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Review of Structural Mechanics I

1. Three-dimensional state of stress-Sign convention

τxx τxy τxz σx τxy τxz

τij = τyx τyy τyz = τxy σy τyz
τxz τyz τzz τxz τyz σz
● The first subscript indicates the direction of the normal to the face while the second subscript indicates
the direction of the stress component.
● Outward normal stress is tensile (+ve). Inward is compressive (-ve).
● Note that τxy = τyx , τxz = τzz and τyz = τzy . Why?
● If all non - zero stresses are parallel to one plane, we get 2 - D state of stress:

2. Basic stress formulas

2 ReviewOfStructuralMechanics-I.nb

● Normal stress caused by normal (axial) force

● Normal stress caused by bending about z (or y)

● Normal stress caused by internal pressure (pressure vessels)

σa = , σh =
pr pr
in cylindrical vessels
2t t

σa = σh =
in spherical vessels

● Shear stress caused by shear force along z (or y)

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● Shear stress caused by torsion (twisting moment) about x

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3. Combined stresses in straight Beams

Example 1 : Compute the normal and shear stress at point C. Show the state of
stress on an infinitesimal volume element at C.
Assume that the rod has a solid rectangular cross - section as shown.

Step 1: Calculate reactions (from equilibrium)

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Step 2: Calculate internal forces at C (normal force , shear force and bending
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Step 3: Calculate normal stress due to normal force

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Step 4: Calculate normal stress due to bending moment

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Step 5: Calculate shear stress due to shear force

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Step 6: Add up the normal stresses

Example 2: Compute the normal and shear stress at point A. Show the state of
stress on an infinitesimal volume element at A.
Assume that the rod has a solid circular cross-section with a diameter of 3 inches.
10 ReviewOfStructuralMechanics-I.nb

1 - Calculate the internal forces and moments at A
P = 500

Vy = 0

Vz = - 800
- 800

Mx = 800 × 14
11 200

My = 800 × 10

Mz = 500 × 14

2- Calculate cross - section properties (A, Iy, Iz and J):

r = 0.75;
A = π r2 ;
π r4
Iy = Iz = ; J = 2 * Iy;
3- Calculate the normal stress at point A:

σx = + -
P My z Mz y
A Iy Iz
282.942 - 28 168.5 y + 32 192.5 z

σxA = σx /. {y  - 0.75, z  0.}

21 409.3
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4 - Calculate the shear stress caused by the shear force

τxz =
Vz Qy
Iy t

3219.25 Qy

π r2
τxzA1 = τxz /. t  2 r, Qy  
2 3π
- 603.61
12 ReviewOfStructuralMechanics-I.nb

5 - Calculate the shear stress caused by torsion

τxzA2 = -
Mx r

- 16 901.1

6 - The final combined stresses are:

21 409.3

τxzA = τxzA1 + τxzA2

- 17 504.7

4. Limitations of the above basic formulas of structural

The above stress formulas assume the following:
The axial load is applied along the centroidal axis of the beam
The bending moments are about the principal axes of the beam
The shear forces are applied through the shear center of the beam
The material is isotropic and homogeneous.
The material obeys Hooke' s law (it is linearly elastic and will not deform plastically)
The beam is initially straight with a cross section that is constant throughout the beam length (prismatic).

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The torsion formula needs to be modified for non - circular sections

The bending formula is based on pure bending but can be used for problems involving transverse loads
with reasonable accuracy.

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