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History of elementary and secondary subject education

Oct. 29th and Nov. 2nd

ID [C210146 ]
Please take up one problem of mathematics education in your country and discuss the historical root
within one page.

As a student, I was found and good at math. I enjoyed it and a lot of my teachers
were often impressed with my skills. Yet a lot of my friends have some problems.
In this report, I will talk about one of the biggest mathematics problems which are
numbers. You might not know but Arabic has a different number not only as
spoken but also written as follows (٩-٨-٧-٦-٥-٤-٣-٢-١-....). They are also like the
rest of the Arabic language are written from right to left. This confuses a lot of
people. Especially that kids are obligated to memorize both systems. Cause they
need both in their daily life and handling.
The historical background for this case is more complicated than I
thought. Surprisingly the English numbers (1-2-..) are originally Arabic. They
were made by Khwarizmi he came up with those numbers based on the number of
the angels in each shape.

The numbers used by Arabs now are an improved version of the Indian system.
This system is based on the shape the fingers make when making the letter.
The mix up happen when the middle east had its flourishing era in science and
maths. Then everyone used the Khwarizmi system. The story goes back to 154 AH
771 AD when he came to the court of the Abbasid Caliph Abu Jaafar al-Mansur,
an Indian astronomer, with a famous book on astronomy and mathematics. The
Caliph al-Mansur ordered the translation of the book into Arabic, and to write a
book on his approach explaining to the Arabs the life of the planets, and entrusted
this work to the astronomer Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al-Fazari, who wrote a book
on his approach called the Great Hind, and the word “Sanad Hind” means in the
ancient Hindi language. Immortality".
The Arabs took this book until the era of the Caliph al-Ma’mun until it came in
the year 198 AH 813 AD. Al-Khwarizmi used Indian numbers in the astronomical
conjunctions, which are laws for calculating the movements of the planets and
adjusting them to determine their positions. Then he published in the year 210 AH
825 AD a treatise known in Latin as Algoritmi de numero Indorum or Al-
Khwarizmi on the Indian numbers. The word Algoritmi or Algorism soon became
its meaning in Europe in the Middle Ages, an arithmetic method based on the
decimal system. This is how the flipping happened. Most of this was new to me as
well. I had so much fun and knowledge I hope you have the same.
Thank you
The deadline is 8th November, Monday, 11:59 p.m.

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