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Submitted to AMITY UNIVERSITY In the Partial fulfilment of the Requirement for the Award of the degree of B.Tech Nanotechnology

Submitted to: English Faculty

Submitted by: Karan Sahni


B.Tech NanoTech



This project has been made possible through the direct and indirect cooperation of various persons for whom I wish to express my appreciation and gratitude.

I express my deep sense of thankful to the various sources both known and unknown from where I obtained information, help, cooperation and support carrying out and completing this project.

My acknowledgement will not be complete if I do not express my sincere thanks to my family for their suggestion and encouragement in carrying out this report.











Parents are the most precious DIAMOND of ones life and his family, who are always with you in all your good and bad times. Family, in my opinion, is someone who loves you and whom you love either. It can be not only your parents but also people who are dear to you, who take care of you. If you have someone who can do everything for you and you can do the same you are lucky you have a family. I think that the family in this point of view is one of the most important things in our life, and people who have no family are always lonely and moreover nobody takes care of them. Its wrong to think that your family is only your father and mother your family consists of all the dearest people. For example orphans have no parents but maybe on their life ways they meet people who become dear and important for them and they name it family. Or when you grow up and go away from your parents you meet someone who is another half of you this man is also your family. To some up your family are your parents, your dearest friends and sweethearts. To say about family like a child and father and mother its not always but often the worm of home and kindness of parents. The child without parents cant enjoy the life other children live. And we have to take care of people, who are dear to us, especially if youre the only child in a family because all love and care parents give only to you. And you shouldnt break their heart. From one hand its great to be the only child in a family but in some cases its not. On the plus side parents always ready to help you but on the contrary when there is too much care it seems not to be good, because you cannot show your independence, do something yourself. Also you can feel lonely and bored. But your parents often do whatever their child wants and if its necessary they help you and warn. They always spend their time doing something together with child to make him happy or teach something. And you have to appreciate their care and love. Because nobody except them love you so much and know a lot about you. As for me, I am the only child in family who live away from home. And sometimes I really miss my joint family. Sometimes it is so boring to be away from home I think about my family that all my childhood they helped me and did everything for me. But it doesnt mean that Im the main person in my family. Family its also our grandmother, grandfather, aunts, uncles, My Dad Brother and their son or daughters and my elder brother and sister. And the family tree has a long history of generations that sometimes are so ancient that we cannot remember the member of it, the name and occupation. And when I begin to ask my parents about forefathers I find for myself a lot of interesting things. For example

some features of character which I have or part of appearance. But its a pity that I know not a lot of people in my family branch.







1 son


Main Characteristics of Family

UNIVERSALITY: There is no human society in which some form of the family does not appear. The typical family a group consisting of mother, father and their progeny is found in all communities, savage, barbarians and civilized. The irresistible sex need, the urge for reproduction and the common economic needs have contributed to this universality. EMOTIONAL BASIS: The family is grounded in emotions and sentiments. It is based on our impulses of mating, procreation, maternal devotion, fraternal love and parental care. It is built upon sentiments of love, affection, sympathy, cooperation and friendship. FORMATIVE INFLUENCE: The family welds an environment which surrounds trains and educates the child. It shapes the personality and moulds the character of its members. It emotionally conditions the child. NUCLEAR POSITION IN THE SOCIAL STRUCTURE: The family is the nucleus of all other social organizations. The whole social structure is built of family units. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE MEMBERS: The members of the family have certain responsibilities, duties and obligations. SOCIAL REGULATION: The family is guarded both by social taboos and by legal regulations. The society takes precaution to safeguard this organization from any possible breakdown. TYPES AND FORMS OF THE FAMILY ON THE BASIS OF SIZE OR STRUCTURE Nuclear or the single unit family Joint family

ON THE BASIS OF THE NATURE OF RELATIONS The conjugal family which consists of adult members among there exists sex relationship.

Consanguine family which consists of members among whom there exists blood relationship- brother and sister, father and son etc.

ON THE BASIS OF ANCESTRY OR DESCENT Matrilineal family Patrilineal family ON THE BASIS OF SIZE OR STRUCTURE NUCLEAR OR THE SINGLE UNIT FAMILY In India the family is the most important institution that has survived through the ages. India, like most other less industrialized, traditional, eastern societies is a collectivist society that emphasizes family integrity, family loyalty, and family unity. For a group to be called a nuclear family there must at some time be a father, mother and at least one child. This type of family structure is found in almost all societies, although the length of time in which the family remains in this form varies even within the same society. The nuclear family was most popular in the 1960s and 70s. The nuclear family can be a nurturing environment in which to raise children as long as there is love, time spent with children, emotional support, low stress, and a stable economic environment. In nuclear families, both adults are the biological or adoptive parents of their children. The nuclear family consists of a married couple and their children. The nuclear family is ego-centred, and impermanent, while descent groups are permanent (lasting beyond the life-spans of individual constituents) and reckoned according to a single ancestor. Ones family of orientation is the family in which one is born and grows up, while ones family of procreation is formed when one marries and has children. Claims made for the universality of the nuclear family, based upon the universality of marriage, do not hold up--the nuclear family is widespread, but not universal. In societies where the nuclear family is important, this structure acts as a primary arena for sexual, reproductive, economic, and acculturative functions, but it is not the only structure used by societies for these. Take an example 62% of Indians live in two parent, or nuclear families. There are three types of married nuclear families depending on employment status of the woman and man.

In the first type, the man works outside the home while the woman works inside the home caring for the children. 36 percent of all households fit this description. In the second type of married nuclear family, the woman works outside the home and the man cares for the children. This constitutes 2 percent of the families in this country. In the third kind of married nuclear family, both the wife and the husband work outside the home or are income providers. In some situations, the woman might have a home-based business, such as a day care centre. Nuclear family consists of husband, wife and their children. The concept of joint family where all the family members like aunt, uncle, cousins and grandparents live together contradicts with the concept of nuclear family. There are many countries where you would find many joint families but at same time the concept of nuclear families is catching up there too. There are many advantages and disadvantages of the nuclear family. Some of them are listed below: ADVANTAGES OF THE NUCLEAR FAMILY While discussing about the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear family, the first and foremost point pops up in the mind of a person is privacy of life. Privacy The couple can get their privacy in their own house in nuclear families whereas you cannot get your privacy in a joint family. People can live their own way and can do whatever they want to. There are no such boundaries set by the elders to follow. A Stable Environment Children raised in a family with the same parents during their growing years have a higher likelihood of having stability in their relationship and emotional bonding. Children that grow up in a single-parent household have higher chances of feeling a sense of loss regarding the absent parent, and miss out on the advantage of the emotional support and dual insights that both a father and a mother can provide. Behavioural Stability With both the father and the mother, children get a better sense of what is acceptable and unacceptable, as far as behaviour is concerned, especially

when both the parents look after their nurturing. When both parents agree on the kind of behaviour that they want from their children, it adds authority, and thus can be instilled in a better way. A Sense of Consistency When children grow up in a nuclear family, they get a sense consistency, especially when it also includes closeness with other members of the family such as grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins. This enables them to feel as if they are a part of a wider whole, particularly during traditional get-togethers. This provides a strong foundation to their roots, and can be a guiding principle all their lives. Learning Skills In a nuclear family, children usually get far more extensive training in life skills. For instance, mothers usually teach their children relationship skills, like emotional response skills and how to have smooth relations with others, while fathers, in general, teach their children handiwork skills and sports skills, like fixing things around the house or hitting a baseball, as well as how to deal with the world outside. Sharing Responsibility With two parents sharing the responsibility of raising the children, it enables one parent to take time to pursue other interests or get a rest while the other parent plays or works with the children. Children that are raised in a traditional nuclear family also tend to take on some of the sharing of the responsibilities, such as older siblings taking care of younger siblings. In a nuclear family, such roles are usually performed by expectation and example, rather than formal instruction. Physical and Emotional Support Nuclear families usually have more physical and emotional resources with which they can reinforce the whole. Through observing their parents and by following the examples set by them, children learn how to help in the building of the family. Financial stability When we talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the nuclear family, then financial stability is one of the strongest points in the nuclear family. One can be financially strong because of limited expenses. There is less number of people in the nuclear family and hence less expenses. You cannot have a strong financial stability if you are the only person who is earning in a joint family. Freedom The elders restricts youngsters not to do certain tasks because they think this is not good for them. But todays generation is very smart. They know what is good and bad for them and have enough analytical power so they dont like to restrict themselves. Instead, they want their freedom so that they can do and achieve whatever they want in their life.

Ease in moving When you have a nuclear family, you face fewer problems while shifting from a house. You can manage your things according to you without disturbing the lives of other people. This is one of the major advantages of the nuclear family. Avoidance of stress and discomfort Some people are emotional. They cant tolerate any kind of fun that is on them and in the joint family, one need to have much high patience. But, nuclear families has the advantage that if you live in the company of those with whom you are very comfortable then there is no need to take any stress and your discomfort also get vanished in a moment.

DISADVANTAGES OF THE NUCLEAR FAMILY While thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of the nuclear family, a person should also think that it is not always good to live in a nuclear family. At certain points, you realize the value of joint family. Here are those points which will teach you the importance of joint family and disadvantages of nuclear families. No care If the parents are working and children suffered from any small or big disease, then one needs to deal with it alone as they dont have elders and other family members to take care of. This is the major disadvantage of the nuclear family. One is alone and feels even sicker when he sees no one around. Problems to children If your child is small and needs special care, then at that point, you will definitely find the nuclear family not good enough. You will always think that if you were in a joint family then this condition would never arise as you have other family members who can take care of the child and in the mean time, you can do your work. Security and safety Security is one another disadvantage in the nuclear family. People feel insecure in the nuclear family. There are so many cases of robbery and murders and many of them are from nuclear family itself, as it is easier to grab someone who lives alone in a house or with less number of people. No support When we talk about the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear family, support is the thing one will always miss. If there is an argument between the couple then there is no one to support any one of them. They have to deal with their problem alone without any support. Sometimes due to open nature and ego, the fight results in divorce or separation because there was no one to make them understand the basics of a relationship.

Extra Expenses When you live in a community or in a joint family, then you have the liability to keep other happy and familiar to you. In order to do this, you need to do some extra expenses. Suppose, you bring some gift for your child then it is also important to bring some gift for other children in the family.

Joint family was a phenomena found only in India of the bygone days. This really meant that, the parents with all their children and grandchildren stayed together under one single roof. This system could prevail for decades for several reasons. First and foremost, all the children stayed in the same town as, no one went out of the town to another distant town in search of a job. This made it possible for all children to remain in town, and that also in the same house. Secondly, and more importantly, the sons and daughters-in-law were all treated as one family, and all these members were obliged to listen to the dictates of the elders. This made them succumb into staying with the parents, even if they did not like the idea. This system of joint family continued in India till the advent of the British Raj with which came the British culture. Now, the culture of single unit families was borrowed by India from their British counterparts. At that time, little realizing that single unit families started evolving in India. This happened in the middle of the current century. There is nothing in the world without advantages and disadvantages, it remains to be true of the joint family system also. The system had its flaws and great advantages too. The joint family has a great advantage in the gift of the feeling of unity among all the members of the family, no matter how large it may have been. Each member felt part, yes, an integral part of the whole, and so never felt alone. In days of celebrations and in times of despair, the whole joint family was together in any eventuality to enjoy or fret. The children of the family were the children of the family, and not the children of any one couple in the family, so there could be no differentiation between the children of one brother and those of another. It was not possible that the children of one brother studied in a public school and the children of another brother studied in a municipal school, just because their fathers were of different financial standards. This might have been very good for the family as a whole, but it had its own drawbacks. The children and if not they, at least their mothers could have felt that

their children were suffering at the hands of the system, and it could even be justified, for, if it was not for equal distribution of earnings, her children could be given more. There was a fair point in this, but the level of toleration and understanding was so very high that not a single member dared to raise an objection to the system. The system did give advantage to one at the cost of another, but does this not happen in every system. An old adage depicts this so truly that, one mans food is another mans poison. From the present standards of great extent, but still, the system of joint family was not without its advantages. In times of despair and tragedy specially, the system must have been a boon. An individual was never left alone to cry and die alone, and with this, the horros of a tragedy were minimized. Besides, all the members of the family lived together, cared for each other and the children all grew together. This was a special asset for the children who always had the pleasure of company of their equals in size to play with, and a lot of elders to cherish them. All the children of the family knew each other from their childhood and never felt a difference between cousins and their real brothers and sisters. The burden of housekeeping was shared by all the men and women and no one individual was made to feel burdened with the load of domestic tasks, which were shared and managed easily. In this system the elders had the finest share of it all. They were never lonely, they were given their due respect and regard by each member of the family. Above all, it was the dictates of the elders that always prevailed in the family. The cares of housekeeping were not their liability. All this gave them a very comfortable living in the evening of their lives. They felt wanted and cared for. I feel that, the greatest advantage of the joint family system accrued to the elders of the family. They had no cares and they were very well looked after, so they got a handsome return for all their labour during youth. On the contrary, the single unit families of today are a singular curse for the elders more than anyone else in the hierarchy of the family. This is a curse to elders more than to anyone else. Now, they are neglected, unwanted and more often than not, even removed from the family. The single unit family has come into being mainly because now, young men of the family are going out of their homes in search of better jobs so, their staying under one roof becomes impossible. When this happens, none of the individual son is willing to accept the responsibility of the old parents. So in this change over of the family system, the hardest hit is the elders of each family. To add to the separation due to the job hunting of the men, coming out the women also to work has given the final death blow to the joint family. What to talk of a joint family, in this scenario, even a single unit family hardly remains a family in its true sense. When the woman goes out to work, there has to be a lock outside the house, and, not

only the physical lock but, a lock is put to nearness, familiarity and friendship amongst the members of the family. Even the children of working mothers suffer due to lack of affection and care so, who else can be looked after in such a family. The children from the age of two or even earlier, are put into crches and learn whatever is available to them. In such a high dry scenario, where is the scope for elders to be attended to when children cannot get the attention they well deserve.

ADVANTAGES OF THE JOINT FAMILY India is one country which is known across the world for its strong traditions and cultural values. Joint Family system is one great gift by ancient Indian tradition to world. In India large numbers of families follow joint family tradition where large numbers family members live together under one roof. Numbers of members can vary from 10 to 50 in each joint family unlike todays nuclear families where we see 2 to 5 members. Ancient people of India followed joint family system in India because of numbers of advantages associated with joint family system in India. Below, I am writing few advantages of joint family system and how it is better to nuclear family system. Sharing Joint family system is much cost effective as compared to nuclear family system, here large numbers of people share same things which decreasing need for large numbers of objects. Psychological support Joint family system provides a great psychological support as we always find people inside our home to listen to our worries and solve our problems. Reducing financial worries As large numbers of people contribute therefore it makes it easy to manage finances. Even it is possible for a joint family to survive and manage if any member fails to earn any money in particular month. Help Helping each other members of joint family easily get lots of help in their own family. Support Members of joint family support each other to do various things. A joint family face a problem not much strongly as compared to a nuclear family because of its members strength and support; and it also comes out of these problems fast.

A joint family system is good for any country as it uses fewer resources while gives back more output. A joint family makes any society or country more strong because of strength of these family units. A joint family provides more help in restoring old cultures and traditions, as old people of family educate new members of family about various traditions and family values. JOINT FAMILY VS NUCLEAR FAMILY According to me, our family and community networks profoundly influence our values and attitudes in ways that one cant even imagine. So how do joint families influence the child.

Joint families are like the first training grounds, where a child learns interpersonal skills. Children in joint families learn lessons of patience, tolerance, cooperation and adjustment. I have actually seen this happen with my daughter and her cousin who lived with us. They learnt to share more easily, learnt to co-operate and adjust under practically every circumstance.

When a child lives with his/her grandparents and other older members of the family from the time he/she is born, they grow up appreciating, admiring and loving them. They also learn to adjust more easily with different kinds of people and learn to be more flexible. I know this for certain, because, when my husband and I have moved to another city, we took a long time to settle in, but my little one had made friends in no time, and found her feet very easily in the new place.

In a joint family a child learns and is reared by a number of people, thus dividing work, saving time and creating a spectrum of exposure and awareness. And for working parents, its a blessing to have reliable, trustworthy caretakers for your child, isnt it? After all, who better than to impart the same values that you have imbibed than the grandparents

While Nuclear families seem to work for todays generation in a lot of ways, there are challenges that parents face while raising their child in this set up.

If both parents are working, as we were, one may have to leave their children alone with caretakers for given lengths of time. This can mean children being brought up by care centers or domestic help, who may not be as attentive or reliable as family members.

Parents may also have to deal with attention-related problems which are usually byproducts of nuclear family systems, where the child, finding both parents absent and no

one else from the family, usually resorts to attention seeking behavior. Being sad, insolent, and reclusive among other things.

Children raised in nuclear families also tend to be less tolerant and more impatient, as they are not accustomed to dealing with too many people with varied personalities from an early age, and living in a nuclear family does not demand a great deal of flexibility of them. While I may not have experienced this myself, I have seen many of my friends children who come from nuclear backgrounds, struggling to adapt themselves to different situations, especially when they have relatives visiting them.

"Acting is just a way of making a living; the family is life."

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