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CLASS X (2024-25)


A project file/travel guide on different aspects of sister state (MP)

• Cover Page- collage on Buddhism related monument with a catchy title for the project like MP Mosaic
• Page 1: Introduction of the project in not more than 50 words. & Index
• Page 2: Geographical details, like climate, terrain, water resources, flora, and fauna of MP, (reference
chapter: Coorg)
• Page 3: Recipe of any special food and beverage of MP (reference chapter A Baker from Goa)
• Page 4: Sample and details of any painting or art and craft; dresses or textile like chanderi
• Page 5: Eminent political leaders and social reformer of MP
• Page 6: Any folk song translated in English of MP... (reference chapter - A Tale of Custard the Dragon)
• Page 7: Design and create any tribal jewellery of MP. (reference chapter: The Necklace)
• Page 8: Acknowledgement and Bibliography
2. Space Exploration has been a very popular theme in English Literature and Pop Culture since the early ‘60s.
Many popular stories like James Cameron’s Avatar and Andy Weir’s The Martian are set within this premise.
It was Literature that inspired the scientists and entrepreneurs of today to dream of forging a life in the
unknown. Since an imaginary trip to Mars is well within our means, let us attempt to take a flight to the
unknown too. Attempt writing a descriptive passage of around 450 words based on the following prompt:

“Imagine you are a passenger on the first civilian mission Elon Musk has arranged for human beings to
explore life on Mars. Give a detailed description of what you think the experience might be like.” To be done in
A4size sheet and should be well presented with appropriate title.
[Reference Chapter: ‘The Book that saved the Earth’]

Letter to Nelson Mandela

Students will connect with the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela by writing a heartfelt letter addressed to
him. Through this exercise, students will have the opportunity to express their thoughts, reflections, and
questions about Mandela's journey, ideals, and impact on the world.

Assignment Tasks:
1. Research and Reflection: Students to research Nelson Mandela's life, focusing on significant events,
challenges, achievements, and contributions. Students will reflect on the personal and global significance of
Mandela's legacy.

2. Letter Format: Students will write their letter to Nelson Mandela in their English notebook. The letter
should include:
- A respectful salutation addressing Mandela directly.
- Introduction- expressing the purpose of the letter and the student's admiration for Mandela.
- Body paragraphs- discussing various aspects of Mandela's life, such as his leadership, perseverance,
sacrifices, and vision for a better world.
- Personal reflections- on how Mandela's story has inspired the student and influenced their understanding of
justice, equality, and resilience.
- Questions or inquiries the student may have about Mandela's experiences or beliefs.
- Closing remarks expressing gratitude and well wishes.
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3. Tone and Language Students to be respectful in their text and to use clear and articulate language to convey
their thoughts effectively.
4. Students to ensure that they write in 250-300 words.

Assessment Criteria:
- Depth of understanding demonstrated in the letter, including insights into Mandela's life and legacy.
- Clarity, coherence, and organization of thoughts expressed in the letter.
- Use of language to convey emotions, reflections, and questions effectively.
- Engagement with Mandela's ideals and their personal significance to the student.
- Adherence to letter-writing conventions and guidelines.


१. अपठित गद्यांश कय अभ््यस 1 से 4 ,समयस और पदबांध के अभ््यसों को व््यकरण पुस्तक में पूरय कीजिए।

२. स्पशश में अब तक पढयए गए पयिों में से प्रत््ेक पयि से 2 अांकों के पयांच-पयांच अततररक्त प्रश्न एवां हरिहि काका पयि से 3 अांकों के
पयांच अततररक्त प्रश्नों कय एक प्रश्नसांग्रह शीर्शक के अनुसयर व््यकरण कॉपी में लिखकर तै्यर करें ।

३. हमने स्पशश- पस्

ु तक में वर्णशत डायिी का एक पन्ना पयि में वयस्तववक आियदी लमिने के कई वर्श पव
ू श किकत्तयवयलस्ों
दवयरय मनयए गए दस
ू रय झांडय ठदवस के सांघर्ों के बयरे में ियनकयरी प्रयप्त की। इन सांघर्ों के सयथ हमयरे दे श के ततरां गे ने आरां भ
से आि तक के सफर में कई बदियव दे खय है । आप भयरत के ततरां गे के बदिते स्वरूप की कहयनी चचत्र के मयध््म से A4 आकयर के
पन्ने पर बनयकर उसकय सांक्षिप्त पररच् लिर्खए।

४. आपने “बडे भयई सयहब” और “हररहर कयकय” पयि में ररश्तों की खूबसूरती के सयथ ररश्तों की चुनौतत्ों और उिझनों को भी दे खय,
िेककन अब िीवन की भयग दौडौ़ के कयरण वतशमयन के बदिते सयमयजिक पररदृश्् में पररवयर कय हर ररश्तय प्रभयववत हो रहय है । ऐसे
में मनु भांडयरी दवयरय रचचत आपका बंटी उपन््यस पढकर बतयएां कक आपकी सहयनुभूतत कय पयत्र कौन और क््ों है ?बांटी िैसे बच्चों
की उिझनों को सुिझयने के लिए आप कौन कौन से उपय् बतयएांगे?

➢ अपनी व््यकरण कॉपी में लिखें ।

1 Construct a locus (PATH) of Parabola using thread and nail on wooden cardboard.

1) Take a wooden cardboard and draw a Cartesian plane on it.

2) On 𝑥 – axis take 20 units X1 to X 20 and On 𝑦 – axis take 20 units Y1 to Y20
3) On each 1 unit fixed a nail as shown above in the graph.
4) Join Y20 to X1,…..Y19 to X2,… ...... Y1 to X20 using thread.
Analyse the traced-out design.

(ii) Verify the conditions for consistency/inconsistency of system of linear equations in two variables by graphical
representation in activity notebook.
2. Do the mentioned exercises of NCERT Exemplar textbook chapter.
Ex:- 4.1, Ex:- 4.2, Ex:- 4.3, Ex:- 4.4 (All questions)
3. Assertion- Reason based questions:-
Direction:-In the given questions, a statement of assertion is followed by a statement of
reason- choose the correct option.
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(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false but Reason is true.
(I)Assertion:-If a and c are of opposite signs, then the quadratic equation ax2+bx+c has real and distinct roots.
Reason:- If discriminant (D) is not equal to zero, it has real and distinct roots.
(II) Assertion:- If a-b+c=0 then ax2+bx+c=0 has real roots.
Reason:-Roots of x2-x+1 are not real.
(III) Assertion:- If a+b+c=0 then ax2+bx+c=0 has real roots.
Reason:- If one root of quadratic equations is real, then the other root is also real.
(IV) Assertion:- If acǂ0, then at least one of the two equation ax2+bx+c=0 and ax2+bx-c=0 has real
and distinct roots
Reason:- A quadratic equation has real and distinct roots if its discriminant is positive.
(V) Assertion:- The sum of 20 terms of the AP 1,3,5,7,……. IS 400
Reason:- The sum of first n odd natural numbers is n2.
4. Case Study based questions:-
1) Raj and Ajay are very close friends. Both the families decide to go to Ranikhet by their
own cars. Raj’s car travels at a speed of x km/hr while Ajay’s car travels 5 km/hr faster
than Raj’s car. Raj took 4 hours more than Ajay to complete the journey of 400km.
(i) What will be the distance covered by Ajay’s car in two hours?
(ii) Find the quadratic equation according to situation.
(iii) What is the speed of Raj and Ajay’s car?
(iv) How much time did it take for to travel 400 km?
2) The speed of a motor boat is 20km/hr. For covering the distance of 15 km the boat took 1 hour more for upstream
than downstream. Let speed of the stream be x km/hr.
(i) Find the speed of the motorboat in upstream.
(ii) Find the quadratic equation in given situation.
(iii) What is the speed of current?
(iv) How much time did the motorboat take in downstream?
3) India is a competitive manufacturing location due to the low cost of manpower and strong
technical and engineering capabilities contributing to higher quality production runs. The
production of TV sets in a factory increases uniformly by a fixed number every year. It
produced 16000 sets in 6th year and 22600 in 9th year.
(i) Find the production during first year.
(ii) Find the production during 8th year.
(iii) In which year, the production is 29,200?
(iv) Find the difference of the production during 7th year and 4th year.
Chemistry: (all the work to be done in chemistry notebook)
1. FLIP HOMEWORK: Prepare a concept map on the chapter: Acids, Bases and salts.
Enlist all the chemical reactions given in the above chapter, and balance the reactions. Also try to write the type of
each reaction.
2. Read SALTS from Chapter - 2 and prepare 10 Questions from the topic of your own and answer those questions
EXCLUDING (MCQ, Fill in the blanks, True/False.)
Physics: (all the work to be done in physics notebook)

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1. Light is a form of energy which induces sensation of vision to our eyes. It becomes visible when it bounces off on
surfaces and hits our eyes. The phenomenon of bouncing back of light rays in the same medium on striking a smooth
surface is called reflection of light. If parallel beam of incident rays remains parallel even after reflection and goes
only in one direction is known as regular reflection. It takes place mostly in plane mirrors or highly polished metal
surfaces. The mirror outside the driver side of a vehicle is usually a spherical mirror and printed on such a mirror is
usually the warning "vehicles in this mirror are closer than they appear."
Prepare three questions from the paragraph given above and differentiate between regular and irregular
1. At what distance from a concave mirror of focal length 10cm should an object be placed so that (i) its real image is
formed 20 cm from the mirror (ii) its virtual image is formed 20cm from the mirror.
1. A ray of light strikes a plane mirror PQ at an angle of incidence 300, is reflected from the plane mirror and then
strikes a second plane mirror QR placed at right angles to the first mirror. What will be the angle of reflection at the
second mirror? (Draw ray diagram to support your answer) (C3.6)
2. Draw ray diagrams to show the formation of images when the object is placed in front of a converging mirror: (i)
between pole and focus (ii) between its centre of curvature and focus.
3. What happens to the image when the object is moved away from a convex mirror, gradually? Draw ray diagrams
to show this.
4. Make a list of at least 5 uses of concave and convex mirrors in our daily life around us. (C3.9)
Biology: (all the work to be done in biology notebook)
A - Make an investigatory project report on “diseases related to heart” emphasizing the following points (i) its cause,
(ii) symptoms, (iii) precautionary measures, (iv) treatment
Instructions:(i) Write the project report.
(ii)Paste concerned colourful pictures, cuttings from magazines and newspapers, data etc.,
B: Read chapter Control and co-ordination and prepare 5 Questions from the topic glands and hormones on your
own and answer those questions EXCLUDING (MCQ, Fill in the blanks, True/False.)


History (Do the given work in Histoy copy)

1.."Napoleon had, no doubt, destroyed democracy in France, but in the administrative field he had incorporated
revolutionary principles in order to make the whole system more rational and efficient.” Support the statement with
suitable arguments. (C-2.4)
2. How did culture play an important role in creating the idea of the ‘nation’ in Europe? Explain with examples.
Political science (Do the given work in Political science copy)
1. Why is Power Sharing desirable in Democracy? Justify your answer with an example.(C-5.4)
2. Explain the different forms of power sharing arrangements in India.(C-4.5)
Do Question no. 1 in Geography copy and Question no. 2 in stick file.
1. Discuss the causes and effect of depletion of flora and fauna in India.(C-4.5)
2. Project
Topic - Sustainable Development.
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Do Question 1 in Economics copy.
1. Compare and contrast the contribution of three sectors in the Indian Economy. (C-7.2)
2. prepare an PPT on the topic GDP and Per Capita Income.
For question no 2 (5 slides) (C-7)
1. Meaning
2. Calculation
3. Importance
4. Derivation of PCI
5. Limitations

SDG 4: Quality Education
Create educational presentations on important topics such as environmental conservation, human rights, or global
health and print your ppt (6 slides only) and paste it in AI notebook
Develop a presentation or report summarizing your research, project proposals, and potential impact of AI-driven
initiatives in AI notebook.
Do it in your Artificial Intelligence Note Book.


1. ‘शक
ु सप्ततत’ कथय सांग्रह से शक
ु -सयररकय कय कहयनी सन
ु कर आपके दै तनक िीवन में आने वयिे
उप्ोगी ‘बुदचधबिवती सदय’ पयि के आधयर पर पयाँच गुणों को लिर्खए।

2. ठदए गए वगश पहे िी से व््ांिन सांचध और ववसगश सांचध के शब्दों कय तनमयशण कर सांचध-ववच्छे द

3. ववलभन्न सांस्थयन और उनके सांस्कृत ध््े्-वयक््ों को ए-फोर सयइि पेपर पर सुसजजित कर लिर्खए।

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