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DNA, being the blueprint of human life, illuminates the path for the formation of all organs and

in our body in the same way a lighthouse guides the ships. But, what if the high tides of environmental
factors annihilate the frail ship of human health. Modern day science has enabled us that the both the
gross chromosomal mutations and environmental components entangles the human well-being into grip
of life-threatening abnormalities, spanning from minuscule to significant- from a single mutation in one
chromosome to multiple mutations in one or sets of chromosomes. For the most part, the complex
diseases( also called as multifactorial diseases) are caused due to the contributions of the
environmental, genetic and life-style related factors which are yet to be known. Examples of these
diseases include diabetes, heart diseases and cancer. Nevertheless, the main perplexity lies in the fact
that these complex genetic disorders don’t follow the Mandelian inheri

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