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Class –V Science Notes May- 2024

Term-I Chapter-5: Plant Life

I. Fill in the blanks:-

1. Ferns and mosses reproduce through spores.

2. Seed coat is the outer protective covering of a seed.
3. The stem of the onion is known as the bulb.
4. Weeds are unwanted plants that grow in the field.

II. Name the following:-

1. Two plants with winged seeds.

Ans: Maple, Drumstick

2. Two underground stems.

Ans: Ginger, Potato

3. A plant that reproduces through leaves.

Ans: Bryophyllum

4. Chemicals used for destroying harmful insects.

Ans: Insecticides

III. Define:-

1. Crops
Ans: Crops are plants that are grown in fields to provide
food and other useful things to us.

IV. Short note:-

1. Germination
Ans: Germination is the growth of baby plants from
seeds. The seeds need enough water, air and warmth to
germinate. A baby plant after germination is known as a

Science Ch-5 Pg. 1

V. Give reason:-

1. Seed dispersal is necessary for plants.

Ans: If plants grow too close to each other, they will not get
enough space, air, water, minerals and sunlight. Under these
conditions, they cannot grow into healthy plants.

VI. Answer the following:-

1. Describe the structure of a seed.

Ans: Seed coat, cotyledons and embryo are the three parts of a

a. Seed coat: The thick outer covering of a seed is called seed

coat. It protects the seed.
b. Cotyledons: Cotyledons or seed leaves protect and store food
for the baby plant.
c. Embryo: The baby plant present in between the cotyledons is
called embryo.

2. Differentiate Kharif and Rabi crops with examples.

Kharif crops Rabi crops

 Crops that grow well in  Crops that grow well in
summer. winter.
 Kharif crops need huge  Rabi crops need less
amount of water and hot water and cold conditions
conditions to grow. to grow.
 Eg: Rice, maize  Eg: Wheat, gram

VII. Enrichment Activity:-

1. Draw and label the structure of a seed.

2. Make a collage out of different kinds of dried seeds.

Science Ch-5 Pg. 2

Class V – Science Worksheet-May 2024
Term-I Chapter-5: Plant Life

I. Give two examples of each:-

1. Plants growing from stem cuttings. Rose, Hibiscus

2. Plants growing from roots. Carrot, Sweet potato

3. Seeds dispersed by water. Water lily, Lotus

4. Seeds dispersed by explosion of fruits. Balsam, Pea

5. Pests that are controlled by using pesticides.

Grasshoppers, Locusts

II. Give one word for the following

1. The growth of a seed into a new plant. Germination

2. A baby plant after germination. Seedling
3. The scattering of seeds away from the mother plant.
Seed dispersal
4. The process by which living organisms produce young ones
of their own kind. Reproduction
5. The process of loosening the soil. Ploughing

III. Higher-Order Thinking Skills

1. Riya was asked to bring pictures of two plants that reproduce

through roots. She brought pictures of onion and ginger. Has
she done her homework correctly? Why?

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