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Database Course Design Report


学 号(Student ID):

专 业(Majority):计算机科学与技术

班 级(Class):21 计算机 L1

课程设计题目(Title of Course Design):Inventory and Sales Management System

指导教师(Teacher):何灵敏 He Lingmin


June 2024

1. Abstract (Overview)
This project involves developing an inventory and sales management system using JavaFX
and MySQL. The system provides functionalities for managing inventory, handling sales
transactions, and maintaining customer records. It includes a user-friendly interface for
different user roles, such as administrators, inventory managers, and salesmen, enabling
efficient management of business operations.

2. System Requirement Analysis

System Purpose:
The primary purpose of this system is to streamline inventory and sales management
processes for small to medium-sized businesses. It aims to provide a comprehensive
solution for tracking inventory levels, processing sales orders, managing customer
information, and generating reports.

Functional Requirements

1. Tables:
- Users (Admin, Salesman, Inventory Manager)
- Products
- Orders
- Customers
- Inventory
2. Login Page:
- Secure login for different user roles.
3. Business Pages:
- Add, update, delete, and query functionalities for products, orders, and customer

Performance Requirements:
The system should be responsive and capable of handling multiple users simultaneously. It
should ensure data integrity and security, especially for sensitive customer and transaction

3. System Function Development Environment

System Function and Module Partition
The system is divided into several modules, each responsible for specific functionalities:

· User Management: Handles user authentication and authorization.

· Inventory Management: Manages product information and inventory levels.
· Sales Management: Processes sales orders and maintains transaction records.
· Customer Management: Maintains customer information and handles customer
· User Authority
Different user roles (admin, salesman, inventory manager) have different levels of
access and permissions within the system.
· Development Tools
- Programming Language: Java
- Framework: JavaFX for the client interface
- Database: MySQL for data storage and management

4. Database Design
Conceptual Model (E-R Diagram)
The conceptual model includes entities such as Users, Products, Orders, Customers, and
Inventory. Each entity has specific attributes and relationships with other entities.

Logical Model
The logical model defines the structure of the database tables, including columns, data
types, and constraints.
Physical Model
The physical model outlines the actual implementation of the database tables in MySQL.
Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers
The system uses stored procedures and triggers to automate business logic and ensure data
5. Application Design and Implementation
Module Descriptions

· User Management Module: Allows administrators to manage user accounts and

· Inventory Management Module: Enables inventory managers to add, update, delete,
and query product information.
· Sales Management Module: Allows salesmen to process orders, generate invoices,
and maintain transaction records.
· Customer Management Module: Enables the management of customer information
and interaction history.

Flow Chart
The flow chart illustrates the interaction between different modules and the sequence of
operations for various system functionalities.
6. System Test
Test Cases
The system test includes various test cases for each module to ensure that all functionalities
work as expected. Test cases cover scenarios such as user login, product management,
order processing, and data queries.
7. Database Access
Database Connection
The system connects to the MySQL database using JDBC. It includes configuration settings
for the database connection, such as the database URL, username, and password.

8. Experience in the Design of this Course

This project provided valuable experience in developing a comprehensive management
system using JavaFX and MySQL. It enhanced my understanding of system design, database
management, and user interface development.

9. References
[1] JavaFX Official Documentation
[2] MySQL Documentation
[3] JDBC Tutorial

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