P in Company 3.0 Elementary Interview Video Units 9-11 Worksheet

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In Company interviews: Units 9–11

Before you watch
1 Read the sentences below and tick the ones which are true for you.
a I didn’t go to university.
b I took a year off between school and university.
c I travel overseas on business.
d I carefully pack for business trips.
e On planes, I take my bags as hand luggage.
f I work from home in very bad weather.

While you watch: What happened?

2 Watch the video. Complete the text about Jane with the verbs in the box in the Past Simple.
get   ​go   ​have   ​leave   ​offer   ​plan   ​
spend   ​start   ​study   ​take

Jane (a) her childhood in Colchester, Essex. She (b) to

the girls’ grammar school in Colchester and (c) with nine O-levels and
three A-levels. She (d) to go to university, but she (e)
a year out and (f) to earn some money. She (g) her first
job in finance by accident. She (h) a mock interview and the company
(i) her a job at the end of it. She then (j) for her financial
services qualifications.

While you watch: Travelling light

3 Watch the video. Tick the items that Jane always takes on business trips.
a a toothbrush f an iPhone
b toothpaste g an iPad
c a towel h a charger
d a diary i underwear
e a Blackberry j travel tickets

4 What items from 3 do you think are essential for a business trip? Can you think of any other
essential items?

5 Watch the video again. What does Jane say are the two advantages of taking everything
as hand luggage? Can you think of another advantage?

In Company 3.0 Elementary © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015 interviews 9–11 1


While you watch: Weather watch

6 Watch the video. Match the sentence beginnings (a–e) to the endings (1–5).
a Jane is not affected by adverse weather, 1 so she likes going to hotter, drier places for her holidays.
b Like many of her colleagues, 2 to countries with a different climate.
c If there is severe weather, 3 but she sometimes arrives in a bedraggled state at work.
d Jane doesn’t make business trips 4 Jane has a two-hour commute every day.
e Jane comes from a damp, cold country, 5 Jane plans ahead and works from home.

7 Look at the words in bold in 6. Match the words to the definitions below. Two words match the same definition.
a wet
b bad
c journey to work
d in a mess
e typical weather conditions in a particular area

After you watch

8 Read the sentences in 1 again. Which ones are true for Jane?

9 Write answers to the questions.

a Do many people in your country take a year off between school and university?
What do they do in that year?

b Is it possible to get a good job in your country without getting a university degree?
What other qualifications can people take?

10 Write a paragraph about yourself. Use the text in 2 to help you.

In Company 3.0 Elementary © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015 interviews 9–11 2

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