to ability checks related to driving the vehicle. While its action that turn doing nothing.
driving the vehicle, you can make any spell you cast that While the target is cursed, your attacks and spells deal an
targets only you also target the vehicle. extra 1d8 necrotic damage to the target. A remove curse spell
If the vehicle drops to 0 hit points, it disappears, leaving ends this effect. At the DM's option, you may choose an
behind no physical form. You can also dismiss the vehicle at alternative curse effect, but it should be no more powerful
any time as an action, causing it to disappear. than those described above. The DM has final say on such
You can't have more than one vehicle bonded by this spell effects.
at a time. As an action, you can release the vehicle from its At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of
bond at any time, causing it to disappear. 4th level or higher, the duration is concentration, up to 10
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot minutes. If you use a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the
of 3rd level or higher, you can conjure a nonmilitary water duration is 8 hours. If you use a spell slot of 7th level or
vehicle large enough to carry six Medium creatures. When higher, the duration is 24 hours. If you use a 9th level spell
you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you slot, the spell lasts until it is dispelled. Using a spell slot of 5th
can conjure a nonmilitary air vehicle large enough to carry level or higher grants a duration that doesn't require
ten Medium creatures. When you cast this spell using a spell concentration.
slot of 7th level or higher, you can conjure any type of vehicle, Spell List: Warlock, Bard, Cleric, Wizard
subject to the DM's approval.
Spell Lists. Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Hacker's Curse (Remove)
Glitch Level: 3rd Abjuration (technomagic)
Casting Time: 1 action
Level: Cantrip, Enchantment (Technomagic) Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round Components: V, S
Range: 60 feet At your digital touch, all technomagic curses affecting one
Components: V creature or object end. If the object is a cursed magic item, its
You upload a harmful string of code into a construct or curse remains, but the spell breaks its owner's attunement to
computerized device you can see within range. The target the object so it can be removed or discarded.
must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or take 1d6 Spell List: Warlock, Bard, Cleric, Wizard
lightning damage and subtract 1d4 from the next saving
throw it makes before the end of your next turn.
This spell's damage increases by 1d6 when you reach
certain levels: 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level
Spell Lists. Artificer, Warlock, Wizard, Bard

Hacker's Rebuke Holographic Duplicate
Level: 1st Evocation (Technomagic) Level: 5th level Illusion (technomagic)
Casting Time: 1 reaction (which you take in response to Casting Time: 1 action
taking technomagic damage or failing a saving throw) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Duration: Instantaneous Range: Self
Range: 60 feet Components: S
Components: V, S You become invisible at the same time that a holographic
Your nanny programs boot into action, and the creature double of you appears where you are standing. The double
that damaged you is momentarily surrounded by crackling lasts for the duration, but the invisibility ends if you attack or
electricity issuing from their hacker's tools or similar cast a spell. You can use your action to move your holographic
computerized device. The creature must make a Dexterity double up to twice your speed and make it gesture, speak,
saving throw. The creature and its hacking tools or and behave in whatever way you choose. You can see through
computerized device both take 1d10 lightning damage on a its eyes and hear through its ears as if you were located
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. where it is. On each of your turns as a bonus action, you can
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot switch from using its senses to using your own, or back
of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each again. While you are using its senses, you are blinded and
slot level above 1st. deafened in regard to your own surroundings.
Spell Lists. Warlock, Artificer, Paladin Classes: Bard, Wizard, Warlock, Warlock, Ranger

Holographic Disguise Holographic Smite

Level: 1st Level Illusion (Technomagic) Level: 3rd Evocation (Technomagic)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 bonus
Duration: 1 hour Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range: Self Range: Self
Components: V, S Components: V
You make yourself—including your clothing, armor, The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon
weapons, and other belongings on your person—look attack during this spell's duration, your weapon flares with
different until the hologram ends or until you use your action bright pixelated light, and the attack deals an extra 3d8
to dismiss it. You can seem 1 foot shorter or taller and can radiant damage to the target. Additionally, the target must
appear thin, fat, or in between. You can't change your body succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be blinded until
type, so you must adopt a form that has the same basic the spell ends.
arrangement of limbs. Otherwise, the extent of the illusion is A creature blinded by this spell makes another
up to you. Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a
The changes wrought by this spell fail to hold up to successful save, it is no longer blinded.
physical inspection, and pixelate or glitch up close. For Classes: Paladin, Ranger, Artificer
example, if you use this spell to add a hat to your outfit,
objects pass through the hat, and anyone who touches it
would feel nothing or would feel your head and hair. To
discern that you are disguised, a creature can use its action to
inspect your appearance and must succeed on an Intelligence
(Investigation) check against your spell save DC.
Class List: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard, Artificer, Artificer,

Haywire Hypnotic Screen
Level: 3rd-level enchantment (technomagic) Level: 3rd level Illusion (Technomagic)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Components: V, S Range: 120 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Components: S, M (a glow stick)
This spell plays havoc with electronic devices, making the You upload a worm forcing a twisting pattern of colors that
use of such devices all but impossible. Each electronic device flashes across the screens of electronic devices inside a 30-
in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you choose foot cube within range. The pattern appears for a moment
within range is subject to random behavior while it remains and vanishes. Each creature in the area who sees the pattern
within the area. A device not held by a creature is must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the
automatically affected. If an electronic device is held by a creature becomes charmed for the duration. While charmed
creature, that creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving by this spell, the creature is incapacitated and has a speed of
throw or have the device affected by the spell. 0. The spell ends for an affected creature if it takes any
At the start of each of your turns, roll a d6 for each affected damage or if someone else uses an action to shake the
device to determine its behavior. Except where otherwise creature out of its stupor.
indicated, that behavior lasts until the start of your next turn Spell Lists: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
while this spell is in effect.
d6 Effect 1 The device shuts down and must be restarted. Infallible Relay
Do not roll again for this device until it is restarted. 2-4 The
device does not function. 5 The device experiences a power Level: 1st-level divination (technomagic)
surge, causing an electric shock to the wielder (if any and one Casting Time: 1 minute
random creature within 5 feet of the device. Each affected Range: Self
creature must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Components: V, S, M (a mobile phone)
spell save DC, taking 6d6 lightning damage on a failed save, Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
or half as much damage on a successful one. 6 The device is With this spell, you can target any creature with whom you
usable as normal. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell have spoken previously, as long as the two of you are on the
using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the radius of the same plane of existence. When you cast the spell, the nearest
sphere affected by the spell increases by 5 feet for each slot functioning telephone or similar communications device
level above 3rd. within 100 feet of the target begins to ring. If there is no
Spell Lists. Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Artificer suitable device close enough to the target, the spell fails.
The target must make a successful Charisma saving throw
Hex Code or be compelled to answer your call. Once the connection is
established, the call is crystal clear and cannot be dropped
Level: 1st level Enchantment (Technomagic) until the conversation has ended or the spell’s duration ends.
Casting Time: 1 bonus You can end the conversation at any time, but a target must
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour succeed on a Charisma saving throw to end the conversation.
Range: 90 feet Spell Lists. Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Components: V, S
You place a curse on a creature carrying an electronic
device that you can see within range. Until the spell ends, you Instant Message
deal an extra 1d6 lightning damage to the target whenever Level: Cantrip, Transmutation (Technomagic)
you hit it with an attack. Also, choose one ability when you Casting Time: 1 action
cast the spell. The target has disadvantage on ability checks Duration: 1 round
made with the chosen ability that rely on electronic devices to Range: 120 feet
complete. Components: V, S, M (a short piece of copper wire)
If the target drops to 0 hit points before this spell ends, you You send a message to a creature within range. The target
can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn of yours to curse (and only the target) previeces the text message displayed in
a new creature. their field of vision and can reply by thought with a message
A remove curse cast on the target ends this spell early. that only you can precieve.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot You can cast this spell through solid objects if you are
of 3rd or 4th level, you can maintain your concentration on familiar with the target and know it is beyond the barrier.
the spell for up to 8 hours. When you use a spell slot of 5th Magical silence, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a
level or higher, you can maintain your concentration on the thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood blocks the spell. The spell
spell for up to 24 hours. doesn't have to follow a straight line and can travel freely
Spell List: Warlock. around corners or through openings.
Spell Lists: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard, Artificer

Invisibility to Cameras Major Hologram
Level: 3rd-level illusion (technomagic) Level: 3rd Illusion (Technomagic)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Components: V, S, M (a scrap of black paper) Range: 120 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Components: V, S
Four creatures of your choice within range become You create the image of an object, a creature, or some
undetectable to electronic sensors and cameras for the other visible phenomenon that is no larger than a 20-foot
duration of the spell. Anything a target is wearing or carrying cube. The image appears at a spot that you can see within
is likewise undetectable as long as it is on the target’s person. range and lasts for the duration. It seems completely real,
The targets remain visible to vision. including sounds appropriate to the thing depicted.
Spell Lists. Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard As long as you are within range of the hologram, you can
use your action to cause it to move to any other spot within
Cyber Crusader's Mantle range. As the hologram changes location, you can alter its
appearance so that its movements appear natural for the
Level: 3rd Evocation (Technomagic) image. For example, if you create a hologram of a creature
Casting Time: 1 action and move it, you can alter the image so that it appears to be
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute walking. Similarly, you can cause the hologram to make
Range: 30-foot radius different sounds at different times, even making it carry on a
Components: V conversation, for example.
Cybernetic power radiates from you in an aura with a 30- Physical interaction with the hologram reveals it to be an
foot radius, awakening boldness in friendly creatures. Until illusion, because things can pass through it. A creature that
the spell ends, the aura moves with you, centered on you. uses its action to examine the image can determine that it is
While in the aura, each nonhostile creature in the aura an illusion with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check
(including you) deals an extra 1d4 radiant damage when it against your spell save DC. If a creature discerns the illusion
hits with a weapon attack. for what it is, the creature can see through the hologram, and
it becomes faint to the creature.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
Locator Beacon of 6th level or higher, the spell lasts until dispelled, without
Level: 2nd Divination (Technomagic) requiring your concentration.
Casting Time: 1 action Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Range: Self Minor Hologram
Components: V, S
Input the name of an object that is familiar to you to Level: Cantrip Illusion (Technomagic)
recieve the direction to the object's location, as long as that Casting Time: 1 action
object is within 1,000 feet of you. If the object is in motion, Duration: 1 minute
you know the direction of its movement. Range: 30 feet
The spell can locate a specific object known to you, as long Components: S
as you have seen it up close—within 30 feet—at least once. You project an image of an object (that can be accompanied
Alternatively, the spell can locate the nearest object of a by a sound byte) from an electronic device within range that
particular kind, such as a certain kind of apparel, jewelry, lasts for the duration. The hologram also ends if you dismiss
furniture, tool, or weapon. it as an action or cast this spell again.
This spell can't locate an object if any thickness of lead, If you create a sound, its volume can range from a whisper
even a thin sheet, blocks a direct path between you and the to a scream. It can be your voice, someone else's voice, a
object. song, or any other sound you choose. The sound continues
unabated throughout the duration.
If you create an image of an object—such as a chair, muddy
Locate Flora or Fauna footprints, or a small chest—it must be no larger than a 5-foot
Level: 2nd Divination (Technomagic) cube. The image can't create its own sound, smell, or any
Casting Time: 1 action (Ritual) other sensory effect. Physical interaction with the image
Duration: Instantaneous reveals it to be an illusion, because things can pass through
Range: Self it. If a creature uses its action to examine the hologram, the
Components: V, S, M (a bit of fur from a bloodhound) creature can determine that it is an illusion with a successful
Describe a specific kind of beast or plant. Compiling Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC.
species data with satellite maps of your surroundings, you If a creature discerns the hologram for what it is, the
learn the direction and distance to the closest creature or hologram becomes faint to the creature.
plant of that kind within 5 miles, if any are present. Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

Medi-Nanite Swarm Never Tell Me The Odds
Level: 5th Conjuration (technomagic) Level: 1st level Enchantment (Technomagic)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 7 days Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Components: V, S Components: V, S
Your touch spreads specially programmed nanites. Make a A willing creature you touch is imbued with bravery. Until
melee spell attack against a creature within your reach. On a the spell ends, the creature is immune to being frightened
hit, the target is poisoned. and gains temporary hit points equal to your spellcasting
At the end of each of the poisoned target's turns, the target ability modifier at the start of each of its turns. When the
must make a Constitution saving throw. If the target succeeds spell ends, the target loses any remaining temporary hit
on three of these saves, it is no longer poisoned, and the spell points from this spell.
ends. If the target fails three of these saves, the target is no At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
longer poisoned, but you choose one of the options below. of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature
The target is subjected to the chosen option for the spell's for each slot level above 1st.
duration, or until you change your nanites behavior to Classes: Bard, Paladin
another option as an action.
Any effect that ends a curse or magical effect will counter
the nanites. If an affected creature takes cold damage or is Nightvision
exposed to the effects of extreme cold weather, the nanites Level: 2nd level Transmutation (Technomagic)
cease to function for that round. Casting Time: 1 action
Blind. The creature has disadvantage on Wisdom checks Duration: 8 hours
and Wisdom saving throws and is blinded. Range: Touch
Empower. The swarm helps the body unlock its full Components: V, S
potential, raising Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores You don or hand a willing creature a pair of tech goggles
by 2. Its long jump becomes 15 feet and its high jump linked to your device to grant it the ability to see in the dark.
becomes 10 feet, unless already higher. For the duration, that creature has darkvision out to a range
Deoxygenate. The nanites attack oxygenated red blood of 60 feet.
cells. The creature has disadvantage on Strength checks,
Strength saving throws, and attack rolls that use Strength.
Flesh Eating. The creature's flesh decays as the nanites Norton's Watchdog
disassemble it molecule by molecule. It has disadvantage on Level: 4th Conjuration (Technomagic)
Charisma checks and vulnerability to all damage. Casting Time: 1 action
Fry Synapses. The creature's mind becomes cloudy as Duration: 8 hours
nanites zap braincells. The creature has disadvantage on Range: 30 feet
Intelligence checks and Intelligence saving throws, and the Components: V, S, M (a tomagachi)
creature behaves as if under the effects of the confusion spell You conjure a digital watchdog in a computerized system
during combat. It may lose memories after the encounter. that you can see within range, where it remains for the
Heal. The nanites do what they were originally duration, until you dismiss it as an action, or until you move
programmed to do and patch the creature up. The affected more than 100 feet away from it.
creature is cured of all diseases and regains 10 hit points at The watchdog program is invisible on the system to all
the start of its turn. If the creature takes cold damage or is other creatures unless you make its 8-bit sprite visible as a
exposed to extreme cold temperatures, this trait doesn't bonus action. When a creature attempts to use the protected
function at the start of the creature's next turn. The creature system without first inputting the password that you specify
dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit points and isn't healed when you cast this spell, the watchdog program starts
by the nanobots. barking loudly to sound an alarm.
Hemophilia. The nanites stop the creature's blood to stop At the start of each of your turns, the watchdog program
clotting. The creature has disadvantage on Constitution attempts to counterattack one unauthorized user hacking
checks and Constitution saving throws. In addition, whenever your system. The hound's attack bonus is equal to your
the creature takes damage, it is stunned until the end of its spellcasting ability modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a
next turn. hit, it deals 2d8 lightning damage to the unauthorized user
Seizure. The creature is overcome with shaking. The and the creature is Stunned until the start of its next turn.
creature has disadvantage on Dexterity checks, Dexterity
saving throws, and attack rolls that use Dexterity.
Nanny Cam. Using your device, you can see and hear
through the target's senses, plus you can track its vitals and

On/Off Pixelated Bolt
Level: Transmutation cantrip (technomagic) Level: 1st level Evocation (Technomagic)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Duration: 1 round
Components: V, S Range: 120 feet
Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S
This cantrip allows you to activate or deactivate any A flash of pixelated light streaks toward a creature of your
electronic device within range, as long as the device has a choice within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the
clearly defined on or off function that can be easily accessed target. On a hit, the target takes 4d6 radiant damage, and the
from the outside of the device. Any device that requires a next attack roll made against this target before the end of
software-based shutdown sequence to activate or deactivate your next turn has advantage, thanks to the dim pixelated
cannot be affected by On/Off. light glitching off the target until then.
Spell Lists. Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each
Overheat slot level above 1st.
Spell Lists. Warlock, Sorcerer, Cleric, Artificer, Wizard,
Level: 2nd Transmutation (Technomagic) Bard
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Pixelated Smite
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a piece of iron and a flame) Level: 1st level Evocation (technomagic)
Choose a manufactured metal object, such as a metal Casting Time: 1 bonus
weapon or an aluminium-cased laptop, that you can see Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
within range. You cause the object to glow red-hot. Any Range: Self
creature in physical contact with the object takes 2d8 fire Components: V
damage when you cast the spell. Until the spell ends, you can The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon
use a bonus action on each of your subsequent turns to cause attack during the spell's duration, your weapon flares with
this damage again. white-hot pixelated intensity, and the attack deals an extra
If a creature is holding or wearing the object and takes the 1d6 fire damage to the target and causes the target to ignite
damage from it, the creature must succeed on a Constitution in pixelated flames. At the start of each of its turns until the
saving throw or drop the object if it can. If it doesn't drop the spell ends, the target must make a Constitution saving throw.
object, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks On a failed save, it takes 1d6 fire damage. On a successful
until the start of your next turn. At Higher Levels. When you save, the spell ends. If the target or a creature within 5 feet of
cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the it uses an action to put out the flames, or if some other effect
damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 2nd. douses the flames (such as the target being submerged in
water), the spell ends.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
Pixelcaster's Armor of 2nd level or higher, the initial extra damage dealt by the
Level: 1st level Abjuration (Technomagic) attack increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 8 hours Protection from Ballistics
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a graphics card) Level: 3rd-level abjuration (technomagic)
You touch a willing creature who isn't wearing armor, and a Casting Time: 1 action
protective magical force surrounds it until the spell ends. The Range: Touch
target's base AC becomes 13 + its Intelligence modifier. The Components: V, S, M (a shell casing)
spell ends if the target dons armor or if you dismiss the spell Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
as an action. This spell enchants the flesh of the target against the
Spell Lists. Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock impact of bullets. Until the spell ends, the target has
resistance to nonmagical ballistic damage.
Spell Lists. Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

Programmed Knowledge Radiation Leak
Level: 2nd level Divination (Technomagic) Level: 4th level Evocation (technomagic)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 1 hour Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Range: Self Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S Components: V, S
You draw on knowledge from digital sources like diagrams Dim, greenish light spreads within a 30-foot-radius sphere
and training videos. Choose one skill in which you lack centered on a machine you choose within range. The light
proficiency. For the spell's duration, you have proficiency in spreads around corners, and it lasts until the spell ends.
the chosen skill. The spell ends early if you cast it again. When a creature moves into the spell's area for the first
time on a turn or starts its turn there, that creature must
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 4d10 radiant
Programmed Hologram damage, and it suffers one level of exhaustion and emits a
Level: 6th level Illusion (technomagic) dim, greenish light in a 5-foot radius. This light makes it
Casting Time: 1 action impossible for the creature to benefit from being invisible.
Duration: Until dispelled The light and any levels of exhaustion caused by this spell go
Range: 120 feet away when the spell ends.
Components: V, S Class List: Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock
You create an illusion of an object, a creature, or some
other visible phenomenon within range that activates when a Regenerative Nanotech
specific condition occurs. The illusion is imperceptible until
then. It must be no larger than a 30-foot cube, and you decide Level: 7th level Transmutation (Technomagic)
when you cast the spell how the programmed hologram Casting Time: 1 minute
behaves and what sounds it makes. This scripted Duration: 1 hour
performance can last up to 5 minutes. Range: Touch
When the condition you specify occurs, the hologram Components: V, S, M (a prayer wheel and holy water)
springs into existence and performs in the manner you You touch a creature and stimulate its natural healing
described. Once the hologram finishes performing, it ability with the addition of programmed nanobots. The target
disappears and remains dormant for 10 minutes. After this regains 4d8 + 15 hit points. For the duration of the spell, the
time, the hologram can be activated again. target regains 1 hit point at the start of each of its turns (10
The triggering condition can be as general or as detailed as hit points each minute).
you like, though it must be based on visual or audible The target's severed body members (fingers, legs, tails, and
conditions that occur within 30 feet of the area. For example, so on), if any, are restored after 2 minutes. If you have the
you could create a hologram of yourself to appear and warn severed part and hold it to the stump, the spell
off others who attempt to open a trapped door, or you could instantaneously causes the limb to knit to the stump.
set the hologram to trigger only when a creature says the Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Wizard, Artificer
correct word or phrase.
Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an Remote Access
illusion, because things can pass through it. A creature that
uses its action to examine the image can determine that it is Level: 1st-level transmutation (technomagic)
an illusion with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check Casting Time: 1 action
against your spell save DC. If a creature discerns the Range: 120 feet
hologram for what it is, the creature can see through the Components: V, S
image and any noise it makes sounds hollow to the creature. Duration: 10 minutes
You can use any electronic device within range as if it were
in your hands. This is not a telekinesis effect. Rather, this
spell allows you to simulate a device's mechanical functions
electronically. You are able to access only functions that a
person using the device manually would be able to access.
You can use remote access with only one device at a time.
Spell Lists. Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

Repair Screethrall
Level: Transmutation Cantrip (Technomagic) Level: 2nd level Enchantment (technomagic)
Casting Time: 1 minute Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 1 minute
Range: Touch Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S Components: V, S
Using appropriate tools as an arcane focus, you repair a You upload a malicious code to nearby devices that
single break in an object you touch, such as fusing two halves displays your face on their screen between hypnotic flashes,
of a broken wire, a cracked test tube, or a leaking oil pan. As causing creatures of your choice that you can see within
long as the break or tear is no larger than 1 foot in any range and that are carrying electronic devices to make a
dimension, you mend it, leaving no trace of the former Wisdom saving throw. Any creature that can't be charmed
damage. This spell can physically repair a magic item or succeeds on this saving throw automatically, and if you or
construct, but the spell can't restore magic to such an object. your companions are fighting a creature, it has advantage on
Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Artificer, the save. On a failed save, the target has disadvantage on
Warlock Wisdom (Perception) checks made to perceive any creature
other than you until the spell ends or until the target can no
longer hear you. The spell ends if you are incapacitated or
Scan for Invisibility can no longer speak.
Level: 2nd level Divination (Technomagic) Classes: Wizard, Artificer, Bard, Warlock, Sorcerer, Cleric
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 1 hour Screenslaver
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of talc and a small Level: 5th level Enchantment (technomagic)
sprinkling of powdered silver) Casting Time: 1 minute
For the duration, while wearing a pair of tech goggles Duration: 30 days
linked to your device, you see invisible creatures and objects Range: 60 feet
as if they were visible, and you can see into the Ethereal Components: V
Plane. Ethereal creatures and objects appear ghostly and You place a magical command on a creature using a device
translucent. screen that you can see within range, forcing it to carry out
some service or refrain from some action or course of activity
as you decide. If the creature can understand you, it must
Screen Trick succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become charmed by
Level: 2nd level Transmutation (Technomagic) you for the duration. While the creature is charmed by you, it
Casting Time: 1 action takes 5d10 psychic damage each time it acts in a manner
Duration: 1 hour directly counter to your instructions, but no more than once
Range: Touch each day. A creature that can't understand you is unaffected
**Components: V, S, M (a universal remote) by the spell.
You touch the screen of an electronic device. An invisible You can issue any command you choose, short of an activity
entrance (which is visible to you) opens to an that would result in certain death. Should you issue a suicidal
extradimensional space inside the screen that lasts until the command, the spell ends.
spell ends. You can end the spell early by using an action to dismiss it.
The extradimensional space can be reached by climbing A remove curse, greater restoration, or wish spell also ends
through the screen. The space can hold as many as eight it.
Medium or smaller creatures. By standing to the sides of the At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
frame inside the extradimensional space, you disappear from of 7th or 8th level, the duration is 1 year. When you cast this
view. The extradimensional space exists if the screen is tured spell using a spell slot of 9th level, the spell lasts until it is
on or off. ended by one of the spells mentioned above.
Attacks and spells can't cross through the entrance into or Classes: Wizard, Artificer, Bard, Warlock, Sorcerer, Cleric
out of the extradimensional space. Anything inside the
extradimensional space drops out when the spell ends or if
the screen is destroyed.
Classes: Wizard, Artificer, Bard, Warlock, Sorcerer

Search Engine Guidance Suggestion String
Level: Cantrip Divination (Technomagic) Level: 2nd level Enchantment (Technomagic)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours
Range: Hearing Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S Components: V, S
You target one willing creature that can hear you. Once You upload a worm demanding a course of activity (limited
before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the to a sentence or two) and magically influence a construct you
number rolled to one ability check of its choice. It can roll the can see within range that you understand the basic operating
die before or after making the ability check. The spell then system of. The suggestion must be worded in such a manner
ends. as to make the course of action sound reasonable. Asking the
Classes: Wizard, Cleric, Artificer, Bard creature to stab itself, throw itself onto a spear, immolate
itself, or do some other obviously harmful act ends the spell.
Shutdown The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed
save, it pursues the course of action you described to the best
Level: 5th-level transmutation (technomagic) of its ability. The suggested course of action can continue for
Casting Time: 1 action the entire duration. If the suggested activity can be completed
Range: 120 feet in a shorter time, the spell ends when the subject finishes
Components: V, S what it was asked to do.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute You can also specify conditions that will trigger a special
This spell shuts down all electronic devices within range activity during the duration, but cannot break Asimov's 3
that are not wielded by or under the direct control of a Laws of Robotics. If the condition isn't met before the spell
creature. If an electronic device within range is used by a expires, the activity isn't performed.
creature, that creature must succeed on a Constitution saving If you or any of your companions damage the target, the
throw to prevent the device from being shut down. While the spell ends.
spell remains active, no electronic device within range can be
started or restarted. Synchronicity
Spell Lists. Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Artificer
Level: 4th-level enchantment (technomagic)
Casting Time: 1 action
Slow Processors Range: Touch
Level: 3rd level Transmutation (Technomagic) Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute The creature you touch feels reality subtly shifted to its
Range: 120 feet favor while this spell is in effect. The target isn't
Components: V, S, M (a magnet) inconvenienced by mundane delays of any sort. Traffic lights
You alter the processing time of up to six creatures or are always green, there's always a waiting elevator, and a taxi
computerized objects of your choice in a 40-foot cube within is always around the corner. The target can run at full speed
range. Each target construct and the user of each elecronic through dense crowds, and attacks of opportunity provoked
device must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be by the target's movement are made with disadvantage.
affected by this spell for the duration. Synchronicity grants advantage to Dexterity (Stealth)
An affected target's speed is halved, it takes a −2 penalty to checks, since the target always finds a handy piece of cover
AC and Dexterity saving throws, and it can't use reactions. available. Additionally, the target has advantage on all ability
On its turn, it can use either an action or a bonus action, not checks made to drive a vehicle.
both. Regardless of the creature's abilities or magic items, it In the event that two or more creatures under the effect of
can't make more than one melee or ranged attack during its synchronicity are attempting to avoid being inconvenienced
turn. by each other, the creatures engage in a contest of Charisma
If the creature attempts to cast a spell with a casting time each time the effects of the spells would oppose each other.
of 1 action, roll a d20. On an 11 or higher, the spell doesn't Spell Lists. Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
take effect until the creature's next turn, and the creature
must use its action on that turn to complete the spell. If it
can't, the spell is wasted.
A creature affected by this spell makes another Wisdom
saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a successful
save, the effect ends for it.
Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard, Bard, Bard

System Backdoor Vicious Trolling
Level: 4th-level transmutation (technomagic) Level: Enchantment Cantrip (Technomagic)
Casting Time: 1 minute Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S, M (hacking tools) Range: 60 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Components: V
This spell allows you to bypass system security in order to You unleash a string of digital insults laced with subtle
create a secure login on a foreign system. The login you enchantments at a creature you can see within range. If the
create allows you administrator-level privileges in any target is using or wearing an electronic device, it must
computer system not enhanced through technomagic. The succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d4 psychic
login defeats any technomagic spells of 3rd level or lower. damage and have disadvantage on the next attack roll it
Once the duration of the spell expires, the login and all makes before the end of its next turn. This spell's damage
privileges are wiped from the system. System logs still show increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level
the activity of the user, but the user identification cannot be (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
found or traced. Class List. Bard.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
of 5th level or higher, you are able to bypass technomagic
spells if the spell’s level is equal to or less than the level of the Virtual Maze
spell slot you used. Level: 8th level Conjuration (Technomagic)
Spell Lists. Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Throttle Data Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Level: 1st level Enchantment (Technomagic) You banish a creature that you can see within range into a
Casting Time: 1 action labyrinthine demiplane inside the circuit boards of an
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute electronic device. The target remains there for the duration
Range: 30 feet or until it escapes the maze. The target can use its action to
Components: V, S attempt to escape. When it does so, it makes a DC 20
Up to three creatures carrying electronic devices of your Intelligence check. If it succeeds, it escapes, and the spell
choice that you can see within range must make Wisdom ends. When the spell ends, the target reappears in the space
saving throws. Whenever a target that fails this saving throw it left or, if that space is occupied, in the nearest unoccupied
makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, space.
the target must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from
the attack roll or saving throw.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot Virtual Weapon
of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature Level: 2nd Evocation (Technomagic)
for each slot level above 1st. Casting Time: 1 bonus
Spell Lists. Cleric, Bard Duration: 1 minute
Range: 60 feet
Translation Program Components: V, S
You create a floating, pixelated weapon within range that
Level: Divination (Technomagic) lasts for the duration or until you cast this spell again. When
Casting Time: 1 action (Ritual) you cast the spell, you can make a melee spell attack against a
Duration: 1 hour creature within 5 feet of the weapon. On a hit, the target
Range: Self takes force damage equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability
Components: V, S modifier. As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the
For the duration, you understand the literal meaning of any weapon up to 20 feet and repeat the attack against a creature
spoken language that you hear using your device to translate. within 5 feet of it.
You also understand any written language that you see, The weapon can take whatever form you choose. Clerics of
provided you point your device's camera at the surface on deities who are associated with a particular weapon (as St.
which the words are written. It takes about 1 minute to read Cuthbert is known for his mace and Thor for his hammer)
one page of text aloud. make this spell's effect resemble that weapon.
This spell doesn't decode secret messages in a text or a At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
glyph, such as an arcane sigil, that isn't part of a written of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for every
language. two slot levels above 2nd.
Class List. Wizard, Bard, Warlock.

We Can Rebuild Them White Noise
Level: 5th Transmutation (Technomagic) Level: 2nd level Illusion (Technomagic)
Casting Time: 12 hours Casting Time: 1 action (Ritual)
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Range: Touch Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (rare robotic, cybernetic and Components: V, S, M (a broken earbud)
biomechanical components worth at least 8,000GP or For the duration, no sound can be created within or pass
$6,000,000 which the spell consumes) through a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you
You touch a dead humanoid or a piece of a dead humanoid. choose within range. Any creature or object entirely inside
Provided that the creature has been dead no longer than 1 the sphere is immune to thunder damage, and creatures are
day. deafened while entirely inside it. Casting a spell that includes
Over 12 hours of operation, you build a new body for the a verbal component is impossible there.
creature to inhabit, which is a construct-type creature and
now doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep. The spell calls 3D Fabrication
the willing creature's soul into its new body. It may vary in
size and shape from the humanoid's original body based on Level: 4th level Transmutation (technomagic)
available parts, and the DM determines any stat changes that Casting Time: 24 hour ritual that counts as a rest
occur in addition. Duration: Instantaneous
The first time a creature is the target of this spell, it returns Range: 120 feet
as half-construct and half-human and is subject to effects that Components: V, S, M (3D printer)
target either (subject to the DM's discretion). If a creature is Using your arcane device with prepared 3D files and your
brought back from death with this spell more than once, it upgraded 3D printer, you convert raw materials into products
loses its humanoid-type and is solely a construct. of the same material. For example, you can fabricate a plastic
replacement for a drone propeller, an out-of-production part
Wirewalk for an old muscle car, or print modular hempwood sections to
erect a building.
Level: 4th level Conjuration (Technomagic) Choose raw materials that you can see within range. You
Casting Time: 1 action can fabricate a Large or smaller object (contained within a
Duration: 1 Minute 10-foot cube, or eight connected 5-foot cubes), given a
Range: 500 feet sufficient quantity of raw material. If you are working with
Components: V metal, kevlar, or an exotic substance, however, the fabricated
For the duration, you can use 10 feet of your movement to object can be no larger than Medium (contained within a
step magically into one electronic device within your reach single 5-foot cube). The quality of objects made by the spell is
and emerge from a second electronic within 120 feet of the commensurate with the quality of the raw materials.
first, appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the Creatures or magic items can't be created or transmuted
second. by this spell. You also can't use it to create items that
You can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn't ordinarily require a high degree of craftsmanship, such as
exceed what you can carry. You can also bring one willing robotics, weapons, clockwork, or armor, unless you have
creature of your size or smaller who is carrying gear up to its proficiency with the type of artisan's tools used to craft such
carrying capacity. The creature must be within 5 feet of you objects. For example, you can fabricate an untraceable
when you cast this spell. firearm from a set of printed parts using proficiency in
If you would arrive in a place already occupied by an object smith's tools or tinker tools.
or a creature, you and any creature traveling with you each
take 4d6 force damage, and the spell fails to teleport you. Datatab
Adventuring Gear - Common
A Datatab is a handheld computerized device used for the
storage and display of information, featuring a rudimentary
hologram projector for viewing 3d models and videos, which
are displayed within a 1ft cylinder with 360 degree views. A
standard Dataslate can hold 1Tb of onboard data.
Upgradeable. Datatabs come standard with two empty slots
for chips or other upgrades (see the VaultCo shop on page 5
of Vault Dwarves at the DMs Guild for possible upgades).
Technomagic Spellbook. A Technomagic caster may use a
Datatab as their spellbook.

Credit David Revoy,, 3/21/2017
Players, Please Stop Reading Here
The rest of this book contains the setup for a small
adventure, so don't look ahead unless you're a DM...

rescue mission hook: deep space radio six
The Wizard of Bops is in deep trouble. If your Spelljammer crew picks up the distress call and decides to go to the Wizard's aid, he
is floating a few miles off the DPR6 Station-asteroid, clinging to a large-sized cassette tape he's using as a life raft.
Circumstances at DPR6 Station are grim. A supply jammer arrived with the radio crew's quarterly rations, but instead of
landing in the hangar it slammed into the side of the asteriod, unleashing a swarm of Xenomorphs on the planetoid that began
eating interns one by one. If the party looks fit and up to the task, the Wizard will ask them to help him reclaim his wax cutter's
throne and get the radio station back on the air.
To represent DPR6 Station, the DM just needs to strip the monsters off the Stardock map on pg 211 of Waterdeep: Dungeon of
the Mad Mage and repopulate it with Xenomorphs. Are there any survivors? Yes: Quiet teenage twins Maxx & Meesch
McMurphy, who were making coffees for the crew when the swarm hit and locked themselves in well sealed room before the
Xenos could catch them. As plasmoids, they don't even know if they're really on the menu, but the xenos are vicious and persistent

Xenomorph Egg Senses heatsense 5 ft. (blind beyond), passive

Perception 5 (rolled at disadvantage)
Tiny monstrosity (xenomorph), unaligned
Challenge 0 (0xp)
Armor Class 15 (natural armour)
Hit Points 2 (1d4) Acid Blood. A creature that deals bludgeoning, piercing,
Speed 0 ft. or slashing damage to the egg while standing within 5
feet of it must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw,
taking 2 (1d4) acid damage on a failed saving throw, or
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA half as much acid damage on a successful one.
1 (-5) 1 (-5) 10 (0) 1 (-5) 1 (-5) 1 (-5) Bloom. When it is ready to hatch, the egg will unfurl its
petals and release a Xenomorph Headcrab. They are
Damage Resistances acid heat-sensitive, and sometimes wait to bloom until a
Condition Immunities blinded, deafened, frightened prey creature comes within 5ft.

Xenomorph Headcrab Grappler. If an attack from the headcrab hits the target,
the target is grappled and cannot escape as the
Stage II: Infectious Nymph headcrabs's tail wraps around the target's neck. The
Tiny monstrosity (xenomorph), unaligned target creature can resist the grapple each round of
combat by making a DC 13 Strength saving throw.
Upon failure the headcrab latches unto the target's face
Armor Class 15 (natural armour) and begins the impregnation.
Hit Points 3 (1d6) Impregnation. The target is rendered unconscious, the
Speed 30 ft. DM then rolls a 1d4, after the rolled amount of hours
have passed, if the headcrab hasn't been removed, the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA headcrab falls off and dies and the target is diseased. In
the period before giving birth, the target creature starts
10 (0) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 1 (-5) 12 (+1) 1 (-5) to feel sick, its speed is halved and has disadvantage on
attack rolls and saving throws. At birth, the Xenomorph
Damage Immunities acid Goreworm chews its way out of the target's chest in
Condition Immunities blinded one round causing 24 (8d6), likely killing the target in
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond), passive the process. A Goreworm can be removed with a lesser
Perception 13 restoration or greater magic or science used to cure a
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +7 disease.
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Spider Climb. The headcrab can climb difficult surfaces,
without the need to make an ability check.
Acid Blood. A creature that deals bludgeoning, piercing,
or slashing damage to the headcrab while standing Actions
within 5 feet of it must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 2 (1d4) acid damage on a failed saving Tackle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 10/20
throw, or half as much acid damage on a successful ft., one creature. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.

Xenomorph Goreworm Condition Immunities blinded
Skills perception +4, stealth +7
Stage III: Parasitic Larvae Senses blindsense 60ft (blind beyond this radius),
Tiny monstrosity (xenomorph), unaligned passive Perception 16
Challenge 1/2 (100xp)

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Drone Embryo. After birth, a chestburster grows into a
Hit Points 12 (2d8+4) full grown Xenomorph Drone in 1d8 hours.
Speed 20ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Flee When attacked, the Chestburster may force an
5 (-3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 7 (-2) 14 (+2) 7 (-2) opposed Dexterity check. If it wins, it may take the
Dash action before the attacker rolls, potentially
avoiding the attack altogether.
Damage Immunities acid

Xenomorph Drone Pack Tactics: A xeno drone has advantage on an attack

roll against a creature if at least one of his allies is
Stage IV: Evolved Hunter within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't
Medium monstrosity (xenomorph), unaligned incapacitated.
Keen Hearing and Smell: A xeno drone has advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) smell.
Hit Points 79 (9d8 + 36)
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., swim 40 ft. Echolocation. The xeno drone can’t use its blindsight
while deafened.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Stealthy. The xeno drone has advantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks.
18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 7 (-2) 16 (+3) 7 (-2)
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +7 Multiattack: The xeno drone makes two attacks: one
Damage Immunities acid, poison with its claws and one with its tail.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, cold, slashing
Condition Immunities poison Claws (Hybrid Form Only): Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to
Skills Perception +7, Stealth +10, Intimidation +2 hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) slashing
Senses blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this radius), damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 14).
passive Perception 17 While the target is grappled, the xenomorph can use its
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) bonus action to attack the target with its bite.
Bite (Hybrid Form Only): Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to
Acidic Blood. A creature that deals bludgeoning,
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d12 + 4) piercing
piercing, or slashing damage to the xeno while damage.
standing within 5 feet of it must make a DC 15
Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) acid damage Tail Sweep. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10
on a failed saving throw, or half as much acid damage ft., one target. Hit: 14 (3d6 + 4) slashing damage.
on a successful one. Medium or smaller creautres under 250 pounds that
take damage from this attack are knocked prone.

There were 20 interns working the station before the

When these nasty aliens start spreading on your planet "its xenomorphs attacked. They'll be found with holes burst from
Game Over, man." Its up to the DM how many xenomorphs their chests or torn apart across the area.
occupy the station and where they've made nests and laid Its a possibility there may be some survivors on the
eggs. Give the Stardock a quick aethetic makeover to appear crashed delivery ship on the side of the asteroid. No one has
as an old military observation post turned pirate radio been able to get to the ship to check. If a survivor is found, its
station: band posters, loads of vinyl, DJ booths and mixers, likely a Warforged or another non-organic being that the
stacks of MREs, a rec room with a foosball table and soda xenomorphs wouldn't be interested in eating.

The Wizard of Bops 5th Level (2 slots): Shutdown, Medinanite Swarm,
Holographic Duplicate, Modify Memory
Medium human, True Neutral
6th Level (1 slots): Programmed Hologram
Armor Class 18 (Pixelcaster's Armor)
Hit Points 49 (15d8) 7th Level (1 slots): Regenerative Nanotech
Speed 30 ft., fly 20ft (can Hover with Gravpack) 8th Level (1 slots): Virtual Maze

Concealed Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
10 (0) 14 (+2) 10 (0) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) range 50/150ft, one target. Hit: 9 (2d6+2) piercing
Saving Throws Int +10 Wis +7, Cha +10
Skills Performance +10, Perception +7, Technoarcana Pink Sunblade. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach
+10, Sleight of Hand +7, Pesuasion +10, TinkerTools 5ft or range 20/60ft, one target. Hit: 9 (1d8+4) radiant
Senses passive Perception 17 damage or 10 (1d10+4) if used in two hands. This
Languages Common, Grommish, Elvish, Draconic weapon deals an extra 1d8 radiant damage to undead
Challenge 7 (2900 XP) creatures. If thrown, the sword returns to the Wizard's
hand at the end of the attack.
Spellcasting. The Wizard of Bops is a 15th-level
spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell Bonus Actions
save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). He regains Deploy/Retract Sunblade. As a bonus action, cause a
his expended spell slots when he finishes a rest. He has blade of pure pink Radiance to spring into existence
the following wizard spells prepared: from the hilt, or make the blade disappear. The sword's
luminous blade emits bright light in a 15-foot radius
Cantrips (at will): repair, instant message, minor
and dim light for an additional 15 feet. The light is
hologram, on/off, Booming Blade, Friends sunlight. While the blade persists, the Wizard can use
1st Level (4 slots): Boost Signal, Remote Access, an action to expand or reduce its radius of bright and
Pixelcaster's Armor, Pixelated Bolt, Translation dim light by 5 feet each, to a maximum of 30 feet each
Program, Throttle Data, Hacker's Rebuke, Charm or a minimum of 10 feet each.
Sunblade Deflect. While the sunsword is in hand, add 2
2nd Level (3 slots): White Noise, Screenthrall, Screen to AC against ranged weapon and spell attacks.
Trick, Arcane Hacking
Enthralling Performance. Perform for one minute,
3rd Level (3 slots): Major Hologram, Haywire, Hypnotic forcing up to 5 creatures to take a DC18 Wisdom
Screen, Holographic Smite, Counterhack saving throw or be charmed by the Wizard. This effect
4th Level (3 slots): Wirewalk, System Backdoor, ends on a target after 1 hour, if it takes any damage, if
Synchronicity, 3D Fabrication the Wizard attacks it, or if it witnesses the Wizard
attacking or damaging any of its allies.

The Wizard of Bops' Custom Voidsuit Upgrade: Deep Space Transmitter

Wondrous Adventuring Gear, Unique Adventuring Gear - Tech Upgrade
This sleek, midnight blue voidsuit has a flashy pink helmet This upgrade allows the device's broadcasts to travel great
and boots. It grants AC 14 + Dex and makes its own air, distances and over long periods of time, crossing galactic and
allowing the wearer to breathe and operate in zero gravity planar boundaries. Double effective casting ranges for spells.
space and other dangerous environments. Properties:
Life Support. Advantage on CON saving throws.
Upgrade: Voidsuit Grav-pack
Resistance to Bludgeoning, Fire, Cold, Radiant, Necrotic and
Adventuring Gear - Voidsuit Upgrade
Poison damage.
This upgrade grants a 20ft flying speed. You can hover.
Bulky. Disadvantage on DEX (Stealth) checks
HUD. As a bonus action, toggle on/off to display personal
medical (HP, conditions, and basic environmental info and Flamethrower
atmo readings). The Wizard's HUD doubles as a casting focus. Special Ranged Weapon, 11 lbs, two-handed.
Upgrade: Gravpack. Gain Flight speed 20ft; can hover. Range: 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a
Upgrade: Universal Translator. All creatures within 30ft that DC15 Dex saving throw, taking (7d6) fire damage on a failed
can understand one language can understand and converse save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Reload
with each other. every 10 Gouts; powered by Energy Cells.

Maxx & Meesch Twin Tactics: The twins have advantage on an attack roll
against a creature if their sibling is within 5 ft. of the
McMurphy creature and isn't incapacitated. While within 5ft of
each other and one is attacked, the other may use its
The Surviving Interns reaction to impose disadvantage on an enemy attack
Medium ooze (plasmoid), true neutral roll.
Hold Breath. The Plasmoid can hold its breath for 1
Armor Class 13 (15 with Makeshift Shield) hour.
Hit Points 44 (4d8 + 12) Shape Self. If not incapacitated, the plasmoid can
Speed 30ft, 30ft climb, 30ft swim reshape its body to give itself a head, one or two arms,
one or two legs, and makeshift hands and feet, or can
revert to a limbless blob (no action required). As a
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA bonus action, it can extrude a pseudopod that is up to
10 (0) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 10 (0) 16 (+3) 10 (0) 6 inches wide and 10 feet long or reabsorb it into its
body. It can use this pseudopod to manipulate an
Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +5, Wis +5 object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or
Damage Resistances acid, poison retrieve an item from an open container, or pour out
Condition Immunities blinded, deafened, restrained, the contents of a container.
grappled, prone
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +5, Acrobatics +5, Actions
Performance +4, Survival +5 Spear: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft or
Senses darkvision 60ft, passive Perception 15 range 20/60ft, one target. Hit: 9 (1d6 + 3) piercing
Challenge 1 (200 XP) damage (or 1d8+3 in two hands).

Amorphous. The Plasmoid can move through a space Laser Rifle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, Range
as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. 100/300, one target. Hit: 17 (3d8+3) radiant damage.
Reload 50. Red dot upgrade (+2 to hit, included).
Stealthy. The intern has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 15
checks. ft, one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage
and the target is grappled.

In the three days since the Xenos have taken over the station,
Max & Meesch squeezed their way through vents into the Aftermath
armory and equipped themselves with a pair of laser rifles, If the station is cleared of the xenomorph threat, The Wizard
shields, spears and a flamethrower. They've killed three of Bops and the Plasmoid twins will leave an open invitation
drones and a handful of lesser xenomorphs so far. Each of hospitality to the adventuring party who aided them- free
weapon is down to its last power cell, and when those run dry parking for your Spelljamming vessel and rooms whenever
the Laser Rifles and Flamethrower are useless paperweights. you need them. The Deep Space Radio Six station will need
The twins have been trying to get the radio tower working new interns and has to report the loss of the cargo jammer
while avoiding xenomorphs, but between the extent of crew to its company, Crystal Sphere Express Ltd. The Wizard
damages and veracity of the hunting xenomorph drones, they will give the players a Deep Space Transmitter upgrade so
haven't been able to fix anything. They're beyond nervous and they can stay in touch and listen to DSR6 wherever they go
determined to make it off the Station together alive. across the multiverse.
The DM could play it two ways: If the players are unable to clear the bugs from the station
if the Twins are caught by the xenos, the next generation and flee, the monsters will go into hibernation and await the
will be Ooze type creatures with the Amorphous ability, return of fresh prey to the derelict station-asteroid. All that
making them even more terrifying. will play on the stations tunings is dead air. The Crystal
Sphere Express spelljamming cargo ship will lie ripe for
or plunder with 4 months of supplies and crates of new vinyl
The Plasmoids are inedible, and have only been chased records in its hold.
while in humanoid shapes carrying rifles. They are too
scared to have picked up on that fact yet.


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