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r/backpain 1 yr. ago

by cmaz5

Help! L5-S1 Bulge? Anyone have

this? Been in pain for months



Computer herniatedvsbulgi... Dastart.hta


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berserker_841 • 1 yr. ago

Hey there. I've been dealing with back pain on and

off for like 9 years. Surgery shouldn't be a thing
unless more conservative treatments haven't
worked. You can get yourself out of this if you
aren't lazy. Luckily I've made a quick write up of
some modalities ive tried that have gotten me back
to a good place. I herniated L5/S1 twice, have
modic type 1 endplates, a mild disc bulge at L4/5
in the right subticular zone, and have mild facet
arthropathy at L2/3.

1. Cold/hot contrast therapy. Hot tub or sauna

followed with 2-3 min cold plunge or cold
shower. This will reduce inflammation and
help alleviate muscle stiffness.
2. Peptide therapy with BPC-157. 1-2 month
cycle twice a day at 250mcg.
3. Identify poor posture and incorrect moving
patterns. Master the hip hinge and body
weight squat. Pay attention to avoid flexion
when sitting, standing up from seated
position, getting in/out of a car, picking
something up off the ground etc.
4. Get adequate sleep/rest
5. Hydrate hydrate hydrate
6. WALK 3X a day 15-20 mins each
7. Avoid inflammatory foods and start
supplementing with glucosamine with MSM
and specialized pro resolving mediators. Also
tumeric, collagen, vit C, D, and magnesium.
8. Spinal decompression movements; hang from
a pull up bar or use an inversion table a few
mins a day.
9. Chiropractic - don't go to someone whos
going to adjust you on the first visit. If they
aren't concerned with your total overall health
and don't take x-rays first to properly assess
your particular situation, they are not good.
They should mostly be focusing on spinal
10. Rehab as outlined below to stretch and
strengthen. Back issues start with weak /
imbalanced core, hip flexors, hamstrings, and
glutes. The PSOAS is part of the hip flexor
and is connected directly to the lumbar spine.
Due to sitting this will become a steel band
over time, putting excessive pressure on the
discs. Once I started getting serious about a
stretch routine, my morning stiffness reduced

-----------Stretching/Mobility----3x Week--------

Cat cows (warm up)

Couch stretch

World's greatest stretch

Pelvis openers

Hamstring stretches

Kettlebell hip openers (squat university)

Bird dogs (McGill)

Side planks (McGill)

Deadbug variations

Pallof presses

Glute bridges

McKenzie press

Angel of death 10x (5 sec up, 5 sec down)

Foundation training

---------Correctional/Foundational---1/2x week---

Correctional / Foundational (3-4 sets):

Lateral step ups

Goblet squat

Cable pull throughs

Reverse hypers - i do this as a finisher after my

normal workouts sometimes.

Hip thrusts

Sled pushes - slow and controlled

Suitcase carrys - ea side 4x 50 yrds


Attempt light squats and deadlifts

Bulgarian squats (single leg, protects low back)

Trap bar deadlifts

Loaded hip thrusts

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[deleted] • 1 yr. ago

Good news is that it will go away with time! Bad

news is you gotta reset your expectations and
work big time on your spine hygiene. And your
spine stability. Read Back Mechanic by McGill!
Good luck :)
16 Reply Share

[deleted] • 1 yr. ago

This. I had the same thing. Rest, ice, get a soft

back brace to help with stability and posture. It
took me about a year to get better.
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keitheii • 1 yr. ago

Go away with time? L5-S1 was the first disc of

mine to bulge, that was in 1997. The bulge has
only gotten worse and I've added 7 more to the
collection. What do you mean "go away with
2 Reply Share

[deleted] • 1 yr. ago

Well, you're giving 0 context. My partner has

had his biggest herniation for 20 years, and
two others that have slowly become bigger.
He's only been taking care of his injuries now,
because it's bad enough he can't stand for
more than a minute. He also has increasing
arthritis, which goes with the herniations (if I
understand correctly), and his L5-S1 disc is
completely flat (black on the MRI). But now
he's doing everything he can and knows to
get better (hopefully!), and I trust he will be
another success story just like many other
people on here and elsewhere that have
healed. I hope you find what works for you,
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dnomadguy • 1 yr. ago

I have had the same thing for the past 3 - 4 years. I

just turned 28.

Good news is, this will get better, but it takes time
and us religiously strengthening the pelvis, glutes,
and core apart from the lower back itself.

I suggest that you search for another physical

therapist. You should start feeling better in a
month or two after physical therapy and should
continue doing it.

I go to chiropractors as well. Only 1 out of 5

chiropractors have adjusted me properly. I think
the best thing to do would be strengthen the
muscles around the lower back so that your spine
is not taking stress.

Good luck. You will recover.

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cmaz5 • 1 yr. ago

I’m 34. I’ve tried months of physical therapy &

chiro, acupuncture(only one session), 2 cortisone
injections and nothing has worked! I don’t get it.
I’m athletic, 6’4” 195. Can no longer get through 9
holes of golf. What has worked for you? I’m at a
loss. I prefer not being on meds, and surgery
seems premature for my age.
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crashedmind • 1 yr. ago

If you're looking for something to try, get a

sacroiliac belt. I have a couple minor disc bulges
in my low back and I tried the belt and it cut the
pain down a lot. They are cheap and it cant hurt.
(I am not a doctor and this is not medical
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Ordinary-Bridge8182 • 1 yr. ago

You have modic type 1 changes on your l5 and

s1 endplates. That's the source of your pain if
you have no obvious nerve conflict.
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cupcakesandvoodoo • 1 yr. ago

I’d consult with an ortho surgeon. If you’ve tried

all that and are still in pain, it might be time. I
had my first back surgery at 29. Just got
unlucky genetics and I have DDD.

I was miserable and limping and was told by a

physical therapist I’d be in pain and limping the
rest of my life and would need a cane before the

Sought out the best surgeon I could and had a

discetomy. Within a month I was off all pain
meds and pain free. I wished I had done it

5 years later and I’m in the same boat but with

different discs. Going into surgery in February
and optimistic about the outcome as well.

Surgery is scary but if you find a good doctor,

they’ll make sure you try everything else first
and steer you right. Good luck!
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[deleted] • 1 yr. ago

Sorry you’re going through this. I’ve had the same

bulge since 2006. Worst pain of my life for about
13 years. My MRI was identical to yours. Was finally
eligible for surgery and got it in 2019. Have been
much better since. Still some pain here and there
and I have to be careful with what I do. But that
level of pain never returned. You’ll get through it.
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sashcryptosash • 1 yr. ago

I know there is a lot to read on here so I’ll make

mine short. I have the same bulge but 3 editional
bulges. I have DDD I’m 34 year old F. What has
been working for me…

1. CBD gummies 10mg hemp extract kind

2. 5 months of doing the stretches from PT
3. using 10nz unit

4 ) initially Lyrica, muscle relaxers, moist heat. I

had an epidural but don’t feel that worked.

5) just hired a personal trainer more on the yoga

side and I’ve had great results so far! Ive learned
that your muscles need to be helping you get your
day done not your bones!

It’s taken 6 months now but I the initial pain was so

bad that I spend months sitting on my couch ,
gritting my teeth with tears in my eyes. I still have
occasional bad days but I don’t have that burning
hot pain in my spine anymore.
3 Reply Share

lolzme24 • 1 yr. ago

Deadhang 3-5 times a day

10-20 sec each time

Better chair

Core strength

Put a timer to ring every 50min for you to get up

and get the blood flow again.

Took me less then 6 months for full recovery with

the protocol I wrote above.
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Apprehensive_Roll996 • 1 yr. ago

What did you dead hang from?

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lolzme24 • 1 yr. ago

Pull up bar
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Low_down_dom • 1 yr. ago

Your golf days are done, from my bulges I have

now facet joint arthritis, you might have the start of
it (mri normally picks it up) I would do core
strength exercises to limit the progression and
pain, I’m also 36 just need to learn to live with it.
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Hot_Technician9396 • 1 yr. ago

“Golf days are over” haha dude who are you to

tell him he can’t enjoy the things he loves
anymore. What about the people that are
carpenters, iron workers, police officers, and
firefighters that have to deal with the pain. If
those people can do it, this guy can get through
some golf with some training. Your life isn’t over
because of a disc bulge...
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y-aji • 1 yr. ago

36.. on year 4 of debilitating back pain..

definitely just living w/ it. PT has helped the
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Ny2fl21 • 1 yr. ago

I had an issue with the same disc. I lost 25lbs went

to a top pain doc that did a cortisone shot (at the
top of my butt crack). I immediately felt a
difference. In addition I lay on my back, grab
behind my knee and gently pull back all the way
and rotate. Let me tell you I was stuck in bed on
and off for months. Don't give up!
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uhpinion11 • 1 yr. ago

i have the same ish bulge at L5-S1 plus some other

spicy bits and damage, the key bulge injury
happened 9 months ago.

i have done PT(but really only dry needling) since

then plus added massage in june or july and I just
hit lower pain days (i.e 1-3 range instead of living
in 4-6 range). i also recently replaced my mattress
with a firmer model and that has done wonders for
my recovery.

i ordered stuart mcgills book mechanics and that

has also been an affirming source of information
and guidance. he would probably say have you
tried treating yourself like you had back surgery?
i.e no golf/ physical exercise for several months,
several months of actual rest in pain free positions
and several months of thoughtful walking and
thoughtful posture correction? if you do that and
truly experience no change then maybe pursue
surgery. you’ll read in this sub that an L5-S1 fusion
is not a highly successful surgery.

from other pain info i can tell you not taking meds
that can help you experience pain free movement
is just willful self harm. our brains learn nothing
from pain except to follow those pain pathways. we
help ourselves by addressing the pain. without
lyrica (pre gabalin - its a nerve pain drug) i
honestly would have unalived myself from the
constant and unrelenting pain i have experienced
over the last 9 months due to this injury. thanks
drugs for keeping me alive.
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Necessary-Hunter2163 • 1 yr. ago

Me! Exactly the same...going on 3 years, shots,

RFA, PT, exercises....NOTHING IS HELPING!! DR.
wants me to try talking to someone cuz thats
gonna magically help it! So frustrating!
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cmaz5 • 1 yr. ago

Yeah I’ve had it off and on now for about 8

years, now it’s been constant pain for 5 months.
What is your next step?
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NoCommunication1746 • 1 yr. ago

It will take cover for a few weeks

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cmaz5 • 1 yr. ago

So much posted here, thank you all! I’ve obsessed

in this for the past 5 months and reading these
responses are certainly enlightening. There’s so
much more I can do to help my cause, I really
appreciate you folks! Step one is learning hip hinge
and work on further building my core. Then there’s
like 20 other pieces of advice I need to address.
You guys are awesome.
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LordCallahad • 1 yr. ago

Check out bob and brad's videos on youtube,

they have a lot of great things to try for disc
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