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My name is: Anahi Pachacama

My topic : Coast region

The Coast or Litoral region extends from the coastal profile to about 1000 m
elevation in the western foothills of the Andes. It has an extension of ~670 km long
and ~150 km wide, from the Mataje River in the north to the Zarumilla River in the


The Ecuadorian coast is characterized by having beautiful beaches that attract

national tourists as well as tourists from other countries. Almost all provinces have
pleasant spas and places for adventure tourism. In this coastal area there are
protected areas as they have great biodiversity, which helps maintain the species
and the beautiful landscapes of this region.
It is an area that develops agriculture and this in turn is important for the economy
of the provinces. It generates jobs and covers the demand for local products. The
coastal provinces are important for the country, since through the ports located there
it is possible to carry out imports and exports by sea, to and from the country. Another
important aspect of the area is the development of fishing, both artisanal and
industrial, which also allows for great variety in the local cuisine.

Ecuador, as in many parts of the world, there are different ways of expressing
oneself, according to the region where the individual lives. It is possible that one
word has the same meaning as another, and that it is only used in a certain locality.
This is how the dialect arises, which is nothing more than the consequence of daily
living where social, economic and cultural factors take center stage and give new
elements to the language.
Many of the words in the Spanish language of Ecuador have great influences from
indigenous words, as is the case of the Quichua language, for which terms from it
are currently pronounced. In Guayaquil you can hear a very particular dialect, due
to the great influence of the dialect of immigrants and indigenous people, since this
city has the largest population in all of Ecuador. Its demographic growth has
accommodated many people from different places, who little by little have generated
a unique dialect of this region.
In other towns on the Ecuadorian coast they have more accentuated dialects, as in
the case of the Montubio subdialect, which can be seen in the rural towns of Guayas
and Manabí. In their pronunciation they give emphasis to the word at the beginning,
that is, in its first syllable. Also present in the coastal area is the dialect of the
inhabitants of African descent, called Afro-Ecuadorians, who are recognizable by
their speaking with a certain intonation, somewhat similar to that of the inhabitants
of the Colombian coast.


In the coastal region of Ecuador, traditions have to do with aspects of daily life,
such as the work learned and the skills acquired, as well as the religion practiced


The Ecuadorian coast has more than 600 kilometers of beaches, it also has plains,
mountains, mighty rivers, any number of attractions for tourism. The areas most
requested by tourists are the beaches that have very good weather in all months,
and where you can enjoy water activities such as surfing, diving, fishing and others.
In this coastal region there is great biodiversity, it is possible to observe whales in
some months of the year, and mangroves are abundant. The beaches, in addition to
being beautiful, are warm and have an excellent climate, which is why they are widely
visited by people from all over the world. This area has a great hotel development,
which provides comfort to visitors, who are cared for with care. Another important
aspect in tourism on the Ecuadorian coast is gastronomy, which is an element that
goes hand in hand with the tourism industry.
The food is very varied, they have fresh ingredients from the region that make this a
delicious tasting, particularly those dishes made with seafood, such as seafood,
which have an excellent reputation for being among the best. In these places on the
coast, you can rest, relax, have fun and learn. For this, there are different guided
tour routes in the cities and also adventure tourism to the mountains, rivers and other
The important thing about visiting the Ecuadorian coasts is knowing how to
appreciate each aspect as a whole, that is, the climate, accommodation, food,
activities, landscapes, adventure, rest and the hospitality of its locals. In this way,
tourism will bear fruit for both the visitor and the coastal host.


Traditional clothing on the Ecuadorian coast is very cheerful, and by this we mean
very colorful and festive. They generally have similar shapes and colors in the
different provinces that make up this region. They use cotton fabrics and other soft
fabrics that suit the warm climate. They are colorful with prints in the shape of mid-
calf dresses. As for men, they use white in their clothes, because of the freshness it
represents. The woman of the coast usually uses many ornaments, such as
necklaces, earrings, scarves, combs, headbands, flowers and anything that looks
very feminine.
As for the Tsáchilas indigenous people, they use a naked torso and a woven loincloth
surrounding the waist, some ribbons on their heads and they let them fall forward.
They use paint on their faces and their hair is dyed red with annatto. The Montubio
people dress differently, the women wear long flowered dresses with sleeves.
Men wear colorful pants and shirts, long sleeves and a scarf tied around their neck.
Both men and women wear a woven hat. In Guayaquil, men frequently wear unicolor
guayaberas, some with short sleeves and others with long ones. They are used for
everyday city activities.

The culture of the coastal towns of Ecuador comes from the indigenous culture and
is influenced by other peoples, such as the Spanish and the African. Among the most
predominant cultures in the region are:
Chorrera Culture, which is very old between 1200 and 500 BC. C. and had its
settlement in what is today the province of Los Ríos. The Valdivia culture, its origin
was between 3500 and 100 BC. It had its origin in several locations in the region,
such as: In Santa Elena, in Guayas, near the El Oro River and Manabí. There were
also other cultures that left their legacy in the populations of the Ecuadorian coast,
such as: the Guangala culture, Manteña and the Huancavilca culture.


Music on the Ecuadorian coast is mainly represented by three genres, which are:
Amorfino, marimba and lullaby.
As we explained before, amorphinos are rhyming couplets that express in their
compositions the feelings, teachings, morals, and any situation of the events of
Ecuadorians. He exhibits it with the accompaniment of musicians and it is a tradition
that takes place during patron saint and religious festivals, ceremonies and other
events. The marimba is played during the festivals in Las Esmeraldas, it is
accompanied by a very colorful and happy dance called the currulao. The lullaby, on
the other hand, is a song without instruments, which is intended to accompany
religious acts.


On the Ecuadorian coast there is an influence of currents in the ocean, the cold
Humboldt current and the El Niño current, which in contrast is warm, which is why
there is naturally a biodiversity not found anywhere else in the world. This diversity
is also fed by the mouth of rivers that make the place mangroves, estuaries, sandy
beaches, swamps, and all types of environments that give life to many species.
Specialists indicate that this region has more than 6,000 species of plants and more
than 1,000 are native. There are more than 700 types of birds and around 150 are
birds of the region.
In the savanna there are dry soils and its vegetation is isolated with few trees, low
plants and very sunny areas. This area is quite different from the northern and
southern parts of the region, since it is rather humid in these areas. In them it is
common to see tropical jungle, many tall trees, quantities of plants that cover the
ground such as ferns and moss.
In other locations, closer to the coast, you can see dry tropical soils, where there are
large plantations of coconut and carob trees. It is also possible to see other species
such as cacti and palo santo.
It is possible to see countless species of birds on the coasts, seagulls, pelicans,
herons, petrels, swallows, and many others. There is a large amount of marine
fauna, reptiles, mammals, which make this region one of the most biodiverse in the


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