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Research can be classified into various types based on different criteria.

Here are some common types of


1. Basic Research: This type of research aims to expand existing knowledge and understanding in a
particular field without any immediate practical application. It is often conducted in academic or
scientific settings.

2. Applied Research: Applied research focuses on solving specific problems or answering practical
questions. The findings of applied research are intended to be directly applicable to real-world situations
and often have practical implications.

3. Quantitative Research: Quantitative research involves the collection and analysis of numerical data. It
emphasizes objective measurements, statistical analysis, and the use of mathematical models to derive

4. Qualitative Research: Qualitative research aims to understand and interpret social phenomena by
gathering and analyzing non-numerical data such as interviews, observations, and textual analysis. It
focuses on subjective experiences, meanings, and interpretations.

5. Experimental Research: Experimental research involves the manipulation and control of variables to
establish cause-and-effect relationships. It typically includes the random assignment of participants to
different groups and the measurement of outcomes to determine the effects of interventions or

6. Descriptive Research: Descriptive research seeks to describe and document the characteristics or
behaviors of a particular population or phenomenon. It involves observation, surveys, and the collection
of data without manipulating variables.

7. Exploratory Research: Exploratory research aims to explore a new topic or area where little is known.
It helps in generating ideas, formulating hypotheses, and gaining a better understanding of the research
8. Cross-sectional Research: Cross-sectional research collects data at a specific point in time to examine
a population or phenomenon. It provides a snapshot of a particular situation or condition.

9. Longitudinal Research: Longitudinal research involves the collection of data from the same subjects
over an extended period. It helps in studying changes and developments over time and understanding
the relationships between variables.

10. Action Research: Action research is conducted by practitioners in real-world settings to solve
practical problems and improve their practice. It involves a cyclical process of identifying a problem,
taking action, evaluating the results, and making adjustments.

These are just a few examples of research types, and there are other
specialized types and hybrid approaches based on the discipline, research
question, and methodology.

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