اسئلة القسم الاول في التحدث مع الاجابة

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‫ األسئلة الشخصية التي يتم اجابتها بدون صور‬:‫القسم األول في قسم التحدث‬

1. Please tell me about your job. ‫أخبرني عن وظيفتك‬

My job is a nurse in Qassim Hospital.
I work from 8:00 to 5:00 pm.
I love my job very much.
I like helping people.

2. What do you like doing in your free time? ‫ماذا تحب أن تفعل في وقت‬
In my free time, I like watching TV.
Also, I like playing football with my friends.
I like swimming in summer.

3. What is the weather like today? ‫ما حالة الطقس اليوم‬

Today it is very hot.
I like hot weather because I go swimming.
I like summer very much.

4. Please tell me about your favorite time of year? ‫اخبرني عن الوقت‬

‫المفضل لك في العام‬
My favorite time of the year is summer.
I like hot weather because I go swimming.
I like summer very much.

5. Describe a typical meal from your country? ‫اوصف وجبة نمطية من بلدك‬
A typical meal from my country is KABSA.
It is rice with chicken or rice with meat.
I love KABSA very much. It's tasty/ delicious.

6. Please describe this room? ‫صف هذه الغرفة‬

This room is a computer lab.
It is big.
It has 25 computers and a board.
There are some students doing the APTIS TEST.

7. What things do people in your country like to read? ‫ما األشيائ التي‬
‫يحب الناس قراءتها في بلدك‬
People in my country like to read short stories, romance stories,
Action stories.
Also, they like reading the Quran.

8. Please tell me about your favorite film star? ‫اخبرني عن نجمك السينمائي‬
‫ األسئلة الشخصية التي يتم اجابتها بدون صور‬:‫القسم األول في قسم التحدث‬

My favorite film star is Nasser Al Qassabi.

He is Saudi actor.
He is comedian. ‫كوميديان‬
I love him very much.

9. Please tell me about the last time you visited friends? ‫أخبرني عن آخر‬
‫مرة زرت فيها أصدقاءك‬
The last time I visited my friends was last night.
We played football together.
We had a good time.

10. What did you do last night? ‫ماذا فعلت الليلة الماضية‬
Last night I visited my friends.
We played football together.
We had a good time.

11. Please describe your typical day? ‫اوصف يومك النمطي العادي‬
My typical day starts at 5 am.
I go to work at 8:00 am.
I have breakfast at 10:00 am.
I have lunch at 2:00 pm.
I watch TV and go to bed at 11:00 pm.

12. What are you wearing today? ‫ماذا ترتدي اليوم‬

Today, I am wearing a white thobe, a red SHEMAGH, black shoes,
and a watch.
It is typical in my country.

14. What sports do people like in your country? ‫ما الرياضة التي يحبها‬
‫الناس في بلدك‬
People in my country like football, tennis, swimming, basketball, and
I like football very much.

15. Please tell me your favorite place? ‫أـخبرني عن مكانك المفضل‬

My favorite place is my room.
It is very big.
It has a sofa, a bed, a desk, a computer, and a TV.

16. Please tell me a famous place in your country? ‫اخبرني عن مكان مشهور‬
‫في بلدك‬
A famous place in my country is Makka.
‫ األسئلة الشخصية التي يتم اجابتها بدون صور‬:‫القسم األول في قسم التحدث‬

It has the HOLLY MOSQUE ‫المسجد الحرام‬.

It is a holly ‫ مقدسة‬city.
It is about 900 km from here.
I love it very much.

17. Please tell me your favorite film? ‫أخبرني عن فيلمك المفضل‬

My favorite film is Titanic.
It is an American film.
It is very nice.
I enjoy watching it in my free time.
I love it very much.

18. What do you like doing with friends? ‫ماذا تحب أن تفعل مع أصدقائك‬
I like playing football with my friends.
We enjoy playing football together.
Also, I like swimming with my friends.

19. What are you doing for the rest of today? ‫ماذا سوف تفعل في بقية اليوم‬
The rest of today I am going to have lunch with my friends, then visit
my grandfather in Buraidah.

20. Please tell me about your friends? ‫أخبرني عن اصدقائك‬

My friends are very nice.
They are all from Qassim.
I love them very much.
I like playing football with them.

21. Please tell me about the best way to travel around your country?
‫اخبرني عن أفضل طريقة للسفر داخل بلدك‬
The best way to travel around in my country is by bus.
It is very cheap and you can go anywhere at any time.
I like travelling around by bus.

22. Please describe the place where you live? ‫أوصف المكان الذي تعيش فيه‬
I live in a small house in the center of Buraidah.
It has 4 rooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a small garden.
It is very nice.
I like it very much.

23. What did you do yesterday? ‫ماذا فعلت باألمس‬

25. Please describe your journey here today? ‫اوصف رحلتك إلى هنا اليوم‬
‫ األسئلة الشخصية التي يتم اجابتها بدون صور‬:‫القسم األول في قسم التحدث‬

My journey here today was very nice.

I got up early to come early.
I came with my friend by car.
It took about 25 minutes to get here.

26. Please tell me about the last thing you saw on television? ‫أخبرني عن‬
‫أخر شيء رأيته على التليفزيون‬
The last thing I saw on TV was Nasser Al Qassabi's film.
He is a Saudi actor.
He is a nice comedian. ‫كوميديان‬
I love him very much.

27. What are your hobbies? ‫ما هي هواياتك‬

I like playing football with my friends.
We enjoy playing football together.
Also, I like swimming with my friends.

28. What do you do in your free/ leisure time? ‫ماذا تفعل في وقت فراغك‬
I like playing football with my friends.
We enjoy playing football together.
Also, I like swimming with my friends.

29. Please tell me about your family? ‫اخبرني عن أسرتك‬

My family is very big.
I have 5 brothers and 6 sisters.
My father is a teacher and my mother is a housewife.
We live in Buraidah.

30. Please tell me about your school? ‫أخبرني عن مدرستك‬

My school was very nice.
I loved my teachers very much.
I enjoyed studying.
I had so many friends from school.

31. Please tell me about favorite sports? ‫اخبرني عن رياضتك المفضلة‬

I like playing football with my friends.
We enjoy playing football together.
Also, I like swimming with my friends.
‫القسم األول في قسم التحدث‪ :‬األسئلة الشخصية التي يتم اجابتها بدون صور‬

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