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Is BlackFort a trustworthy company?

I've been asked this question more and more often lately.

My answer to this in advance: Yes, definitely, and with the following justification.

I joined the "BlackFort Network" project as a newbie when it comes to cryptocurrencies

through my son who had attended the November 2022 event in Munich.

My son was already very enthusiastic about the project and gave me a node as a present.
After studying the whitepaper, I immediately bought more nodes and an NFT.

It was only after that I thought I recognized some inconsistencies in the company "BlackFort"
and my initial euphoria turned into skepticism, so much so that I wished I had not invested in
BlackFort. During this time, I was very critical of BlackFort and feared that it was another
fake company that had recently sprouted en masse in the cryptocurrency space, more or
less stealing money from investors' pockets with false promises, only to disappear forever.

I was even unwilling to recommend BlackFort to others because I thought that I could not
reconcile it with my conscience that more investors will lose their money because of me.

However, at the latest with the mainnet-launch, my attitude towards BlackFort changed by

That's because with the mainnet-launch at the end of January 2023, the tokens were no
longer stored on a central server at BlackFort, but on a functioning, decentralized

In addition, the nodes were automatically minted to a client site based wallet.

Even the BXN coins generated during the pre-phase, which are credited to the node owner
as an additional bonus for the purchase of a node before the mainnet-launch, were
automatically transferred to the wallet and belong to the node owner alone, no one else can
access them. As a node owner, I can also claim the new BXN coins generated since the
mainnet-launch at any time by transferring them from the blockchain to my own wallet, and I
alone can dispose of my so-called block profits.

It is true that my minted nodes were not visible on my wallet until now. To make these nodes
visible in the wallet at that time still requires some programming work by the BlackFort team,
on which this team was working hard. However, via the "Block Explorer", a transparent and
publicly accessible digital ledger in which all transactions are stored on the blockchain, it was
possible to perfectly trace to which wallet address the nodes were minted and continue to
work for the node owner.

Since 19.04.2023 it was then ready, the necessary programming activities were completed
and one could make the minted nodes visible in the wallet as NFTs with simple and quickly
explained steps, which in my opinion speaks as an additional point for the trustworthiness of

In addition, so-called vote tokens, which later grant a node owner proportional voting rights
depending on the number of clocked BXNs in the nodes, could be made visible in the wallet,
which again speaks for the trustworthiness of BlackFort, because a company with fraudulent
intentions will hardly go to all this trouble.
Also, there are following signs that BlackFort is a reputable company,

● The "whitepaper" produced by BlackFort is very detailed and elaborately described

and reads almost like a business plan, indicating that BlackFort has come to stay as

● The review of the network by the Certik audit company ordered by BlackFort to
ensure that the network is running smoothly is very time-consuming and costly, a
company whose goal is to obtain investors' money through fraud would never bother
to allow itself such a costly endeavor.

Currently, the blockchain is undergoing a final review at BlackFort's request once

again and after all previous comments from "Certik" have been resolved.

● Everything that BlackFort had mentioned in the "whitepaper" as well as in the

"roadmap" in the Dashboard was implemented 1:1. Lastly, the transition from the test
network to the current main network, in which the blockchain has been running
flawlessly and happily since the end of January 2023.

● With the help of detailed instructions from BlackFort, I was also able to transfer the
previous block rewards, which had accumulated on BlackFort's central website up to
that point, along with the nodes, to my own wallet and thus keep them safe from any
outside access.

● Moreover, I could make sure that the founders of BlackFort and their employees are
professional people with at least 10-15 years of experience in the field of
cryptocurrencies, mining and blockchain programming, so they are not just some
people who jumped into an adventure without a clue, but the whole project is
definitely built on a solid foundation of knowledge and experience.

For these reasons, I am 100% convinced today that BlackFort is a very serious company
that has the potential to become the market leader in the blockchain field, because the
technical conditions for this have been created by BlackFort as follows,

● The blockchain of BlackFort is not only built as a MultiCoin network, on which

all possible cryptocoins can be traded, but also so-called "Smart Contracts",
tokenization projects as well as payment solutions for traders are to be processed via
this network. In addition, there is the possibility for other companies, not only trading
companies, to process their transactions fully automatically via the BlackFort network
or to develop new business models, because the BlackFort blockchain is a Layer 1
blockchain, which means that other companies can build their own projects on this

● More services will be offered in the future, this means for the Nodes owners that
the more people, companies and applications adopt BlackFort's blockchain, because
BlackFort's blockchain is decentralized and very secure, as well as very fast (100,000
transactions per sec.) and cheap (about 98% cheaper than Bitcoin's network), the
number of fees charged for each type of transaction will increase exponentially,
which in turn will be distributed proportionally to all Node owners and this for life.

● A limited number of nodes and BXNs, accomplished by halving the number of

BXN coins to be generated by the maximum number of 304,000 nodes each year for
the next 10 years, after the minting of the nodes, which automatically leads to a
shortage of BXN coins and can lead to an increase in price value as demand
Because all the people and companies who want to use the fast and cheap as well
as the many services of BlackFort to pay for the corresponding transaction fees,
there is only one way to pay these fees with BXN, which is by buying the BXN coins,
which are exclusively owned by the company and the nodes owners and only those
offered by them on the market are available for purchase. Thus, the value of the BXN
coin is dictated by the supply/demand ratio.

All these technical requirements created by BlackFort are, in my opinion, in line with
BlackFort's goal to become the market leader in the field of blockchain, also called smart

Some people ask themselves, with a circulating supply of almost 50 billion BXNs after 10
years from minting of the last node, while with Bitcoin the limit is 21 million BTC, whether
one can speak of a "limit" here at all and 50 billion BXNs cannot rather lead to an "inflation".

Now, however, consider BlackFort's big goal to be the market leader in this field and I have
no doubt that BlackFort has the potential to achieve this goal in about 10 years, namely by
having 4-5 billion people who own a cell phone using the BlackFort blockchain in some way,
so for every person there is about 10-12.5 BXN distributed, which is very scarce and the
ratio, supply/demand will steadily drive up the price value of the BXN.

In addition to the two passive incomes mentioned above, BlackFort has spawned an
elaborate bonus program for its active participants for attracting more participants as active
income, of course, only as long as there are nodes for sale.

Important notes about BlackFort's own wallet:

Currently we use a third party wallet called MetaMask wallet, because you don't have to use
a BlackFort wallet, you can use any other Web 3.0 enabled wallet, like MetaMask wallet,
which I think adds to the trustworthiness over BlackFort.

Although there is already an own BlackFort wallet under version no. 1.0, this is not Web 3.0
suitable and not usable for our bets. This version was developed by BlackFort at the very
beginning, when it was still assumed that it would only be a pure exchange company. Only
later did they decide to develop their own blockchain with their own cryptocurrency, which
has since taken place and the next thing that will be introduced is a Web 3.0 capable wallet
under version number 2. 0, a wallet in which you can not only store your tokens, but also
trade your BXN coins, as well as all other coins, a so-called multi-coin wallet, with which you
can buy, sell and swap (exchange) different coins and this within a single network, the
fastest and cheapest BlackFort network among the networks available on the market so far.

The more nodes owners participate in a blockchain, the more stable this network runs and
the more secure this network is against hacker attacks. Moreover, the better the starting
position of the BXN coin during the launch on the individual trading platforms and it is fair to
say that this blockchain is already the most secure and decentralized network on the market

The same applies to the claimed BXN coins that are already visible on the wallet, although
without value, since the BXN coin is not yet listed on any exchange, but these BXN coins are
on a client site wallet to which only I have access. Since the BXN-Coin is not listed on any
exchange yet, I cannot trade with my BXN-Coins, but I can send them to another owner's
wallet at any time and sell them "under the counter", so to speak, but this is not advisable
and certainly not the nodes on the wallet that are visible and can be sent in the meantime.
Lately, however, I have noticed that more and more investors are getting restless and asking
themselves why this Wallet 2.0 from BlackFort has not been available for a long time and
why the “Stock exchange listing” of BXN has not taken place yet.

Some see this as a breach of trust on the part of BlackFort, while others believe that the
BlackFort team is inexperienced and acts in an unstructured manner.

Now to those who may have been encouraged by your uplines to invest in BlackFort with
great promises that high returns can be obtained here within the shortest possible time and
now feel left alone and deceived, I can reassure and advise based on the above reasons to
keep still and wait, it will be worth, even if not within a few weeks or months, rather years, so
the investments at BlackFort are to be considered a long-term investment, the more you
wait, the more rewarding this will be for the investor.

To those who think that the BlackFort team is inexperienced and acts in an unstructured way,
I would like to say the following, in my opinion you are doing an injustice to the BlackFort
team, because creating such a big project from "nothing" is an incredibly big challenge.

I am myself a development engineer in electrical engineering and, in addition to circuit

design, I am also involved in programming and know from experience how difficult it is and
how much concentration and time it takes to get a project up and running. Whereas
programming a blockchain is several numbers bigger than any circuit design. Usually they
say, "90% of the work is done in 10% of the time, the remaining 10% of work takes 90% of
the time".

Not that the BlackFort team, but especially the programmers, were aware of this from the
beginning and had dared to take on an almost unsolvable challenge without a clue. On the
contrary, based on the work done so far, I have to conclude that the team knows exactly
what and how they are doing, because all steps mentioned so far in the whitepaper and in
the roadmap in the dashboard have been followed 1:1, even if the release of BlackFort
Wallet 2.0 has been delayed a bit. However, BlackFort had explained in an email exactly the
reason for this delay, on the one hand due to new guidelines in the app stores and on the
other hand Google Play Store had noticed a few missing options and finally did not give

To conclude from this that the programming team of BlackFort are not experienced
programmers and act unstructured, is in my opinion more than unfair. Because under such
pressure to act, such "mistakes" are quite allowed and belong to the programming everyday
life, not only once, but also several times in a row. It is therefore important to let the
programming team work in a concentrated manner and not to put the team under even
greater pressure by constantly asking when and how, especially since this is also not very
effective. In the meantime, the app has been submitted to the Google Play store for another
review. Even if this time, too, a complaint should come and the release is not approved, this
is to be understood as a completely normal course of a programming work, so keep calm
and keep quiet, ultimately only one thing is important, that it works correctly and error-free,
but we don't need to work with possible consideration of losses.

So my appeal to all, wait and see, is that the BlackFort team is well aware of the challenges
they have faced and are acting in a more than structured manner with a specific goal in

All those who feel left alone by their uplines can always turn to the community with their
experts, who tirelessly answer all kinds of questions.

Those who have not yet decided, I would like to give the following advice, before anyone
wants to make any investment in the field of cryptocurrencies, should first get smart in this
area by researching on the Internet and in the literature and acquire at least a basic
knowledge of WEB 3.0, blockchain, cryptocurrencies, mining, Staken, Minten, consensus
procedures .... For this purpose, among other things, the webinars, recorded videos, the
whitepaper and introductory documents of BlackFort are available to you and of course the
experts in the individual chat forums, who are available for questions and answers.

I would also like to draw your attention to the PDF files "First Steps" under the "Dashboard"
menu, as well as the highly interesting "Whitepaper" and the Certik audit report under the
"Certik Audit" menu. To do this, you must of course log in via your referral link at

The webinars listed under the "Webinars" menu are also particularly recommended. In these
webinars, BlackFort speakers present the concept in a variety of ways, both technically and
business-wise, in a short and understandable way. These webinars are offered in different
languages. From these webinars I have learned a lot and can only advise participation,
especially since the participation itself is without obligation and free of charge.

Moreover, it is always advised not to invest more than 30% of one's assets, or at most as
much as one can bear as a total loss.

Whereby I must confess that I have invested all my available funds in BlackFort, I do not say
this to encourage others to do so, rather I want to express how great my trust in the
BlackFort project is. However, I must confess that a spark of greed also plays a role, so
please do not imitate.

Even if the BlackFort project should go wrong, which I consider very, very unlikely for the
reasons mentioned above, I cannot and will not hold anyone responsible for it, because it
was and is solely my decision to invest in this project without coercion and without being
influenced by anyone, as well as after long research and acquisition of knowledge, and I am
still willing to make further investments as far as I can, because my trust in this project is
growing more and more every day.

I personally believe it is definitely worth it!

Also, I would like to advise everyone again, if then the BXN coin is listed, not to be tempted
immediately to sell the coins, because this would lead to a falling price value. But even if this
should happen, I am convinced that the BXN will recover, even if possibly over a longer
period of time, and ultimately begin its triumphal procession.

After all, the success of the project at hand is based on two main factors: firstly, the
functioning technical requirements, on which the BlackFort team is working very hard, and
secondly, prudent and responsible actions of all node owners. This also means that we are
also responsible for bringing the project to a successful conclusion quickly.

Att.: Since I use a Chromebook and the Ledger does not support cloud-based storage, I
bought a used laptop, installed Ubuntu (Linux) as the operating system and my Ledger Nano
S Plus under Linux on the laptop. I have noted the individual steps for installing Ubuntu and
the ledger under Linux. If anyone is interested, I am happy to pass them on.

With kind regards

Samir Bakri

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