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1. Origin
a. The Girolando breed is the result of x-ing Gir and Holstein breeds.
b. Rusticity inherited from Gir and dairy production from the Holstein.
c. It is responsible for 80% of milk production in Brazil.
d. Breed pattern: 5/8 Holstein + 3/8 Gir.
e. It makes Girolando a very productive dairy cattle breed, perfect for hot
2. Hist
a. The first info about Girolando dates from the 1940s.
b. Brazilian farmers began to prac intensively x-ing Gir breed with Holstein,
as two breeds complement each other i.e. they sought to comb rusticity
(Bos indicus) and productivity (Bos taurus).
c. At present, the Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil, together with the
representative associations, have drawn up the norms for the fmn of
“Girolando: tropical dairy cattle” in a scheme that is as fol: 5/8 Holstein +
3/8 Gir.
d. The products of this x were noted for their excellent productivity, high
fertility and good vigor.
e. Due to these virtues, the prac quickly spread throughout the cty, and in a
short time.
f. Some say that x-ing came about by chance when a Gir bull covered
Holstein cows.
g. Girolando have become a pri for Brazilian livestock.
3. Chars of the breed
a. The reproductive efficiency of the Girolando is its str pt (short svc period,
ideal calving interval and higher no of calvings per cow)
b. Longevity, fertility and maturity are well evident in the Girolando
c. Optimal lifelong production and a large offspring, which normally starts at
30 months of age (age of the 1st offspring),

d. Peak production reaches in 10 yrs, and produces satisfactorily until 15 yrs

of age.
e. It adapts very well to any type of handling, having excellent performance
with mech milking and without the presence of the calf at its foot.
f. Apart from the Girolando calf, it is born with an excellent weight of an
average of 35 kg.
g. It has an optimal growth speed with good genetic attributes inherited from
the mother.
h. Another outstanding char of these animals is the skeletal conformation,
with a good ratio b/w the length and thickness of the bones, providing a
uniform distr of fat.
i. Females have a certain angularity and males have strength and breadth in
their skeleton.
j. Gestation pd - 285 days.
k. Calving interval - 410 days.
l. Avg Milk production - 3600 lit / 305 days
m. Milk fat percentage - 4%
n. Avg lactation pd - 280 days
o. Peak production - b/w 30-100 days
p. In Girolando males, body temp is closely related to the reg of the scrotal
sac temp, thus providing a higher production of viable sperm.
q. The fattening of Girolando males in confinement can be prac safely, an
avg gain of more than 1 kg / day.
r. Imp diseases are Ticks, Lumpy Skin, Trypanosomiasis, mastitis,
Dermatophilosis, FMD, Mad Cow, Hemoprotozoal, BVD, Septicemia,
Tetanus, Pneumonia and Enteritis.
4. Desirable traits in Girolando
a. Hybrid vigour
b. Quiet disposition
c. Good milk production even in hotter climates
d. Adaptability

e. Longevity
f. Fertility and calving ease
g. Meat yield
5. Notable Achievements
a. A Brazilian Girolando cow called Marília produced 127.57 litres of milk in
three milkings during the 34th Milk Sands Tournament to claim the title.
b. Veterinarians of Venezuela and Trinidad recently on May 7, 2020
proposed that breeding of Girolando cattle in these regions will overcome
the disease burden and poor managerial conditions prevailing there.


1. Origin
a. Nelore origins date back over 2000 yrs
b. Aryan people (Ongole) brought the ancestors of this breed to India
c. Nelore corresponds to a dist of the old Presidency of Madrás, now
belonging to the new State of Andra.
d. This breed had faced extreme weather conditions of Belushistan, Punjab,
Ganges and Bengal sea.

2. Hist

a. Nelore was first ack in Brazil in 1868, when a ship on its way to England
carrying two Ongoles stopped in Salvador and the animals were sold.
b. Ten yrs later, a breeder from Rio de Janeiro, bought another couple from
the Hamburg Zoo in Germany.
c. Then the Nelore breed expanded gradually throughout Brazil
d. In 1960, 20 animals were imported and in 1962, the last purchase of live
animals from India auth by the Brazilian Govt, 84 Ongoles were imported.
e. These became founders of imp breeding lines and were decisive to the
great expansion of the Brazilian herd in the last 30 yrs.
f. To multiply the genetic potential of Nelore sires, Artificial Insemination is
being used in large scale since the 60’s.
g. Sales of Nelore semen is 65% of AI mkt of all beef breeds in Brazil.
3. Breed Chars
a. Nelore is Bos indicus species, has the char hump and loose skin.
b. It is usually white in colour with a black skin, muzzle and tail, have
comparatively long legs & shortest ears of most Bos indicus types.
c. Horned & polled both.
d. Heat and insect resistance due to its loose & thick black skin.

e. Slow metabolism which creates less heat and enables to feed less often
adding to its high resistance to bloat.
f. Dams have a long and prolific reproductive life, pronounced mothering
ability, and plenty of milk for their calves.
g. Cows calve very easily due to their greater frame, wide pelvic opening and
larger birth canal, which reduces the incidence of dystocia.
h. The main adv that the Nelore has over other breeds of beef cattle is its
i. Nelore can efficiently convert poor qual forages into beef, and withstand
long pds without water.
j. Have excessive marbling or intra-muscular fat & highly palatable.
4. Statistics
a. Est population - 5 Mn
b. Beef production - 65% of world beef producing animals.
c. Gestation pd - 291 days
d. Diet - grasses / normal
e. Origin - India, Brazil
f. Life span - 15-20 yrs
g. Wt - 450-500 kg
h. Age of maturity - 2 yrs
5. Notables
a. The polled type is genetically dominant over the horned type.
b. Brazil is the largest breeder of Nelore.
c. Breed has been exported to Argentina, Paraguay, Venezuela, Cen
America, Maxico, US & many others.
d. In research done by the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center in Nebraska,
the Nelore F1s showed the largest percentage of un-asst calving.
e. Brazil is world largest Beef exporter (23% of total export).


1. Hist
a. The Guzera or Guzerat is a Brazilian breed of domestic cattle.
b. Derives from x-ing of Indian Kankrej cattle, imported to Brazil from 1870
onwards, with local taurine Crioulo cattle of European origin.
c. The name is a Portuguese spelling of that of the western Indian state of
d. The work for the breed was started in 1938.
e. A dual-purpose (meat and dairy) line is distinguished from the beef type.
f. In 2010, there were approx 92,000 head registered, constituting some
3.5% of the total no of cattle in Brazil.
g. The Guzerá was one of the principal breeds from which the American
Brahman dev in the 20th century.
2. Breed Char
a. Gray cattle of northern India and have long, lyre shaped horns.
b. Among the largest cattle of India and are prized as powerful draft animals
and are moderate milk producers.
c. Have short broad faces with long ears drooping and open to the front.
d. Color varies from light gray to black at maturity.
e. The barrel is gen lt in color than the rest of the body, especially in bulls.
f. Bulls tend to get darker than cow.
g. Maint as a pure breed in India and Brazil in large no, with a few in US.
h. The most imp breed in the fmn of the American Brahman.
i. Like all Bos indicus breeds the Guzerat adds envmt adaptability to tropical
and subtropical conditions, insect tolerance and some disease resistance,
longevity, and maternal ability, especially in x with Bos taurus breeds.
j. Gentle and fertile under adverse conditions.
k. Sel for milk production, with avg yields of 8.5 kg/ day which is good in
tropical production sys


1. Hist
a. Named after its region of origin, which is Sindh Province of Pak.
b. The climate in this region is extremely hot and dry, with the max temp freq
rising above 46°C.
c. Especially valued because of its milk production under grazing sys and
high tolerance to heat stress and parasites.
d. Purebred herds of this breed can also be found in India and other ctys,
such as Brazil, which have imported animals from Pak.
e. Some red Zebu animals were sel among many other cattle being imported
from India in 1930.
f. Bred in the state of Sao Paulo for about two decades without any breed cl.
g. Later on, those animals were ident as belonging to the Red Sindhi breed.
h. On a 2nd occasion, 28 female and 3 male cattle were officially sel from
purebred Red Sindhi herds in Pak and imported to Brazil, arr to the island
of Fernando de Noronha in 1952.
i. Today, most of the Red Sindhi herds are loc in the Northeast and
Southeast regions of Brazil.
j. The Red Sindhi cattle have been well adapted to such conditions, and
most breeders claim that the cows can maint good body condition scores
and good fertility even in such harsh envmt.
k. This breed is gen consd suitable for the dual-purpose production sys,
which produce both dairy and beef.
2. Breed chars

a. Adaptability: Red Sindhi cows are widely recognized for their ability to
thrive in diverse climatic conditions, incl extreme heat and humidity.

b. Hardiness: These cattle exhibit exceptional resistance to diseases and

can endure harsh envmt conditions.

c. Milk Production: Red Sindhi cows are excellent milk producers, yielding
substantial qty of high-qual milk with a rich butter fat content.

d. Fertility: The breed displays high fertility rates, ensuring efficient breeding
progm and inc population growth.

e. Temperament: Red Sindhi cows are known for their docile nature and
ease of handling, making them favorable for dairy and beef farming.

f. Distinct Color: As the name suggests, these cattle boast a beautiful red
coat, often accompanied by white markings on their face, legs, and tail.

g. Genetic Purity: Preserving the genetic purity of the Red Sindhi breed
ensures the continuation of desirable traits for future generations.

h. Sustainable Farming: Red Sindhi cattle contribute to sustainable farming

practices by providing a consistent source of milk and beef.

i. Crossbreeding: Their genetics are often used for crossbreeding

programs to improve the milk and meat production of other cattle breeds.

3. Statistics

a. Average Weight: Adult Red Sindhi cows typically weigh b/w 450-500 Kg.

b. Milk Production: On avg, Red Sindhi cows yield around 1,500 to 2,500
kg of milk per lactation.

c. Life Span: Red Sindhi cattle have a relatively long life span, ranging from
18 to 20 yrs.

d. Body Structure: They possess a compact and robust body structure with
a well-dev udder for efficient milk production.

e. Feeding Req: Red Sindhi cows req a bal diet consisting of high-qual
forage, nutritious concentrates, and ample clean water for optimal health
and milk production.

4. Brazilian Red Sindhi Cattle. Brazilian Red Sindhi cows are a variant of the
original Red Sindhi breed. These cows are known for being adaptable and producing a
lot of milk. The Brazilian Red Sindhi breed was dev through sel breeding progm,
focusing on enhancing desirable traits such as milk yield, fertility, and flexibility to

tropical climates. Today, Brazil is one of the prominent ctys where Brazilian Red Sindhi
cows are bred and exported to diff parts of the world.

a. The concept of importing the Girolando is sp, if it is started at small scale/
grass root lvl to all-out incentivized the subsistence local farmers.
b. A pilot proj may be run for one yr to study the behavior, req, mgmt issues,
diseases / outbreaks, milk production etc of Girolando.
c. As it is suitable for hot & humid envmt and disease resistant, it may acln in
climate of Pak.
d. The breed has exotic blood proportion as per approved breeding policy of
Pakistan (62.5% exotic blood).
e. As it is time tested by Brazilian Govt, (80% milk of cty is produced by
Girolando), it will contribute to Pak in meeting dairy req.
f. Keeping in view the low milk production with 4% fat, it is recom that local
breeds e.g. Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Cholistani etc may be consd for
preservation and exploitation of genetic potential.
g. Up-grd of local breeds through Girolando may be not beneficial , therefore
the breed of Girolando may be propagate through embryo tfr.
h. Fd wing ex CEBG may be revive in true ltr & spirit to provide embryos tfr
facility of Girolando to the farmers at their door steps.
i. Long term proj
a. The concept of importing Nelore is fully sp, being heat & tick resistant,
better qual meat and good FCR.
b. It will be good addn to meet food security challenges in the cty.
c. Thick and loose skins will asst in resisting the insect borne diseases.
d. Meat has excessive marbling or intra-muscular fat & highly palatable.
Superior qual meat will bring good mkt price.
e. Its Hardiness, efficiently conversion of poor qual forages into beef,
withstand long pds without water and less chances of dystocia make its
mgmt easy. It will asst local farmers to fetch max benefit with min inputs.
f. No breed in Pak

g. Intl cert
a. The concept of importing dual purpose breed is sp because of fol pts: -
(1) Both the breeds are sel due to their versatility i.e. dual purpose.
(2) Both the breeds are sel due to their health and hardiness.
(3) The breeds are less prone to metabolic, parasitic disorders and
other diseases.
(4) The dual purpose animals usually have long working life span,
therefore, cows of both the breeds cont to calve and milk even after
20 yrs.
(5) These dual purpose breeds do well even in pasture/ open grazing
with moderate amounts of grains.
(6) Dual purpose cattle produce less milk and beef but usually superior
flavor and nutritional contents.
(7) Raising animals that can perform more than one task means you
can have more than one stream of income from the same herd.
b. A pilot proj may be run for one yr to study the behavior, req, mgmt issues,
diseases / outbreaks, milk production etc of Guzerate.
c. Potential of locally aval Red Sindhi breed may also be exploited.













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