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In Company interviews: Answer key

Units 1–3 Units 5–7
1 1
Students’ own answers Students’ own answers

2 2
a 4 a, c, e and f
b 1
c 2 3
d 3 a F – they select them carefully and go to around
four a year
3 b T
a cutting to the chase c F – he thinks having the right exhibitors and
b identity attendees is the most important thing
c forge d F – he says it was a really beneficial conference
d strengths e T
f T
b, c and f 4
a was
5 b attended
a 80 c were
b 20 d decided
c 60 e was; walked
d 70 f visited; tried
e platforms
f necessity 5
a growth
6 b process
b and c c fit
d tailor
e nervous
a T f essential
b F – she has two children
c F – she often goes home at 3.30 pm and then comes 6
back at 7.30 pm Students’ own answers
d T
e T 7
f F – she also uses Facebook and Twitter a, c and d

8 8
a always It is easier because the Internet helps entrepreneurs get
b usually; often their products in front of lots of people very quickly and is
c never good for market research. It is easy to build a good website
in a few days, and this helps entrepreneurs market their
d sometimes
products quickly.
e often; usually
Students’ own answers
She would agree with all of them.

Students’ own answers

In Company 3.0 Elementary © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015 Interviews Answer Key 1

Units 9–11 Units 13–15

1 1
Students’ own answers Students’ own answers

2 2
a spent b, d, e, g and h.
b went
c left 3
d planned No he doesn’t. When it snows heavily he tells his staff
e took to stay at the office for an extra hour or hour and a half
and wait until the traffic gets better. Then it is easy to
f started
get home.
g got
h had 4
i offered c and e
j studied
3 a 3
a, b, e, f, g, h and j b 2
c 1
Students’ own answers 6
1 a
2 c
You don’t have to queue when you land – you just walk off
3 b
the plane and leave. It is also less to carry around with you.
a doesn’t work
a 3
b used to work; would get
b 4
c work
c 5
d starts; drops
d 2
e is working
e 1
b, c, d and f
a damp
b adverse; severe 9
c commute a Students’ own answers
d bedraggled b Students’ own answers. Graham’s attitudes and
e climate policies towards working on Saturdays changed when
he had children. He realized he didn’t want to work
8 on Saturdays himself, so now no one in the company
a, b, d, e and f works on Saturdays. He also now allows his staff to
work different hours because he recognized the social
9 trend of good workers wanting flexibility.
Students’ own answers

Students’ own answers

In Company 3.0 Elementary © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015 Interviews Answer Key 2

Units 17–19
Students’ own answers


a F – one of Tim’s main professional achievements
is making his company paperless
b T
c T
d F – Tim says his staff can access their work from the
cloud if they’re working in a café or at home

1 a
2 c
3 b
4 c

a 4
b 3
c 6
d 5
e 1
f 2

Advantages: a; b
Disadvantages: e; g

Students’ own answers

Students’ own answers

In Company 3.0 Elementary © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015 Interviews Answer Key 3

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