Daniels 70 Weeks

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Daniels 70 weeks is one of the most amazing prophecies in the entire
bible. We are going to reveal the mystery that lies behind this hidden
truth. In order to fully understand this prophecy and the revelation
that lies behind it, you must know how to put together all the pieces
of the puzzle. You must know how to piece together the revelation
according to the Word of God. We must first see that there are 70
years determined for the Jews. These are specific times God is
speaking about. So is it literal 70 weeks? No, we know that all of
what is prophesied in Daniel 9 did not happen already, and be
fulfilled in 70 literal weeks. So what is the revelation of the mystery?
How can we possible reveal this hidden truth? First of all we must
determine what the Lord says a day, week, and a year is. In order to
understand all the truths of the kingdom of God you must be on HIS
calendar, HIS TIME CLOCK. So look at Numbers 14:26-35. You will
see here that God says each day equals a year. One day equals one
year on this prophetic scale. Numbers 14:34 a year is equal to a day.
Also read Ezekiel 4:6 a day for each year. So in order to reveal this
mystery we will use this scale or measuring stick to determine the
years spoken of by the prophet Daniel. So if 70 weeks = 490 days,
then 490 days, each day equaling a year would mean this is a period
of 490 years the Angel is telling Daniel about. So we have a total
period of 490 years that we are going to be looking at.

The next point we need to establish. Daniel 9:22 tells us that he

angel Gabriel was sent to give Daniel understanding. DANIEL 9:24, 70
weeks are decreed about your people.

* 6 things have to happen in order for this prophecy to be completed

1. Bring rebellion to a end

2. Put a stop to sin
3. Wipe away injustice
4. Bring in everlasting righteousness
5. Seal up vision and prophecy
6. Anoint the Most Holy

All 6 points must be fulfilled.

When does the 70 years begin, when do we know to start counting

the 490 years or Daniels 70 weeks? This starting point is crucial to
establish, or the rest of the prophecy does not fit. Daniel 9:25 know
and understand this; from the issuing of the decree to restore and
rebuild Jerusalem there will be 7 and 62 weeks. So now we have
some guidelines set by the angel Gabriel. From the going forth of the
decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the prince
there will be a definite period of time. This period is composed of 2
periods, 7 weeks and 62 weeks. So the first portion we need to look
at closely is the first 7 weeks or 49 years after the decree was issued.
Now always remember our keys to understanding this prophecy one
day equals a year, a week equals 7 years. So here we have 7 periods
of weeks or 49 years and 62 weeks or 434 years. A total period of 69
weeks or years divided into two groups of time. One tells us when to
begin counting and the other tells us when the 69 weeks ends. 490
total weeks or years, subtract the 483 will leave us with one week or
7 years that still need to be fulfilled. Now we must see where the
first 7 years begins. When was the decree sent out? I have seen so
many different opinions over the past 42 years of studying of when
this prophecy began. You would think it would be easy just find when
the decree was sent out and begin counting the first set of 7 years.
The problem with that is with the changing of the law and calendar it
is almost impossible to figure some of the prophecies out. So what I
have learned to do in many cases is count back from a time we know
for sure. Find a historical fact and use that as the point of importance
and build around that set point. It is like the process of restoration it
works backwards. So in this case we would take the 490 total years
given by the angel Gabriel. Then add the 7x62 =69x 360(days on
Gods calendar) = 483. So we know we have a total period of 483
years we are dealing with that ends with Messiah the Prince and
leaves a 7 year period at the end. So when Jesus was first recognized
as Messiah the prince. I would say when He was baptized by john the
baptist. God said this is by beloved son in whom I am well pleased.
This officially began the Ministry of Jesus when he was
approximately 30 years of age at his baptism that took place in 27
AD. So we need to take the 483 from 27 AD and this will bring us to
457 BC. Now could this possible be the time of the issuing of the
decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem? YES IT MOST DEFITINATLEY
IS… I watched and studied this for so many years and people use the
Nehemiah 2 issuing of the decree and say that happened in 445 BC.
Well 445 BC + 483 total years = 38 AD so we know this could not
happen. Actually there are just 4 possible times the issue could have
been given

1. Cyrus 538BC + 483= 55 BC after Messiah the Prince ( Ezra

1:1-11, Ezra 2:1 )
2. Darius 520 BC +483 total years = 37 BC (Ezra was told to
rebuild temple, then walls 5-6_)
3. Artaxerxes 457 BC + 483= 27 AD Year of Jesus Baptism
(Ezra 7:1-10 and Nehemiah 2)
Actually recently the dates of Nehemiah 2 are being
established as the true date of 457 BC.
4. As stated many use 444-445 BC Artaxerxes (Nehemiah 2)
takes us to 40 AD this would be too late. Mostly all agree
Messiah had been cut (31-33 AD) off long before this date
(40 AD).
So as we establish what took place on the correct date, we
know the dates we are dealing with are 456-457 BC + 483= 27
AD (the only historical factual date that can be used). The
starting date cannot be years before of years after. Like I said
recently it has been revealed the date of 457 BC is correct
and is being established as the date of the issuing of the
decree. The 445 date used by many before did not add up
correctly. They know the decree was issued and they knew
the 483 years, but the two (445+483) added up did not equal
27 AD. Actually it takes you to 40 AD and that date is not in
the proper picture. Remember 27 AD is when Jesus was
baptized and officially started His Ministry. Now the
beginning date has been corrected TO 457 BC and we see
once again the truth of the Word of God not man.
Ok so we now know the issue of the decree went out 457 BC
and it took how long to rebuild? 7 periods of weeks, each day
is a year so we have 7 sets of 7 or 49 days each day equaling a
year, so we know according to Daniels prophecy if would take
49 years to rebuild Jerusalem. According to history once again
this is true 457 BC+ 49 years brings us to 408 BC when
Jerusalem was rebuilt. AMAZING!
In order to see this mystery unfold, you must establish factual
starting points and work from them. Without a proper
starting point you will never be able to see or understand this

So in summary here are the basic factual points of

understanding this prophecy to begin with.

1. A day = a year Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6

2. A week is 7 years
3. The total vision was of 70 weeks determined on the
Jewish people, or 70 groups of 7 or 490 total years.
4. The 490 is broken into 3 groups of time we need to
establish. 7 weeks , 62 weeks , and the remaining 1 week
5. 7 weeks from the issuing of the decree, to the completion
of rebuilding Jerusalem
6. Then 62 weeks from the rebuilding of Jerusalem to the
7. Then after those 62 weeks we know the Messiah is cut
off, or dies.
8. Then after that period of 62 weeks, the people of the
prince who is to come will destroy the temple; we know
this happens in 70 AD.

The Messiah Jesus is cut off, then the prince of the people
who is to come shows up. The prince who is to come is
not the MESSIAH! There is only one MESSIAH. This prince
is the prince of the people who destroyed the temple of
God. Who destroyed the Temple? The Romans destroyed
the temple in 70 AD.

Clarification of this issue. Jesus was the Messiah who was to come.
This was fulfilled in 27 AD at the baptism of JESUS, when his ministry
officially started at the age of 30. Then He was cut off at the
crucifixion in 31 AD. The Messiah was cut off, and then Daniel speaks
of the prince who was to come. This leaves us with the final week or
7 years that still needs to be fulfilled. This is where the prince of the
people who destroyed the temple will be revealed. He will establish
a covenant with the JEWISH people for one week or a period of 7
years. Then in the middle of the week, exactly 3 ½ years he will
proclaim himself as God and place Himself in the temple of God
declaring himself as God. This is the abomination of desolation
spoken of by Jesus in Mathew 24. This is the one point Jesus
specifically points out and tells the disciples it would be the sign of
the end. Mathew 24: 15 “So when you see the abomination of
desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the
holy place (let the reader understand). This is very important
to understand in understanding the fulfillments of this prophecy.
This is the prince who is to come; it is not Jesus as many say. Also
in the books of Daniel and Revelation the 3 1/2 years, 1260 days,
and 42 months is spoken of several times, each time frame is
speaking to the end times, last days, and referring to the
abomination of desolation, or the anti Christ.

 Dan 7:25 and he shall speak great words against the most High, and
shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times
and laws: and they shall be given into his (the prince who is to
come) hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
 Dan 12:7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the
waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand
unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be
for a time, times, and an half; and when he (the prince who is to
come) shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy
people, all these things shall be finished.
 Rev 12:14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great
eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where
she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the
face of the serpent ( the prince who is to come ) .
 Rev 11:2 and they will tread underfoot the holy city for forty-
two months ( 3 ½ years ).
 Rev 11:3"And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and
they will prophesy for twelve hundred and sixty days (3 ½
years), clothed in sackcloth."
 Rev 13:5 there was given to him (the prince who is to come)
a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies, and
authority to act for forty-two months (3 ½ years) was given to

As Daniel was told of future events, the apostle John was also. These
prophecies are concerning the same end time, last day prophecies that are to
happen in the future. We are not to be caught unaware. We are to be wise,
watching, and waiting. Come quickly Lord Jesus.

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