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Unit 1 I Computer Operations and Fundamentals

Quick Test 1.5.2

1. Match each type of OS with its correct description:

Type of OS Description

Multi-tasking One user at a time.

Multi-user Several programs run at the same time.

Single-user Several users at the same time.

Multi-processing Several computer processors are used.

Unit 1 I Computer Operations and Fundamentals

2. Tick (√) True or False next to each of the statements below.

Statements True False

A single-user system allows several users to

access a computer’s resources at the same time.

In a multi-processing system, several computer

processors are used.

A multi-tasking system allows several programs

to run at the same time.

The computers that are connected to a server

are called terminals.

(e) A server is used in a single-user system.


1. Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the given list:

speed OS smaller application equal

larger system binary one programs

(a) The ______________________

binary data consists of 0’s and 1’s.

(b) The ______________________

speed of the CPU is measured in Hertz.

(c) 100 bytes is ______________________

smaller than 1 KB.

(d) 1 kHz is ______________________

equal to 1000 Hz.

(e) The ______________________

system software manages the computer system.

(f ) The ______________________is
OS an example of system software.

(g) one
A single-user operating system supports ______________________ user at a time.

(h) program
Software is the name given to computer ______________________.

(i) 1 GB is ______________________
larger than 1000 KB.

(j) Word processing software is an example of ______________________software.


2. Match the following:

Application software 0’s and 1’s

Multi-user system Operating System

Binary data 1 instruction per second

System software Excel

1 Hz Many users at a time

3. What do the following acronyms stand for?

Example: PC Personal Computer

(a) MB _____________________________

(b) OS _____________________________
Operation System

(c) GHz Gigahertz


(d) TB Terabyte

(e) CPU Centra Processing Unit



4. Tick (√) True or False next to each of the statements below.

Statements True False

(a) The speed of the CPU is measured in bytes.

(b) A computer can function without an OS.

(c) A computer game is an application software.

(d) 1 TB is larger than 10 GB.

(e) Linux is a free operating system.

A multi-tasking system allows only one program to

run at a time.

(g) Mac OS is an application software.

(h) A graphical user interface contains icons and menus.

5. List four types of Operating Systems.

Single-user single-task
1. ___________________________________________
Single-user multi-task
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________

6. Give three functions of an Operating System.

1. ____________________________________________________________________________
Manage the computer's resources, such as the central processing unit.

Establish a user interface.

2. ____________________________________________________________________________
Execute and provide services for applications software.
3. ____________________________________________________________________________


7. For each of the questions below, four options (A, B, C and D) are given. Choose and

circle the correct one. Only one option is correct in each question.

(a) An example of an Operating System is _____________________________

A. Paint C. Windows 10

B. Word 2016 D. Antivirus

(b) A nibble is equal to _____________________________

A. 40 bits C. 4 KB

B. 4 bytes D. 4 bits

(c) A single-user operating system supports ___________________________ at a time.

A. one user C. three users

B. two users D. four users

(d) 1 MB is larger than _____________________________

A. 25 GB C. 1 TB

B. 100 bytes D. 2048 KB

(e) Which of the following is an example of application software?

A. Paint C. Windows 10

B. macOS D. Antivirus


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