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1 Warm up

In the IELTS Speaking Part 1, you might have to answer questions about cars and driving. Read the
students’ answers and write one missing word in each gap to complete the questions. You are given
the first letter of each missing word.

Answer 1

1 2 3
W is it i for young p to know how to
drive? Knowing how to drive is a useful life skill and it gives them independence.

Answer 2

1 2 3
What’s i like d in your h ? It’s not great,
to be honest - there’s a lot of traffic and parking isn’t easy. We usually cycle.

Answer 3

1 2 3
What d you like a electric c ? They’re
obviously better for the environment, and I think they’re cheaper to run too.

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Answer 4

1 2
Is t anything you d about them? I’ve heard that they run
out of electricity pretty quickly so you can’t go very far from home.

Now work in pairs and take turns to answer the questions for yourself. You can include some of the
same information as the answers in the exercise but use your own words - don’t read the sentences
out loud. Remember to answer the questions in full sentences and try to give one or two extra pieces
of information.

Can you think of any other questions about cars and driving that might appear on Part 1 of the IELTS
speaking exam?

2 Vocabulary

You are going to listen to a talk about parking and transport on a university campus. First, put the
words in the box next to the correct definitions in the table. Some words share the same definition.

bike rack cord environmentally friendly green plug in(to) sustainable

charging point cycle path e-bike helmet outlet solar panels

electric cars saving the planet cycling

this is the place where you these collect energy from the a type of vehicle that uses
connect your car to the sun so it can be used for electricity to help you go
electricity: charging point 1 , electricity: solar panels 5
; faster: e-bike 9
; you
outlet ; this is the these describe things that do keep your bicycle
long wire that carries not harm the planet: here: bike rack 10
; you
electricity into your car: environmentally, friendly ride along here, away from
cord 3
; this verb green 7
, cars: cycle path 11
; you
sustainable 8
means to make the connection wear this on your head to keep
to electricity: plug in(to) 4
you safe: helmet 12

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Cover the table and correct mistakes in these sentences.

1. How green are you? Do you usually choose environmental friendly products?
2. I wish we had more cyclist paths in my town.
3. I’m looking for a charged point, but I can’t seem to find one anywhere.
4. Is there an outlet I can plug my phone onto?
5. It’s much more sustainful to travel by train than to fly.
6. My family are thinking of installing a panel solar on the roof of our house.
7. She always locks her bike to the bike track on campus.
8. There’s a new shop in town selling e-bicycles and e-scooters.
9. This chord isn’t long enough to reach the wall!
10. You should always wear a helmet to protect your hair.
Can you think of any other words which relate to these three categories?

3 Before you listen

First, read the information about IELTS Listening Part 2. Then look at the exam task and instructions.
Answer the questions to prepare for the task.

IELTS listening section 2

In Part 2 of the IELTS listening exam you will hear one speaker giving information about living,
working or studying in an English-speaking country. For map labelling questions, look at the
picture and the options carefully before the recording starts. The note completion questions
are similar to table completion.

1. The information in the recording comes in the same order as the questions. How many items are
you listening for and how many items on the map are extra?
2. At the beginning of the recording, you will hear about one specific place on the map. What are
the options?

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Label the map below. Write the correct letter A-H next to items 1-5.

1. bike racks → those panels

2. student car park →
3. solar panels →
4. visitor car park →
5. staff car park →

Listen for prepositional phrases that describe where things are in relation to each other. Describe
how these pairs of items are located.

a. the main entrance / the road

b. B / the library

c. the halls of residence / B

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Complete the notes in the box. Write no more than three words or a number. Answer the questions
below to make predictions about the answers.

1. Which of the answers in the note completion might be numbers? Can you guess what range these
numbers could be?

2. Can you predict any of the answers to the other questions?


Electric vehicles
6) __________ charging points in the student car park
Register online or at the main entrance
2 hrs
Charging takes 7) __________
Cords can be dangerous to others trip hazard
30 e-bikes that students can use student ID card
Register online with 8) __________ and credit card
Stay on the cycle path to avoid putting 9) __________ in danger
Easy Rider app pedestrians
Car share for long and short distances
Local taxis
recycled cooking oil
One company runs their vehicles on 10) __________
Every 10 minutes

4 Listening
Listen to the recording and complete the missing information 1-5 and the notes 6-10. Check answers
in pairs.


• On the day of the exam, you can only hear the recording once. However, in class it can
be helpful to hear the recording a second time.
• Remember: on the exam, you will have ten minutes at the end of the listening to record
your answers on the answer sheet. Always answer every question, even if you are not

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5 Language point - pronunciation

Pronunciation skills are tested indirectly in the listening and speaking papers of the IELTS exam. This
includes being able to hear and pronounce vowel sounds accurately. Read the information below.

The schwa /@/ is the most common vowel sound in English and is often found in fast natural
speech. It can be spelled by any vowel letter, and it is always unstressed, or weak. This means
that a schwa syllable is pronounced more softly, faster and at a lower tone than a stressed

Look at the sentences in the box from the first part of the listening. The underlined sounds in the first
two words in bold are pronounced with schwas in fast, natural speech. Underline the schwa sounds
in the rest of the words in bold.

Hi everyone and welcome to campus. I’m Janie Jones, and I’m one of the transport officers
based here at the university. New students always have a lot of questions about transport,
so I’ll explain some of the important facilities we have, and I’ll try to be quick as I know you’ve
heard quite a few talks today already!

We also find schwas in lots of grammar words like articles and prepositions because they are generally
not stressed in fast, natural speech. These are shown in italics.

Listen to the first part of the recording and notice the schwas. Then read the text out loud, trying to
copy what you heard.

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6 Practice
Say these sentences out loud paying special attention to the pronunciation of the schwas in bold and

The transport officer told the students it was important to wear their helmets even when they
were on the cycle path.

Some students asked questions about thesolar panels they saw on campus.

The university is trying to be more environmentally friendly and so they are providing more
sustainable facilities.

Write your own sentence to practise the schwa. Can you use any of the words you added to the
vocabulary table earlier?

7 Optional extension a few times (qualche volta)

Read the sentences from the recording and explain what the phrases in bold mean.

1. ... so I’ll explain some of the important facilities we have, and I’ll try to be quick as I know you’ve
heard quite a few talks today already!
I'll say it in a few words, I'll say it in a short amount of time/in a little time

2. Someone had a nasty accident last year when they fell over one of these and broke their arm.
really bad

3. Please note that e-scooters are totally banned from campus as they are illegal on all roads in this
you aren't allowed to use them

Think of three examples for each of these things.

• Times when you would say, "I’ll try to be quick."

• Activities where people might have a nasty accident.
• Things that are totally banned from your school or workplace.

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