CC Interview

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Estas son las preguntas más comunes en las entrevistas para call center.

Recuerden que es
importante practicar con tiempo de antelación y es mejor si responden en base a su propia
experiencia. También se encuentran ejemplos que les pueden servir como base para saber qué
responder. (Nota: Es importante que se escuchen natural y no solamente leer más si la entrevista
es por teléfono o zoom)

• Tell me about yourself

Esta pregunta es casi segura en cada entrevista. Acá pueden responder con:

- Sus intereses, qué hacen en sus tiempos libres, habilidades, etc.

- Pueden también añadir un poco de su working expertise aunque casi siempre se los
preguntan aparte.

• How do you see yourself in 5 (or 10) years?

Example: I’m looking forward to working really hard right now and focus on my job so that I
continue developing my skills by working here so I can grow within the company and become an
integral part of it in the next few years. (esto puede variar dependiendo de los años, si son 5 0 10 o

• What are your strenghts and weaknesses?

(Recuerden que es mejor hablar sobre sus propias cualidades y pueden apoyarse del ejemplo.
Piensen en cómo responderían la pregunta si fuese en español y hagan sus propias notas).

Example: I would like to say that one of my strenghts is that I´m a really patient person and I know
that this is a really important quality in this industry. I´m also always willing to help others, not just
when it comes to customers, but when it comes to help my coworkers. And I´m a very curious person
so that I´m always trying to learn new things and I´m able to adapt to any changing situations.

About my weaknesses, know there may be more than one area where I can improve. However, I think
that one of my weaknesses is the fact that I’m really shy sometimes and many times it doesn’t allow
me to express myself as I would like to. Another thing is that sometimes it´s difficult for me to say no
to others and it can cause a delay on my own tasks sometimes.

• What is customer service for you?

Example: For me, customer service is having the opportunity to help people by going above and
beyond to keep the customer happy by answering and resolving any questions they may have and
always with a positive attitude and prioritizing their issues, listening to them carefully and being
empathetic so we can create loyal and returning customers.
• How do you handle the stress?

Example: I know that patience is a really important tool to deal with any stressful situation and not
taking the things personal. I first try to calm myself down since I also know that there are things that
are not under my control so I have learned to accept those things focus even more and move forward
with what I can do and control and always ask for help from my coworkers and TL for the thins that
I´m struggling with.

• How do you work under pressure

Example: I´m aware that every job has a stressful part where you feel more pressure sometimes, but
to be honest I have realized that I work better under pressure sometimes because I use the pressure
as a motivator for me to work faster and to pay even more attention to details. I would also like to
mention that I´m a person that thinks that everything has a resolution and somehow I will get to
resolve it so I try not to panic when I find myself in these situations.

• Why do you want to work with us?

Example: I decided to apply in this company because I can see myself growing professionaly here. I
was looking for a secure and stable job where I can develop new skills and I have seen a lot of
feedbacks and this company is mentioned as a really good place to work so I think this place meet all
those requrements.

• What can you bring to this company?

Example: I’m a really enthusiastic person when it comes to learn new things or beeing assigned new
tasks so I strive to learn any task and always do my best to provide good results. I can also bring new
ideas based on my previous job experience since I was able to gain knowlegde in some different
areas. I am also very good when it comes to following directions, which has allowed me to generate
great results in the past.

• Why should we hire you?

Example: Although I’m aware that I currently don´t have experience in this area, if you give me the
chance to prove myself, I can assure you that I’m more than willing to adapt to any duties and that I
would be a good addition to your team work since I´m a person that learns really fast and always
stay with a positive attitude in any situation.
• What are your short and long term goals?

Example: I would say that one of my short term goals is getting this job with your company, learning
the role and becoming into a really productive and valuable member of this organisation.

As a long term goal, I would like to grow withint this company and I see myself in a different position
if you allow me to.

• Why are you leaving your current job? (Nota: recuerden no hacer comentarios negativos
de su anterior empresa si la tienen)

Example 1. I decided to leave my current job because I feel like it´s time for me to take on more
responsibility. I wanted to do something different that allows me to gain knowlegde in a different
area and I found this as the perfect opportunity to do so.

Example 2. Of course my current job has helped me a lot and I think that I have gained enough
knowledge and I progressed as far as I can for me to be able to look a new challenge and also a new
environment to motivate me to develop new skills that are not required in my current job

• What is your schedule availability?

- Acá simplemente responden con su propia experiencia, aunque es mejor decir que cualquier
horario está bien si no tienen inconveniente. Si les preguntan por estudios, sean sinceros y
podrán conseguir un horario que se adapte a sus necesidades.

• How do you demonstrate leadership?

Example: I believe leadership is about collaboration and inspiring others to do their best work. I aim
to be direct and collaborate with my team members by delegating tasks based on their individual
skills, leading by example, and making sure they know I care and I´m there to help them with
resolving the obstacles.

• Can you provide me an example of a time when you demonstrated, leadership, creativity,
problem solving skills?
• Can you tell me about a time you had to deal with an angry customer?

- Respondan de acuerdo a su experiencia. Pueden buscar el STAR method en google y basarse

en este.
- Si no tienen experiencia, pueden comenzar respondiendo: ¨Since this would be my first
experience in the customer service area, I´m not able to speak about a specific time.
However, if you would like me to know how would I handle it, I would start with... ¨
• What do you think it´s the most important skill for a customer service representative?

Example: I think that an important thing in this area would be being a really patience person since
the customers are asking for our help and sometimes they are frustrated so as a customer service
agent, we must be very empathetic. We should also know what the bussines is all about and we
should know their goals, mission and vision of the company.

• How would you describle yourself?

Example: I would say that I´m a person who is loyal to my job and I enjoy learning new things and
paying attention to details so I can complete my tasks without supervision and I would also say that
I´m proactive and I like helping others when I have the chance.

• Tell me about your work experience related to CS and how long have you been working for
- Pueden describir detalladamente sus main tasks en su anterior trabajo y ya con eso tienen.

• How do you handle it when you know you´re going to be absent from work

Example: I always try to talk to my TL if there is a possibility of missing work on a specific date
because I´m also aware that a process must be followed so I try to do it ahead of time. But for
example when I go to the hospital, I always let my TL know before my shift so they are already aware
and I send the required documents as soon as possible.

• What did you like the most and the least about your last company

Example: Well, besides of the great environmrnt, I would say that what I liked the most is that they
are always very accessible when it comes to help their employees. I had really great TLs and I always
knew that I could approach to them when I had an issue and they always provided a solution.

And I wouldn´t say that there is something specific that I didn´t like because I really enjoyed all the
time being there. However, I think that as a non native speaker, the language barrier was something
that I always had to struggle with at the beggining, and sometimes it made me feel like discouraged
but eventually I was able to go through all that and provide good results.


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