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Primary 4
Connect Plus
First Term
2023 - 2024

1- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. We use our digestive system when we …………………………….... .
a. eat b. think c. breathe d. walk
2. We chew food, then it goes to our …………………………….... .
a. heart b. stomach c. teeth d. lungs
3. The food …………………………….... into energy and nutrients.
a. changes b. mixes c. uses d. moves
4. We need energy and nutrients in our …………………………….... .
a. respiratory b. digestive c. bodies d. home

2- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. We use our eyes to ……………………….. .
a. taste b. touch c. hear d. see
2. We hear with our ……………………….. .
a. ears b. arms c. legs d. brain
3. We can feel with our ……………………….. .
a. mouth b. skin c. nose d. stomach

3- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. Mom wants to tidy the ……………………… .
a. kitchen b. lounge c. bedroom d. balcony
2. My brother wants to ……………………… in the park.
a. draw b. paint c. move d. run
3. I want to do something ……………………… .
a. creative b. happy c. noisy d. easy

4- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. The Paralympic …………………………… is an international competition.
a. Plays b. Puzzles c. Games d. Music
2. The Olympics takes place every …………………………… years.
a. two b. three c. five d. four
3. It is held in a different …………………………… each time.
a. village b. building c. country d. island
4. Egypt has many …………………………… who take part in these competitions.
a. teachers b. athletes c. vets d. captains

5- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. ……………………… discovered a tiny chameleon in Madagascar.
a. Doctors b. Engineers c. Scientists d. Vets
2. People think that chameleon is the ……………………… reptile in the world.
a. tallest b. biggest c. smallest d. highest
3. ……………………… is 30 millimeters long.
a. Snake b. Chameleon c. Lion d. Elephant
4. Chameleon is bigger than a ……………………… in Guinea.
a. bird b. cat c. snail d. frog
6- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. Invertebrates are ……………………… -blooded.
a. cold b. warm c. tall d. high
2. Invertebrates live on ……………………… .
a. sun b. moon c. sky d. land
3. ……………………… have a hard shell.
a. Crabs b. Octopuses c. Jellyfish d. Squids
4. Jellyfish have ……………………… bodies.
a. well b. good c. hard d. soft
7- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. Scientists think that there are 400,000 different types of …………………………… .
a. plants b. animals c. jobs d. places
2. The bright flowers …………………………… insects.
a. repel b. attract c. warn d. describe
3. …………………………… carry pollen from one flower to another flower.
a. Trees b. Colors c. Plants d. Insects
4. Plants have ……………………………, which come in many different colors.
a. birds b. animals c. flowers d. trees
8- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. A ……………………… is a group of people who live together in the same area.
a. citizenship b. community c. neighborhood d. city
2. My community includes my family, my ………………………, and my school.
a. friends b. sisters c. brothers d. cousins
3. A good ……………………… is acting in a way that helps your society.
a. neighbor b. village c. citizenship d. community
4. I am always ……………………… and helpful at school.
a. polite b. happy c. good d. angry
1- Choose the correct answer:
1. We use our ( muscle – respiratory – digestive ) system when we breathe.
2. We use our ( digestive – bone – respiratory ) system when we eat and drink.
3. Our bones and ( teeth – muscles – arms ) help us to move.
4. We can chew and ( pump – breathe – swallow ) food.
5. We breathe in air through our ( stomach – nose – skeleton ).
6. Our ( heart – muscle – stomach ) pumps blood around the body.
7. Our ( skeleton – lung – heart ) is made up of bones in our bodies.
8. The special liquid in our stomach changes the food into energy and ( blood – bones – nutrients ).
9. We use our teeth to ( show – chew – share ) food.
10. In the lungs, the oxygen in the air is passed to ( stomach – blood – bone ).
11. The bones make us ( weak – hungry – strong ).
12. The bones ( cut – break – protect ) our organs.
13. We use our ( nose – eyes – mouth ) to see.
14. We can ( hear – touch – smell ) with our ears.
15. They smell with their ( mouth – nose – eyes ).
16. We can taste with our ( skin – nose – tongue ).
17. I can feel with my ( skin – nose – tongue ).
18. They taste lots of different kinds of ( food – flowers – plants ) every day.
19. Deaf people can’t ( see – hear – smell ).
20. Sara speaks ( science – English – art ) and Spanish.
21. Blind people can’t ( hear – smell – see ). They use Braille code.
22. People who are deaf use ( English – picture – sign ) language.
23. ( Olympics – Paralympics – Opportunities – Medals ) is a competition for athletes with disabilities.
24. He’s swimming ( hero – idol – champion – giant ) who won lots of gold medals.
25. Being a Paralympic or Olympic athlete takes years of ( dedication – opportunity –
completion – medal ).
26. She’s a female Egyptian ( Paralympic – electric – athletic – arithmetic ) swimmer.
27. He joined the ( national – international – global – universal ) team of Egypt in 2006.
28. Athletes need to work hard to take part in ( games – Paralympics – medals – sports ).
29. They’ve won many international ( disabilities – competitions – areas – countries ).
30. She was the first ( male – female – masculine – world ) Egyptian Paralympic swimmer.
31. Aya Ayman Abbas is a swimming ( champion – hero – player ).
32. She has ( taken – won – earned )a gold medal.
33. Our national team took part ( in – on – at ) lots of international competitions.
34. The paralympic games is a competition for athletes with ( money – abilities – disabilities ).
35. Have fun and ( put – do – take ) a sport you enjoy.
36. The Paralympics is ( done – played – held ) in a different country each time.
37. Mostafa Fathalla is a ( swimmer – runner – player ) who takes part in 100-meter races.
38. ( Vertebrates – Worms – Insects – Bees ) are animals with a backbone or spine.
39. ( Fish – Birds – Mammals – Toads ) are warm-blooded. They feed their babies with milk
and they give birth to their babies.
40. Crocodiles and snakes are ( humans – reptiles – amphibians – birds ).
41. Toads and frogs are ( mammals – reptiles - amphibians – birds ). They lay their eggs in
water. They also have smooth skin.
42. Snakes and crocodiles have ( scales – fins – gills – wings ). They don't have fur or hair.
43. Fish have scales and they use ( gills – fins – scales – wings ) to and move in water.
44. Fish live in water and take in oxygen through their ( fins – sat – feathers – gills ).
45. Birds have ( feathers – claws – beaks – wings ), which help them eat and drink.
46. Birds are ( warm – hot – cold – cool )-blooded but they don't have fur or hair.
47. Most birds feed on nuts and ( seeds – vegetables – scales – sea ).
48. The bright colors of the flowers ( distract – attract – contact – connect ) insects.
49. Insects carry ( seeds – leaves – stems – pollen ) from one flower to another.
50. Most replies ( reproduce – reduce – reuse – remind ) by laying eggs.
51. ( Primary – Nursery – Preparatory – Secondary ) colors can't be made by mixing other colors.

52. By mixing primary colors, we can make green, orange, purple and all the ( shadows –
shades – amounts – plants ) in between.
53. The bright colors of the coral help fish hide from ( preys – predators – planets – shades ).
54. Many predators don't eat ( prey – corals – flowers – types ) that are brightly colored.
55. Bright colors can be a warning that the prey is ( hungry – poisonous – delicious – angry ).
56. A ( country – community – family – team ) is a group of people who live and work
together in the same area.
57. There're a lot of parks and tall buildings in the ( neighbor – neighboring – neighborhood
– neighborly ).
58. Good ( citizenship – civilization – society – neighborhood ) is a good part of being is a
good part of being in a community.
59. A community is a ( mixer – mix – mixture – mixed ) of people, places, activities, and ideas.
60. I do research into the roles of men and women in our ( society – nature – team – food ).
61. The trumpet is a ( wind string – percussion – wooden ) instruments.
62. The ( guitar – shabbaba – violin – piano ) is a Bedouin musical instrument.
63. The most popular instrument in Bedouin music is the ( qanun – piano – rebaba – guitar ).
64. Violins are ( wind – string – brass – percussion ) instruments.
65. The ( Oud – Oboe – Rebaba – guitar ) is a wind instrument.
66. Folk musicians from Upper Egypt play ( classic – modern – Saidi – rock ) music.
67. ( Shouting – Crying – Clapping – Jumping ) and drumming is an important part of
Nubian music.
68. Nubian ( music – dancing – tradition – pattern ) is lively and colorful.
69. ( Raqs Asaya – fighting – simsimeya – drum ) is a famous dance from the Saidi musical tradition.
70. The ( costume – stick – Tahtib – pattern ) is also from the traditional of Saidi music.
71. In the Tahtib, dancers carefully perform a dance with ( instruments – sticks – patterns – areas ).
72. Dancers wear special ( suits – uniform – costumes – shoes ).
73. Alongside the Suez Canal, musicians play the ( rebaba – simsimeya – qanun – oboe ).
74. Dancers move their arms and feet to the ( rhyme – rhythm – riddle – ring ) of music.

General Exercises on the Present simple
1- Choose the correct answer:
1. I ( get – gets – getting ) up at six o’clock.
2. He ( watch – watches – watching ) TV every day.
3. She ( like – likes – liking ) sweets.
4. They ( go – goes – going ) to school by car.
5. Ahmed ( play – plays – playing ) football on Fridays.
6. Mum ( cook – cooks – cooking ) food.
7. I usually ( wash – washes – washing ) my hands.
8. Mona ( do – does – doing ) her homework at night.
9. We always ( clean – cleans – cleaning ) our rooms.
10. Ali and Amr often ( read – reads – reading ) short stories.
11. Maram ( don’t – doesn’t – isn’t ) like cats.
12. The boys ( don’t – doesn’t – aren’t ) play tennis every day.
13. He ( don’t – doesn’t – isn’t ) go to bed late.
14. Amir and Ahmed ( don’t – doesn’t – isn’t ) watch cartoons.
15. I ( don’t – doesn’t – am not ) help mum at home.
16. We ( don’t – doesn’t – aren’t ) sleep early.
17. The girl ( don’t – doesn’t – isn’t ) cook food.
18. They ( don’t – doesn’t – am not ) read the newspaper.
19. Tarek ( don’t – doesn’t – isn’t ) speak Germany.
20. ( Do – Does – Are ) you like dogs? Yes, I do.
21. ( Do – Does – Has ) he run fast? Yes, he does.
22. Do they eat meat? Yes they, ( do – does – are ) .
23. Does she clean her room? No, she ( does – doesn’t – isn’t ).
24. Does a bird have two wings? ( Yes – No– Not ) , it does.
25. Do they study hard? ( Yes – No– Not ), they don’t.
26. Adam is ( tall – taller – tallest ) than Adel.
27. The goat is shorter ( then – than – the ) the zebra.
28. Hana is ( thinner – thin – thinnest ) than Nour.
29. The fox is ( slow – slowest – slower ) than the horse.
30. The cow is ( bigger – bigger than – the biggest ) the sheep.
31. That is the ( big – bigger – biggest ) tree in my street.
32. My city is ( than – the – then ) nicest place to live.
33. The blue whale is ( big – biggest – bigger – the biggest ) than the whale shark.
34. Ahmed is taller ( than – then – as – the ) Ali.
35. Ants are small, but they are ( strongest – strong – as strong – stronger ).
36. He is ( the oldest – older – old – oldest ) of four children.
37. The red bag is the ( heavy – heavier – heaviest – heavier than ) one in the box.
38. Snakes are ( longest – longer – the longest – longer than ) the turtles.
39. Salma walks ( slow – slower – slowly – slowest ). She is tired.
40. Hana is ( happily- happy – happier – happiest ). She has a new dress.
41. The teacher spoke ( quiet – quietly – quietest – as quiet ).
42. Dragonflies can fly very ( fast – fastly – fastest – as fast ).
43. He usually cuts my hair ( quickly – quick – quickest – quicker ).
44. The snail is a ( slowly – slower – slow – as slow ) animal.
45. The dragonfly can fly very ( high – heavy – careful ) in the sky.
46. I usually answer the questions ( easily – easy – slow ).
47. Mona reads the text ( careful – carefully – beautiful ).
48. I do ( good – nice – well ) in the final exam.
49. I look on the internet ( quick – slow – quickly ).
50. The elephant walks ( heavily – heavy – big ) on the bridge.
51. The girl is singing ( beautiful – beautifully – pretty ) in the concert.
52. The snake is ( longer – longest – long – the longest ) season of the year.
53. My father is the ( tall as – taller – tall – tallest ) person in my family.
54. Miss Eman teaches ( well – good – badly – quick ). We all love her.
55. Cairo is ( the biggest – bigger than – biggest – bigger ) city in Egypt.
56. Ahmed walks to school very ( slow – slowly – quick – good ).
57. I usually answer the questions ( easy – quick – easily – slow ).
58. I look on the internet ( quick – slow – quickly – good ).
59. Mom always talks to me ( loud – quiet – quietly – slow ).
60. My brother is ( smaller – smaller than – the smallest – small ) my sister.
61. This is my neighborhood. It's ( yours – mine ).
62. This is our school. It's ( ours – theirs ).
63. This is my cousins' house. It's ( theirs – mine ).
64. That is your bike. It's ( theirs – yours ).
65. It's your house. It's ( you – your – yours ).
66. These are my shoes. They're ( me – mine ).
67. This is Ahmed's phone. It's ( his – he – him ).
68. They're my friends. They're ( his – theirs – mine ).
69. We ( play – plays – played – are playing ) football on this streets ten years.
70. He ( are – were – was – is ) in the village last weekend.
71. What ( do – does – was – did ) you find yesterday?
72. She didn’t ( came – comes – coming – come ) to the party last night.
73. I ( studied – studies – study – studying ) English an hour ago.
74. ( Do – Did – Does – Are ) you get up early today?
75. There ( was – is – are – were ) no cars in the past.
76. Yesterday, I ( walked – walk – walks ) to school.
77. I ( go – went – going ) to the club last week.
78. She ( wash – washes – washed ) the clothes three hours ago.
79. ( Do – Does – Did ) All read the story last week?
80. What ( did – does – do ) Samy eat yesterday?
2- Rearrange the following:
1. chew – swallow – We – food – and .
2. heart – Our – blood – pumps – body – around – our .
3. our organs – us – Bones – protect – strong – make – and .
4. is – Our – made up – skeleton – of – bones – all – in – the – body – our .
5. bones – are – Muscles – are – to – attached – bones – our – and – organs .
6. respiratory system – our – We – use – breathe – we – when .
7. use – eyes – see – We – our – to .
8. can – What – hear – you ?
9. kind – What – food – of – you – do – enjoy ?
10. can – We – skin – feel – with – our .
11. warm – fur – Birds – blooded – don't – are – they – or – have – but – hair .
12. milk babies – Mammals – with – feed – their .
13. animals – a backbone – Vertebrates – with – are .
14. costumes – Dancers – special – wear .
15. fish – The whale shark – is – biggest – the .
16. an – fly – Can – ostrich ?
17. hard – have – Crabs – shells – protection – for .
18. fly – can – Dragonflies – fast – very .
19. colors – make – colors – can't – primary – mixing – by – other – We .

1- Read and complete with words from the box:
( stomach – digestive – energy – swallow – chew )
We use our (1)…………………… system when we eat and drink. We (2)………………………
and (3)……………………… food, then it goes to our (4)……………………… in the stomach,
a special liquid changes the food into (5)……………………… and nutrients.
2- Read and complete with words from the box:
( park – remember – matter – drawing )
1. What's the .................................?
2. I like going to the ................................. .
3. I always do ............................ .
4. Our brain controls how we move and what we ........................... .
3- Read and complete with words from the box:
( Parasports – athletes – disabilities – international )
The Paralympic Games is an (1)……............…. competition for (2)……............…. with
(3)……............….Like the Olympics, it takes place every four years, and is held in a
different country each time. (4)……............…. is an important area in sports, and
Egypt has many athletes who take part in these competitions.
4- Read and complete with words from the box:
( vitamins – diet – water – eat )
Eating the right food is very important for our health. We need a range of different
kinds of food with lots of (1)……………………… and minerals. We shouldn’t
(2)……………………… too much sugar or fat. Fruit and vegetables are healthy choices.
It’s important to drink lots of (3)……………………… , too, specially on hot days.
5- Read and complete with words from the box:
( Long – Land – mammal – reptile )
In the natural world, there are some enormous animals, and some tiny ones! The biggest
animal on (1)........................ is a mammal: the African elephant. The African elephant is
bigger than the Asian elephant. The biggest animal in the world is also a (2)........................
but it lives in the sea. It's the blue whale, and it can be up to 30 meters (3)......................... .
In fact, they are the biggest animal that have ever lived on Earth!
6- Read and complete with words from the box:
( smaller – bigger )
1. An Asian elephant is …………………………………… than an African elephant.
2. A blue whale is …………………………………… than a whale shark.
3. An ostrich is …………………………… than a bee hummingbird.
4. A frog in Papua New Guinea is ………………………… than a chameleon Madagascar.
7- Read and complete with words from the box:
( easily – fast – slowly – well )
1. Insects live in rainforests because they can find food …………………………… .
2. The octopus can swim very …………………………… .
3. Snails move very …………………………… .
4. Some spiders can hide very …………………………… .
8- Read and complete with words from the box:
( Jellyfish – squid – backbone – cold – crabs – protection )
Invertebrates are animals that don't have (1)..................... They are (2).....................
blooded. They live on (3)..................... and in water. Some of them, such as have a
hard shell for (4)..................... others like, have soft bodies. Some invertebrates can
swim very wet! such as the octopus and the (4).....................
9- Read and complete with words from the box:
( chew – stomach – nutrients – liquid )
We use our digestive system when we eat and drink. We (1)…………………………….
and swallow food, then it goes to our stomach. In the stomach, a special
(2)……………………………. changes the food into energy and (3)…………………………….
that we need in our bodies.
10- Read and complete with words from the box:
( respiratory – through – breathe – pumps – lungs – blood )
We use our (1)……............…. system when we breathe. We (2)……............….. in air
(3)……............…. our nose, and it goes to our (4)……............…. . In the lungs, the
oxygen in the air is passed to the (5)……............….. . Our heart (6)……............…. this
blood around our body.
11- Read and complete with words from the box:
( move – Muscles – bones – skeleton – protect )
Our (1)……............…. is made up of all the (2)……............…. in our body. These make
us strong and (3)……............…. our organs . (4)……............…. are attached to our
bones, and they lift and turn bones to make us (5)……............…. .
12- Read and complete with words from the box:
( feel – tongue – eyes – senses )
We use our (1)……............…. every day to help us understand the world around us.
We use our (2)……............…. to see and our ears to hear. We smell with our nose,
taste with our (3)……............…. and we can (4)……............…. with our skin.

13- Read and complete with words from the box:
( combinations – Braille – invented – blind )
(1)……............…. is a code which people who are (2)……............…. or have difficulty
seeing can use to read. It has different (3)……............…. of dots. They can be a letter,
number, punctuation mark or word. The person reading can touch the dots to find out
what they mean. Braille was (4)……............…. by Louis Braille.
14- Read and complete with words from the box:
( stem – cerebrum – brain – cerebellum )
Our (1)……................…. controls how we move, what we remember, and the choices we
make. The three main areas of the brain are the cerebrum, the (2)……...............…. and
the brain stem, and they all have important jobs. The (3)……..............…. controls our
senses, thoughts, how we speak, and our memories. The cerebellum controls movement
and balance. The brain (4)……..................…. joins the two parts of the brain.
15- Read and complete with words from the box:
( Parasports – athletes – disabilities – international )
The Paralympic Games is an (1)……............…. competition for (2)……............…. with
(3)……............….Like the Olympics, it takes place every four years, and is held in a
different country each time. (4)……............…. is an important area in sports, and Egypt
has many athletes who take part in these competitions.
16- Read and complete with words from the box:
( vitamins – diet – water – eat )
Eating the right food is very important for our health. We need a range of different kinds
of food with lots of (1)……………………… and minerals. We shouldn’t (2)……………………… too
much sugar or fat. Fruit and vegetables are healthy choices. It’s important to drink lots
of (3)……………………… , too, specially on hot days.
17- Read and complete with words from the box:
( Long – Land – mammal – reptile )
In the natural world, there are some enormous animals, and some tiny ones! The biggest
animal on (1)......................... is a mammal: the African elephant. The African elephant is
bigger than the Asian elephant. The biggest animal in the world is also a (2).........................
but it lives in the sea. It's the blue whale, and it can be up to 30 meters (3)..................... . In
fact, they are the biggest animal that have ever lived on Earth!
18- Read and complete with words from the box:
( hard – Invertebrates – soft – protection )
(1)………………………… are cold-blooded. They live on land and in water. Some
invertebrates, such as crabs, have a hard shell for (2)………………………… . Others, like
jellyfish, have (3)………………………… bodies. Some invertebrates can swim very well, such
as the octopus and the squid.

19- Read and complete with words from the box:
( spider – grasshoppers – arachnid – insects )
Insects are invertebrates. They have six legs. I think (1)…………………………… are the most
amazing insects. They can jump more than a meter! Did you know that the (2)……………………
is not an insect? It has 8 legs and is called an (3)…………………… . It can move very quickly.
20- Read and complete with words from the box:
( pollen – attract – repel – reproduce )
Amar : Hi, Yousef. How many types of plants are there?
Yousef : Hi, Amar. There are nearly 400,000 different types of plants.
Amar : Why do flowers have bright colors?
Yousef : Because bright colors (1)………………………….…… insects.
Amar : What do insects carry from one flower to another?
Yousef : They carry (2)……………………………. from one flower to another.
Amar : How does the insect help the flowers?
Yousef : It helps flowers to (3)…………………..…………… .
21- Read and complete with words from the box:
( secondary – shades – mixing – pink)
Primary colors are red, yellow and blue. We can't make these colors by
(1)……………………… other colors. We make (2)……………………… colors by mixing the
three primary colors in different amounts. We can make green, orange, purple,
and all the (3)……………………… in between.
22- Read and complete with words from the box:
( flowers – difficult – roots – flat )
Water lily grows in water. It has a large, (1)……………………………. leaf on the surface
of the water. It has a long stem that reaches down to the bottom of the lake. It has
brightly colored (2)……………………………. . Its (3)……………………………. spread under
the water. They can cover a very long area. This can look pretty.
23- Read and complete with words from the box:
( colors – animals – doing – What )
Yasmin : What are you doing, Judy?
Judy : I’m (1)……………………. a research.
Yasmin : What is it about?
Judy : It is about (2)……………………. and birds.
Yasmin : (3)……………………. is the fastest animal?
Judy : It is the cheetah.
Yasmin : That is great!
Judy : Of course.
24- Read and complete with words from the box:
( houses – whales – Earth – habitats )
There are lots of (1)…………………………… in the world. They are different, but they
are homes for many kinds of animals and birds. The seas and oceans are one of
these different habitats. The seas and oceans cover 71% of the
(2)…………………………… . They have salt water. They are homes for very big animals.
There are (3)……………………………, sharks and dolphins. There are lots of very small
fish too. There are also beautiful coral reefs.
25- Read and complete with words from the box:
( bone – nuts – wood – shapes )
Birds have beaks, which are made of (1)……………………… . Their beaks are different
(2)……………………… because they eat different food: some birds eat meat, some eat
(3)……………………… and some eat seeds.
26- Read and complete with words from the box:
( sports club – live – city – work )
Waad : Good morning, Farida. Where do you (1)…………………….?
Farida : Good morning, Waad. I live in a (2)……………………. .
Waad : Who do you live with?
Farida : I live with my family.
Waad : What are the things you can do at the city?
Farida : I can go to the (3)……………………. .
Waad : That is great!
Farida : Yes, of course.
27- Read and complete with words from the box:
( north – history – Nile – Egypt )
Egypt is a country with a very long and interesting (1)………………………….. . At first,
there were two separate areas. Lower Egypt was in the (2)………………………… where
the Nile Joins the sea. Upper Egypt was in the south, where the (3)……………………….
flows through the deserts of Africa.
28- Read and complete with words from the box:
( Aswan – important – Where – Cairo )
Walaa : Welcome to Cairo. Is it your first visit to (1)……………………………… .
Basma : Yes, it is.
Walaa : (2)………………………….. do you live?
Basma : I live in Alexandria.
Walaa : Why is Alexandria (3)……………………………?
Basma : Because lots of ships sail in and out of the port.
Walaa : Great! I wish you would enjoy your visit in Cairo
Basma : Thank you.
1- Read and match:
1. When we eat and drink, ( ) a. we use our bones and muscles.
2. When we breathe, ( ) b. we use our digestive system.
3. When we move, ( ) c. we use our respiratory system.
2- Read and match:
1. We see with our ( ) a. tongue
2. We taste with our ( ) b. eyes
3. We touch with our ( ) c. ears
4. We smell with our ( ) d. skin
5. We hear with our ( ) e. nose
3- Read and match:
1. The water lily ( ) a. to survive.
2. Most plants ( ) b. grow in water.
3. Animals and plants need each other ( ) c. are forests, deserts.
4. Macro-habitats ( ) d. grow in soil.
4- Read and match:
1. Lower Egypt was ( ) a. Egypt for many years.
2. Upper Egypt was ( ) b. the deserts of Africa.
3. The Nile flows through ( ) c. in the north.
4. Important dynasties controlled ( ) d. in the south.

1- Read the following text and answer the following questions below:
Our body has many systems that work at the same time. Our digestive system
works when we eat and drink. We chew and swallow food, then it goes to the
stomach. A special liquid changes the food into energy and nutrients that we
need in our bodies. We use our respiratory system when we breathe in air
through our nose and it goes to our lungs.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. When we eat and ………………………………. , we use our digestive system.
a. drink b. breathe c. move d. listen
2. A special liquid ………………………………. food into energy.
a. eats b. works c. goes d. changes
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What system do we use when we breathe in?
4. Where does food go after we swallow it?
2- Read the following text and answer the following questions below:
We use our senses every day to help us understand the world around us. We
use our eyes to see and our ears to hear. We smell with our nose, taste with
our tongue, and we can feel with our skin. Think about where you are now.
What can you see? What can you hear? Our senses are working all the time
and they take in a lot of information.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. We use our …...............…… every day.
a. senses b. sins c. tenses d. fence
2. We use our…...............…… to see.
a. eyes b. noses c. mouths d. arms
B. Answer the following questions:
3. How can you feel?
4. How many senses do we have?

3- Read the following text and answer the following questions below:
Our brain controls how we move, what we remember, and the choices we
make. The three main areas of the brain are the cerebrum, the cerebellum and
the brain stem, and they all have important jobs. The cerebrum controls our
senses, thoughts, how we speak, and our memories. The cerebellum controls
movement and balance. The brain stem joins the two parts of the brain.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. The …...............…….. controls our senses, thought and memories.
a. cerebellum b. cerebrum c. stem d. brain
2. The …...............…….. controls movement and balance.
a. cerebellum b. cerebrum c. stem d. brain
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What does our brain control?
4. What's the job of the brain stem?
4- Read the following text and answer the following questions below:
Ahmed Abdel Fattah plays sitting volleyball. He took part in the 2016 Rio
Paralympics, where the team won bronze. He has played with his team in Africa
and Brazil and they have won many international competitions for Egypt.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. Ahmed Abdel Fattah plays ......................... volleyball.
a. eating b. sitting c. drinking d. watching
2. He took part in the ......................... Rio Paralympics.
a. 2012 b. 2018 c. 2016 d. 2014
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What does Ahmed Abdel Fattah play?
4. Where did Ahmed Abdel Fattah take part in 2016?

4- Read the following text and answer the following questions below:
It’s fun to play video games sometimes, but it’s good to be active as well.
Sitting still for a long time isn’t good for your health. Sometimes people eat
more unhealthy snacks when they are watching TV or playing on the
computer. Try not to develop unhealthy habits. It’s important to drink lots of
water, especially on hot days.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. You ………………………… sit still for a long time.
a. should b. shouldn’t c. would d. have
2. Try not to develop ………………………… habits.
a. funny b. healthy c. unhealthy d. good
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What should you do on hot days?
4. Is it good to be active?
5- Read the following text and answer the following questions below:
Some people cannot see or hear, so they have different ways to communicate. People who
are deaf or have difficulty in hearing can learn sign language. It is a complete language, like
English, Arabic or Spanish, and there are different versions of it around the world. Sign
language in Egypt is different from sign language in the USA. Braille is a code which people
who are blind or have difficulty seeing can use to read. It has different combinations of
dots. They can be a letter, number, punctuation mark or word. The person reading can
touch the dots to find out what they mean. Braille was invented by Louis Braille.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. People who can’t see are called ................................. .
a. blind b. deaf c. dumb d. sad
2. ................................. is a code which blind people use to read.
a. Braille b. Nile c. Mile d. Mark
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What language can deaf people use?
4. What is Braille?

6- Read the following text and answer the following questions below:
Amphibians can live on land and on water, but they need water or a moist
habitat to survive. Like reptiles, amphibians are cold-blooded and they lay
eggs. Amphibians can take in oxygen through their skin and their lungs.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. Amphibians are cold-blooded like ………………………………. .
a. mammals b. birds c. reptiles d. fish
2. Amphibians can take in oxygen through their …………………………………. .
a. skin b. ears c. eyes d. tongue
B. Answer the following questions:
3. Where can amphibians live?
4. What do amphibians need to survive?
7- Read the following text and answer the following questions below:
In the natural world, there are some enormous animals, and some tiny ones!
The biggest animal on land is a mammal: the African elephant. The biggest
animal in the world is also a mammal, but it lives in the sea. It’s the blue
whale, and it can be up to 30 meters long. In fact, they are the biggest animals
that have ever lived on Earth!
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. The underlined pronoun ‘’it’’ refers to ……………………………… .
a. blue whale b. African elephant c. Earth d. world
2. The blue whale lives in the ……………………………… .
a. forest b. street c. sea d. ocean
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What is the biggest animal on land?
4. What does the text talk about?

8- Read the following text and answer the following questions below:
Invertebrates are cold-blooded. They live on land and in water. Some invertebrates,
such as crabs, have a hard shell for protection. Others, like jellyfish, have soft bodies.
Some invertebrates can swim very well, such as the octopus and the squid. Some
invertebrates, such as snails, have hard shells and move very slowly. Others are faster.
Dragonflies can fly very fast.
Insects are also invertebrates. Spiders have eight legs. The grasshoppers are the most
amazing insects. They can jump more than a meter. The spider is not an insect. It has 8
legs and is called an arachnid. It can move very quickly.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. Spiders have ……………………… legs.
a. four b. five c. eight d. nine
2. Snails are very ……………………… animals.
a. slow b. fast c. quick d. happy
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What do we call spiders?
4. What do the crabs have for protection?
9- Read the following text and answer the following questions below:
Primary colors are red, yellow and blue. We can't make these colors by mixing other
colors. We make secondary colors by mixing the three primary colors in different
amounts. We can make green, orange, purple, and all the shades in between. For
example, we can mix red and yellow to make orange. The secondary colors can be
made by mixing primary colors which are nearest to them on the color wheel. Adding
black to a color makes it darker, and adding white makes it lighter.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. Black makes colors ……………………… .
a. lighter b. darker c. heavier d. colorful
2. We get orange by mixing red and ……………………… .
a. blue b. white c. yellow d. red
B. Answer the following questions:
3. Which colors are primary colors?
4. Is purple a primary color?
10- Read the following text and answer the following questions below:
Water lily grows in water and has a long stem that reaches down to the
bottom of the lake. It has brightly colored flowers and it makes seeds which
float on water. It has roots that spread under the water, and it can cover a very
large area.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. The roots of water lily plants ……………………….. under the water.
a. float b. play c. spread d. swim
2. Water lily has a ……………………….. stem.
a. big b. long c. small d. hard
B. Answer the following questions:
3. Where does the stem reach?
4. Where does the water lily grow?
11- Read the following text and answer the following questions below:
There are lots of interesting things to see under the sea! Some fish are very
brightly colored, and so some plants. In a coral reef, having bright colors can
help fish to hide from predators. The coral is very bright and has different
colors, so the fish can hide from bigger fish. In addition, many predators don’t
eat prey that are brightly colored. Bright colors can be a warning that the
animal is poisonous.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. Coral reefs help fish to ………………………… .
a. hide b. sleep c. stay d. lay
2. The coral is very ………………………… .
a. light b. slight c. bright d. sunlight
B. Answer the following questions:
3. Why are fish brightly colored?
4. Why don’t predators eat prey that are brightly colored?

12- Read the following text and answer the following questions below:
I'm Maged. My family is very big. I live with my dad, mom, grandparents. I
have three sisters and three brothers. My father works in a school. He's a good
teacher. My mom is a doctor. She likes helping sick people. I have a big room. I
always study English in my room. I do my homework every day. All the toys in
the room are mine. I like my parents and my school. I'm in primary four. I like
English and math. I want to be a doctor when I grow up.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. English and …………………………. are Maged's favorite subjects.
a. science b. math c. Arabic d. art
2. Maged's mom works in a …………………………. .
a. school b. restaurant c. hospital d. club
B. Answer the following questions:
3. How many brothers and sisters does Maged have?
4. What's the job of Maged's father?
13- Read the following text and answer the following questions below:
Lower Egypt was in the north, where the Nile joins the sea. Upper Egypt was in
the south, where the Nile flows through the deserts of Africa. In about 3200
BCE, one pharaoh, Mena joined these two parts to unite the country of Egypt.
Egypt controlled the Nile as far as boats could sail on it, so it became very
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. Upper Egypt was in the ………………………… .
a. north b. south c. east d. west
2. Boats could ………………………… on the Nile of Egypt.
a. unite b. miss c. control d. sail
B. Answer the following questions:
3. Where was Lower Egypt?
4. Who united the two parts of Egypt?

14- Read the following text and answer the following questions below:
I'm Amr, and I live in the Red Sea Governorate. It has a beach which is over 1.000 km.
It's a very popular place to visit for scuba diving and water sports.
I'm Ali, and I live in the Alexandria Governorate. It's important because lots of ships sail
in and out of the port. The city of Alexandria used to be the capital city of Egypt.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. The Red Sea Governorate has a/an ……………………… which is over 1,000.
a. oasis b. beach c. desert d. village
2. In Alexandria, ……………………… sail in and out of the port.
a. ships b. boats c. buses d. trains
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What is Red Sea Governorate famous for?
4. Why is Alexandria important?
15- Read the following text and answer the following questions below:
Folk musicians from Upper Egypt play Saidi music. This type of music uses
string instruments such as violins, and wind instruments such as the oboe.
Singing and drumming is also a key part. Farther south is the home of Nubian
music. Clapping and drumming is an important part of this type of music.
Nubian music is now popular all over Egypt. Sometimes it is mixed with other
modern styles of music. The most popular instruments in Bedouin music are
the shabbaba and the rebaba. Bedouin music also often includes singing. Songs
are usually about special events.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. …………………………. is in the farther south of Egypt
a. Nubia b. Giza c. Cairo d. Aswan
2. Shabbaba is a …………………………. instrument.
a. wind b. string c. wire d. rope
B. Answer the following questions:
3. Which instrument is wind instrument?
4. What do Bedouin like to play?
16- Read the following text and answer the following questions below:
Egypt is a beautiful Arab country in the north east of Africa. The first language in Egypt is
Arabic. Egypt is famous for its fine weather, the pyramids, Egyptian Museum, Sphinx,
Khan EI Khalili and lots of other things. The river Nile, the longest river in the world, runs
through it. Most of the Egyptians live in the Nile valley because its soil is very rich, so
farmers are able to grow many crops.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. The people of Egypt speak ………………………… .
a. Egyptian b. Arabic c. English d. French
2. Most Egyptians live in the ………………………… .
a. desert b. River Nile c. Nile valley d. forest
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What's Egypt famous for?............................................................................................................
4. What does the underlined word " it" refer to?............................................................................
17- Read the following text and answer the following questions below:
We use our respiratory system when we breathe. We breathe in air through our nose, and it
goes to our the lungs, the oxygen in the air is passed to the blood. Our heart pumps
this blood around our body.
A- Choose the correct answer:
1- We breathe in air through our ( heart – stomach – nose ).
2- Our ( nose – muscles – heart ) pumps blood around our body.
B- Answer the following questions:
3- Which system do we use when we breathe?.............................................................................
4- Where does the air go when we breathe?.................................................................................
18- Read the following text and answer the following questions below:
We have five senses. We use our senses every day to help us understand the world around
us. We use our eyes to see and our ears to hear. We smell with our nose, taste with our
tongue, and we can feel with our skin.
Some people cannot see or hear, so they have different ways to communicate. People Who
are deaf or have difficulty hearing can learn sign language. There are different versions of
sign language around the world.
A- Choose the correct answer:
1- We can smell with our ( eyes – nose – teeth ).
2- ( Deaf – Blind – Sad ) people can’t hear.
B- Answer the following questions:
3- How many senses do we have?
4- How do deaf people communicate?
19- Read the following text and answer the following questions below:
Today is Saturday. it’s a holiday. There’s no choose what they want to do. Soha’s
brother Adham smiles. He wants to go to the park to run and play. He wants to
practice football. Sahar is disappointed. She likes the park but she wants to do
something creative in the afternoon. She likes to draw or paint a picture. Adham
goes to the park every week. ’Sahar always does drawing!’ says Adham. Mom
smiles ‘let’s go to the park we can play there and we can take crayons and paper
with us. You can draw in the park, too.
1- Answer the following questions:
1- What does Mom want the children to do first?
2- What does Adham want to do?
3- What does Sahar want to do?
4- What can the children do at the park?
20- Read the following text and answer the following questions below:
Ahmed Abdel Fattah plays sitting volleyball. He took part in the 2016 Rio
Paralympics. Where the team won bronze. He has played with his team in Africa
and Brazil and they have won many international competitions for Egypt.
Being a Paralympic or Olympic athlete takes years of dedication and hard work.
Not everyone can get to this level but there are many opportunities for everyone
to take part and have fun doing a sport they enjoy.
A- Choose the correct answer:
1- Being on Olympic athlete takes years of ( studying – dedication – deduction ).
2- Ahmed’s team won a ( gold – silver – bronze ) medal.
3- Everyone can ( take – do – go ) a sport they enjoy
B- Answer the following questions:
4- What does Ahmed Abdel Fattah play?
5- When did he take part in Rio Paralympics?

1- Write a paragraph of FIFTY (50) words using the following guiding elements:
‘Our senses’
2- Write a paragraph of FIFTY (50) words using the following guiding elements:
Guiding words:
( cold-blooded – hair – lay eggs – frogs and toads – oxygen – skin and lungs )
3- Write a paragraph of FIFTY (50) words using the following guiding elements:
"Your community"
You can use the following (guiding words):
My community – group people live work same area – community house – family –
neighborhood – mixture people places activities ideas

4- Write a paragraph of FIFTY (50) words using the following guiding elements:
‘Respiratory system’
5- Write a paragraph of FIFTY (50) words using the following guiding elements:
‘Ancient Egyptians’

Listening texts Connect Plus
1- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 2- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. We use our digestive system when we eat and 2. We use our senses every day to help us understand
drink. We chew and swallow food, then it goes to our the world around us. We use our eyes to see and our
stomach. In the stomach, a special liquid changes the ears to hear. We smell with our nose, taste with our
food into energy and nutrients that we need in our tongue, and we can feel with our skin. Our senses are
bodies. working all the time and they take in a lot of
3- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
3. It's Saturday, so there's no school. Mom wants to 4. The Paralympic Games is an international
tidy the lounge. My brother Adam wants to run and competition for athletes with disabilities. Like the
play in the park. I want to do something creative. I Olympics, it takes place every four years, and is held
would like to draw or paint a picture. in a different country each time. Parasports is an
important area in sports, and Egypt has many athletes
who take part in these competitions.
5- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 6- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
5. In 2012, scientists discovered a tiny chameleon in 6. Invertebrates are cold-blooded. They live on land
Madagascar. People think it is the smallest reptile in and in water. Some invertebrates, such as crabs, have
the world, at just 30 millimeters long! But even that is a hard shell for protection. Others, like jellyfish, have
bigger than a frog in Papua New Guinea. It's 7mm soft bodies. Some invertebrates can swim very well,
long, so it is the smallest vertebrate that we have such as the octopus and the squid.
7- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 8- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
7. Scientists think that there are nearly 400,000 8. A community is a group of people who live and
different types of plants. Most of these have flowers, work together in the same area. A community is more
which come in many different colors. The bright than your house, family, or your neighborhood. My
flowers attract insects they carry pollen from one community includes my family, my friends, and my
flower to another flower. This helps the flowers to school. When you act in a way that is good for your
reproduce. community, this is good citizenship. This means that
you work hard to help other people, and behave in a
kind and fair way. Iam always polite and helpful at


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