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Parallelism- Correct the sentences. Read the clues.

The sentences all contain mistakes in Parallelism. Rewrite them accurately.

1. As an athlete, Raul is well known for his agility, speed and he can play any position. Clue: agility is
a noun, speed is a noun. Complete the list of nouns by replacing: he can play any position with a
noun. points: 1

2. Raoul's motivation to succeed in this program seems to be greater than his team mate. Clue: As it
is this sentence is comparing Raoul's motivation with a person. It should be comparing levels of
motivation. The example we used in class: The weather in Managua is the same as the weather in
San Jose. OR The weather in Managua is the same as that in San Jose. points: 1
Raoul’s motivation to succeed in this program seems to be greater than his team mate’s motivation.

3. The three greatest rugby teams are the Springboks, the All Blacks and Wallabies. Clue: All three
teams must be preceded by an article. points: 1
The three greatest rugby teams are the Springbooks, the All Blacks and the Wallabies?

4. Either they begin to practice now or they risk losing the game. Clue: This sentence contains an
Infinitive and a gerund. It should contain two gerunds. points: 1
Either they begin practicing now or they risk losing the game.

5. The team has a position vacant for a new coach but not a manager. Clue: This sentence needs the
same preposition and an adjective after the word FOR, to make the list balanced. points: 1
The team has a position vacant for a new coach but not for a manager.

6. The team lives, trains and goes shopping together. Clue: There should be three third person verbs
in this sentence. Goes should not be in this sentence. points: 1
The team lives, trains, and shops together.

7. A good player is dedicated, fit and health. Clue: There should be three adjectives in this sentence.
points: 1
A good player is dedicated, fit, and healthy.

8. The players prepared for their theoretical at home, they spent extra hours with their tutors, they
did the necessary research in the sports library, and asked questions in their coaching sessions. Clue:
It is not necessary to repeat the pronoun because it is obvious who the subjects of the sentence are.
points: 1

The players prepared for their theoretical at home, spent extra hours with their tutors, did the necessary
research in the sports library, and asked questions in coaching sessions.

9. Rugby players always want to be bigger, faster and more leaner than the opposition. Clue:
Comparatives that end in ER are NEVER preceded by more. Do you say: more nicer? More bigger? - If
you do, please don't tell me. I'd have to hurt you. points: 1
Rugby players always want to be bigger, faster, and leaner than the opposition.

10. It is clear that they have a advantage over the other team. Clue: Which singular article precedes
vowels? points: 10

It is clear that they have an advantage over the other team.

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