American Christians

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American Christians: Is the Eviction Notice in the Mail?


Carl Sterling Parnell, Ed.D.

Recently, it was reported that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama

proclaimed that America was not a Christian nation. He stated that Christianity was just
one of many religions that were prevalent in America today. Of course, Senator Obama’s
proclamation was just one of many subtle and subversive attacks against Christianity that
have surfaced in America recently. Secularists of all ideological beliefs are attempting to
evict the God of Christianity out of America. Basically, they want America to become a
godless nation, a nation without absolute moral truths and godly standards to follow.

Secularists are those who denounce the influence of religion in any sector of America’s
culture. Their main agenda is to force the God of America’s Christians to stay within the
confines of their church walls. If they can achieve this objective, the witness of Christians
would become null and void. Also, the absolute truths contained in the Bible would
become archaic. Therefore, Christianity would ultimately lose its influence in America.
Then, the anti-God and the anti-American forces in America would finally be victorious.

How do the secularists plan to achieve their objective to renounce Christianity in

America? First, they must elicit the help of the judiciary system to declare the Bible a
hate book. Of course, most Christian Americans would never accept that this theory
could become an actuality, even though parts of Canada already ban the Bible outside the
doors of the church. However, with the emergence of a large number of people that claim
that the Bible preaches intolerance toward homosexuals, which was the group that
promoted it in Canada, there is a distinct possibility that a politically correct court in the
United States might just agree with the secularists’ position. Therefore, Christians must
quit living a lifestyle that is clueless to the agendas of anti-Christian forces that exist in
the real world today.

Second, secularists must elicit the help of Congress to pass legislation that would prevent
any so-called intolerant preaching from the pulpits in America’s churches. If the proper
"hate crime" or "hate speech" legislation is passed, preachers would be silenced from
preaching the truths of God’s Holy Word. Penalties for such crimes would be prison time
for the preacher and the removal of the individual church’s tax-exempt status. These
penalties could possibly close the doors of many churches in the United States and deny
preachers throughout America their freedom of speech and their freedom of religion.
Therefore, Christian Americans should never underestimate what some members of the
Congress of the United States might do to meet the demands of gift-bearing lobbyists.

Third, secularists must elicit the help of a United States President who would support
their agenda. In general, it would have to be a President who was extremely liberal in
many of his beliefs. It would have to be a President who would be willing to sign
legislation into law that would deny members of the largest faith in America their God-
given rights. It would have to be a President who was a member of the political party
that controlled both houses of Congress. Ultimately, it would have to be a President who
believed that America was not a Christian nation.

Fourth, secularists must elicit the help of individual churches, church denominations, or
pastors who would support a liberal and distorted view of Christianity. They would need
the support of pastors who preach a social gospel rather than a spiritual gospel. They
would need the support of pastors who preach the acceptance of sins that God condemned
in the Bible. They would need the support of pastors who do not believe that the Bible is
the infallible Word of God. They would need the support of pastors who use their pulpits
for irreverent purposes. They would need the help of pastors who worship the creation
above the Creator. Ultimately, secularists would need the support of pastors who have a
form of godliness, but who deny God’s omnipotent power.

Fifth, secularists must elicit the help of non-Christian religions in America. As the
number of non-Christian Americans increases from year to year, it would be easy to
mount a subtle attack against Christians in America. Since most Americans claim to be
Christians, no one would believe that a non-Christian religion would arrive on the scene
and become the dominant religion in the United States. But, the latest predictions state
that Islam is making great strides in the United States. Therefore, if Islam and other non-
Christian religions unite in a concerted effort, they could possibly cause problems for
America’s Christian population. They could use their voting power to replace Christian
legislators with non-Christian legislators who could vote for bills that would have a
negative influence on Christendom in America. Of course, if this were to happen,
secularists would be elated to see Christians on the defense and, at the same time, be
evicted from their dominance in America’s religious sector.

It appears that many years ago secularists set a well-planned trap to dethrone Christians
from their religious dominance in the United States. At present, most of the resources
that they would need to achieve their agenda already exist. They have the support of
many activist judges, liberal congressmen, social gospel pastors, and non-Christian
Americans. However, there is one final resource that secularists would need in order to
complete their diabolical plan. They would need the support of the President of the
United States. Once the President of the United States joins the secularists’ team,
Christians in America might finally realize that they have been duped by those that they
trusted. Therefore, will the winner of the 2008 Presidential Election in November be the
final piece of the puzzle needed by American secularists to evict Christianity from its
religious dominance in the United States? This is the main reason why there should be a
large turnout of Christians that go to the polls in the upcoming Presidential Election.
They should vote for the presidential candidate who best represents the interests of the
Christian community and who will not sell Christendom out for a bowl of porridge.

Dr. Parnell is a retired public school educator and presently teaches social science courses
at a private, Christian high school in Georgia. He is the author of From Schoolhouse to
Courthouse: Exposing America’s New Terror from Within (Wheatmark Publishing,
ISBN: 1-58736-613-4). He is also a guest columnist on several online websites.

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