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Case Study: The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Performance


Sleep deprivation has been extensively studied for its effects on cognitive performance and

brain function. One notable study in this area is the research conducted by the team led by Dr.

Matthew Walker, a prominent neuroscientist and sleep expert, at the University of California,

Berkeley. This particular study was published in the journal ‘Nature’ in 2007.

Research Focus

Dr. Walker’s study focused on understanding how sleep deprivation affects cognitive

performance, particularly attention and working memory, and the underlying neural



Participants: The study included 20 healthy adults who were subjected to two conditions:

one night of normal sleep (8 hours) and one night of total sleep deprivation (0 hours).

Cognitive Tests: After each condition, participants underwent a series of cognitive tests

measuring attention (such as the Psychomotor Vigilance Task) and working memory (such

as the n-back task).

Neuroimaging: Functional MRI (fMRI) scans were conducted to observe brain activity

during the cognitive tasks.

Self-Reports: Participants also completed questionnaires assessing their subjective

feelings of sleepiness and mood.

Cognitive Performance: Participants showed a significant decline in performance on

attention and working memory tasks after a night of sleep deprivation compared to after

a night of normal sleep. They made more errors and had slower reaction times.

Brain Activity: Neuroimaging revealed reduced activity in the prefrontal cortex, a brain

region critical for executive functions, during cognitive tasks after sleep deprivation.

There was also increased activity in the thalamus, suggesting compensatory mechanisms

trying to maintain alertness.

Subjective Feelings: Participants reported higher levels of sleepiness and a worse mood

after sleep deprivation.


This case study provides evidence that genetic variations in the AVPR1A gene can

influence altruistic behavior and its neural underpinnings. The findings suggest that the

vasopressin system plays a crucial role in modulating prosocial behavior, potentially

offering targets for interventions to promote social cohesion and cooperation.


The research highlights the importance of genetic factors in shaping complex social

behaviors such as altruism. By linking specific genetic variants to behavioral and neural

outcomes, this study enhances our understanding of the biological basis of prosocial

behavior and its evolutionary significance.

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