Assignment 2

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Name: Ahmed Hassan Hussein Ahmed

Mobile: 01001885484
Contemporary Management Assignment (2)
 You are kindly requested to apply the talent and technological
concept on your organization and show how these two concepts will
add value to your organization.

1- Talent
 According to Davis et al. (2007) talent is a special attitude, faculty or a high mental
ability. And according to Cheese, Thomas and Craig (2008, p.9) “talent has become a
precious resource fought over by competitors in a global war of talent”. “Central to his
philosophy was the belief that highly skilled people are an organization's most valuable
resource” (Drucker & Maciariello, 2005). A quotation of Bill Gates, “take our twenty
best people away from us and I can tell you that Microsoft would be an unimportant
company” (Berger, Dorothy, 2003,
 p.4)
 Talented people are a group of individuals, who has demonstrated superior achievements,
has inspired others and who embodies the values of the organization (Berger & Dorothy,
2003) and who has personal features, which allow them to have socially and emotionally
 Collings and Mellahi (2009) explain the employee performance through a formula where
the result of the employee depends on the ability, the motivation and the opportunity of
the worker.
 The concept of “Talent Management” stems from the concept of “war for talent”, which
was first used by a group of McKinsey consultants in 1997. The concept reflects the
change that was beginning in Human Resources needs and practices in response to the
new competitive and dynamic environment. “War for talent” is a real war which starts
between organizations to attract, develop, motivate and retain the talented employees
during the 1990’s (Collings and Mellahi, 2010).
 The business world has also rapid changes and its market is getting bigger, every time
there are a larger number of companies in all the countries, which is the globalization.
Then there is a highly competition that is why we can not be always efficient, thus
organizations should invest in talent management to be able to innovate and to be in the
first positions in the market (Björling, 2010).

The Sings of the Talents:-

 Here, according to Davis et al. (2007), we will draft some features to find talents in the
individuals, for this reason companies should look for them to obtain talented people.
o First, the capability in the role, it means that a person who has this ability can
deliver his/her work or activity with superior results in any allocated role. This is
the difference between talented and specialized people, because the last one can
obtain good results but only in their role, while talented people can obtain
superior outcomes in all the roles. Talented people sometimes use a structured
approach to solve the problems that could appear in their roles. This approach
consists of the nature value of the achievement, the identification of its key points,
which sometimes can be organized in a performance matrix. Then, they
determinate in a plan how to achieve the solution of problems and finally, they
implement the plan.
o Second, the ability to handle change, it means that people with talents see the
changes as opportunities and not as threats, which are moments to demonstrate
their competencies and capabilities to embrace the changes and to improve the
organization. They are able to overcome bad situations and learning valuable
lessons, it means they can manage the failures (Davis et al., 2007).
o Third, the capacity for learning, talented people are able to learn new skills and to
manage them constantly. These individuals are curious, because they are always
looking for new ways to solve problems or doing things; it means that they are
always expanding their knowledge. In addition, they can apply their knowledge to
determinate problems quickly and also, they have the ability to absorb rapidly the
new concepts (Davis et al., 2007).

Creative People:-

 According to Lumsdaine & Binks (2007) the word creativity has two origins, Latin and
Greek. In Latin, creativity comes from “creare” to make and in Greek, creativity is
derived from “kreinein” to fulfil. The first view means that creativity enables us to create
something new, the development of new products or/and processes which will displace
old versions. In the second view means that creativity allows the use of our imagination
to create new horizons of what we do and what we believe about our full potential, the
fulfilling of our individual bases.
 They are curious, because they are always inventing new ways of doing things or solving
problems or improving existing products or services. For this, they need to be updated,
observing new and traditional trends, comparing them and looking for all the
opportunities that they can find in the environment. They are people who have realized
that to be successful in a project, firstly they should be passionate in their work, they
should take risks so they do not have to be afraid of making mistakes and also, they have
to improve it with small and continuous steps. They use the creative thinking to solve
conflicts and also they know the importance to acquire and to have this kind of skills to
success in the rapidly changing and innovative world in these times (Lumsdaine & Binks,

2- Technology

 It’s important to understand what information technology means. Information technology

simplified as IT is the study, design, development, implementation, support or
management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications,
computer hardware and mobile devices.” Computers with hardware and software are used
to convert, store, process, transmit and retrieve data as well as to protect those data.
Information Technology is a network of technology involving electronic hardware and
programmed software. Currently, there are a large number of companies having IT
departments for managing the computers, networks, security, and data. IT jobs include
computer programming, network administration, computer engineering, Web
development, technical support, and many other related occupations.
Today’s age is the Information age, where we share data frequently, and for managing
those data, technology is used. This technology is information technology. It has become
a part of everyday life which is a great impact on the society. Information technology
comprises of computers, networks, mobile and wireless devices, satellite
communications, robotics, videotext, cable television, electronic mail (“e-mail”),
electronic games, and automated office equipment. (Web-site)
 IT provides the means to develop, process, analyze, exchange, store and secure
information. (

Boosting organizational development

 Information technology, has played a vital role in the development of the twenty first
century. Either for making a statistical business model or organizational structure, IT has
definitely increased the overall performance of the organization.
Communication has improved a lot in this era. Before letters and postal cards were used
to communicate but today an e-mail has replaced the time consuming procedures. An e-
mail can reach to the receiver within seconds. While talking about telecommunication,
trunk calls were used to make distant calls, but today, a simplified mobile software
application can make your call easier and with no cost at all. All we need to do is to have
an internet connection. Sharing any important document has been easier now than it used
to be. An entire folder of organization data can be shared to large number of employees
with no hassle.
As application software has evolved from simplified nature to complex one, algorithms
and data handling capacity has increased. Which further leads to have significant effect
on the labor market. Even marketing policies are implemented through digital platforms.
There are social media having huge number of users. Even a single post can create
massive impact on strategic digital marketing. As the market and products & services are
getting more competitive, I suggest every organization to have their own web identity.
Web identity of an organization are the websites they have, where they can provide
information about their products and services and can also sell them. (Web-site)

Benefits of Technology Solutions for Business

 Improved Business Agility

Technology solutions allow small businesses to remain agile and quick to respond to change
within the markets. Integration of various tech leads to increased collaboration among teams
leading to better product development. Faster product launches, better quality innovations, and
improved product features will drive your business growth.

 Improved Staff Coordination and Collaboration

Significant advances in communication technologies have allowed corporations to organize their

teams better. Software products such as Asana and G suite improve collaboration among your
staff members. VOIP systems, conference calls, and telepresence software allow employees to
interact remotely from any part of the world. It improves efficiency in the running of the
business as well as promotes better work-life balance.

 Automation and Productivity

The adoption of technology solutions for business allows small and medium-sized enterprises to
run as efficiently as the larger corporations. Tapping into the benefits of high-speed internet and
automation software allows for better handling of vital tasks. Automation tools can enhance your
digital presence and engagement with your customers.

 Increased Revenue Streams

Technology solutions for business allow executives to generate new sources of revenue for their
enterprises. The creation of e-commerce stores enables sales teams to target a broader customer
base. In 2019, consumers spent over $601.75 billion with U.S. online merchants, up 14% when
compared to 2018. Businesses are also tapping into the wonders of SEO and PPC marketing to
generate more leads and revenue.

 Better Storage Solutions

IT infrastructure modernization enables businesses to drop outdated legacy systems for cloud
storage solutions. Cloud storage systems are reliable, allowing for restricted access to business
information from any place in the globe. It enables your teams to work remotely, accessing the
necessary information. It also eliminates the need to maintain bulky servers, saving on space and

 Financial Savings

Business and corporate executives are adopting Infrastructure as a Service, outsourcing most of
their IT solutions to consultancy firms. The managed services market was valued at
approximately $170 billion by 2019. Communication solutions such as video conferencing and
VOIP enable businesses to save on travel costs and accommodation. Cloud services reduce data
storage costs. Automation reduces the need for surplus staff, saving on labor costs.

 Improved Data Security

Technology solutions for business can help you better protect your corporate information.
Network security threats are at an all-time high, costing the average small business
approximately $3.92 million in damages. Tech support for small businesses can help create
encryptions and firewalls that enhance your data security.

 Better Customer Experience

Intuitive web designs can help streamline your operations on the first point of contact with your
potential clients. Automated tools can enable customers to book appointments and consultations.
IFTTT systems help address customer issues at any given moment. These technological systems
can help build consumer trust and brand image.

There are endless possibilities for small enterprises that enhance their IT blueprint. The benefits
listed barely scratch the surface on the potential of adopting technology solutions for business.


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