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Sixth Edition May 2014

Draft 14th May 2014

















If you have any questions regarding the list please contact John McInally (01737 276204).

This document lists in alphabetical street order the Borough's stock of Statutory Listed
Buildings, protected curtilage or attached structures of known interest in the grounds of
Statutory Listed Buildings, Locally Listed Buildings, Historic Gardens and Ancient Monuments.
The Borough Council has published a list of sites of archaeological interest as a separate

This document will be available on the council’s website. Please refer to the web site for
updated information at







IIg HISTORIC GARDEN (English Heritage Register)


e, m, l Early, mid, late (e.g. m.17c)


Only curtilage or attached structures of known interest in the grounds of Statutory Listed
Buildings have been identified. You are reminded that generally structures attached to or within
the grounds of a Statutory Listed Building will require Listed Building Consent for extension,
alteration or demolition.


Historic buildings are part of our heritage. They provide a historical perspective on the
development of both towns and countryside. Such buildings cover a wide range of architectural
styles and types of conservation, as well as being of historic importance. Many of the buildings
represent significant events in Surrey's history or illustrate the use of local building materials.

Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest

(Statutory Listed Buildings)

It is important that those buildings that contribute to the historic, architectural and visual
character of the Borough are preserved and safeguarded from unsympathetic change.
Protection is afforded to the buildings that are included in the statutory list of Buildings of
Special Architectural or Historic Interest. They cannot be demolished or altered in a
way that would affect their character without specific permission known as Listed
Building Consent. The list is divided into three gradings: Grade 1, buildings of
outstanding national interest, Grade II*, important buildings of more than special interest
and Grade II, buildings of special interest. Grades A, B, C refer to ecclesiastical

There are some 428 Statutory Listed Buildings in the Borough (including 5 Grade I, 4
Grade B and 18 Grade II*). They range from coal tax posts, milestones and cattle
troughs, to three Grade I churches, Reigate Priory and Tadworth Court. The former
Reigate Borough area was surveyed by the Department of the Environment in 1976/77
and the Banstead and Horley areas in 1983/84. Over a 100 buildings have been added
by the spot listing process in recent years and further additions to the list will be added
in the future.

There is a strong presumption against the demolition of any Listed Building, except in
the most exceptional circumstances and the Borough Council will seek to ensure that
the existing stock of Listed Buildings is well maintained. The character of Listed
Buildings and their contribution to the townscape or landscape can be severely
damaged by insensitive alteration, extension or adjoining development. Therefore,
through the exercise of its development control powers the Borough Council will ensure
that any alteration or extension to a Listed Building, or development that would affect the
setting of a Listed Building, is of the highest possible design, and fully complements the
existing building. In certain circumstances a relaxation of normal planning standards
and building regulations may be appropriate.

Buildings within the curtilage of or attached to buildings of Special Architectural

or Historic Interest (Curtilage structures)

The schedule identifies only curtilage or attached structures of known interest in the
grounds of Statutory Listed Buildings; 176 such buildings have been identified. Under
Section 1(5b) of The Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Act 1990,
generally structures attached to or within the grounds of a Statutory Listed Building will
require Listed Building Consent for extension, alteration or demolition. This includes
buildings originally ancillary to the Listed Building, but which may now be in separate
ownership, such as Lodges, farm buildings, coach houses, etc.

Buildings of Local Architectural or Historic Interest (Locally Listed Buildings)

The Statutory list is supplementary by a "local list" consisting of 634 buildings and
structures identified as being of local architectural or historic interest. Whilst local list
status itself does not afford any form of statutory protection, it is an important
consideration in any planning application. Before contemplating works of repair or
alteration, it is advisable to contact the Borough Conservation Officer, as properties on
the local list are being constantly upgraded and added to the Statutory List. The
Borough Council will seek to ensure the preservation of buildings on the local list,
promoting good design, traditional materials and the conservation of historic fabric.
Many locally listed buildings are located in conservation areas and thus have a degree
of statutory protection. An Article 4(1) Direction has been served on a number of Locally
Listed dwelling houses to control external alterations. These are listed in Section 3.

Ancient Monuments

Ancient Monuments are buildings or earthworks of historical, architectural, artistic or

archaeological importance. The Borough contains 20 such sites ranging from barrows
to the site of a former castle, all of which have been scheduled by the Secretary of State
for the Environment.

Under the 1979 Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act and the 1983
National Heritage Act, it is necessary to obtain Scheduled Monument Consent from the
Department of the Environment, for any works affecting an Ancient Monument. These
could include demolition, alterations, tipping or flooding.

The Borough Council has published a list of sites of archaeological interest in the
Borough that have been identified by the County Council, known as County Sites of
Archaeological Importance. Areas of High Archaeological Potential and other additional
sites have been added as a result of further studies by the County Council and other
agencies. However, finds may also be made unexpectedly in the course of
development, e.g. new roads, mineral extraction, redevelopment or farming. In some
cases preservation may not always be possible, or even essential, and excavation to
record the evidence may be sufficient. In these circumstances, the Borough Council will
co-operate with the appropriate organisations to arrange for the investigation and
recording of such remains as part of the development control process.

Historic Gardens

There are a number of gardens in the Borough, which are considered to be of historic
interest. Two of these, Reigate Priory and Gatton Park, are included in the Register of
Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England compiled by English Heritage.
No additional planning controls apply to gardens or parks in the Register, but they
receive special consideration if and when proposals for development in the area are

There are also 38 gardens on the local list of parks and gardens list. The Borough
Council recognises the importance of preserving such gardens at they form part of the
Borough's heritage, and will ensure that the character and appearance of such gardens
and their settings are not destroyed by insensitive development.

The Borough Council will seek the co-operation of owners and other interested parties in
surveying historic gardens, with a view to encouraging their future management and
restoration. Replanting of species of the period will be encouraged, where appropriate,
and the Borough Council will seek the advice of the County Council's Historic Parks and
Gardens Advisor on these matters. Development proposals affecting historic gardens
should be accompanied by an environmental assessment study which details the likely
effect on the garden and measures for its protection, restoration or enhancement.

Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas are not listed in the schedule but there is a separate list on the
Council website.

The Borough Council has powers to designate those areas considered to have special
architectural or historic interest as Conservation Areas. The Borough's Conservation
Areas not only preserve the best of the Borough's townscape and natural environment,
but also illustrate its evolution and provide an historic framework for future development,
where this is appropriate. There are 21 Conservation Areas in the Borough to date,
ranging in size and variety from the architectural interest and historic importance of
Reigate town centre to the rural setting and amenity value of Chipstead Pond and
Church Green.

There is an overall presumption in favour of the retention and conservation of individual

buildings and features that contribute to the particular character of a Conservation Area,
rather than their redevelopment, inappropriate alteration, or demolition. The Borough
Council will use its development control powers in a positive manner in order to allow the
area to remain alive and prosperous, but at the same time to ensure that any new
development accords with its architectural and visual qualities. Particular attention to
materials and details is necessary, by using natural materials or traditional methods and
materials. Consent for the use of upvc windows and other unsuitable materials will not
be granted.

Trees contribute to the character and amenities of Conservation Areas and it is

important to secure their retention. Trees in Conservation Areas are specifically
protected, and notice of intention to lop, top or fell a tree in a Conservation Area has to
be given to the Borough Council.

An Article 4(2) Direction has been served on a number of dwelling houses in

Conservation Areas to control alterations to elevations facing highways or open space.
In the case of Carter’s Cottages, Pendleton Road, St. John’s, paintwork is also subject
to control.

Consultation on Repairs, Alterations & Extensions

Early consultation with the Borough Council's Conservation Officer is recommended for
all works affecting Listed Buildings before submission of any formal application.

Please write to: -

Mr John McInally, Conservation Officer, Enforcement, Heritage and Trees, Building and
Development Services, Town Hall, Castlefield Road, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 0SH
Telephone Reigate (01737) 276204 Email

Grant Aid

Some grant aid is available from the Surrey Historic Building Trust under Section 57 of
the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 towards the repair and
maintenance of buildings of architectural or historic interest.


The following dwelling houses in Conservations Areas are subject to an Article 4(2) Direction
controlling alterations to elevations facing a highway or open space. In the case of Carter’s
Cottages paintwork is controlled as well. (For 2, 3 & 12 Pendleton Road, 7 & 9 Church Road,
St John’s, Marling Glen & Marling Glen Cottage, Gatton Bottom and 1-4 Mint Cottages, Park
Road, Banstead see Article 4(1) Directions below).

4 Alma Road, Reigate

15 Batts Hill, Reigate
3, 5, 7, 9, 11 Birkheads Road, Reigate
141,147 Blackborough Road, Redhill
The Old Rectory, The Rectory, Breech Lane, Walton
Wisteria Cottage, Colley House, East Wing (Colley House), Buckland Road, Reigate
5 Castle Walk, Reigate
Sawyers, Chequers Lane, Walton-on-the-Hill
Chucks Cottage & outbuildings, Chucks Lane, Walton-on-the-Hill
Woodland House, Church Hill House, Ancaster House, Red Tiles, Briarfield, Corner House,
Merlebank, Uplands, Church Hill, Merstham
Colley Cottage, Colley Lane, Reigate
Sunnyside Cottage, 27 The Close, Reigate
Wardens Lodge, Coppice Lane, Reigate
The Nest, The Granary, Whitegates, Brooklyn Cottage, Woodbrook, Brooklyn, Mole Cottage,
Cross Oak Lane, Salfords
158 Croydon Road, Reigate
The Rise, Puplett Cottage, Redholm Cottage, Redholm Croft, Redholm Dene, Redholm Court,
Redholm Corner, Deans Croft, Heath Farm, Deans Lane, Walton-on-the-Hill
92, 94 Doods Road, Reigate
Moor Croft, Cullins, Heathcroft, Dorking Road, Walton-on-the-Hill
Walton Farm Cottage, Ebbisham Lane, Walton-on-the-Hill
4-9, 12-18, 18a, 19-30, 32-38 Flanchford Road, Reigate
89, 91, 111 Fountain Road, Redhill
North Lodge, Estates Yard Cottage, Gatton Bottom, Merstham
6, 3, 5-11(Odd) (Mead House (Laglands)) 25, 27(Little Gatton), 29 Gatton Road, Reigate
137 (Broom Close), Gatton Park Road, Reigate
Stable Cottage, Grange Drive, Merstham
1, 2, 4, 5 Marion Cottages (1,2,3), The Green, Walton-on-the-Hill
34, 38, 45-53 (odd) Hatchlands Road, Redhill
Flint Cottage, Longshaw Lodge, Hazelwood Lane, Chipstead
Heath Cottage, Pintmere, Heath Drive, Walton-on-the-Hill
6 Hethersett Close, Reigate
Reeves Lodge, Shepherds Lawn, South Manor, Long Meadow, School House, Nightingale
Cottage, Reading Room, Reading Room Cottage, Woodlands, The Ridings, The Keep, Farm
Cottage, Old School Mews, Russian Cottage, Raquets, Ruffets End, Sandpit Cottage, The
Clough, The Cottage, Cheval Court (Ruffetts Wood), High Road, Chipstead
3 High Street Merstham
22 High Street, Merstham
Brandywine & garage, Forge Cottage, Noke Farmhouse, Hogscross Lane, Chipstead
14-24 (Even) St. John’s, Redhill
27-33 King’s Ave, Redhill
Castle Keep Cottage, 12, 14, 29, 29a London Road, Reigate
204, 206 Ivor House, London Rd North, Merstham
1 (Old Saddlery), 3 (Old Tye Place) & barn, London Rd South, Merstham
Sopers Cottage, Markedge Lane, Chipstead
Chesters, Meadow House, Meadow Walk, Walton-on-the-Hill
Glebefield, Nursery Road, Walton-on-the-Hill
Oaklands (1, 2, 3), Oaklands Lodge, Wray Coppice Cottage, Oaks Road, Reigate
1-5 (odd), 10, 14-20 (even), Park Lane, Reigate
Carter’s Cottages, 4, Exton, 6, 7, Pax, Pendleton Road, Redhill

Meadowside, The Cottage, Quality Street, Merstham
Culmer, Raglan Road, Reigate
32 Reigate Hill, Reigate
22, 36, 38, 19, 21, 23, 31, 41-47 (odd), Somers Road, Reigate
Greenside, 55, 80, 82, Walton Street, Walton-on-the-Hill
25, 33-39 (odd), 43, 28-34 (even), 56, Christian Mead Cottages (81, 83, 85, 87), West Street,
Bell Cottage (1, 2), Rose Cottage (1, 2), Little Killasser, Ching Cottage (1, 2), Willow Cottage (1,
2), Clovers, Mere Cottage (1, 2, 3), Pond side, Withybed Corner, Walton-on-the-Hill
23, 49, 63, 67, 36, 38, 40, 50, 52, 54 Wray Common Road, Reigate
8, Wraylands (10, 11, 12), Wraylands Drive, Reigate

(This list was confirmed by the Borough Council on 11 December 1997)


An Article 4(1) Direction has been served on the following Locally Listed dwelling houses to
control alterations to their elevations:

The Old Bakehouse, 3 Bakehouse Road, Horley

7 & 9 Church Road, Redhill
Primrose Cottage & Rose Cottage, Cockshot Hill, Reigate
Bottle Cottage & White House, Flanchford Road, Reigate
Marling Glen Cottage & Marling Glen, Gatton Bottom, Merstham
30 Hardwick Road, Reigate
16 & 18 Hatchlands Road, Reigate
Old Mint House, High Road, Upper Gatton
Bures Manor, Irons Bottom, Sidlow
Yew Tree Cottage, 53 Lee Street, Horley
26A & B, Linkfield Lane, Redhill
75 Linkfield Street, Redhill
Gordon Cottage & April Cottage, Maple Road, Redhill
3 Mill Street, Redhill
Mill House, Monkswell Lane, Mugswell
1-4 Mint Cottages, Park Road, Banstead
2, 3 & 12 Pendleton Road, Redhill
White Cottage & 1-4 York Cottages, Quality Street, Merstham
Oakley Lodge, Radstock Way, Merstham
The Old Rectory, Rectory Road, Chipstead.
1-4 Quarry Cottages, Reigate Hill, Reigate
White Cottage, Somerset Road, Redhill
Tadworth Cottage, Tadworth Street, Tadworth
15, 25 & 26 Whitepost Hill, Redhill
7 & 9 Wray Park Road, Reigate



Albert Road, Horley

(East Side)
L Horley Fire Station (1903)
(West Side)
L Nos. 137 to 143 (consec.) (l.19c. white weatherboard)

Alcocks Lane, Kingswood

Lg Garden at Copt Hill Shaw, (including gardens of Copt Hill Shaw, April
Cottage, Pied Pipers, Shawhurst, Littleshaw, Bedarra, Spindles, Shaw Coign
L Copthill Shaw & Shaw Coign (1906 by Stanley Crosbie )

Alders Road, Reigate

(West Side)
L Nos. 15 and 17 (m.19c.)
L No. 19 (Wainstalls) (m.19c.)
L No. 21 (Firthdene) (m.19c.)
(East Side)
L Nos. 18 and 20 (Alders House) including coach house (m.19c. Greensand)
L No. 12 (Lodge by Read & MacDonald 1892)
L No.10 (c.1894)

Alderstead Lane, Merstham

(South East Side)
II* Alderstead Farmhouse (16c.)
II* c Brick Granary, outbuildings and walls to Alderstead Farmhouse (18c.)
II Granary to north of Alderstead Farmhouse (18c.)
II* c Stable to west of Alderstead Farmhouse (e.19c.)
(West Side)
AM Alderstead Fort including detached tool store (1895)

Alma Road, Reigate

(East Side)
L No. 13 (m.19c.)
L Nos. 43 and 45 (Reigate Stone) (m.19c.)
L No. 47 (The Copse) (m.19c.)
II No. 51 (The Coach House) & No. 53 (Little Ben) (m.19c.)
II No. 55 (Wray Park Hall) (m.19c.)
II No. 59 (Wray Park Lodge) (m.19c.)
II Entrance Gateway to No. 59 (Wray Park Lodge) (m.19c.)
(West Side)
L No. 4 (Reigate Stone. 1860 by Field & Hilton)
L St Mark's Church (Reigate Stone. 1860 by Field & Hilton)
L No. 50 (The Briars) (m.19c. Bargate Stone).

Asylum Arch Road, Redhill

II Royal Earlswood Hospital (now Victoria Court, Royal Earlswood Park) (1852
by W.B. Moffat),
II Workshop (now Edward House, Royal Earlswood Park) at Royal Earlswood
Hospital (186l. Greensand stone).
II c Lodge to South-west of Royal Earlswood Hospital (l.18c.)
IIc Infirmary (now Helena House, Royal Earlswood Park) (1877 by Lamb &

Lg Parkland at Royal Earlswood, Redhill (Royal Earlswood, Asylum Arch Road,

Redhill) (m. 19c)

The Avenue, Tadworth

II Coal Tax Post at No. 44 (1861)
L 14, 16 and 18 (1913 by P. & H. Currey)

L No. 28 Tattenham Lodge (1901 by Guy Dawber)

L No 17 Walden Cottage (1907 & 1911 by William Curtis Green, extended 1928
by Charles Barry)
L Church of the Good Shepherd (1920 by C. Barry)

Axes Lane, Salfords

(South Side)
II Axes Farmhouse (16c.)
II Barn 3 yards west of Cyprus Farmhouse (e.16c.) (Now Oakdene)

Babylon Lane, Lower Kingswood, Tadworth

(North Side)
II Thatched Cottage (formerly Moor's Cottage) (16c.)
(North Side, off)
L Babylon Cottages (e.18c.)

Bakehouse Road, Horley

(West Side)
L No. 3 (The Old Bakehouse) (17c. Former chapel and bakehouse)
L No. 5 (e.19c.)

Balcombe Gardens, Horley

(North side)
L No. 1 (1924 by Blunden Shadbolt)

Balcombe Road, Horley

(West Side)
L No. 114 (Granite Setts 1930)
L Little Manor Cottage, Little Manor, Little Manor Lawn & Hatch End
(Formerly Bayhorne) (18c.)
(East Side)
L No. 125 (c. 1900)
L No. 129 (c. 1900)

Bancroft Road, Reigate

L No. 1 (18c.)
(For Garden to The Barons, now part of offices at the rear of Barons, see
Church Street)
(18th century and 1976 by Sir Frederick Gibberd)

Banstead Woods, Banstead

(South Side)
II Coal Tax Post at NGR TQ 26205735 (1861)

Battlebridge Lane, Merstham

(South Side)
II Battlebridge House (17c.) (Now 26 Subrosa Drive)
L Cast Iron Finger Post, corner of Battlebridge Lane & Nutfield Road (L19c)

Batts Hill, Redhill

(North Side, off)
II* No. 66 (Wray Common Windmill) (1824)

II* c Granary attached to Wray Common Windmill (No. 66) (Stone Staddles
II* c Nos. 62 & 64
(West Side)
L Denmark Lodge (m. 19c.)
L No. 3 (Linkfield House) (TA Centre) (m.19c.)

Bayhorne Lane, Horley

L Granary to east of Bayhorne Farmhouse (m.19c. stone staddles)

Beech Road, Reigate

(North Side)
L No. 29 (m.19c.)
Bell Street, Reigate
(West Side)
L Nos. 2 & 4 (16c.)
L Ironstone path between 6 & 8 (18c)
II Nos. 8 & 10 (e.18c.)
II Nos. 12 & 14 (m.19c. & 15c.)
II c Ironstone paving at rear of No. 14 (18c.)
II No. 16 (e.19c.)
II Nos. 38 & 40 (e.18c.)
I & AM Reigate Priory (before 1240) including real tennis court and railings
II Garden wall of Reigate Priory (18c.)
IIg Reigate Priory Park (Register of Parks & Gardens of Special Historic
Ic Priory Park Wall between 7 Park Lane & 40 Bell Street (18c.)
Ic Priory Polo Stables (1936 Thatched)
Ic Ice House at Ice House Hill (m.19c.)
Ic Deer park ditch at Ice House Hill and Park Hill(17c)
Ic Ice house at Park Hill (18c)
Ic Italian Garden Pond edge in play area (18c)
Ic Seats and pond to monks walk and sunken garden (l.19c)
L Randall Vogan Memorial, Priory Park (1922)
(East Side)
II* Nos. 15 and 15a (14c.)
II No. 17 (19c.)
II Nos. 19 and 21 (The Bell Public House) (e.19c.)
L No. 27 (m19c)
L Nos. 31 & 31a (e.19c. including weatherboard bay).
II Nos. 37 & 39 (e.18c.)
II c No. 39a (18c.)
II No. 41 (m.19c.)
L Nos. 45a, 45, 47 & 47a (l.19c.)
II Nos. 49 & 51 (16c.)
II No. 71A (16c.)
L No. 73 (1609)
L No. 75 (C. E. Salmon, 1907)
L No. 77 & 79 (1815)
L No. 85 (The Castle Public House) (e.19c.)
II No. 107 (1840)
II Nos. 109A & 109B (e.19c.)
II No. 111 (St Michael's) (18c.)
II No. 113 (Bell Domus) (e.19c.)

Birkhead Road, Reigate

(North Side)
L Nos. 3, 5, 7, 9, & 11 (Reigate stone. 1860 by Field & Hilton)


Blanford Road
(North Side)
L Nos. 1 and 3 (S Grant 1901)
L No. 5 (H East 1899)
L No. 7 (c1900)
L No. 9 (W Bagaley 1905)
L Nos. 27 and 29 (Baker & Penfold 1899)
L No. 41 (G Morrison 1896)
L No. 43 (c1900)
(South Side)
L No 14 (A Venner 1903)
L No. 24 (c1900)
L No 30 (G Morrison 1897)

Bletchingley Close, South Merstham

AM Albury Manor Moated Site (Medieval)
Bletchingley Road, South Merstham
(South Side)
L Worsted Green Orchard (l.17c.)
(North Side)
L Oakley Farmhouse & Farm Buildings to West (18c.)

Bolter's Lane, Banstead

L Bolter's Corner (1905 by Ernest Newton)
L Priory School (1885)

Bonehurst Road, Salfords

L No. 7 (Brockholt, 1924, by Blunden Shadbolt)
II c Former Coach House to rear of No. 19 (The Cambridge Hotel)
(e.19c. Tile Hung)
II No. 19 (The Cambridge Hotel) Duke of Cambridge's house, 1865)
L Cast iron milepost (L19c)

Bonehurst Road, Horley

(West Side)
II No. 41 (Wailly) (l.17c.)
II No. 43 (Forge Cottage) (17c.)
II c No.45 (Forge Building south of Forge Cottage) (e.19c. or earlier)
(East Side)
L Nos. 40, The Grange (16c.) (1 to 8 consec.)
L No. 34 (18c. cart shed, now part of Skylane Hotel)
L Nos. 36 & 38 (18c.)
L No. 46 (l.19c.)
L Cast iron milepost (L19c)

Bonny's Road, Reigate Heath

(West Side)
L Heathfield Farmhouse (l.17c. flint, gothic, former school)
L Heathfield Farm Barn and range of buildings to east (l.17c. galletted
L 1 & 2 Heathfield Cottages (l.18c.)
(South Side)
II The Skimmington Castle Public House (17c.)

Breech Lane, Walton-on-the-Hill

(East Side)
II* c Churchyard, St Peter's
II* Church of St Peter (15c.)

II* c Lych Gate, St Peter's (l.19c.)

II Nos. 2 & 4 Little Chesters, Boundary wall and pavilion south of the house
(1927 by Nicholls & Hughes). (See also Nursery Road)
Lg Garden at 1,2,3,4 Little Chesters (1927 by Nicholls & Hughes)
L The Old Rectory (m.18c.)
II c North Lodge & Little Chester Lodge (1927 by Nicholls & Hughes)

Briars Wood, Horley

II Catt's Cottage (l.17c.) (See Honeysuckle Close)

Brighton Road, Banstead

(East Side)
L The Council House (now Holmewood House, m.19c southern part ),

(West Side)
AM Gally Hills Round Barrows (Saxon)
L Milestone next to reservoir, Banstead Heath (l.18c.)

Brighton Road, Burgh Heath

L Milestone stump opposite No. 138 (18c)
(West Side)
L Rose Cottage (l.18c. flint)
L Chip's Folly (National School. l.19c.)
(East Side)
L St Mary's Church (flint 1909, by Whitfield & Thomas)
II April Cottage, (white weatherboard m.19c.)
II c Outbuildings to April Cottage (m.17c.)

Brighton Road, Hooley

(East Side)
II Coal Tax Post, beside Starbridge at NGR TQ 28915683 (1861)
L 29 to 35 (odd) (m.19c. flint)
L 37 to 39 (odd) (m.19c. flint)
L Surrey Iron Railway Bridge between Nos. 131 & 133 leading to Dean Farm
L Cast iron milepost outside No. 99 (L19c)

Brighton Road, Horley

II No. 53 (Ringley Oak Cottage) (17c.)
II Nos. 32 & 34 (1817)
L The Air Balloon (formerly The Thorns and The Game Bird) (l.18c.)
L Cast iron milepost outside 7 Church Walk (L19c)

Brighton Road, Redhill

(West Side)
L No. 147 (The New Inn) (e.19c.)
II No. 149 (The Firs) (e.19c. Wing by Connell Ward & Lucas)
L Horse trough to south of No. 147 (19c)

Brighton Road, Salfords

(East Side)
II No. 15 (The Mill House Hotel) (17c.)

Brighton Road, Kingswood

(West Side)
II Horseshoe Lodge (e.19c.)
II Coal Tax Post opposite Hogden Cottage (Agricola) (1861)
L Agricola (Hogden Cottage) (flint, gothic, e.19c.)

(East Side)
II Church of St Andrew (1848 Architect: B. Ferrey)
II c Flint wall & lych-gate to St Andrew's Church (1848)
II Coal Tax Post, 185 yards south of junction with Vicarage Close (1861)
II Coal Tax Post outside Red House School, NGR TQ 24115654 (1861)

Brighton Road, Lower Kingswood

L Milestone opposite Valteree (l.18c.)
L Cambridge Cottage (e.19c. flint)
L The Cottage (e.19c.)
L Kingswood Manor (flint, 1895 by E. Penfold)
L Playhouse to south-west of Kingswood Manor (1913 Playhouse for Miss
Ferris by Cambell Smith)
L Kingswood Knoll (l.17c.)

Brighton Road, Tadworth

L Milestone east of the Wilderness, Tadworth Court (18c)

Buckland Road, Lower Kingswood

(North Side)
I Church of Jesus Christ & The Wisdom of God (1891 Architect: S. Barnsley),
including detached campanile & herringbone path.
(South Side)
II Mint Cottages, Nos. 91 & 93 (16c.)
(West Side)
L Dent's Farmhouse (c.1700)
L Water Tower, Colley Hill (1911 by W. Vaux Graham M.I.C.E. for Sutton District
Water Co.)
(South end, off)
L Pavilion, Colley Hill (1909, donated by Lieut. Co. R.W. Inglis)

Buckland Road, Reigate

(North Side)
L Gate piers, wall and pier to Colley Manor Drive (c.1840)
L Colley House, including outbuilding at rear (c.1840 Reigate stone by T.R.
Knowles, Senior)
Lg Garden at Colley House (including Wistaria Cottage), (19th century)
L Wisteria Cottage (former Lodge to Colley House) (c.1840 Reigate stone)
L Gate Piers & front wall to Wistaria Cottage, Beech Cottage, Grasslands &
Colley Cottage (c.1840 Reigate stone) (see also garden listed under Colley
Manor Drive)

Canon's Lane, Burgh Heath

(North Side)
L Canon's Farm House (16c.)
L Farm Buildings at Canon's Farm (e.19c.flint)

Carlton Road, Redhill

L No 7 (1911 by Alfred Claude Burlingham)

Carrington Close, Redhill

L 1 & 2 High View (m.19c.)

Carshalton Road, Woodmansterne

(East Side)
L No. 36 (17c.)
Castle Road, Woodmansterne
(South Side)
II Rumbold Castle Cottage (16c.)

Castlefield Road, Reigate

(North Side)
II Ice House in Reigate 6th Form College grounds (18c.)
L Reigate College (1927 Jarvis & Richards)
Lg Park to former Reigate Lodge, (Reigate College,) (18th century)
L Reigate College Cave (19c)
(West Side)
II Town Hall (1899 by H. Macintosh & Newman)
II Wall & Gate piers to Town Hall (1899 by H. Macintosh & Newman)
II c Castlefield Cottage (1899)
L Outer Bailey, Moat & Dry Fosse to south-west of Town Hall (11c. partly buried)

Castle Walk, Reigate

(South Side)
L No. 5 (l.18c.)

Cavendish Road, Reigate

(East Side, Off)
II Nos. 45 and 47 (copyhold cottages) (e.17c.)
(North Side)
L No. 10 (c.1900 tile hung)
L No. 12 (m.19c.)

Cayton Road, Netherne on the Hill

(For Village Hall and Water Tower etc see Recreation Hall, Netherne
Hospital, Netherne Lane)

Chapel Road, Tadworth

(North Side)
L No. 42 (1690)
II No. 44 (Hunter's Hall) (16c.)
L Nos. 68 & 70 (c.1840 flint)

Chapel Walk, Netherne on the Hill

Lg Gardens at former Netherne Hospital (1907)

Chart Lane, Reigate

(East Side)
II No. 1 (Delville) (e.19c.)
II c Boundary wall to No. 1 (e.19c.)
B Church of St. Mary Magdalene (12c.)
Bc Wall to west of St Mary Magdalene Church (18c.)
Bc (Non-conformist) mortuary chapel in churchyard south of St Mary
Magdalene Church (Reigate stone) (m.19c.)
L Inglenook (l.17c.) side seats and salt stores) opposite Cherchefelle
Lg Gardens of Cherchefelle, (including land at Cherchefelle, Parish Hall and
Choir School) (18th century and later)
Lg Parkland of Reigate Churchyard in vicinity of Dissenters Chapel (mid 19th
(West Side)
II c Reigate stone wall to north of Charleston and Monk's Walk (18c.)
II No. 2 (Cherchefelle) (1840)
II c Castellated ice house to south of Cherchefelle (18c.)
II Ruins in south-west corner of grounds of No. 2 (Cherchefelle) (18c.)
II c Coach House to north of Cherchefelle (18c)
II Gateway in south wall of grounds of No. 2 (Cherchefelle) (19c.)
II c Garden wall south of Cherchefelle (18c.)
II Round tower in grounds of Parish Hall opposite Churchyard Steps (19c.)

II c Reigate stone wall to south of round tower in grounds of Parish Hall (18c.)
L Reigate stone wall to front of Reigate St Mary's School (18c.)
L Chart Close and Reigate stone wall to north bounding Sunnyside Nurseries
L 1 to 4 The Close (V. Hooper, 1927) including front wall

The Chase, Reigate

L Old Sussex, (1926 Timber Frame & Wealden Sandstone) by Frederick
Wheeler, 1926

Chequers Lane, Walton-on-the-Hill

(West Side)
II Hernbrook Cottage (17c.)
(North Side)
II* Walton Manor House (14c.)
AM The Castle Mound (motte), Walton Manor (11c)
II* c Flint boundary wall, Walton Manor (19c.)
II* c The Lodge, Walton Manor (19c.)
Lg Garden at Walton Manor (including land at Motte Place, Kosmon Church,
The Coral Bazaar) (19th century onwards with earlier features)

Chipstead Lane, Chipstead

(South Side)
II Well House Inn (16c.)
(North Side)
II Pigeonhouse Farm (16c.)
II c Outbuilding to south-east of Pigeonhouse Farmhouse (18c. flint)

Chucks Lane, Walton-on-the-Hill

(North Side)
II Coal Tax Post at NGR TQ 22865510 (1860)
(South Side)
L Chucks Cottage (m.17c.) and outbuildings and flint walls to west (e.19c.)
Church Hill, Merstham
(West Side)
II Verger's Cottage (1900)

Church Road, Horley

(South Side)
II No. 75 (High House) (17c.)
I Church of St Bartholomew (14c.)
Ic Lych Gate to south of St Bartholomew's (1902)
II Barnes Tomb 8 yards west of west end of Church of St Bartholomew (1720)
II Billingsley Tomb 10 yards west of south aisle of Church of St Bartholomew
II Flint Tomb 8 yards south-west of Church of St Bartholomew (e.18c.)
II Turner Tomb 8 yards north of Church of St Bartholomew (1728)
Ic Churchyard and Churchyard wall to St Bartholomew's
(South-West Side)
II "Ye Olde Six Bells' Public House (e.16c.)
II Barn 10 yards north of "Ye Old Six Bells" Public House (16c.)
L Stoney Way (Periwinkle stone path formerly to Court Lodge 16c.)

Church Road, Redhill

(West Side)
Bc Flint boundary wall to St John's Church (m.19c.)
B Church of St John (1889 onwards, by J.L. Pearson)
Bc St John's Churchyard
L Nos. 7 & 9 (e.19c. Greensand)

L The Plough (16c.)

Church Road, South Park, Reigate

(West Side)
L St Luke, with St Peter's Church (1871 Reigate Stone)

Church Street, Reigate

(South Side)
L Prince Regent Royal Warrant Coat of Arms (c.1820) on White Hart (now
II* No. 46 (The Barons) (1721)
II* c Garden wall to No. 46 next to Bancroft Road (18c)
Lg Garden to The Barons, (18th century and 1976 by Sir Frederick Gibberd)
II No. 48 (The Cottage) (c.19c)
L Wall to north of Church Court (Nos. 5-7 consec.) (Old Vicarage site) (l.17c
Greensand and brick)
L Telephone Exchange, HM Office of Works, 1938) including front wall (former
kitchen garden wall of Little Doods 18c modified 1938) & gates
(North Side)
L Nos. 1, 1a and 1b (l.19c.)
L Nos. 3, 5, 7a & 7 (18c.)
L No. 9 (e.19c.)
II No. 45 (l.16c.)
L Former boundary wall to Reigate Lodge running from Reigate College to
opposite No. 32 Croydon Road (18c.)

Clarence Lane, Reigate

L Pencroft (1899 by Paxton Watson)

Clayhall Lane, Reigate

(South Side)
II Clayhall (1700)
II c Barn to north of Clayhall (l.17c. butt purlins not in line) with outbuildings
II c Barn to east of Clayhall (18c.) with outbuildings attached (18c.)
II c Cattle shed to south-east of Clayhall (e.19c. greensand)
II c Granary to west of Clayhall (e.19c.)

(South Side, off)

II c Pigsty to west of Farmhouse (c.1800)
II Flanchford Farmhouse (e.18c)
II c Flanchford Farm Cottages (m.19c.)
II Threshing barn to west of Flanchford Farmhouse (c.1700)
II c Cart shed to north of Flanchford Farmhouse (18.c.)
II Granary to north of Flanchford Farmhouse (18c.)
II c Farm offices to east of Flanchford Farmhouse (18c.)
II c Barn to south-east of Flanchford Farmhouse (l.17c. butt purlins not in a line)
II c Wall to north-east of Flanchford Farmhouse (c.1700)
(North Side, off)
II Wayside, (Ede's Field) (m.19c. ironstone and flint)
L April Cottage & 5 Ede’s Cottages (Ede's Field (m.19c. brick)
L 1 & 2 Ede's Cottages (Ede's Field) (e.19c. Ironstone) (address is Park
L The Cottage (Ede's Field) (m.19c. Ironstone)

Clifton's Lane, Reigate

(West Side)
II* The Old Manor (15c.)

II* c Barn attached to The Old Manor (16c.)

II Little Everest (16c.)
(East Side)
II The Lodge (l.16c.)

The Close, Reigate

L Sunnyside Cottage and No. 27 (l.17c.)

Cockshot Hill, Reigate

(West Side)
L Primrose Cottage & Rose cottage (l.18c.)
L Garden wall to former Woodhatch House, at entrance to 64 (18c rebuilt)
(East Side)
L Woodhatch Lodge(now Canon UK ) (l.18c.)
L Parkland of Woodhatch Lodge (18th century)

Colcokes Road, Banstead

(West Side)
L Riding School (now residential) to south of Little Garratts (18c.)

Collendean Lane, Norwood Hill, Horley

II Collendean Farm House (16c.)
II c Outbuilding to rear of Collendean Farm House (18c.)

Colley Lane, Reigate

(East Side, off)
II North Pavilion Cottage and South Pavilion Cottage (1937 Architects: E &
R Lutyens)
II Nos. 1 to 4 Manor House (Roman and 16c. Reigate stone)
(West Side)
L Colley Cottage (now Colley Manor) (m.19c. Reigate stone)
L Nos. 1 to 5 Fairhall (1905 by Salmon)

Colley Manor Drive, Reigate

Lg Front shrubbery at Colley Manor (including Heathlands) (19th century)

Common Road, Redhill

(East Side)
L No. 41 (18c.)
L No. 42 (e.19c. Ironstone)
L No. 47 (e.18c.)
II No. 48 (l.17c.)

Consort Way East, Horley

II The Old Goods Shed (formerly Station Goods Shed) (1840 by D Mocatta)
(station goods shed now shop)

Coulsdon Lane, Chipstead

L Croydon RDC Boundary Marker (cast iron 1895) corner of Hollymead Road

Coppice Lane, Reigate

(South Side)
II c Old Colley Farm (l.17c. Reigate stone)
L Warden Lodge (l.19c. White weatherboard)
(East Side)
L Broadleas (1895)
(West Side)
L The Red House (c.1900)

Copse Road, Reigate

(North Side)
II No. 2 (The Cottage) (16c.)

Copt Hill Lane, Kingswood

(South Side)
L Chesham House (1895)

Cormonger's Lane, Redhill

(East Side)
II Chilmead Farmhouse (16c.)
II c Greensand stone wall to west of Chilmead Farmhouse (e.19c.)
II c Barn to south of Chilmead Farmhouse (18c.)

Coulsdon Lane, Chipstead

II Coal Tax Post at junction with Hollymead Road NGR TQ 2845800 (1861)
(South Side)
L The Gables (1910 by Stodart, Dine-Coffin & Imrie)
L Turvey (1924 by Imrie & Angell, white weatherboard and pantiles)

Court Road, Banstead

(South Side)
L St Anne’s' School (formerly Court House) (c.1700)
L Former Lodge to St Anne's School (m.19c.)
L Cricket Pavilion (white weatherboard c.1890)

Crescent Road, Reigate

(East Side)
L Park Side Lodge (m.19c.)

Cronks Hill, Meadvale, Reigate

(West Side)
II The Chantry (1858, Samuel Palmer's House)
L Croynes & Magnus Lodge (m.19c.)
L Ingatestone and Old Stones (m.19c.)

Cross Oak Lane, Salfords

(North Side)
L The Nest (1933 by Blunden Shadbolt)
L The Granary (18c. granary on stone staddles converted by Blunden Shadbolt
for himself 1933)
II Cross Oak (1930 by Blunden Shadbolt for himself)
II Old Straddles (1934 by Blunden Shadbolt)
L Brooklyn Cottage, including garage (1934 by Blunden Shadbolt)

Crossways Lane, Upper Gatton

(East Side)
II Crossways Farm (16c.) including attached outbuilding

Crown Steps, Reigate

(East Side)
II Crown Cottage and Clockview Cottage (r/o 4 High Street) (e.17c.)

Croydon Road, Reigate

(North Side)
L No. 31 (c.1880, Reigate stone)
L St David's (m.19c. Reigate stone)

L Cricket Pavilion to north-west of St David's (l.19c. white weatherboard)

L No. 51 (1906 by Figgis)
L The Dingle (now part of Reigate Fire Station) 1857
(South Side)
L Finger post on corner of Batts Hill (m.19c. cast iron)
L Cattle trough on corner of Batts Hill (l.19c.)
L 142 (c.1860, Sandgate stone)
(West Side)
L Wall between Croydon Road and East Wall (18c.)
(East Side)
L 14, 14a and Museum (18c.)
L Wall to 12, 14 and 14a including stone pinnacles (18c.)
L Craham Lodge, No. 44, home of the gardener Eleanor Sinclair Rohde between
1906 & 1950)

Crutchfield Lane, Hookwood, Horley

(South Side)
II Crutchfield Farm House (17c.)
II Granary Barn 15 yards south of Crutchfield Farm (17c.)
II c Cart shed (l.18c.) north of Crutchfield Farmhouse
II c Staff Cottage (e.19c. with periwinkle stone) to west of Crutchfield
II c Outbuildings to north-west of Crutchfield Farmhouse (m.19c.) including
Manor Barn
II Wrays (16c.) including granary at rear (e.19c.)
II c Outbuildings including Wray's Cottage to north-west of Wrays (e.19c.)
(North Side)
L Granary at Duxhurst Farm (e.19c. stone staddles dismantled & stored in
adjacent barn)

Dean Lane, Merstham

L Surrey Iron Railway Bridge (partly buried) 1803
(South Side)
II Cold Blow (16c.)
II Dean Farm (17c.)
II Barn (now The Old Barn) 60 yards north-east of Dean Farm (e.19c.)
II Stable south of barn (now The Stable) and 100 yards east from Dean Farm

Dean Oak Lane, Leigh, Horley

(North Side, off)
II c Barn (gardener's store) to east of Stumblehole Farmhouse (16c.)
II Stumblehole Farmhouse (17c.)
II c Granary and barn (now residential) to north east of Stumblehole Farmhouse
II Barn (Gardener’s store) to east of Stumblehole Farmhouse (17c)
L Lime kiln south of Butler's Shaw (l.18c.)

Dean's Lane, Walton-on-the-Hill

(West Side)
L Redholm Dene (Redholm Grange), Redholm Court, Redholm Corner (1912
by P Morley Horder)
Lg Garden at Redholm, (including garden of Redholm Dene, Redholm Cottage,
Redholm Cottage, Redholm Corner, Redholm Croft, Brockbushes), Deans
Lane, Walton (1912)
II Coal Tax Post in the garden of "The Rise" (1860)
II Coal Tax Post, corner of Dean's Close, at NGR TQ 22735533 (1860)
(West Side, off)
L The Dormy House (now 8 the Greenways) (1906 by E Lutyens) (For garden

see The Greenways)

(East Side)
L Boxdale & Firsdale (17c. or earlier)
L Heath Farm (16c. former workhouse, altered 1913 by Stanley Crosbie for
Anthony Hope)
II The Priors (16.c)

De Burgh, Banstead
(East Side)
L Merlands (c.1900 by Guy Dawber)

Doghurst Lane
(For No.6 (Stable Cottage) and No. 2 (Hazelwood Farm) Farm Close see
Hazelwood Lane)

Doods Road
(North Side)
L Nos. 92 and 94 (1903 by Horace Fields)

Doods Way
L Carr End (1885 by A.Venner)

Dorking Road, Tadworth

(South Side)
II Coal Tax Post at NGR TQ 23355415 (1860)
II Coal Tax Post at NGR TQ 23425364 (1860)
II Coal Tax Post at NGR TQ 23505344 (1860)
II Coal Tax Post at NGR TQ 23465352 (1861)
II Millfield, including garage wing and return wall (1911 by G Dawber) (See also
Mill Lane, Tadworth)
II c Bowling Green Pavilion (now aviary), north west of Millfield (1911 by G
II Post Mill 50 yards south-west of Millfield (l.18c.)
II Coal Tax Post at NGR TQ 23005478 (1860)
II Coal Tax Post at NGR TQ 23075469 (1860)
II Coal Tax Post at NGR TQ 23155456 (1860)
(North Side)
L The Mill House, (18c with 20c additions)

Dorking Road, Walton-on-the-Hill

AM Three quadrangular earthworks at NGR TQ 232552 to 236552
(North Side)
L Toll Cottage (Flint Gothic 1822 by William Constable)
(South Side)
II Cast Iron Electricity Sub-Station north of Castle Lodge (1902)
L Crest of Walton Oaks now in formal garden (19c)
L Garden Temple, west of Walton Oaks (1920 by Mewes and Davis)
L Lodge, north-west of Walton Oaks (1920 by Mewes and Davis)
L Former sunken garden wall to The Hermitage, west of Bushfield Cottages
L Kitchen garden wall to The Hermitage, West of Bushfield Cottages (l.18c.)
Lg Park and Garden at Pfizer, Walton Oaks. (Includes 1920 formal and
rhododendron gardens at Walton Oaks and the sunken Victorian garden at The
(North Side, off)
L Heathcroft and Cuillins (c.1895)

Dovers Green Road, Reigate

(East Side)

L Nos. 2 and 5 (c.1700)

L No. 9 (Dovers) (l.17c. remodelled by Newton)
II No. 11 (North Cottage) and No. 13 (South Cottage) (e.19c.)
II No. 15 (17c.)
II No. 21 (Dovers Green Farmhouse (16c.)
II Barn to east of Dovers Green Farmhouse (16c.)
(West Side)
II Milestone to north of corner with Sandcross Lane (e.19c.)
II No. 148 (Ivy Cottage) (18c.)
II No. 150 (Lodge to Hartswoods Manor) (l.18c.)
II* c No. 152 (rear of Hartswood Manor) (18c.)
II* No. 156 (Lumley House, The Old Manor, Hartswood Manor) (18c.)
(Note: Farm buildings listed under Slipshatch Road)
II* c No. 158 (Hartwood Lodge) (18c.)
II* c Outbuildings to north of Nos. 152 and 154 Hartswood Manor (l.19c.)
L No. 166 (1861 School, thatched)

Downs Way Close, Tadworth

II Coal Tax Post 280 yards north of west end at NGR TQ 22325709

The Drive, Burgh Heath

(North Side)
AM Tumble Beacon, (Bronze Age)
(Avenue to Nork Park - see Reigate Road, Burgh Heath)

Drive Spur, Kingswood

(North off)
II Coal Tax Post 55 yards from railway bridge at NGR TQ 25775704 (1861)

Dunnyman's Road, Banstead

L South Lodge (former Schoolmaster's House, by Ernest Newton, 1902)

East Walk, Reigate

Lg Shrubbery to former Reigate Lodge, East Walk (Wall listed under Croydon
(See also Reigate College, Castlefield Road, and South Walk), (18th

Eastnor Road, Reigate

(East Side)
L No. 3 (Barley Mow Public House) (e.19c.)

Ebbisham Lane, Walton-on-the-Hill

(West Side)
L Walton Farm Cottage (l.17c.)

Elm Road, Redhill

L Spring head, (brick & stone 18c)

Elmore Road, Chipstead

(North Side)
II Leyfields (17c.)
II c Farm Buildings and flint wall (e.19c.) to Leyfields
L The Rectory (now Glebelands) (c.1900 by Paxton Watson)

Epsom Lane North, Epsom

(East Side)
II Coal Tax Post outside No. 100 (1860)
AM Iron Age enclosure at NGR TQ 225570

Fair Lane, Chipstead

(West Side)
II Parsons Cottage (16c.)
L Keeper's Cottage (16c.)
(East Side)
L Cast iron finger post, Parsons Green (L19c)

Fairlawn Drive, Redhill

L Nos. 31 to 34 (consec.) (Fairlawn) (m.19c.)
L No. 30 (m.18c. or earlier)

Farm Close, Chipstead

(For No.6 (Stable Cottage) and No. 2 (Hazelwood Farm) Farm Close, see
Hazelwood Lane)

Fir Tree Road, Epsom Downs

L No. 338 (1929 by W.S.Grice)
L Crossways ( & Driftways Cottage in Reigate Road) (c.1890, remodelled and
extended in 1909 by the architect Langton Dennis)

Flanchford Road, Reigate

AM Group of round barrows (bronze age)
(North Side, off)
L Ivy Cottage (l.18c.)
II* Reigate Heath Windmill (Reigate Heath Baptist Church) (1765)
II* c Pair of granaries to south of Reigate Heath Windmill (18c.)
II Mill Cottage (l.17c.)
II c Outbuilding to rear of Mill Cottage (l.17c.)
(East Side)
L Bottle Cottage (c.1700)
L Old Cottage (16c.)
(South Side, off)
L Dungate Manor (1899 by F Knight)
L Nos. 1 to 10 (consec.) Heathfield, including garden wall, columns and
summer house (1867 by F Marrable, Architect, remodelled for J Arthur Rank
by his estate architect, A Mort, 1939)
L Ivy Cottage, Heathfield (flint c.1830)
L The White House (m.9c.)
(South-East Side)
II No. 2 (Heath Cottage) (18c.)
II No. 11 (Reigate Heath Cottage) (17c. or earlier)
II c Reigate Heath Garage to north of No. 11 (17c.)
L No. 10 (1866 Stonemason's House, Reigate stone)
(West Side)
L Trumpet Hill Lodge and Gate piers (1901 by D Barry)
L Trumpet Hill (1901 by D Barry)
Lg Gardens of Trumpet's Hill, (including High Pines, Treetops, The Minstrel,
Broadoaks, The Studio, Blue Cedars South, Paddocks, Trumpet's Hill 1901)
II Santon House (17c.)
II c Barn to east of Santon House (17c.)
II Santon Cottages (Nos. 1 to 3 (consec.) (e.16c.)
II c Granary on iron staddles to north of Gilbert's Farm Barn (c.1900)
II Barn to west of Santon Cottages (e.17c.) at Gilbert's Farm (17c.)
(East Side, off)
II* Flanchford Mill,
II Nos. 1 and 2 Flanchford Mill Cottages (18c.)

Fort Lane, Reigate


(West Side, off)

AM Reigate Fort (c.1895)
Fountain Road, Redhill
II Nos. 117 and 119 (18c.)

The Frenches, Redhill

L Pond (l.17c. ornamental canal)
L Greensand wall to south of Nos. 20 to 25 (consec.) (L.18.c.)

Frenches Road, Redhill

(South Side)
II St Bede’s School, including attached railings, gate piers and gates (1905 by
Moir Kennard)
II St Bede’s School Annexe (1905 by Moir Kennard)

Fuller's Wood Lane, Nutfield

(East Side)
L Home Cottage (e.19c. greensand)

Garlands Road, Redhill

(West Side)
L No. 118 (m.19c.)

Garratt's Lane, Banstead

(South Side)
L No. 1 (l.19c. former Lodge, Lambert Crest)
II No 19 (Little Garratts) (18c.)
II c Flint wall to No. 19 (Little Garratts) (18c.)
II Horse trough with pump at entrance to No. 19 (Little Garratts) (m.19c)
L No. 37 (l.19c. former Lodge, Lambert Crest)

Gatton Bottom, Gatton

L Whitehall Farm mines (19c)

Gatton Bottom, Merstham

(North Side)
Bc Steps and lamp posts to south of St Katherine's, in churchyard (m.19c.)
II Wellhead (l.17c.)
Bc St Katherine's Churchyard
II Dovecote in grounds to north of wellhead (14c.)
Bc Ironstone path to south-west of Church
B Church of St Katherine's (e.13c.)
L Barn in Grounds of Estate Yard Cottage (Wellhead Farm) (m.19c.
Merstham stone)
II The Old Church House (former St. Katherine's Rectory) (m.18c.)
Bc Lych gate, adjoining London Road North, to St Katherine's (1897, from
18c. windmill)
L Marling Glen Cottage (18c. Merstham stone)
L Marling Glen (c.1700)
(South Side)
II c Tower Lodge Cottage, Gatton Park (c.1780 Gatton stone)
Lg Garden at Merstham House (now North Lodge) (18th century)
(For Gatton Park see Gatton Park)

Gatton Park, Merstham

II* Gatton Town Hall, including urn (1795)
II Gatton Hall (1830 and 1894, portico 1891)
Bc Lych Gate (1918) and churchyard wall of St Andrew's (19c. Gatton stone)
B Church of St Andrew (13c.)

Bc St Andrew's Churchyard
II North Lodge, including fence and gate (e.19c.)
II c Foundation Office (m.19c. Gatton Stone)
IIg Park land of Gatton Park (remodelled by Capability Brown in l.18c.)
II Kitchen garden and estate yard complex of wall stretching to Cedar walk,
including gate pier (18c. Gatton stone)
II c Stone seat south-west of Gatton Hall (e.19c.)
II c Coach House to east of Foundation Office (l.19c. Gatton stone)
II c Terraces to south-west and south-east of Gatton Hall, including 11 urns
II c Stables and outbuildings in estate yard (e.19c. Gatton stone)
II c Rockery to north-east of house (l.19c.)
II Viaduct and retaining walls leading to superintendent's office (e.18c.
Gatton stone)
II c Servants quarters to north-east of Gatton Hall (18c. Gatton stone)
II c Covered passage from Church to house (18c. Gatton stone, roofless)
II c Temple ruins south of Orchard (18c.)
L Tower Wood Mine (19c)

Gatton Park Road, Reigate

(North Side)
II No. 14 (West Lodge), including walls, piers and gates (e.19c)
IIg Parkland at Gatton Park, North of Gatton Park Road including Nutwood
Lodge and Nutwood Farm, Gatton Park (18th century by Capability Brown).
See also Gatton Park and Rocky Lane

Gatton Road, Reigate

(West Side)
L No. 3 Lodge to Mead House (Laglands) (Bargate stone 1896 by A
L Nos. 5-11 (odd) Mead House (Laglands) (Bargate stone 1896 by A
L No. 25 (Lodge to Little Gatton) including walls and piers to south (m.19c.
Reigate stone)
L No. 27 (Little Gatton) (Reigate stone c.1850. Rebuilt 1934 by G Church for
Sax Rohmer, author; interior contains panelling from the "Mauritania" (1912)
designed by H Peto)
L No. 29 (c.1850. Reigate stone, Coach House to Little Gatton where Sir
Malcolm Campbell built "Bluebird")
(East Side)
L No.6 (former Lodge to Northcote) including front wall to Nos. 6, 8 and 10
(m.19c. Reigate stone)
L Hethersett (No. 16) (m.19c. Reigate stone) (now 6 Hethersett Close
(North Side)
II Quarryhill (Nos. 48-52 (even)) (1865 Reigate stone)
II c No. 56 (Quarryhill Lodge) (1865 Reigate stone)
II c Apple Store, wall and stables to rear of No. 44 (1865 Reigate stone)
II c No. 54 Rear of Quarryhill (1865 Reigate stone)

The Glade, Kingswood

II Electric Transformer Pillar (1914)

The Green, Burgh Heath

(West Side)
L Hazel Cottage and Shamrock Cottage (l.17c. and l.18c.)
II Ivy Cottage (l.18c. black weatherboard)

Green Lane, Mugswell


(South Side)
L Lilac Cottage (e.19c.)
(East Side)
L Corner Cottage (16c.)
L Flint Cottage & Juniper Cottage (18c. flint)

The Greenways, Walton on the Hill

(For number 8 see The Dormy House, Deans Lane)
Lg (Garden at Frogs Island, 4 Greenways, Walton-on-the-Hill (1913 Lutyens)
(For the grade II listed house, Island (Frogs Island), 4 Greenways, see
Heath Drive)
Lg Garden at Dormy House, Walton Golf Club, Deans Lane (Dormy House now
8 the Greenways) (Gertrude Jeckyll 1906)

Hardwicke Road, Meadvale, Reigate

(South Side)
L Nos. 22 & 24 (c.19c.)
L No. 30 (c.19c.)

Hardwicke Road, Reigate

(West Side)
II The School House (1854 Architect: H Clutton)

Haroldslea, Horley
(North Side)
II Coldlands Farmhouse (17c.)

Haroldslea Drive, Horley

AM Thunderfield Castle (12c.)
(South Side)
II Inholms Farmhouse (17c.)
II Yew Tree Cottage (16c.)
L Pear Tree Cottage (18c.) and former Coach House to west (part of West
Harrow) (m.19c. Gothic, weatherboard)
L Small barn (now pigeon shed) to north of Harrowsley Bungalow (l.17c.)
L Haroldslea House & Westharrows (19c)

Harps Oak Lane, Merstham

(South Side)
II Hoath Farmhouse (l.17c.)
II Barn to north-east of Hoath Farmhouse (17c.)
II c Granary to north-west of Hoath Farmhouse (18c.)
L Boorsgreen Farm Cottage (now Rose Cottage) (l.17c.)

Hatchlands Road, Redhill

(North Side)
L Nos. 16 and 18 (m.18c)
(North Side, off)
L Lodge to Johnston House (l.19c. cast iron windows)
L No. 36 (18c.)
L Forester's Public House (No. 44), Nos. 42 and 43 (l.17c. greensand, former
(South Side)
L No. 39 (l.19c. grey and brown greensand)
L Horse trough opposite No. 53 (19c)
II Shaws Corner War Memorial ( by Richard Reginald Goulden 1923)

Hazelwood Lane, Chipstead

(East Side)

II Hazelwood Farm (2 Farm Close) (16c.)

II c Stable Cottage to east of Hazelwood Farmhouse (l.19c. flint) (6 Farm Close)
L Chipstead Lodge (l.18c. flint)
L Flint Cottage (1885 by O Milne)
II Coal Tax Post at junction with Bridge Way, NGR TQ 7515783 (1861)

Heathcote, Tadworth
(For Kitchen garden wall to Tadworth Court (1700) see Tadworth Street)

Hethersett Close Reigate

(For No.6 see Hethersett (No. 16) Gatton Road, Reigate)

Headley Common Road, Headley

(North Side)
II c South Lodge (to Headley Grove) (l.18c.)

Heath Drive, Walton-on-the-Hill

(North Side, Off)
II Orangery at the Island (1913, Architect: E. Lutyens)
II c The Island (Frog’s Island) (1904 (including garden, pond and boundary wall
1913 by E. Lutyens) (garden is also on local list see The Greenways)
(South Side)
L The Grange Lodge (1920 by C Picton)
L Pintmere (1911by Guy Dawber)

High Road, Chipstead

(West Side, North End)
L Elmore Pond Cottage (Datestone AWS 1680)
II Well house opposite Nos. 5 to 8 Shabden Cottages (consec.) (1871)
(East Side, North End)
L Nos. 1 & 2 Shabden Cottages (former Parochial School, e.19c.)
II Nos. 5-8 Shabden Cottages (consec.) (1871)
II Nos. 9 & 10 Shabden Cottages (1890)
II Nos. 11 and 12 Shabden Cottages (1890)
(West Side)
II Shabden Park (Nos. 1 to 7 (consec.) (1870 Architect: E.M. Barry)
II c Park at Shabden Park (including gardens to North Lodge Shabden, Shabden
Park Farm, 1 to 7 Shabden Park Wayside, South Lodge) (18th century))
IIc Stable block to north of Shabden Park House (l.18c. Merstham stone) including
small granary to east
II c Kitchen garden wall to west of Shabden Park House (18c.)
II c Viewpoint to west of Shabden Park House (18c. flint)
II c Shabden Park Cottage to north-west of Shabden Park House (e.18c.)
II c South Lodge to Shabden Park House (1870 by E.M. Barry)
II c North Lodge to Shabden Park House (l.18c. remodelled 1870 by E.M.
L Shepherd's Lawn (e.18c.flint)
Lg Parkland of Shabden Park (18th century)
(West Side, off)
L Reeves Lodge (e.19c.)
L Reeves Rest (c.1810)
(East Side, South End)
L K6 telephone kiosk on Vincent's Green (1935)
L South Manor (South Lodge), including Long Meadow (Gardener's Cottage)
(1920 by Guy Dawber)
II Ruffetts Cottage (m.17c. flint)
L Old School Mews (School 1872 flint)
L Nightingale Cottage (flint, 1922 by Scott-Willey)
L Reading Room and Reading Room Cottage (l.19c.)

L The Keep (1905 by John Garle)

L Farm Cottage (1905 by John Garle)
L The Cottage, including thatched gate and covered way (1904 by John Garle)
L Russian Cottage (1905 by John Garle)
L Sandpit Cottage (4.19c.) including weatherboard shed at rear
L Cheval Court (former Ruffetts Wood) (1912 by John Garle)
L Racquets (former Ruffetts) (Racket Court 1905 by John Garle)

High Road, Upper Gatton

(South Side, off)
Lg Parkland of Upper Gatton Park (remodelled by Capability Brown in l.18c.)
(Including land at Upper Gatton Park, Cotts Lodge, Garden Cottage, Highways
Livery Stables, Pilgrims)
II Upper Gatton Park (e.18c.)
II c Ice House grotto with tunnels and sunken garden, south-west corner of Dell
Wood, Upper Gatton (e.18c. flint)
II c The Cottage to west of Upper Gatton Park (e.18c. former stable block)
II c Kitchen garden and other walls to west of Upper Gatton Park, including garden
cottage (e.18c.)
II c Gate piers to Upper Gatton Park (e.18c. Portland stone)
L Park Farm House (16c.)
(South Side)
II Old Trees (18c.)
II Olde Forge (18c. or earlier)
(North-West Side)
L Old Mint House, including outbuildings to rear (l.17c.)
L 1 to 7 Homefield Farm (former farmyard flint 19c)

High Street, Banstead

(South Side)
II* Church of All Saints (l.12c.)
II* c All Saints Churchyard
II Muggeridge Tombe 20 yards west of Church of All Saints (1866)
II Wilmot Tomb 20 years south of Church of All Saints (l.18c.)
II* c The Church Institute (1905 by Searles Wood)
L No. 170 (c.1830)
(North Side)
L No.1 formerly The Victoria Hotel, now Zizzi restaurant (m.19c.)

High Street, Horley

(South Side)
L Nos. 34 and 36 (e.19c.)
(North Side)
L No. 51 (l.19c. Wealden sandstone, former bank)

High Street, Merstham

(East Side)
L Nos. 12 to 16 (even) (l.18c.)
L Nos. 2 & 4 (even) (l.18c. flint)
II No. 30 (1791)
II No. 40 (14c.)
II The Feathers Hotel (Public House) including outbuilding to south-east (17c.
extended c.1900)
L Barn to south-east of the Feathers Hotel (c.1700, Merstham stone)
(West Side)
II No. 1 (Tavern House) (17c. or earlier)
II No. 23 (Cherrycob Cottage) (18c.)
II Red Cottage (m.19c. or earlier)
II No. 25 (l.18c.)

II Nos. 27 and 29 (Whistlefield) (18c.)

II Drinking fountain and cattle trough to east of Nos. 27 & 29 (1884)
II No. 31 (l.18c.)
L The Railway Arms Public House (c.1700)

High Street, Redhill

L 2-12 (even) (l.19c.)

High Street, Reigate

(East End)
II* The Old Town Hall (1728) including K6 telephone kiosk at east end (1935)
II K6 telephone kiosk on west side of Old Town Hall (1935)
(North Side)
L No. 2 (The Market Public House (l.18c.)
L 4 High Street, Lloyd's Bank (l.19c.)
(For Crown Cottage and Clockview Cottage (formerly Bank Cottage)
(r/o 4 High Street) (e.17c.) see Crown Steps, Reigate)
L Crown/donkey steps (18c ironstone) between 4 & 4b
(East Side)
II Crown Cottage and Clockview Cottage (r/o 4 High Street) (e.17c.)
II No. 4A (e.17c.)
II c No. 4B (Yard building (16c.) to north of 4a) and wall to Castle Walk (18c.)
II No. 6 (18c.)
II Gazebo, boundary walls and terracing (18th century) rear of 6 High Street
II c Wall to Castle Walk (18c.) to rear of No. 6
II No. 12 (e.19c.)
L Nos. 20 and 22 (16c.)
II Nos. 28 and 32 (even) (18c.)
II c Former Brew house (Reigate stone, 16c.) rear of No. 28
II c Wall to rear of No. 32 next to Castle Steps (16c.)
L Cave under 20 to 32 (even) (19c)
II No. 38 (The Reigate Tailors) (m. 16c.)
II Nos. 42 and 42A (18C)
II c Wall to rear of Nos. 44, 46 & 48 (18c.)
II No. 44 (17c. or earlier)
II No. 46 (17c.)
II Nos. 48 & 50 (e.17c.)
IIc Gazebo, boundary wall and Gazebo ruin at rear of 46-48 High Street
L No. 56 (17c.)
II No. 70 (18c. or earlier)
L No. 72 (l.17c.)
L Nos. 74 and 76 (l.17c.)
II No. 82 (15c.)
II The Red Cross Hotel (l.16c)
II c Remains of Brew house to north of Red Cross (17c.)
AM All caves on the north side extending under the Castle grounds
(South Side)
L No. 1 (l.18c. including original shop front)
II No. 5 (e.17c.)
L Brewery Yard ironstone path between 17 & 19
II Nos. 31 to 37 (odd) (m.18c.)
II c Cottage to rear of No. 37 (l.17c.)
II Former lock-up behind No. 37 (18c.)
II Nos. 53 & 53a, (1500)
L Reigate Methodist Church (1884 by F. Boreham, Reigate stone)
II Nos. 55 (The Bull's Head Inn) & No. 57 (l.17c.)
II Nos. 61 & 63 (18c.)
II No. 65 (e.18c)
L No. 67 (1908)

II Nos. 77 & 77a, (16c.) including loggia.

II c Bothy to rear of 77 & 77a (17c)

High Trees Road, Reigate

(South Side, off)
II Dunottar School (1867) including stable block and water tower (1908)
II c South Terrace including 10 urns (1897)
II c Dunottar Bridge east of West Gate (1867)
II c The Lodge to Dunottar, including gate piers and gate (1867)
L The Old House (16c. greensand)
Lg Gardens to Dunottar including Dunottar School, 38-42 (even) (19 th century)

Hill House Drive, Reigate

(West Side)
L Hill House 1a (1855, Reigate stone)

Hogscross Lane, Chipstead

(South-East Side)
L Pirbright Cottages
II Fairdene (Nos. 2, 3 & 4) (17c.)
II 7 Fairdene (Barn 5 yards north-east of Fairdene School) (16c.)
II c South-east wing of Fairdene (Nos 5 & 6) (18c.)
L Forge Cottage (m.18c.)
L Brandywine (greensand, 1938 by B Garle)
L Noke Farmhouse (m.19c. flint)
Lg The Grove (Part of Parkland of Shabden Park see also High Road,
Chipstead) (18th century)

Holly Lane, Banstead

(South Side)
II Lodge to Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Banstead Wood House) (1884 R.N.
II Banstead Wood House and Queen Elizabeth Hospital (comprising main block,
nurses home and wards) (1884 onwards. Architect: R. Norman Shaw and
1937 onwards, Architect: H.S. Goodhart-Rendel)
II c Kitchen, garden wall and bothy to north of Banstead Wood House (1884 by
R.N. Shaw)
Lg Garden at Banstead Wood (Queen Elizabeth Hospital) (late 19th century)
II Park Farm Cottage (e.19c.)
II Stable block 50 yards south of Park Farm Cottage (e.19c.)
II Circular outbuilding 20 yards to south-east of Park Farm Stable block (e.19c.)
(Vegetable store)
II Circular outbuilding 40 yards north-west of Park Farm stable block (e.19c.)
(Vegetable store)

Holly Hill Drive, Banstead

(South Side)
L Holly Hill House (now Holly Hill Park) (1913 by R. Howell)
Lg Gardens at Holly Hill House (1913)

Holmesdale Road
L Reigate Station (1849)
L 1 The Façade (c.1900) ( 2& 3 are in London Road)
L Signal Box (1929)

Honeycrock Lane, Salfords

(North Side)
II Dean Farm House (16c.)

II Barn 5 yards south-east of Dean Farmhouse (16c.)

II Granary 5 yards west of Dean Farmhouse (18c.)
II Barn 40 yards south-west of Dean Farmhouse (l.17c.)
L Outbuilding on allotment rear of Nos. 99-105 (18c. former cart shed)

Honeysuckle Close, Horley

II No. 3 Catt's Cottage (L.17c)

Hooley Lane, Redhill

(North Side)
II No. 10 (17c.)
(South Side)
L Engine shed to south-east of 12 Woodlands Avenue (1839 by David

The Hoppety, Tadworth

II Meare Close (16c.)

Horley Lodge Lane, Salfords

(For parkland and buildings at Horley Lodge, (now Horley Lodge Lane) see
Monfort Rise including Horley Lodge West, Horley Lodge East, The Cottage)

Horley Road, Redhill

L Former Prince Albert P.H. (18c.) now McDonald’s

Horley Road, Salfords

L Cast iron milepost in front of 12 West Avenue (L19c)

Horley Row, Horley

(North Side)
II c Dairy to south-west of Hutchins (18c.)
II Hutchins (including Hutchins Farm) (16c.)
II c Outbuilding to south-east of Hutchins (m.18c.)
II Lydford (17c.) (At Wheelwright’s Court, Horley Row)
II Sawpit shed and wheelwright's shop to south of Lydford (c.1700) in
Builders Yard (now Wheelwright’s Barn, Wheelwright’s Court).
II c Hutchins Cottage (e.19c.)
II Benham Farm Annex, Benham Farmhouse and Benhams House (16c.)
II c Barn Cottage to west of Benhams (16c.)
II Yew Trees (l.15c.)
II Monks Cottage (17c.)
II Nos. 1 & 2 Honeysuckle Cottages (m.17c.) (At Wheelwright’s Court, Horley
L Chequers Hotel (16c.)
L Offices, outbuildings and works to west of Chequers Hotel (18c. or earlier)
(South Side)
L The Old Cottage (e19c)

Horse Hill, Horley

(West Side)
II Horse Hills Farmhouse (18c.)
II c Outbuildings to south of Horse Hill's Farmhouse (c.1800)
(East Side)
L Lincoln's Lodge (e.18c.)
L Cottage (e.19c.) and Coach House (l.19c.) north of Lincoln's Lodge
L High Trees (1901)

The Horseshoe, Banstead

(North Side, off)

L Former Lodge to Walton Lodge (m.19c.)

How Lane, Chipstead

(West Side)
II Coal Tax Post opposite Yew Tree Close (1861)
L The Bungalow (l.19c. white weatherboard)
L Holly Cottage (l.17c. flint)

Hurst Road, Headley

(North Side)
II Hurst Farm (16c.)
II Dovecote 10 yards west of Hurst Farmhouse (e.19c.)
II c Small barn to west of Dovecote, Hurst Farm (l.18c.)
II c Stables to north of Hurst Farmhouse (l.18c.)
L Ede's Barn, including flint boundary walls (18th century or earlier)

Irons Bottom, Sidlow

(West Side, off)
II Barn 40 yards north of Bures Manor House (16c.)
II c 5 Bay Barn (c1600) in vicinity of Bures Manor House
II c 3 Bay Barn (c1550) in vicinity of Bures Manor House
II c Wagon Shed (1750) in vicinity of Bures Manor House
II c Granary (19c) in vicinity of Bures Manor House
L Bures manor (16c. and earlier, restored and extended by Ernest Newton
L Cart shed to north-east of The Bungalow, Bures Manor (18c.)
(East Side, off)
L Wolvers (1903 by C. Salmon)
L Field shelter north of Magpie Wood, Wolvers Home Farm (c.1910)
L Field shelter 120 metres south-west of Magpie Wood, Wolvers Home Farm
L Outbuilding east of South Lodge (18c.)
L Model Farm buildings at Wolvers Home Farm (c.1900)
(North Side)
L Hope Cottage and barn to west (c.1700)
L Mole Cottage and West Cottage (e.19c.)
(South Side)
L The Rectory (c.1700)
L Sidlow Barn, at Sidlow Farm (18c.)
L Granary at Sidlow Farm (19c. stone staddles)
L Tudor Barn (19c from Merrist Wood)
L Cartshed at Tudor Barn (18c from Deans Farm Salfords)

Joliffe Road, Merstham

L Surrey Iron Railway Bridge (1803, partly buried)

King's Mill Lane, South Nutfield

(North-West Side)
II Little Staplehurst (l.16c.)
II Staplehurst Farmhouse (15c.)
II c Barn to west of Staplehurst Farmhouse (16c.)
(West Side)
L Shocks Green Cottage (m.17c. re-using 15c. timber)

Kinnersley Manor, Sidlow

(Kinnersley Manor (1 the courtyard, 2 Kinnersley (the Manor House), 3 River
Side, 4 South Bank, 5 South Courtyard, 6 Little House, 7 Kinnersley

Cottage, Spinners Well) are listed under Reigate Road

Ladbroke Road, Redhill

(East Side)
L Nos. 106 to 112 (evens) (m.19c.)

Lake Lane, Horley

(West Side)
II Great Lakes Farmhouse (16c.)
II Puddleduck Farm (Barn 50 yards south of Great Lakes Farm) (17c.)
(East Side, off)
AM Scotchman's Copse Tanning site

Langley Bottom Road, Walton Down

(East Side, off)
L Nohome Farm (flint m.19c.)

Langshott, Horley
(North Side)
II Tanyard Farmhouse & Tanyard Farm Cottage (17c.)
II c Barn and outbuildings to east of Tanyard Farmhouse, in Tanyard Farmyard
II The Farmhouse Public House (formerly Hewitt's Farmhouse) (c.1650)
II c 1 & 2 Hewitt's Farm Barn (Eastern Barn) (now residential) (17c. or earlier)
(South Side)
II Langshott Manor (17c.)
II c Coach Houses to west of Langshott Manor (m.19c.)

Langshott Lane, Horley

L Windmill millstones at Millcroft (19c)

Lee Street, Horley

II No. 148 (The Old House) (16c.)
II No. 172 (The Cottage) (17c.)
L Graveyard to former Baptist Chapel No. 142 (19c)

(South Side)
II Nos. 69 (The Orchard House) (l.17c.)
II c No. 73 (Old Mill Street Cottage)
II No. 75 (Old Mill House)
No. 77 (Wisteria Cottage) and No. 79 (Old Bell House) (14c.)
(East Side)
L No. 53 (Yew Tree Cottage) (l.17c.)

Lesbourne Road, Reigate

(North Side, off)
II Chatham Court and Linden Court (London Country Bus Services Limited's
offices) (1932 by Wallis, Gilbert & Partners)
II London Country Bus Services Limited's Bus Garage (1931, by Wallis, Gilbert &
Partners) (Now The Omnibus Building)
(South Side)
L No.13 (1884, Reigate stone)
L Warehouse between Nos. 23 & 25 (former Chapel l.19c.)
II 27 Lesbourne Road (1907 Dairy)

Limes Avenue, Horley

(South Side)
II Fishers & Fishers Farm House (17c.)
II The Barn and Fishers Cottage (17c.)

Lime Works Road, Merstham

L Millstone at land to SE of 6 Quarry Cottages (19c)
L CGMR SIR Junction & Plateway to south of Quarry Cottages (1805)

Linkfield Lane, Redhill

(North-West Side)
L Nos. 26A and 26B (e.19c.)
L No. 26C (18c.) with banded periwinkle and ironstone cobbled yard
L No. 32 (m.19c.)
II Nos. 36 to 40 (even) (16c.)
II No. 42 (Warwick Lodge) (e.18c.)
II c Outbuildings to north-east of No. 42 (Warwick Lodge) (18c. Reigate stone)
L No. 48 (The Red Lion Public House) (16c.)
(South Side)
L No. 7 (m.19c.)
L No. 35 (former Coach House) (m.19c.)

Linkfield Street, Redhill

(West Side)
II* No. 49 (Fengates House) (m.18c.)
II* c Outbuildings to No. 49, now attached to No. 47 (18c.)
II No. 73 (18c.)
L No. 75 (l.18c.)
(East Side)
II No. 40 (The White Lion Public House) (16c.)
Littleton Lane, Reigate
(South Side, off)
II Littleton Manor Farm House (e.17c.)
II c Outbuildings to east of Farmhouse, (19c. and earlier)

Lodge Lane, Salfords

(North Side)
II Elmersland (18c.)
L cattle shed at Elmersland Farm (l.17c.)
(South Side)
L Appletree Cottage (17c.)
L White Lodge (c. 1800, former Lodge, cast iron windows)

London Road, Redhill

(East Side)
II Nos. 82 & 84 (Claremont and Belmont) (1830)
L Cast iron milepost behind 27 Holcon Court (L19c)

London Road, Reigate

(East Side)
L No. 18 and barn to south (18c.)
II No. 26 (e.19c.)
II No. 28 (Sunningdale) (e.19c.)
L 2 &3 The Façade (c.1900) ( 1 is in Holmesdale Road)
(Signal Box (1929) is in Holmesdale Road)
(West Side)
II No. 23 (Norfolk Lodge), No. 25 (e.19c.)
II No. 27 (The Elms) (m.19c.)

L No. 29a (Sorrels) & No. 29 (m. 19c. Reigate stone)

(North-West Side)
II Church of England First School (1854 Architect: H. Clutton)
(Castle Grounds)
II Reigate Castle Gateway (1777)
II Castle Cottage (17c.)
AM Reigate Castle (11c.)
L Moat enclosing embankment to north (11c.)
AM All caves on east side extending under the Castle grounds
Lg Gardens of Reigate Castle, (1777 garden & public park 1873 by William
Wilson Saunders RHS) including land at castle cottage
L Ironstone path between 14a & 16 (18c)
L Knights Cave at 16 & 18 (18c)

London Road North, Merstham

(West Side)
Bc Lych Gate to St. Katherine's Churchyard (1931 by A. Llywellyn Williams)
II No. 170 (Foxshaw) (17c.)
II c Barn at rear to No. 170 (Foxshaw) (18c. Merstham stone)
(East side)
L Railway tunnel entrance to south of Joliffe Arms (Detroits) (1838 by David
II Weighbridge Cottage (1803 Surrey Iron Railway Weigh & Toll-House)
AM Surrey Iron Railway Cutting (1803)
II Former stables and forge (of Surrey Iron Railway). Joliffe Yard (1809)
L Railway alignment tower to east of M23 (1823 by David Mocatta)
L Cast iron milepost opposite Harps Oak Lane (L19c)
(West Side)
II Harp's Oak (18c.)
L Entrance way between No. 2 and Ivor House (c. 1895 by Paxton Watson)

London Road South, Merstham

(East Side)
L Nos. 1 & 3 (The Old Saddlery and Old Tye Place) (l.17c.)
L Thatched barn to south of No. 3 (Old Tye Place) (l.17c.)
L No. 9 (The Bell House) (1899 by Paxton Watson)
L No. 13 (Rookwood House) (1899 by Paxton Watson)

Lonesome Lane, Reigate

(East Side)
II Lonesome Farm House (l.16c.)
II c Farm Building to south of Lonesome Farm House, overlooking Salfords
Stream (m.19c.)
II Little Finches (17c.)
L Cart shed (now nursery) east of Kinnersley Cottage (l.18c.)

Lovelands Lane, Lower Kingswood

(West Side)
L Lovelands Farm (including Lovelands House) (16c.)
L Barn Gable to east of Pippin Cottage (18c. flint)

Lower Road, Meadvale, Redhill

(West Side)
L Meadvale Methodist Church (m.19c.)

Maple Road, Redhill

L No. 21 (April Cottage) & No. 22 (Gordon Cottage) (1802)

Margery Grove, Kingswood


II Coal Tax Post at NGR TQ 23985230 (1861)

Markedge Lane, Chipstead

(East Side)
II Thatched Cottage (16c.)
L Soper's Cottage (16c.)
L Prior's Field (1911 by J. Smith)
Lg Parkland at Upper Gatton Park, Markedge Lane (including Fanny’s Farm
Shop (Lodge Farm), See also High Road, Upper Gatton (18th century
Capability Brown)

Massetts Road, Horley

II No. 23 (Vulcan Cottage) (17c.)
L No. 27 (16c. remodelled)
L Coopers Lodge (1904)
L Cinema, now Da Peppino, No. 13 (1925)

Meath Green Lane, Horley

(West Side)
II c Landens Farm (Model Farm, Blue Headers, m.19c.)
II Landens (16c.)
II c Landen's Cottage (l.18c.)
II c Granary to north of Landens (e.19c.)
L Wick Farm Barn (16c)
L Barn at Meath Green Farm (m.19c. Blue Headers)
(East Side)
L No. 46 (Greenfields)
L No. 48 (Greenleas)
L No. 50 (The Paddocks)
L Nos.54 & 56 (2 & 1 Whipple Tree Cottages) (blue headers 19c)
L No. 58 (Little Greenfield) (1927 by Blunden Shadbolt)
II c Thurgarton Cottage to north of Cheswick Farmhouse (l.19c.)
II Cheswick Farmhouse (17c.)
II c Outbuildings to south of Cinderfield (c.1800)
II Cinderfield (e.17c.)

Meath Green Lane, Salfords

(East Side)
II Ladyland Farmhouse (e.17c.)
II Old Cottage (16c.)
(West Side)
L Saxley Hill Barn (18c. or earlier - barn converted by Blunden Shadbolt 1923)

Millfield Lane, Kingswood

L Kingswood Fields (Model Industrial Building The Windmill Press 1925 by Lord
Gerald Wellesley, 7th Duke of Wellington & Trenwith Wills for William

Mill Road, Tadworth

(South Side)
II Tweenways (Part of Millfield) (1911 by G Dawber) (See also Dorking Road,

Mill Street, Redhill

(North-East Side)
II No. 1 (Old Garlands) (e.17c.)
L No. 3 (The Rose) (18c.)

II Nos. 5 & 7 (The Old Cottage) (14c)

(South Side)
II c No. 2, 17 Coach house Mews (Gazebo in grounds of the Firs) (c.1820)

Mint Road, Banstead

(West End)
II Mint Farmhouse (16c.)
(North Side)
L Nos. 1 to 10 (inclusive.) Mint Cottages (m.19c.flint)
L No. 11 (e.19c. flint)
II c Barn to north of Mint Farm attached to Nos. 12 & 13 (e.19c.)

(East Side)
L The Sportsman Public House (18c.)
II Coal Tax Post at NGR TQ 23865245 (1861)
II Coal Tax Post at NGR TQ 23855238 (1861)
II Coal Tax Post at NGR TQ 23845225 (1861)
L Thornymoor (c.1700)
(West Side)
L Mogador House (now Walton Gorse) (c.1700)
L Coneybury House (c.1912 by Bannister Fletcher, Horsham slab)

Mogador Road, Lower Kingswood

II Coal Tax Post 100 yards south of the Sportsman Public House NGR TQ
24005301 (1861)
II Coal Tax Post at NGR TQ 23655309 (1861)
II Coal Tax Post at NGR TQ 23665302 (1861)
II Coal Tax Post at NGR TQ 23685294 (1861)
L Cast iron finger post, corner of Mogador Road & Buckland Road (L19c)

Monk's Walk, Reigate

II Grotto including steps and south boundary wall at 6 Monk's Walk (e. 18c)

Monkswell Lane, Chipstead

(South Side)
II Orchard Cottage (16c.)
II Post Mill in the grounds of Mill House (l.18c.)
L Mill House (l.17c.)

Montfort Rise, Salfords

L Horley Lodge East and West (1924)
L Ice house to south of Horley Lodge West (c.1800)
Lg Parkland at Horley Lodge, Monfort Rise (now Horley Lodge Lane) including
(Horley Lodge West, Horley Lodge East, The Cottage, 1800)
L The Cottage (former coach house) to east of Horley Lodge East, including
columned pergola to west and garden wall to south-east (c.1800)

Motts Hill Lane, Tadworth

(South Side, off)
II Coal Tax Post at NGR TQ 22575579 (1861)

Netherne Lane, Hooley

(North Side)
AM Site of Netherne Manor House in Netherne Wood (13c.)
(East Side)
L Water Tower, Netherne Hospital (1907 by G.T. Hine) (now in Cayton Road,
Netherne on the Hill)
L Recreation Hall, Netherne Hospital (1907 by G.T. Hine) (now Village Hall,

Cayton Road, Netherne on the Hill)

L Administration Building (1907 by G.T. Hine) (now The Green Upper Lodge
Way, Netherne on the Hill)
L Chapel, Netherne Hospital (1907 by G.T. Hine) (now in Netherne Drive,
Netherne on the Hill)
L Flint outbuilding to Netherne Farm on north side of the Iron Bungalow & flint
wall to 13a to c Netherne Lane (m.19c.)
Lg Drive to former Netherne Hospital, Netherne Drive (1907)

New House Lane, Salfords

(East Side)
II Starlings (17c.)
II Job's Farm Cottages, (e.17c.)
(West Side)
L Brooklyn (1769)
L Mole Cottage (1934 by Blunden Shadbolt)
L Woodbrook (1934 by Blunden Shadbolt, including garage to south)

Nursery Road, Walton-on-the-Hill

(South Side)
II Chussex (1908 by E Lutyens)
Lg Garden at Chussex, (1908 attributed to Gertrude Jeckyll) and avenue of
Plane Trees in front of Chussex at Nursery Road (Lutyens 1908)
(For house and gardens at 1,2,3,4 Little Chesters see Breech Lane)
Lg Garden at Meadowcroft (Redholm), Nursery Road, Walton (1912),
(North Side)
II Pinfold Manor (1913, Lloyd George's House, by P. Morley Horder)
II Nos. 1 & 3 Little Chesters (see also Breech Lane) (1927 by Nicholls &
II c Terrace and pergolas, south of Little Chesters (1927 by Nicholls & Hughes)
II c Garage block, west of Little Chesters (1927 by Nicholls & Hughes)

Nutfield Road, Redhill

(South Side)
II Chart Lodge (e.19c.)
II c Hurst Cottage (e.19c. greensand - former coach house to Chart Lodge)
II Chart Cottage East (16c. greensand)
(North Side)
L Patterson Court Stable Block (1872)

Nutfield Road, South Merstham

(West Side)
II Nos. 186 to 190 (evens) (m. 17c.)

Nutley Lane, Reigate

(East Side)
L Nutley Hall Cave (19c)
II Nos 32 (16c.)
L St. Phillip's Church (Reigate stone, c.1860)
(West Side)
L Nos. 17-29 (m.19c. Reigate stone)

Oakdene Road, Redhill

(South Side)
L Barn to west of No. 41 (18c.)

Oaklands Drive, Redhill

(East Side)

L Barn at Royal Philanthropic Farm (1848)

Oaks Road, Reigate

(South Side)
L Wray Coppice (c.1880)

Old Mill Lane, Merstham

II c Lane Cottage (e.19c.) rear of Home Cottage

Old Pottery Close, Redhill

L Apple Trees (1930 by Blunden Shadbolt)
L The Old Pottery (l.81c. Pottery)

Outwood Lane, Chipstead

(South Side)
II Nos. 1 and 2 Old Schoolhouse (17c.)
II c Well House to West of Old Schoolhouse (18c.)
II c Outbuilding to south-west of Old Schoolhouse (18c.)
(West Side)
II c Barn to north of Dene Farm (16c.)
II Ramblers Rest (Dene Farm Restaurant) (16.c.)
II c Granary to south of Dene Farm (e.19c. staddles)
II Coal Tax Post 300 yards off Hazelwood Lane and opposite Brixham (1861)
L Sutton & District Water Company Pumping Station at corner of Rectory
Lane (1907, by W. Vaux Graham, M.I.C.E.)

Outwood Lane, Kingswood

(East Side)
II Eyhurst Farmhouse (l.14c.)
II c Farm buildings to north of Eyhurst Farmhouse (m.19c. flint)
II c Outbuildings and garden walls to Eyhurst Farmhouse (m.19c. flint)
II c Cottages to north-east of Eyhurst Farm (m.18c. tile hung)
L Well Copse (m.19c. flint)

Park Lane, Reigate

(West Side, off)
L 1 & 2 Ede's Field Cottages (Ede's Field) (e.19c. Ironstone)
(Other cottages for Ede's Field are listed under Clayhall Lane)
(East Side)
II Priory Lake Cottage (16c.)
Ic Park Cottage (Keeper's Cottage) (16c.)
II Gate piers at entrance to Priory Park, near No. 7 (18c.)
Ic No. 7 (16c. former Lodge to Reigate Priory)
Ic Priory Stables (thatched 1936)
(For Park of Reigate Priory, including 7 Park Lane and Priory Lake Cottage,
see Bell Street)
(West Side)
L Sandfells (greensand m. 19c.)
L Priory Cricket Ground Pavilion and score shed (white weatherboard, 1929
by Thompson & Walford)
II No. 6 (e.19c.)
II No. 12 (Geranium Cottage) (l.17c.)
L Garden wall to No. 14 (l.17c.)
II Nos. 22 & 24 (Priory Farm and The Old Granary) (l.18c.)
II c Garden wall to No. 22 (l.18c.)
L No. 34 (Moor Lodge) (m.19c.)


Park Lane East, Reigate

(South Side)
II No. 35 (Cockshut) (1800)
II No. 35A (Cockshut Cottage) (e.19c.)
L Nos. 37 & 39 (Parkside) (m.19c. Reigate stone)
L No. 49 (Mission Hall c.1860)
(North Side)
L Gomer's Hall (e.18c.)
L No. 130, Gomer's Cottage (18c.)

Park Road, Banstead

II Wellhead at the junction with Woodmansterne Lane (18c.)
(East Side)
L 1 to 4 (consec.) Apsley Cottage (m.19c. flint returns)
L Apsley (Gothic 1797)
(West Side)
II Rosehill (Castle House) (m.18c.)
II c Additions to north of Rosehill (Castle House) (l.19c.)
II Wilmot (1841) (Jireh Cottage)
II Park Cottage (e.19c.)
II Woodmans Cottage (l.18c.)
L Coach House to north of Parkside Nursing Home (l.19c. flint)
L No. 1 The Mews, Parkside Nursing Home (1932 by G. Dawber)
L Nos. 1, 2, 3 & 4 Mint Cottages (e.19c.)
(East Side)
II c Flint ha-ha ditch to east of Banstead Place (e.18c.)
II c Kitchen garden wall south of Banstead Place (e.19c.)
II c Banstead Place Lodge (l.18c.)
II* Banstead Place (Queen Elizabeth Foundation) (e.18c.)
Lg Parkland and Wilderness at Banstead Place (18th century)
II c Place Farm Cottage
II c Farm buildings in yard of Place Farm (18c.)
L Courtlands Lodge, Courtlands & Courtlands House including formal garden,
pond & walled garden (J. Sydney Brocklesby ARIBA, 1922)
L Anti Aircraft Ammunition Depot (1938) at Courtlands Farm (BHRG & PRRA)
Lg Historic Garden to Walwood House, Park Down Lodge & Walwood Lodge
(1904 by Guy Dawber) (SGT)
(West Side)
L New Place (1912 by Vaughan Johnson)
L Haughdell House (1912 by Guy Dawber)
L Little Flints (m.19c. flint)
(East Side)
L Walwood Lodge (1904 by Guy Dawber)
L Walwood House (1904 by Guy Dawber)
L Woodend (1910 by E. Stodart)

Park Road, Redhill

L Nos. 2 - 16 (evens) (l.19c.)

Pebble Close, Walton-on-the-Hill

(South End)
L Pebble Combe, (c.1830)
L The Lodge, Pebble Close (c.1840)
Lg Garden to Pebble Combe, Pebble Close (19th century)

Pendleton Road, Redhill

(North Side)
II No. 1 (St. John's Lodge) (e.19c.)
L Nos. 2 & 3 (e.18c.)

II Nos. 8 & 9 (e.19c.)

II Nos. 10 & 11 (16c.)
L No. 12 (The Verralls) (1862 or earlier)
L Nos. 1 to 12 (consec.) Carter's Cottages (l.17c. & e.18c.)
L St. John’s County Primary School (Upper School 1910 by T.R. & V Hooper,
Lower school 1884 by Haughton)
L Air Raid Shelters with Murals at St. John’s County Primary School [1940]
(South Side)
L Former workhouse administration block (1794) to north of main building,
Redhill General Hospital
AM Bowl Barrow on Earlswood Common 20m south of road opposite Clarence
Walk (Bronze age)

Philanthropic Road, Redhill

(East End, off)
II Former Royal Philanthropic Society School Office (RNIB Hethersett)
(c.1600) (Now Tudor House)
II c Garden Cottage (18c.) to north of Royal Philanthropic Society School
(North Side)
L Redstone Wood Cottage (e.19c. greensand)

Picketts Lane, Salfords

(East Side)
II Christmas Farmhouse and Christmas Close (16c.)
II c Granary to east of Picketts Farmhouse (m.18c. iron staddles)
II Picketts Farmhouse (17c.)
II c Stables to south of Picketts Farmhouse (e.19c. Blue Headers)
II Picketts Cottage (16c.)
II c Barn in Picketts Farmyard to east of Picketts Farmhouse (16c.)

Pigeon House Lane, Chipstead

L Kingswood Kennels (c.1700 flint)

Pilgrims Way Reigate

L Nos 7, 13, 17, 23 & 35 by C. E. Salmon c.1900

Prince's Road, Redhill

II West Lodge and East Lodge to Royal Earlswood Hospital (l.19c.)

Quality Street, Merstham

(East Side)
II Merstham Garage (1796)
II The Gables (m.19c.)
II Home Cottage (m.18c.)
II c Garden wall to north of Home Cottage (c.1800)
II The Close, The Little House, The Old School House (1816 Almshouses)
II c Garden wall to east of The Old School House along Old Mill Lane
II The Old Forge (15c. Home of Seymour Hicks & Ellaline Terriss)
L No. 57, The White Cottage (18c. or earlier)
L York Cottages (Nos. 1-4 consec.) (e.19c. or earlier)
L Garden Mount at The Glade House, Quality Street, Merstham (17c or
(West Side)
II The Home Farmhouse (15c.)
II c Granary to north of Home Farmhouse (e.19c. stone staddles)
II Wistaria Cottage and Mead Cottage (e.17c.)
II c Small barn to south-west of Home Farmhouse (18c.)
II The Old Manor and Court Cottage (17c.)

II c Orchard Cottage (e.19c. white weatherboard)

II North Cottage (1609)
II St Nicholas Cottage (18c.)
II Prior's Mead (l.17c.)
II Walls & Gate-piers to south-east of Prior's Mead (m.19c.)
(North Side)
Lg Garden at Merstham House (now The Glade House) (18th century)

Radstock Way, Merstham

(West Side)
L No. 214 (Oakley Lodge) (m.19c. Bargate stone)
(East Side)
II Oakley (Merstham Youth Centre) (1866 Bargate stone)

Raglan Road, Reigate

(South Side)
L Nos. 36 & 38 (The Briars) (m.19c. Bargate stone)
II c No. 88 (m.19c. Reigate stone)
II No. 90 (Wray Farmhouse) (16c.)
(North Side)
L No. 7 (m.19c.) (Hatherlow House)
L No. 21 (m.19c.)

Ranelagh Road, Redhill

(West Side)
L No. 13 (l.19c. Wealden sandstone)
(East Side)
L No. 12 (l.19c. Wealden sandstone)

Read's Rest Lane, Banstead

(North Side)
L Barn to north-east of Read's Rest Cottages (18c. flint)
L Perrots Farm (16c.)

Rectory Lane, Woodmansterne

(West Side)
L The Old School and The Old School House (1840)
L The Manor House (1936 Imrie, Angell & Scott Willey)
(North Side)
L Manor Cottage Farmhouse (18c.)

Rectory Road, Chipstead

(South Side)
L The Old Rectory (16c.)

Reigate Road, Burgh Heath

Lg Nork Park, (18th century park)

Redstone Hill, Redhill

(North Side)
L Central Platform at Redhill Station (m.19c. 16 cast iron columns) (m.19c.)
L Laker's Hotel (m.19c. greensand)

Reigate Hill, Reigate

(West Side)
II Milestone opposite No. 31 Merrywood Park (e.19c.)
L Reigate Manor Hotel (c.1830)
L Underground control centre, southern command battle headquarters
(“Monty’s Hideout”) behind Quarrypoint (TQ255518) (1941 Royal

II No. 101 (Rose Cottage) & No. 103 (e.19c.)
(North Side)
L The Rock Cottage (c.1840)
L The Rock (c.1840)
L Cast Iron Tudoresque gate pier to east of the Rock (c.1840)
L Milestone south of M25 (18c.)
II Reigate Hill Footbridge (1908 by L. G. Mouchel, earliest concrete footbridge
in Britain)
(East Side)
L 76 & 76a (m.19c.)
L Quarry Cottages (Nos. 1-4 consec.) (c.1830)
(South Side)
L Reigate Hill Cottage (m.19c. Reigate stone)

Reigate Road, Epsom Downs

L Driftways Cottage ( & Crossways in Fir Tree Road) (c.1890, remodelled and
extended in 1909 by the architect Langton Dennis)
L The Driftbridge (Former hotel 1931Hayward & Maynard.using Teak from
HMS Ganges (1819) the last sail powered flagship)
L No. 451, West Lodge (former lodge to Nork Park, flint),

Reigate Road, Reigate

L Burial grounds, Friends Meeting House (19c)

Reigate Road, Sidlow

(West Side)
L The Cottage, Duxhurst (1894 Home & Colony Superintendent's house for Lady
Somerset designed by herself. Extended 1919 by Pinchard FRIBA, thatched)
L Milestone south of The Rectory (1817)
L Milestone opposite The Homestead (1817)
(East Side)
L Emmanuel Church, including churchyard and lych gate (1861 by H Clutton)
L Moat Farm Barn (c.1700) with attached cowshed and pigsty
L Moat north-east of Moat Farm (13c.)
L Lower Duxhurst Farmhouse (1817)
L Lower Duxhurst Barn (1817)
(East Side, off)
L Spinners Well (16c.) including garden wall (c.1800) (road name now at
Kinnersley Manor)
II Kinnersley Manor, Part of (including South Bank and Manor House
(Kinnersley)). (16c. Manor House with central courtyard, Horsham slab) (Road
name now Kinnersley manor)
II c Kinnersley Manor, Part of (including South Courtyard, The Little House, River
Side and The Courtyard). (16c. Manor House with central courtyard, Horsham
slab) (road name now Kinnersley Manor)
II c Kinnersley Cottage (Orchard Cottage) (former Lodge to Kinnersley Manor,
Gothic m.18c.) (Road name now Kinnersley Manor)
L Anti Tank Gun Emplacement type FW3/28 6-pounder gun holdfast NE of
Sidlow Bridge (1940) TQ25879 47129

Reigate Road, Reigate

(North Side)
L No. 8 (c.1900)
L No. 14 (c.1900)
(South Side)
L Reigate stone house attached to west of Reigate Grammar School (1860)
L House in grounds of Reigate Grammar School to west of Leckhamstead

L Leckhamstead east and west (m.19c. Reigate stone)
L Ringley Park House (m.19c.)
(North Side)
L Fonthill (c.1880, Reigate stone)
L Doran Cottage (m.18c.)
L Doran Court (m.19c. greensand)

Ridgeway Road, Redhill

(East Side)
L Nos. 9-13 (odd) (l.19c)

Ringley Park Avenue, Reigate

Lg Avenue of Trees to Dunottar (see also High Trees Road) (19th century)

Ringley Park Road, Reigate

(West Side)
L Eversfield (1910, Bargate stone)
L No 4 Ringley Park Avenue (c1900) (Listed as 43 Blandford Road)

Rockshaw Road, Merstham

(South Side)
II Noddyshall & Noddyshall Cottage (l.17c. link by Baillie Scott, 1907)
II Little Shaw (1910 by Baillie Scott, galletted Merstham stone)
L Millhouse, Kingsdown, Standish, Pucklechurch, Whitmore, West Cross (now
Gannymede), Lowood, Court Lodge, The Rondels, Oakwood, Albury Edge
East and West, The Red House, The Georgian House, The Mere &
Tanglewood (c.1903 - 1913 by Paxton Watson)
(North Side)
L Merstham Stone Mine (19c)

Rocky Lane, Merstham

(North Side)
L The Dower House (c.1700)
L Stonecot (medieval, Gatton stone)
L Whitehall Cottages (former school 1840 and cottage, l.18c. Gatton stone)
L Whitehall Farm House and Whitehall House (c.1700)
L Rookery Cottage (l.18c. Gothic, Gatton stone)
L The Cottage (l.18c.)
L Coach House (1876)
(East Side)
L Middle Lodge (Sweetbriar) (Gatton Park) (m.19c. Gatton stone)
L East Lodge to Gatton Park (l.19c.)
(For Gatton Park see Gatton Park)
(West Side)
(For grade II Parkland at Gatton Park see Gatton Park but also includes
Paddock House and East Lodge Farm, Rocky Lane (18th century by
Capability Brown))

Royal Earlswood Park, Redhill

(For Victoria Court (formerly Royal Earlswood Hospital), Edward House
(former Workshop building) and Helena House (former infirmary) see
Asylum Arch Road)
(Parkland at Royal Earlswood, see Asylum Arch Road, Redhill) (Mid 19th

Ruden Way, Epsom Downs

(South Side)
L Stone gate piers from Nork Park (19c.)

St Monica's Road, Kingswood

(East Side)
L St Monica's (Kingswood House) (former School 1895 by Lionel Bethel )

Sandcross Lane, South Park, Reigate

(West Side)
L No. 61 (e.19c.)
II No. 211 (Whitehall Farmhouse) (17c.)

Sandlands Grove, Walton

(North Side)
AM Roman Villa in grounds of "The Old Manse", "Four Seasons" and
"Windmill Bank"

School Hill, Merstham

(East Side)
II No. 8 (16c.)
II No. 10 (Barn Cottage) (18c.)
II No. 12 (Feldwicks) (1800)
II Nos. 16 & 18 (15c.)
II Nos. 20 & 22 (17c.)
II Nos. 24 & 26 (l.18c.)

Shaw's Corner, Redhill

(South Side)
( For War Memorial see Hatchlands Road)
L Redhill United Reformed Church (St Paul's) (1901 by G. Lethbridge)

Shelvers Way, Tadworth

L Nos. 2 & 4 (e.19c. Gothic)

Silverlea Gardens, Horley

L Wilger's Farmhouse (l.19c. Blue Headers)
L Barn and outbuildings to north-east of Wilger's Farmhouse (m.18c.)
L Cart shed to north of Wilger's Farm Barn (l.18c.)

Slipshatch Road, Reigate

(South Side, off)
II Barn 60 metres north-west of Hartswood Manor (17c.) including brick additions
to east (l.19c.) (Now 5 Hartswood Barns, the Old Granary, No 4 Appletree and
No.3 The Bothy)
II* c Barn with attached outbuildings 20 metres north of Hartswood Manor
(17c.) (Now the Old Barn)
II* c Small outbuildings 70 metres north-west of Hartswood Manor (m.19c.)
II Dutch barn 100 metres north-west of Hartswood Manor (e.19c.)

Slipshoe Street, Reigate

II No. 6 (16c.)
II c Outbuilding (l.18c.) and Reigate stone wall (18c.) to east and north of No.6
II* No. 10 (Old Sweep's House) (14c.)
II* c Outbuilding to No. 10 (now garage) (m.18c.)

Smallfield Road, Horley

(South Side)
L Barn to south of Harrowsley Green Farmhouse (l.17c.)
II No. 70 (Jordans) (17c.)
(North Side)

L No. 123 (1924 by Blunden Shadbolt)

Smalls Hill Road, Norwood Hill, Horley

(West Side, off)
L Norwood Place Farmhouse (l.17c. or earlier)
L Barn to west of Norwood Place Farmhouse (16c.) (From Duxhurst Farm)
L Little Chantersluer (14c.)
L Barn to west of Little Chantersluer (17c.)
(East Side, off)
L Nutley Dean Farmhouse (16c)
L Long outbuilding to west of Nutley Dean Farmhouse (18c.)
L Cart shed to west of Nutley Dean Farmhouse (18c.)
L Granary to west of Nutley Dean Farmhouse (19c. on stone staddles)

Smithy Lane, Lower Kingswood

(East Side)
L Flint Cottages (m.19c.)

Soloms Court Road, Banstead

(South Side)
II c Sundial, Garden walls and terraces to Soloms Court (1906 by G Dawber)
II Soloms Court (1906 by G. Dawber)
Lg Garden at Soloms Court (including the land at the Ecury and Court Echo)
II c The Ecury (former gardener's cottage to Soloms Court) (1906 by G.
II c Court Echo (former Lodge to Soloms Court) (1906 by G. Dawber)
L Park Down Lodge (1904 by Guy Dawber)

Somers Road, Reigate

(North Side)
L 10 to 38 (evens) (l.19c. brick and Reigate stone)
(South Side)
L Nos. 1 & 3, 19 & 21, 25, 31 to 47 (odds) (l.19c.) (Brick and Reigate stone)

Somerset Road, Redhill

(North Side)
L 27A (16c.)
II Mount Cottage (e.19c.)
II Greenmead Cottage (e.19c.)
L No. 61 (m.19c.)
L No. 57 (e.19c.)
(South Side)
L Nos. 108 & 110 (m.19c.)
L No. 112 (m.19c.)

South Walk, Reigate

Lg Shrubbery to former Reigate Lodge, (Wall listed under Church Street) (see
also Reigate College, Castlefield Road, and East Walk, Reigate) (18th

Southerns Lane, Chipstead

(North Side)
II Southerns Farmhouse (17c.)
II Barn 10 yards to the east of Southerns Farm (e.19c.)
II Barn 50 yards to the east of Southerns Farm (l.18c.)
II c Cart shed (now swimming pool pavilion) to south-east of Southerns
Farmhouse (18c.)
(East Side)

II Nos. 19 & 20 (16c.)

(West Side)
L April Cottage (c.1700)
(North-West Side)
II The Deerings (17c.)

Star Lane, Hooley

(South Side)
Ic St Margaret's Churchyard
I Church of St Margaret (12c. restored by Norman Shaw 1885)
Ic Lych Gate to west of St Margaret's (m.19c.)
II Chest Tomb, 20 yards south of west end of St Margaret's Church (1768)
II Bank's Tomb, 15 yards north of St Margaret's Church (1835)
II Little Family Tomb, 4 yards south of St Margaret's Church (1840)
II Walpole Monument 25 yards south of St Margaret's Church (1840)
(North Side)
II Court Lodge (17c.)
II c Cottage to east of Court Lodge (Court Lodge Cottage) (18c. flint)
II c Outbuilding to east of Court Lodge (18c. flint)

Spiers Farm Close, Horley

L Plaque on No.1 (19c Cast Iron plaque for Christs Hospital)

Starrock Lane, Chipstead

(East Side)
L Starrock Court and Starrockside (l.19c)
L Stable block to south of Starrock Farmhouse (Starrock barn (medieval barn
1 bay & 1898 white weatherboard)
(South Side)
L Palmer's Cottage to east of Vincent's Green (16c.)

Station Approach West, Earlswood

(East Side)
L Earlswood Station (1905)

Station Road, Horley

(North Side)
L Former Albert Brewery, including Brewery Tower (l.19c.)

Station Road, Redhill

(North Side)
L Lloyd's Bank and No.25 on corner of London Road (l.19c.)
II Baptist Chapel (1858)
L Nos 27 to 35 and 39 to 49a (including 39 & 41 as missing part of terrace)
L No. 69 Stonecroft (formerly St Matthew's School) (1870 by R. Hesketh)
L St Matthew's Church (1866 by J. Hahn)
L No. 79 (e.19c.)
(South Side)
L Nos 162 (Flats 1 to 4) & 164 (m.19c.)
L The Wheatsheaf Public House - on corner of High Street (1904 by S Grant)
L No. 16 to 34 (evens) (l.19c.)
L The Odeon (Millionaire's Club now British Embassy Rock Club) (1938 by A

Station Road North, Merstham

(West Side)

L Merstham Fire Station (1901 by Paxton Watson)

L Old Telephone Exchange (Fintrax House) HM Office of Works, 1927

Stubbs Lane, Lower Kingswood

(South Side)
L Beechurst (l.19c.)

Sturts Lane, Walton-on-the-Hill

(South End, off)
L Frith Park (c.1840)
II Frith Park Farmhouse (16c.)
II c Stables with hayloft, south-west of Frith Park Farmhouse (flint c.1840)
Lg Park at Frith Park (19th century)
(North side)
L Sturt House (19c)

Subrosa Drive, Merstham

(For No 26 see Battlebridge House, Battlebridge Lane, Merstham)

Sutton Lane, Banstead

L Former Lodge, gate piers and railings to Banstead Hospital (now HM
Downview prison), (1877 by W. N. Pownall)
L Pediment to former Administrative Block to Banstead Hospital (now HMP
Highdown) (1877 by W. N. Pownall)

Tadworth Street, Tadworth

(North Side)
I Tadworth Court Tadworth court (The Children’s Trust) (1694-98)
II c Various stable block buildings and walls to Tadworth Court (1700)
II Entrance wall, stable block and gate piers 50 yards south-west of Tadworth
Court (1700)
II c Kitchen garden wall to Tadworth Court (1700) (now also part of The Walled
Garden & Heathcote Medical Centre, Heathcote)
II Entrance wall, railings, gates and gate piers to Tadworth Court (1700)
II c Entrance Lodge to Tadworth Court (l.19c.)
Lg Park at Tadworth Court (Children's Trust) (17th century)
L Tadworth Cottage (1817) (l.18c. restored 1817)
L No. 52, Chinthurst School (school 1911 by Lionel Bethel)

Tattenham Corner Road, Epsom

(East Side)
II Coal Tax Post at NGR TQ 22515811 (1861)

Tower Road, Tadworth

L Water tower (1897)

Trumpetshill Road, Reigate

(North Side)
II Miller Cottage (l.17c.)
L The Old Schoolhouse (former British School, c.1860)
Lg Gardens of Trumpet's Hill, including land at Miller Cottage, the Old Barn and
Garden Cottage (1901) (see also Flanchford Road)
II Granary Annexe (18c.)
II June Farm (17c.)
II c Outbuildings to east of June Farm (l.18c.) forming courtyard
(South-West Side, off)
II* Ricebridge Farmhouse (c.17c.)
II* c Outbuilding to north of Ricebridge Farmhouse (18c)
II Little Santon Farmhouse (l.16c.)

II c Cart shed, now south-east of Little Santon Farmhouse (18c.)

Tunnel Road, Reigate

II The Tunnel (1823 by W Constable)
(East Side)
L Tunnel Vaults building (1830)
IIc Tunnel Road Caves East (1823)
(West Side)
AM Tunnel Road Caves West side

Upper Bridge Road, Redhill

L 41 to 51 (odd) (T. R. Hooper 1883)

Upper Lodge Way, Netherne on the Hill

(For The Green, Upper Lodge Way see Administration Building, Netherne
Lane, Netherne)
Lg Gardens at former Netherne Hospital (1907)
Upper West Street, Reigate
(North Side)
II Nos. 18A and 20 (18c.)
II c Reigate stone garden wall east of 18a & 20, along Nutley Lane (18c.)
II No. 24 (The White House) (18c.)
II No. 26, including Coach House (19c.)
II No. 28 (St Albans) (e.19c)

Vicarage Close, Kingswood

(South Side)
II c The Bungalow (1912 by Ernest Newton)

Vicarage Lane, Horley

(West Side)
II No. 37 (Priestlands) (17c.)
L Chantry House (1853)

Victoria Road, Horley

(North Side)
L Nos. 88 and 90 (The Foresters Arms Public House) (c.1812)
(South Side)
L No. 4 (1930 Granite Setts)
L Horley Station (1905)
(North Side, off)
II No. 142 (Birchwood Cottage) (l.17c.)
L No. 140 (l.18c.)
L Stoney Way between 138 & 140 Victoria Road (16c periwinkle stone)

Vogan Close, Reigate

(North Side)
L The Old Cottage (18c.)

Walled Garden, Tadworth

(For Kitchen garden wall to Tadworth Court (1700) see Tadworth Street)

Walpole Avenue, Chipstead

L Adderley including garden walls and structures (Thatched 1920 Pine-Coffin,
Imrie & Angell)
L West Ridge (1923 Imrie & Angell)
L Middleshaw ( 1906 William Curtis Green)

Walton Street, Walton-on-the-Hill


(North Side)
II No. 36 (Ebenezer Cottage) (17c.)
II c Barn at rear of No. 36 (Ebenezer Cottage) (l.17c.)
II No. 78 (Yeoman House) (17c.)
L No. 82 (l.18c.)
II No. 80 (Copthorne) (16c.)
L The Fox & Hounds (l.17c.) including flint outbuilding at rear
(South Side)
L Greenside (m.18c. National School)
II No. 43 (l6c)
II c No. 45 (l6c)
L No. 55 (e.16c.)
(For Walton Manor see Chequer’s Lane)

The Warren, Kingswood

L Gate piers north of Warren Gate (1835)
L Shepherd's Well (e.19c.)
L Kingswood Warren (including terrace), (1835 by T Knowles, altered by W
Smith, 1873)
Lg Garden Drive at The Warren, Kingswood (Front rhododendron shrubbery to
Caythia, Devon House, Shepherds Well, House in the Wood, Claremount,
The Shieling, Hilborough, Barrow House, Silverwood) (19th century)

Warren Lodge Drive, Kingswood

II Kingswood Court (1912 by E Newton)
Lg Garden at Kingswood Court 1912)
L Vicarage Gate Mews (Vicarage 1835)

Warren Road, Reigate

(South Side)
L No. 4 (l.19c.)
L No. 6 (m.19c.)

Warwick Road, Redhill

(West Side)
L Hilary House (m.19c. Water Company Offices)

Waterhouse Lane, Kingswood

(North Side)
L Kingswood Station (1897)
(South Side)
L Garden Farm Barn (l.18c. flint)
L Cast iron finger post, corner of Bonsor Drive (l.19c)

West Street, Reigate

(North Side)
AM Medieval Undercroft at Nos. 16-18
II No. 20 (former stable and coach house to Browne's Lodge) (l.18c.)
II* No. 22 (Browne's Lodge) (1780)
II Garden walls to east of No. 22 (Browne's Lodge) (18c.)
II Nos. 24 and 24a (e.19c.)
L Horse trough (19c) south of 24a
L No. 34 (l.18c.)
II No. 36 (Ye Olde Forge) (17c.)
II No. 38 (Old West Street House) (16c.)
L No. 56 (c.1914)
(South Side)

II No. 21 (16c.)
II c Wall to rear of Nos. 21 to 31 (odd) (18c)
L Nos. 23 and 25 (l.18c.)
II No. 27 (Blue Anchor Public House) and No. 29 (15c.)
II No. 31 (e.19c.)
L No. 35 (m.19c.)
II Nos. 45 and 47 Farley and Farley Cottage (15c.)
II (No. 51) West Lodge, including Coach House (e.19c.)
II (No. 53) Wallfield Lodge (e.19c.)
II c Coach House west of No. 53 Wallfield Lodge (e.19c.)
II Wallfield (former Annexe to Reigate School of Art & Design) (m.19c.)
L No. 93 (Black Horse Public House (16c.)
L 81 to 87 (odd) Christian Mead Cottages ( Cast iron lattice windows ) (l.19c)

Wheelwrights Court, Horley Row, Horley

(Wheelwright’s Barn, Lydford and Honeysuckle Cottage are listed under
Horley Row)

Whitepost Hill, Redhill

(East Side)
L No. 9 (c.1800)
II No. 10 (e.19c.)
L No. 15 (The Old Rising Sun) (l.19c.)
L Nos. 25 & 26 (l.18c.)
L No. 28 (1871 Former Lodge to Garlands. Reigate stone)
(South Side, off)
L Blackstone House, Claverdon & Leachim Heights (Blackstones) (m.19c.
L Red Oaks (l.19c. Coach House to Blackstones. Greensand)
L No. 8, Waysmeet (1827 or earlier)

Sighting column (1849) for Redhill to Dover Railway, Redhill Common

3 Prison boundary stones (1859), Redhill Common
Gedge Fountain (1897) Redhill Common

Withybed Corner, Walton-on-the-Hill

(West Side)
L 1 & 2 (Ching Cottage), 3 & 4 (Willow Cottage)
L Little Killaster (formerly The Cottage) (e.18c.)

Wonham Lane, Betchworth

(North Side)
L Wonham Cottage (l.18c.)

Woodhatch Road, Reigate

(North Side)
II No. 1a (The Angel Inn) (l.17c.)
II No. 9 (Yew Cottage) (e.19c.)
(West Side)
L Petridge Cottage (e.19c. Aviary. Greensand)
L Maple Manor (l.19c. Greensand)

Woodhatch Road, Salfords

(West Side)
L Granary at Brookside Farm (18c.) (Staddles)

Woodlands Avenue, Redhill

(West Side)
L No. 1 (l.19c. Wealden sandstone)

Woodlands Road, Redhill

L No. 29 ( Reigate Stone & Tile Hanging)

Woodland Way, Kingswood

Lg Garden and Drive at Kingswood Warren, (Kingswood BBC and front
rhododendron shrubbery between the Warren and Sandy lane including
Wentworth, West Acre, Pine Trees, Hilmore, Touchwood, Mylesdown,
Farleigh, Dendrons, Hazelbirch, Unicorn House, Warwick Lodge, Willow
Lodge, Little Hale, Burford House, Woodland Lodge, Compass House,
Badgers, Sheridan, Avalon, Weavers, Hoyland House, Hoyland Down,
Harlequin, Woodend, Old Trees, Firethorn, Warren Cottages and garden at
Inwarren (now Rushstead House, Meadcombe, Craighall Heights and
Standen Place)) Woodland Way, Kingswood (19th century)
L Gazebo & Walled Garden at No. 64, Delamere (formerly Inwarren)
(Chelsea Flower Show Garden 1928)

Woodmansterne Lane, Banstead

(South Side)
II Well Farm House (16c.)
II c The Old Barn (16c.)
II c The Well Nigh, including garage (18c.)
(North Side)
L Eastcroft (18c.)
L Longcroft Clinic (18c.)

Woodmansterne Street, Woodmansterne

(South Side)
L St Peter's Church (13c including Piscina and tracery, remodelled 1876 by J
Clarke. Flint)
L Churchyard of St Peter's
L Gothic tomb to east of St Peter's (1875 for J. Jones of The Oaks)
L Mounting block to south of Lych Gate, St Peter's (18c.)
L Nos. 31 & 33 (m.19c.Cast iron swan emblem)
(North Side)
L Former garden wall to east of rectory, (inscribed IL 1788)
II Weston Acres including terrace wall (1906 by S. Tatchell)
IIc Lodge to Weston Acres (1906 by S. Tatchell)

Wraylands Drive, Reigate

(South Side)
L Nos. 10, 11 and 12 (Wraylands) (m.19c)

Wray Common Road

II Nos. 12-14 (1881)
L Electricity Substation, Madeira Quarry ( Former Reigate Corporation
Electricity Works power station built under the Reigate Electric Lighting
Order 1897 and completed in 1901)

Wray Lane
(East side)
IIg Parkland at Gatton Park, including National Trust land Gatton park 18th
century by Capability Brown) (see also Gatton Park)

Wray Park Road, Reigate

(North Side)
L Nos. 3 & 5 (St Ann's & Whiteways), including Nos. 5a and 5b (m.19c.)
L Nos. 7 & 9 (m.19c.)
L No. 43 (m.19c.)

(South Side)
L Nos. 2, 4 & 6 (m.19c)
L No. 16 (m.19c.)
L Kilmarnock (m.19c.)
L No. 34 (m.19c.)

Yew Tree Bottom Road, Burgh Heath

(South Side)
II Great Burgh, including piers, railings, terrace, steps and former servants
quarters (flint, Westmoreland slate, 1912 by Ernest Newton for the Colman
II Statue of Putto to south east of Great Burgh (now east of Great Burgh)
Lg Gardens at Great Burgh, (including Toyota site) (1912)


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