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and Malpractice

Copyright © Aberdeen Skills & Enterprise Training Ltd – All Rights Reserved
ASET-MM 2022/01draft
Contents Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial

Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial

Definition .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Examples of candidate malpractice ...................................................................................................... 4
Examples of centre malpractice/maladministration ............................................................................ 4
Reporting of malpractice/maladministration ......................................................................................... 4
Investigating possible malpractice ......................................................................................................... 5
Communicating the outcome of the investigation ............................................................................... 5
Available measures for proven malpractice ......................................................................................... 6
Appeals against malpractice decisions ................................................................................................. 6
Recording malpractice............................................................................................................................. 6
Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Definition .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Examples of candidate malpractice ...................................................................................................... 4
Examples of centre malpractice............................................................................................................. 4
Reporting of malpractice/maladministration ......................................................................................... 4
Investigating possible malpractice ......................................................................................................... 5
Communicating the outcome of the investigation ............................................................................... 5
Available measures for proven malpractice ......................................................................................... 5
Appeals against malpractice decisions ................................................................................................. 5
Recording malpractice............................................................................................................................. 5
Purpose ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Definition ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Examples of candidate malpractice ................................................................................................... 3
Examples of centre malpractice ........................................................................................................ 4
Reporting of malpractice .................................................................................................................. 4
Investigating possible malpractice ..................................................................................................... 4
Communicating the outcome of the investigation .............................................................................. 4
Available measures for proven malpractice........................................................................................ 5
Appeals against malpractice decisions ............................................................................................... 5
Recording malpractice ...................................................................................................................... 5
Commented [SS1]: Refers only to malpractice. Is
maladministration also covered?
Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial

Copyright © Aberdeen Skills & Enterprise Training Ltd – All Rights Reserved
ASET-MM 2022/01draft
Purpose Formatted: Justified, Right: -0.19 cm

At ASET International Energy Training Academy we are committed to providing high Formatted: Right: -0.19 cm
quality training and assessment and to ensuring that equality of opportunity underpins
all aspects of our work.

This policy relates to maladministration and malpractice and covers all of our staff and Formatted: Indent: Left: 0 cm, Right: -0.19 cm
delegates. is aimed at our customers, including learners, who are involved in suspected
or actual malpractice/maladministration. It is also for use by our staff to ensure they deal
with all malpractice and maladministration investigations in a consistent manner.

It sets out the steps our centre and learners must follow when reporting suspected or
actual cases of malpractice or maladministration and our responsibilities in dealing with
such cases. It also set out our formal procedure for dealing with such incidents.
Formatted: Justified, Right: -0.19 cm
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Commented [SS2]: This definition covers malpractice only.
Definitiion of maladministration included in previous version
Maladministration generally covers mistakes or poor process where there has been no has been removed?
intention on the part of the person responsible to do any harm. It may involve some Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt
degree of incompetence or ineptitude, or may simply be as a result of carelessness or
Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, Italic
inexperience such as:
Formatted: Right: -0.19 cm
• avoidable delay Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, Italic
• mistakes arising from inattention Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, Italic
• faulty procedures
Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, Italic
• failure to follow correct procedures
• poor record keeping Formatted: Right: -0.19 cm, Bulleted + Level: 1 +
Aligned at: 0.63 cm + Indent at: 1.27 cm
• inadvertent failure to take action
• poor communication
• inadvertently giving misleading or inadequate information
Formatted: Right: -0.19 cm
Malpractice means any act, default or practice (whether deliberate or resulting from
neglect or default)that gives an unfair advantage or disadvantage and which is a breach
of awarding body requirements including any act, default or practice which:

• ♦ compromises, attempts to compromise or may compromise the process of Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt, Italic
assessment, the integrity of any qualification, the validity of a result or certificate; Formatted: List Paragraph, Right: -0.19 cm, Bulleted +
and/ or Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.63 cm + Indent at: 1.27 cm
• ♦ damages the authority, reputation or credibility of ASET or an awarding body. Formatted: Right: -0.19 cm
Formatted: List Paragraph, Right: -0.19 cm, Bulleted +
Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.63 cm + Indent at: 1.27 cm
Malpractice can arise for a variety of reasons:
♦ Some incidents are intentional and aim to give an unfair advantage or Formatted: Right: -0.19 cm
disadvantage in an examination or assessment (deliberate non-compliance). Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt, Italic
♦ Some incidents arise due to ignorance of awarding body requirements, carelessness Formatted: List Paragraph, Right: -0.19 cm, Bulleted +
or neglect in applying the requirements (maladministration). Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.63 cm + Indent at: 1.27 cm
Formatted: Right: -0.19 cm
Copyright © Aberdeen Skills & Enterprise Training Ltd – All Rights Reserved
ASET-MM 2022/01draft
Malpractice can include both deliberate non-compliance with awarding body Commented [SS3]: Previous version incuded the
requirements and maladministration in the assessment and delivery of qualifications. It following, consider whether this should be added back in:
is necessary to investigate any suspected instances of malpractice, whether they are
Malpractice could involve centre staff, learners, external
intentional or not, to protect the integrity of the qualification and to identify any wider verifiers and awarding organisation staff or contractors.
lessons to be learned.
For the purpose of this policy the terms maladministration
and malpractice also covers misconduct and forms of
The categories listed below are examples of candidate and centre malpractice. Please unnecessary discrimination or bias towards certain groups of
note that these examples are not exhaustive and are only intended as guidance on our learners.
definition of malpractice.
Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
Formatted: Body Text

Examples of candidate malpractice Commented [SS4]: This is more what should happen if
malpractice is reported rather than definition of malpractice.
Consider moving to the Investigation of Malpractice section.
• breaching the security of assessment materials in a way which threatens the
Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
integrity of any exam or assessment — including the early and unauthorised
removal of a question paper or answer booklet from the examination room Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
• breaching the defined conditions of an assessment (ege.g. completing work Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
outside of Formatted: Justified, Right: -0.19 cm
• controlled conditions)
Formatted: Right: -0.19 cm
• collusion — working collaboratively with other candidates beyond what is
permitted Formatted: Font: Not Italic

• copying from another candidate Formatted: Indent: Left: 0 cm, Hanging: 1 cm, Right:
• misconduct — inappropriate behaviourbehavior in an assessment room that is -0.19 cm
disruptive and/or Formatted: Font: Not Italic
• disrespectful to others. This includes talking, shouting and/or aggressive Commented [SS5]: Should be under same bullet
behaviourbehavior or
Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt
• language in the examination room.
Formatted: Font: Not Italic
• impersonation — assuming the identity of another candidate, or a candidate
having someone assume their identity during an assessment Formatted: Font: Not Italic
Formatted: Font: Not Italic
Examples of centre malpractice/maladministration Formatted: Font: Not Italic
Commented [SS6]: Should be under same bullet
• managers or others exerting undue pressure on staff to pass candidates who have
not met the requirements for an award Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt
• deliberate falsification of records in order to claim certificates Formatted: Font: Not Italic
• excessive direction from assessors to candidates on how to meet national Commented [SS7]: Change font from italics to normal
• failure to assess internally assessed unit or course assessment work fairly,
consistently and in line with national standards Commented [SS8]: Should this be “impersonation”?
• failure to recognise and apply appropriate measures to manage potential conflict Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt
of interest in assessment or quality assurance
Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt
• failure to apply appropriate processes to ensure fairness in the provision of
assessment arrangements Formatted: Right: -0.19 cm
• failure to comply with requirements for safe retention of candidate evidence, and Formatted: Indent: Left: 0 cm, Hanging: 1 cm, Right:
safe and accurate maintenance of assessment and internal verification records -0.19 cm
Formatted: Right: -0.19 cm
Reporting of malpractice/maladministration

ASET International Energy Training Academy will treat all allegations of Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Copyright © Aberdeen Skills & Enterprise Training Ltd – All Rights Reserved
ASET-MM 2022/01draft
Maladministration and Malpractice as a serious incident and will launch a full
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
As a member of staff or a sub-contractor should you wish to report an incident of
malpractice by another member of staff or a delegate please contact your line manager
in writing by email.

As a delegate should you wish to report an incident of malpractice or maladministration

by a member of staff or another delegate please report this in accordance with ASET’s Commented [SS9]: I would suggest that we ask delegates
complaints procedure i.e. in writing by either e-mail or letter to to report this in accordance with ASET’s complaints
procedure ie in writing by either e-mail or letter to FAO Customer Service & Marketing FAO Customer Service &
XXXXXXXXXXX by email. Marketing Manager.
Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt
Commented [SS10]: Previous version included the below:
We recognise that, sometimes, a person making an allegation of malpractice or I think we need to retain this or include it in some format
maladministration may wish to remain anonymous. All though we cannot guarantee this,
where asked to do so, we will endeavor to protect the person’s identity as far as is ASET International Oil and Gas Training will treat all
reasonably possible in accordance with our duty of confidentiality and/or other legal allegations of Maladministration and Malpractice as a
serious incident and will launch a full investigation.
All awarding bodies that we are registered with will be
informed of the allegations and the outcome of our
Investigating possible malpractice investigation. We will comply with any external
investigations that are required by the examining
organisations or any regulatory authorities. (Although I note
In order to protect the integrity of the qualification it is necessary to investigate any this is included under Available Measures below)
suspected instances of malpractice, whether they are intentional or not and to identify
any wider lessons to be learned. In the event of serious Maladministration or Malpractice,
such as fraudulent activity, theft, dishonesty, corruption and
abuse, the issue will be referred to the police for a full
ASET International Energy Training will treat all allegations of Maladministration and criminal investigation. (Although I note this is included under
Malpractice as a serious incident and will launch a full investigation. It is necessary to Available Measures below)
investigate any suspected instances of malpractice, whether they are intentional or not,
to protect the integrity of the qualification and to identify any wider lessons to be ASET International Oil and Gas Training will make every
learned. effort to ensure that all of our staff, including management,
administrators, trainers, assessors and internal verifiers and
Delegate/s involved must not be resulted for the assessments in question until the all learners follow all the requirements of our training centre
and the awarding bodies.
investigation is completed, the outcome decided, and any appeal concluded.
Commented [SY11R10]:
Investigation of possible malpractice will be undertaken by a member of the Senior
Management Team.relevant persons. Commented [SY12R10]:
Investigations will be fair, robust and in proportion to the nature of the concern. Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt
Investigations will follow a review of assessment evidence, records and interviewing of Formatted: Font: Not Italic
related parties.
Commented [SS13]: This is more what should happen if
malpractice is reported rather than definition of malpractice.
Consider moving to the Investigation of Malpractice section.
Commented [SS14]: This may not be appropriate in all
Communicating the outcome of the investigation circumstances. I would suggest that we keep it general that
investigations will be carried out (see above narrative from
The outcome of the investigation will be communicated to the candidate or member of previous version)
staff under investigation in writing. Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
The awarding body applicable to the claim will be informed of the allegations and the
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Copyright © Aberdeen Skills & Enterprise Training Ltd – All Rights Reserved
ASET-MM 2022/01draft
outcome of our investigation. We will comply with any external investigations that are
required by the examining organisations or any regulatory authorities.

Available measures for proven malpractice

Potential actions will vary in level of severity depending on the circumstances and Formatted: Font: 12 pt
seriousness of the malpractice. Each case will be assessed on its own merits and
applicable procedures will be enforced.

In the event of serious Maladministration or Malpractice, such as fraudulent activity,

theft, dishonesty, corruption or abuse, the issue will be referred to the police for a full
criminal investigation.
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Appeals against malpractice decisions

Delegates and staff have the right to appeal any malpractice decision made Formatted: Font: 12 pt
against them. All appeals by delegates should follow the ASET appeals Commented [SS15]: Does our Appeals Procedure actually
by either e-mail or letter to FAO Customer Service & cover allegations of malpractice or maladministration or is it
Marketing Manager. Appeals by staff should be made by email to their line manager. just appeals against results?
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt
Recording malpractice
Formatted: Font: 12 pt

Where an investigation of suspected malpractice is carried out, we will retain related Commented [SS16]: I’m not sure about having this section
in the procedure or if we do include it whether it would be
records and documentation for three years. Records will include any work of the safer to have a general statement that records will be
candidate, and assessment or verification records relevant to the investigation. maintained in accordance with awarding body/HR and
In an investigation involving a potential criminal prosecution or civil claim, records and employment/legal requirements (see my comments below)
documentation will be retained for six years after the case and any appeal has been Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt
heard. If there is any doubt about whether criminal or civil proceedings will take place, Formatted: Font: 12 pt
we will keep records for the full six year per affected awarding body
guidelines. Commented [SS17]: Would this not vary depending on
the awarding body’s retention policy. If it’s an allegation of
staff malpractice/maladministration I’m not sure on how
long we can legitimately keep records relating to employees
– this would fall under the HR/disciplinary procedure/policy.
Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Commented [SS18]: Is this the legal requirement?
Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt

Copyright © Aberdeen Skills & Enterprise Training Ltd – All Rights Reserved
ASET-MM 2022/01draft

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