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ANTICHOLENERGIC DRUGS These are those rugs which i Cholenergic oe block te By: ZAKIR AH gi These odngs are also Called yo Cholinergic antagonist oR cholinedic blocker These dns bind wil stecepter bot unable xo Stianulate tua T7ecep ‘ intrinsic cholinergic DIGS (ffi) to bind + etre i es Affinity bind + Ni aentichotimer gee necingy MMS. yy wx Avtichelinerd ic 2 po. prevent the action of | Endogencovs Acehl- Nicetini anus vi nic Choline on veceptor receptor oo ANTicholene: ANTI NicoTi Nic A MuscARINIC tuen selective select Ne (ists muscarinic pansy Guigtien, Antagonist Antagonist e-g:Atw pine @Scopolarnin My selective ML, selective 2-9: Piven zapine 4: Dari Penacine For more high quality medical igh quality medical notes contact with whatsapp:+93728888256 7 Post S See" € A peas ae : Y pelea woline ‘ag pence oD I NN Epinephrene lay nergic Fibers yeleose NE Except = __ Sweat gland & Bleed Newo-musgel verieles vahics Zoe te ruses blockers act hee Antimuscarime — daugs primivty acts on newwetfecter transimittion at parasympathetic sgstem go they ave Parasympathcyytic, : Most of the body gist hone Bott, Symmpathelt 84 Pawosympatiate parasympath ede eeceptes Ove hibited the yeceptors, whem ae sympathebi vecepter Come into rey ss eu: eye (a cnt eel ap pialater purili Cane sympathere TRO 7 € ik ism alkaloid derived fmm AbePam ‘ot Belladena » owe ie Cop sees) guelde the pupil in old dogs this plant is eten by ladis fe aaa i the drops te Us Se side effects , now ‘ ee eR action of Abopin= Atrevy when take Se A oavatin of cee er RO eto when dsp P eye im Siystemationy. ike eYe For more high quality medical notes contact with whatsapp:+93728888256 Action of ATROPIN in Body SSE EE EEE EEO 4) Eye pmudisiss Dea “block tg vecepter on sphincter eupili Camse pupilediatatation = (mydviosis) clePlegias Cause payolysis ef Cilliavis tHuscle , se Persen Gm Bocas or menr chjects 8 develrPe Blurred vision. hotephobiag AS pupil ave dilated , foo much Aight Ree ae oe ee : bbe peril cities Never give Atpin te patient wilh histery of norrews a Jlucoma, as pupil dictate it forther meve pevepherally & Luter Close the angle. uses of AboPin in oPtalmoloyy: DN te check Refractive Enors- 2) Fundoscopy Se iti inflamatio of comer 3) Mer nica emetn of tise eilligns ushotever tn this t{lamabon Fibrinogen is Produced & that case Adhesion of either ms commen oy ais with Jens, te Prevent such adhesin we need te diclots the puril: nowadays to check the -vefyactive emert, we Ose dys have “ghert durvakion of action: gy O mrReein atrepin —slengey action Bok @ trom ATREPIN a) wid © cyctopentotate @ Teopicamise Tropicamide—y Shert durration of action Fundescery we need mydviasis , so Fer this Advenergic Stimulant (Phengl tghedsine) the capaci ccomudlstion But Mm Pecple Go or jfney have’ des of lems by cillians msde, ge while heck for need 1 dickakakion & met cgche Plegia Neuere one Goch blurring of vision that Perse seem Blind AS BAD For more high quality medical notes contact with whatsapp:+93728888256 % For purvrese we USE xa SECRETIO @ SECRETION | Atrin L all secretions Od facrimetion = Xeve opthalwnia © Dy Mouth = Xevw Sternia OV Nast & lower vespivatery Secrehons © 4 sweet ly drsis (Skin become def) DRY as a Bowe Bub in Nogel Rhinitis Mans Rinti histawninic drugs ushich alse hes Antimuscurinic action are Used: ie: Abe Mm old days when amestheic were vsed they Comer Unitatin of reapiratey System §, as « veut the rvespivator, Secrekiony beceme meressel & Mucecilliary mechamig is disturbed} so te Prevent suc Complication, patkient 1s treated Peveperotively ith Rirepim wnt § such Secrebions bot, ai of atin oo a el ag eee guiect lard have My vecepters sti syee Ne qe, se when sweeking & blocked the body Tempratere goes ve Atwpin Came Cutancers yeyele dialatim, so neck & face become ved _cabied Abropin Flush. ve: Red as a : ResPty: system | ne (ormchial tree tone ig maintained by parasympatheli-ns the bronchial tree is SLightly Constricted when sucr drug is ae fe ou eee BWen Constriction will be dest 3, Pergen alevelap Hin previous dogs. Abopin were given for Asthma. But new Synthetic awakes, of AtwPin(Lpratwpivm) is used Tpratrerivm ig Quakemery ammonium compound soit is less polar, so Less Crs BBB: For more high quality medical notes contact with whatsapp:+93728888256 -1-t Afepin loss the Cholemergic activity as a wegult decyeose: motility Se of these dwgs used ope at © anki spagmodic @©V secretion of Git Hel Aer decreasing Wa My antogenist C PRENZAPINE) ave usel Be Kk help wm healing % Peptic /Dvodenst ulcers Atmpin is most effective ag antispasmedic than JHcl @ Lissenital_symelems | Darfenicine block Ma recepter, of bladder; se tt used in Patient with hypermetile biadder, wet bed (childyer) Bladen OS vecep tors @Qxevs. @ at low dose Abepim block M, gecepter on Postegnerhe Zanglion fq HRS Coradycnrdis) @Ak medevate dose the Atwrin block Mz vecepter of SAmed HAL % as a vesuit SA-nede*mel inhibited f, Lead Ae THRCTactsyaudid) ® At high dose Atyegm bleck m3 -vecepter on Endothelium, ¢o Chelinergic dependant blood ves dialation dey net occur. ware oF »_Cavses ‘3 ~O witty = VHR @® Moderode = THR @ igh dose> ess of verele diclation- For more high quality medical notes contact with whatsapp:+93728888256 uses oF ATROPIN im cvs —_—_— $ ic SiNUSs Bradycandi GAsrode work Le, So Alvopin incyeste the activity of sn-node & as a vesuit THR Paytial heart block or poste-tnfevier MI: The wight Coronary cvedeny, supply posteriey, | of heart ax web SAX & AV-nedes, occulosion Jo this versele alge Guse ischemia of modes 4 result WHR, aco in this Condition fever wad Antimuscarinic used preoperatively v vagal veflexes Removal of Neuxomuseulay blockers: we Beech the abdeminel viscera, tt to 4 bronchial mucous: duving, cpeyalion when activate vogod reflexes given akwrm preoperatively [percrevotivey decrease vogal yeflexes Boz ef vagal Fibers ove sensory: 4 in Zeneral anesthesia We give Muscle we med ‘movement of musdes ‘4 duwing operation lat of arcebylchreline acabjichaline ave blocked hy amestinehi dings), So acili{icholine estereis ave activated & destrey the Acetylcholine, fer that we give nysteganiv te deshoy te emrymeCarcheline esterase) So the Acely\choline accomnudede & igh ameont of Archoline Can Escape dawg (which Heck he -eapter) & yeloxont, & otter epevatin release, Coohile recap der Aheiy ose a 7 Nott blocker Acchetine start theiy on -recerter 3 a Sess =F : té ) => —s Se were en eestor Oo? Receptor block by am. A-cheline esterase Arched e(ieshehe Cr bu y 22 Pin ane, Wace egg tegenin For more high quality medical notes contact with whatsapp:+93728888256 © But — NeoStifmim ase block Acetylcholine esterage ak other meumeffecter sites (tike Het) go te prevenk his action we give Atvopim pereperatively Atropin also used _in Cholinergic crisis due to: WMUshy7om peisning G) overdose of Physiostgmin - @) organe phosphate en Asi MeBLESS In chelinergic crisis WOR SS ns "any Te ora ac ang , iy Mh agi Gb i, 9 2s, a Me Sees So ptwePin ove Anti DUMBBLEss. Atopin First Cause ave § than excifatiun of CNS Jnitially it caus tm ens: © Delivium —> acute confusion state im Iugteraactivity " colt . @ Hadiucincdion » CPerception withovt External Shivmuabss: Laide] @® Convuision Atwpin @ Coma & Bn old times Hates rm Pt Sve (Terie sobstances) ; Se scopolariwn ust ta css BBB, by psychosis & death a_i ne ca © Ankimotion sick nexs (used before metion St ED © scopclamin + Merphen >uset For Areatheri ee © scopotamin +ransdermad pater =» a7 Pixs” KF ear for mastoid, 4 abserbed © cause Ammesia (forged the things) @ cavse sadabrnin CNS For more high quality medical notes contact with whatsapo:+93728888256 DprA WPWM oss CoP Usk is a mew agent q Tietreriom to m DOPPIUM kos terg duration of actin & used for Bronchodia lation. Benztwpin . : im pavkinsonss dis Used im Parkingons disease mienentic wckvily ot TOS Compare te dopamnertye SS) pmajpremonic}. payk my Benz, Go, anticholinergic dS OVE USE i hexy phenidyl 5 chigente Therrien) alse used m poxkinson's disent bipenden : pivenzepine — Hel + 4ST crotitity antichelinegfc ine used iw co py7e' ‘ i. een antispasmodic neh geopelamin Anti chelinegt Davi fenacine used in stress mcontenence ed in oR Ones | Tettewdine wyperactive bladder. system orybudynive For more high quality medical notes contact with whatsopp:+93728828256 & Jmpiirn lockers ave vordy vsede Ongs which are — Sheng, arteriele/venoss Constricter sr dislater Produce veflex action of heart Boxerecepters TBP—oic Kv 5 —» vagesactivetion Brody cordia SeP—sferns od vagus stimu lation eee QTacyeordia Gamyjlian Blockert alhetee anglien blocker block both sy mpethe & parasymp m Sra 2 for that tease Less Used pamien Hace oting (ne theurepictic uses) (Scams) 0-4 Py Depsloniging blocking, agent | € Ak 1k ewse stimulotiin at lew Concentration & Xun * thom wnbiloition a Nn (Mieteient flu) HAL low dose THR, TGL secretions, Mydvesis LHR Cevs collags) , 4 G LT Secreions (consti fate) acre! men depaloai ying, Mecaamylomine (gre) } owed vied he devil —————— axe used te prevent arrtic piscection blockers piscedtin ef asta, amen SENG re ioe Ste mmmedin , PSULE ee ee Pema in auch taut Ue Ganjlin biacKiens te es For more high quality medical notes contact with whatsapp:+93728888256

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