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Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 263 – 283

Current concepts in imaging of small bowel obstruction

Dean D.T. Maglinte, MDa,*, Darel E. Heitkamp, MDa,
Thomas J. Howard, MD, FACSb, Frederick M. Kelvin, MDc,
John C. Lappas, MDa
Department of Radiology, Indiana University Medical Center, 550 North University Boulevard, UH0279,
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5243, USA
Division of General Surgery, Indiana University School of Medicine, 545 Barnhill Drive, EH523, Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA
Department of Radiology, Methodist Hospital of Indiana, 1701 North Senate Boulevard, Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA

Despite recent advances in abdominal imaging, with acute abdominal conditions [6]. Establishing the
intestinal obstruction remains a difficult disease entity diagnosis in a timely manner is best accomplished
to diagnose accurately and treat [1 – 3]. Small bowel by relying on the classic investigational triad of a
obstruction (SBO) is a common clinical condition, well-taken history, a careful physical examination,
often presenting with signs and symptoms similar to and appropriate ancillary testing. The diagnosis of
those seen in other acute abdominal disorders. Once mechanical SBO is straightforward when the classic
intestinal obstruction is suspected based on the findings of crampy abdominal pain, distention, nau-
patient’s clinical history and physical examination, sea, and vomiting are present along with abdominal
diagnostic imaging is charged with the task of veri- radiographic (plain film) findings of small bowel
fying the presence of obstruction and providing cogent distention, multiple air-fluid levels, and decreased
information on the site, severity, and probable cause of colonic gas and stool [4]. In many cases, the dia-
the obstruction. By providing this broad range of gnosis is much more subtle because most patients fail
anatomic information, imaging impacts directly on to present with a classic history and often have vague
patient management, specifically addressing the cru- abdominal findings on physical examination. Plain
cial question of whether a trial of nonoperative therapy abdominal radiographs have been found not to sup-
should be instituted rather than resorting to immediate port the clinical diagnosis of obstruction in nearly one
surgery because of the possibility of strangulation third of surgically proved cases. Based on these
[4,5]. Because of its ability to provide important observations, after a complete history and physical
anatomic and functional information, radiology has and abdominal plain films, if the clinical suspicion for
become a vital tool in the clinical decision making of intestinal obstruction remains high, further abdominal
patients with known or suspected SBO. This article imaging is often indicated [4,7].
examines current concepts in the imaging of SBO. The three most common causes of SBO in the
western world are (1) adhesions, (2) Crohn’s disease,
and (3) neoplasia [8]. In the past, hernias represented
Clinical considerations a major cause of SBO in the United States, but
improvements in health care availability and the
Small bowel obstruction is responsible for 12% to increase in elective hernia repair has led to a sub-
16% of admissions to the surgical service in patients stantial decline in the incidence of SBO related to
abdominal wall hernias. Hernias, however, still rep-
resent the predominant cause of SBO in many devel-
* Corresponding author. oping countries. Crohn’s disease has only recently
E-mail address: (D.T.T. Maglinte). been acknowledged in the surgical literature as a

0033-8389/03/$ – see front matter D 2003, Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
264 D.T.T. Maglinte et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 263–283

leading cause of SBO, a fact that has long been interpreted as abnormal but nonspecific, 13% had
suspected in many clinical radiology departments [8]. low-grade and 9% had high-grade obstruction. Addi-
Controversy still exists surrounding the manage- tionally, abdominal radiography has shown a low
ment of patients with adhesive SBO. If the obstruction specificity for SBO, because mechanical and func-
is partial or early in the postoperative period ( < 6 tional large bowel obstructions can mimic the radio-
weeks from operation), many surgeons recommend a graphic findings observed in SBO [30]. Despite these
trial of conservative treatment with intestinal decom- acknowledged limitations of this examination, plain
pression in the belief that, with close patient monitor- film radiography remains an important study in
ing, surgery frequently can be avoided altogether patients with suspected SBO because of its wide-
[1,9 – 12]. Other surgeons advocate early surgical spread availability and low cost. Although in many
management for all patients, particularly those with cases the abdominal radiographs are nondiagnostic,
complete intestinal obstruction, based on the high their findings can be valuable in guiding subsequent
complication rate associated with delayed operative imaging, or following disease progression.
intervention in this group of patients [13 – 16]. Clinical A degree of confusion still exists among radiol-
experience has shown that simple mechanical obstruc- ogists and clinicians over the meanings of common
tion cannot be reliably differentiated from strangulated descriptors used to identify various intestinal gas
obstruction on the basis of clinical, laboratory, or patterns on abdominal radiographs [31,32]. Many
abdominal plain film findings [9,15,17 – 21]. Histor- physicians frequently use the term nonspecific bowel
ical data in patients with surgically proved strangula- gas pattern to actually mean normal bowel gas
tion show that the preoperative diagnosis is unreliable pattern [3]. One survey showed that 70% of radiol-
in 50% to 85% of cases [2,9,16,22 – 24]. The current ogists used the term nonspecific in their interpreta-
mortality rate of patients with adhesive intestinal tions, with 65% trying to convey a normal or
obstruction is in the 1% to 2% range [25,26], suggest- probably normal bowel gas pattern, 22% meaning
ing that the risks associated with conservative man- to say that they cannot tell if it is normal or abnormal,
agement may be acceptable as long as emergent and 13% interpreting this to mean abnormal but
surgery is performed at the first sign of patient deteri- cannot tell if it represents mechanical obstruction or
oration or evidence of incarceration or strangulation is adynamic ileus. Clearly, the term nonspecific is
found. Recent clinical series have shown that even imprecise and its use ultimately can lead to serious
patients with high-grade mechanical SBO can have a errors in patient management. If used at all, it should
substantial rate of resolution with conservative nasoin- be qualified as ‘‘abnormal, but nonspecific,’’ satisfy-
testinal decompression, further supporting an even- ing a group of plain film findings that fits neither the
handed approach to patients with SBO [11,15,27,28]. ‘‘normal’’ nor ‘‘definitely abnormal’’ categories. This
qualification adds its own set of clinical implications
[33]. The use of ambiguous terms, such as ‘‘non-
Abdominal radiography obstructive gas pattern,’’ which does not indicate
whether the gas distribution is normal or abnormal,
Despite its limitations, abdominal radiography should be abandoned.
remains the initial imaging study in patients with The use of well-defined terms for describing bowel
abdominal symptoms, particularly in those with pos- gas patterns is essential for generating understandable
sible intestinal obstruction. Its diagnostic value tends reports for clinicians and other radiologists. (1) The
to be highest in patients with signs or symptoms of normal small bowel gas pattern refers to either
biliary or urinary system calculi, intestinal obstruc- absence of small bowel gas or small amounts of gas
tion, perforation, or ischemia. Plain films are least within up to four variably shaped nondistended (less
helpful in patients with vague abdominal pain and than 2.5 cm in diameter) loops of small bowel. A
nonspecific physical findings. Its role in the evalu- normal distribution of gas and stool within a non-
ation of calculi, perforation, or ischemia has been distended colon should also be recognized. (2) Abnor-
replaced by CT. mal but nonspecific gas describes a pattern of at least
In the setting of SBO, abdominal radiographs are one loop of borderline or mildly distended small
diagnostic in 50% to 60% of cases [17 – 20,29]. In an bowel (2.5 to 3 cm in diameter) with three or more
analysis of plain film findings reported by experi- air-fluid levels on upright or lateral decubitus radio-
enced gastrointestinal radiologists, a sensitivity of graphs. The colonic gas and feces distribution is either
only 66% was found in proved cases of SBO [7]. normal or displays a similar degree of borderline
Twenty-one percent of patients reported as normal distention. This pattern can also be correctly labeled
were in fact obstructed. Of patients whose films were ‘‘mild small bowel stasis,’’ because many conditions
D.T.T. Maglinte et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 263–283 265

can produce it, including low-grade obstruction, reac- widespread use of abdominal CT has largely sup-
tive ileus, and medication-induced hypoperistalsis. (3) planted this practice [37 – 39]. Despite the strong
The probable SBO pattern consists of multiple gas- or opinion of a few advocates, the use of water-soluble
fluid-filled loops of dilated small bowel with a mod- contrast has been shown to have no therapeutic effect
erate amount of colonic gas. The presence of colonic in patients with postoperative SBO [40].
gas indicates early complete mechanical SBO, an Barium evaluation of the small intestine can be
incomplete SBO, or nonobstructive ileus. This pattern performed by either nonintubation or intubation-infu-
can be seen in several acute intra-abdominal inflam- sion techniques [4]. The nonintubation methods
matory conditions that involve the small bowel (diver- include the retrograde small bowel enema; the per
ticulitis, appendicitis, or mesenteric ischemia). This enterosotomy (colostomy, ileostomy) small bowel
diagnosis should trigger further investigation with a enema; and the small bowel follow-through.
prompt CT enteroclysis in a patient with no objective Although the small bowel follow-through is a useful
clinical findings. (4) The definite SBO pattern shows technique when performed with meticulous fluoros-
dilated gas or fluid-filled loops of small bowel in the copy, it has known limitations in the setting of SBO
setting of a gasless colon. This constellation of find- [41 – 43]. In cases of high-grade obstruction, dilution
ings is pathognomonic for SBO [4]. of barium by fluid in the dilated proximal bowel
Various small bowel gas patterns are shown in typically results in incomplete small bowel opacifi-
Fig. 1A – N. These patterns should be distinguished cation and poor mucosal detail. The duration of the
from the distended small bowel occurring secondary to small bowel follow-through examination is directly
left-sided colonic obstruction. In this pattern, in addi- related to small bowel transit time, both of which are
tion to the distended small bowel, a fluid-filled right often markedly prolonged in cases of high-grade
colon and fluid and gas distended transverse colon can obstruction. Moreover, nonintubation barium tech-
also be recognized (Fig. 2). The small bowel distention niques are inherently limited in their ability to assess
seen in this setting is secondary to decompression of intestinal distensibility and fixation of small bowel
the colonic distention through the ileocecal valve. loops [42]. As a result, they may not detect partially
Two findings on the upright abdominal radiograph obstructing lesions that produce only fleeting or
can help differentiate high-grade obstruction from inconspicuous prestenotic dilatations when viewed
lower-grade obstruction: the presence of differential under fluoroscopy. Despite these limitations, inter-
air-fluid levels in the same bowel loop, and a mean air- mittent fluoroscopic monitoring can often yield
fluid level width of at least 25 mm (see Fig. 1M). The important information making the technique a viable
combined presence or absence of these two radio- alternative for radiology departments lacking suf-
graphic findings has a strong positive (86%) and ficient expertise in performing enteroclysis [42,43].
negative (83%) predictive value of the degree of Enteroclysis overcomes the limitations of the non-
patency of the small bowel lumen [34]. Although intubation techniques by challenging the distensibil-
upright radiographs alone are not particularly sensi- ity of the bowel wall and exaggerating the effects
tive for SBO, they may be of value in distinguishing of mild or subclinical mechanical obstruction (see
patients with high-grade or complete obstruction from Fig. 1B, C). Intubating the small bowel bypasses the
those with low-grade or partial obstruction. Because pylorus, enabling delivery of a nondiluted barium or
of its widespread availability, relative low cost, and iodinated contrast bolus directly into the jejunum.
high sensitivity in revealing high-grade SBO, the use Sequential infusion of barium and methylcellulose or
of abdominal plain radiographs remains a prominent iodinated contrast during CT enteroclysis promotes
imaging tool in the evaluation of suspected SBO [29]. antegrade flow of contrast toward the site of obstruc-
tion despite the presence of diminished bowel peri-
stalsis. The resultant luminal distention facilitates
Barium radiography detection of both fixed and nondistensible bowel
segments. Clinical studies have shown that the
Because barium does not typically inspissate intubation infusion method of small bowel examina-
within the adynamic gut, it can be used safely to tion can correctly predict the presence of obstruction
evaluate SBO [35,36]. Ingested orally, iodinated in 100%, the absence of obstruction in 88%, the level
water-soluble contrast agents result in poor mucosal of obstruction in 89%, and the cause of obstruction
detail on radiography and are quite hypertonic. 86% of patients [7].
Although radiography using water-soluble agents SBO is excluded by enteroclysis or CT enter-
was once used by some institutions to triage patients oclysis when unimpeded flow of contrast material is
into surgical versus nonsurgical management, the observed within normal-caliber small bowel loops
266 D.T.T. Maglinte et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 263–283

Fig. 1. Small bowel gas patterns. (A) Normal bowel gas

distribution. There is a small amount of gas in the duodenal
bulb (arrow) and distal ileum (curved arrow); otherwise
there should be no gas in the small bowel. There is no
evidence of colonic or gastric distention. Colonic folds are
apparent in intraperitoneal segments of the colon. (B)
Abnormal but nonspecific gas pattern. Mildly dilated loops
of small bowel are noted in the right hemiabdomen
(arrows). There is no colonic distention. Gas is present in
the duodenal bulb (near clips) and in distal ileum (curved
arrow). (C) Enteroclysis done following (B) shows a
moderately tight adhesive band obstruction (open arrow)
involving a pelvic loop of ileum. Note retained fluid in
dilated prestenotic (or sentinel) loop.
D.T.T. Maglinte et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 263–283 267

Fig. 1. (D) Abnormal but nonspecific gas pattern. Small

amounts of gas (arrows) are noted in nondistended small
bowel loops in left hemiabdomen and pelvis in addition to
usual gas in distal ileum in chronic renal patient presenting
with abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting who also had
recent ventral herniorrhaphy and subsequent wound infec-
tion. Note semisolid fecal debris in right colon. This
distribution is also known as small bowel stasis pattern.
(E) Enteroclysis radiography shows no significant distention
proximal to intraluminal filling defects (curved arrow) in
ileum. (F) Further infusion of methylcellulose shows distal
movement of intraluminal filling defects towards cecum
(curved arrow).
268 D.T.T. Maglinte et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 263–283

Fig. 1. (G) Infusion radiograph shows that the filling defects

in distal ileum have been flushed into the right colon and the
distal and terminal ileum (arrow) are normal confirming that
the abnormal but nonspecific small bowel gas pattern is
secondary to medication-related hypoperistalsis. The small
bowel stasis pattern is not uncommon in hospitalized patients
on analgesics or sedatives. C, cecum. (H) Probable small
bowel obstruction (SBO) pattern. Upright abdominal radio-
graph shows air-fluid levels in multiple moderately distended
loops of small bowel. Gas and fluid are present in transverse
colon (arrow in a haustrum) and sigmoid. The pattern is
suggestive of mechanical SBO but can be seen in sigmoid
diverticulitis or appendicitis. (I) CT obtained following (H)
shows a lower abdominal anterior parietal peritoneal fixation
of decreased-caliber small bowel loops (arrow) secondary to
dense adhesions. Note dilated small bowel proximal to
adhesions. (From Maglinte DDT, Reyes BL, Harmon BH,
et al. Reliability and the role of plain film radiography and CT
in the diagnosis of small-bowel obstruction. AJR Am J
Roentgenol 1996;167:1451 – 5; with permission.)
D.T.T. Maglinte et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 263–283 269

Fig. 1. (J) Probable SBO pattern. Multiple dilated loops of

small bowel are noted. Gas is still present in normal-caliber
colon making diagnosis of mechanical SBO not unequivocal
but highly suggestive. (K) CT obtained following (J) shows
acute perforative appendicitis with abscess formation.
Appendicolith is present, which is not seen on the plain
film. Small bowel loops are dilated proximal to inflamma-
tory changes. (L) Definite SBO pattern. Supine abdominal
radiograph of a female patient with abdominal distention,
nausea, and vomiting shows markedly dilated gas-filled
loops of small bowel with a normal-caliber colon making
diagnosis of mechanical SBO unequivocal.
270 D.T.T. Maglinte et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 263–283

Fig. 1. (M) Upright abdominal radiograph of same patient (L) shows air-fluid levels and multiple fluid-filled loops of distal small
bowel (arrow in one). The rectosigmoid appears dry. (N) Enteroclysis done following overnight long tube decompression shows
fixation and decreased caliber of small bowel loops, multiple kinks, and strictures (arrow in one) from chronic radiation
enteropathy in a patient with a history of carcinoma of the cervix. C, cecum. (From Maglinte D, Herlinger H. Plain film
radiography of the small bowel. In: Herlinger H, Maglinte D, Birnbaum B, editors. Clinical imaging of the small intestine.
2nd edition. New York: Springer; 1999. p. 47 – 80; with permission.)

from the duodenojejunal junction to the right colon. recurrence, and radiation damage [46]. Obstructions
The diagnosis of mechanical SBO is confirmed by can occur synchronously at multiple levels, such that
the demonstration of a transition zone, defined as a if dilated fluid- or gas-filled small bowel loops are
change in the caliber of the intestinal lumen from a encountered distal to a transition zone, additional
distended segment proximal to the site of obstruction downstream obstructions need to be assessed. Enter-
to a segment that is either collapsed or decreased in oclysis is particularly helpful in patients about whom
caliber distal to the site of obstruction [4,5,7,44,45]. the diagnosis of low-grade SBO is clinically uncer-
By enteroclysis criteria, 3 cm is the upper limit of tain [47]. Its ability to distinguish low-grade obstruc-
normal for the caliber of the jejunal lumen, and 2.5 cm tion from a normal examination makes it an important
is the upper limit for the ileal lumen [42]. The level of tool in this difficult clinical problem [47 – 51].
obstruction is identified during the single-contrast Enteroclysis can also objectively gauge the sever-
phase of the examination, whereas the cause of the ity of intestinal obstruction, an important advantage
obstruction is best evaluated during the double-con- over other imaging modalities [7,45]. In low-grade
trast phase of the study when observation of mucosal partial SBO there is no delay in the arrival of contrast
detail is optimal. In partial SBO, enteroclysis has to the point of obstruction, and there is sufficient flow
been shown to be approximately 85% accurate in of contrast through the point of obstruction such that
distinguishing adhesions from metastases, tumor fold patterns in the postobstructive loops are readily
D.T.T. Maglinte et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 263–283 271

Fig. 2. Left-sided colonic obstruction plain film pattern. (A) Diffuse small bowel distention is seen. In addition, fluid is seen in
the right colon (arrow) and gas- and fluid-filled transverse colon (open arrow). The rectosigmoid region is empty. (B) CT done
following (A) shows obstruction of the proximal descending colon from carcinoma (arrow). The retained fluid and gas in the
colon correspond to the gas and fluid distribution in (A). (From Maglinte D, Herlinger H. Plain film radiography of the small
bowel. In: Herlinger H, Maglinte D, Birnbaum B, editors. Clinical imaging of the small intestine. 2nd edition. New York:
Springer; 1999. p. 47 – 80; with permission.)

defined. High-grade partial SBO is diagnosed when Because enteroclysis requires conscious sedation,
the presence of retained fluid dilutes the barium and nasointestinal intubation, and near-constant radiolo-
results in inadequate contrast density above the site of gist involvement, it can be impractical to perform
obstruction, allowing only small amounts of contrast adequately in the outpatient clinic setting. Many
material to pass through the obstruction into the institutions also lack individuals with the proper
collapsed distal loops. Complete obstruction is diag- expertise to perform the study. If expertise is lacking,
nosed when there is no passage of contrast material a dedicated small bowel follow-through with close
beyond the point of obstruction as shown on delayed fluoroscopic monitoring is an acceptable substitute,
radiographs obtained up to 24 hours after the start of provided that high-grade obstruction is not present
the examination [7]. The authors have applied this [41,42]. In patients with complete or high-grade
severity scoring to CT enteroclysis [45]. The term obstruction, dilution of barium occurs proximal to
closed-loop obstruction implies acute obstruction with the site of obstruction and makes diagnostic evalu-
a tendency to progress toward infarction and the need ation suboptimal. Moreover, barium retained in the
for urgent surgery. If a patient displays clinical signs of small bowel can degrade the diagnostic quality of
a bowel compromise including localized tenderness, subsequent CT examinations. In the acute setting
fever, tachycardia, or leukocytosis, immediate resus- where time is of the essence, CT should be the initial
citation and urgent laparotomy should be done. If method of examination. In the authors’ department,
further anatomic information is required in a chal- CT enteroclysis with positive enteral contrast is now
lenging patient (ie, multiple prior surgeries, dense performed more frequently than barium enteroclysis
adhesions, or morbid obesity) CT should be the ini- for further assessment of clinically stable patients
tial choice of imaging. Further investigation using with SBO.
barium enteroclysis or positive contrast CT entero-
clysis can provide complementary information about
the obstruction, such as how much contrast material CT
is moving through the transition zone [29,52]. Partial
closed-loop obstruction has been demonstrated by CT has become important in the preoperative
enteroclysis in the subacute setting [53]. evaluation of patients with suspected intestinal
272 D.T.T. Maglinte et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 263–283

obstruction. Although some studies report a low the course of vascular arcades in the bowel on CT with
overall sensitivity (63%) of CT for all grades of the use of coronal mesenteric vascular mapping may
SBO, sensitivity improves to 81% when high-grade help identify cases of closed-loop obstruction before
obstruction alone is considered. Conversely, sensitiv- they progress to strangulation. In a recent report [65]
ity worsens to 48% in the detection of low-grade the whirl sign [60], described as the convergence of
obstruction [45]. Although CT is accurate for high- mesenteric vessels toward a twisted site [63], and
grade SBO, it is not as sensitive for the lower grades the reversal of the normal relationship between the
of obstruction that present at the subacute level or in mesenteric artery and vein [66] were identified as the
the outpatient setting [29]. two most important vascular indicators of closed-
The speed of multidetector row helical CT and its loop obstruction caused by midgut volvulus as seen
ability to reveal the cause of obstruction make it on CT. The ability of CT reliably to show signs of
particularly valuable in the acute setting. CT is able to closed-loop obstruction, ischemia, and infarction
show the cause of obstruction in 93% to 95% of cases likely represents the most important imaging contri-
[29,45,54,55], at the same time revealing the more bution to the management of acute SBO. If CT is used
serious conditions of closed-loop obstruction and appropriately, its higher initial cost may result in
strangulation [27,56 – 64]. The exclusion of these overall cost savings within an episode of care by
two complications is of great concern to many either expediting surgery or avoiding surgery in
surgeons, particularly those who believe a trial of appropriate patients, reducing comorbidities and hos-
conservative nonoperative management is warranted pital length of stay.
in simple mechanical SBO. Although the specificity CT is also useful in differentiating SBO from ileus
of contrast-enhanced CT for intestinal ischemia is or other causes of small bowel dilatation [67,68]. In
reported to be as low as 44%, its high sensitivity cases of high-grade obstruction, CT has a reported
(90%) and negative predictive value (89%) [61] are sensitivity of 100% for distinguishing obstruction
quite helpful in making decisions concerning contin- from other causes of small bowel dilatation, as com-
ued nonoperative management versus surgery [11]. pared with 46% for that of plain radiographs [67]. The
Most cases of strangulation occur as complications literature shows that by differentiating paralytic ileus
of intussusception, volvulus, torsion, or other types of from obstruction, CT findings modified management
closed-loop obstruction. Interruption of the blood in 21% of patients either by changing conservative
supply typically occurs either from twisting of the management to a surgical one (18%) or vice versa. CT
bowel on its mesentery or from pressure generated by can expedite the need for surgery and also avoid
markedly distended small bowel loops. Attention to unnecessary laparotomy, important goals in the man-

Fig. 3. Decompression-enteroclysis catheter. (A) The catheter is introduced transnasally similar to the conventional nasogastric
tube. The black marker (arrow) in the proximal third of the tube when seen at the level of the external nares indicates the tube tip
position in the body of the stomach and allows the tube to be positioned at bedside in the emergency department or hospital ward
without fluoroscopic guidance similar to the positioning of conventional nasogastric tubes. A rubber adapter (1) allows
connection of the decompression lumen (D) (also infusion lumen) to existing suction devices. A small plastic cap (2) prevents
fluid from leaking out of the sump port (S) when suction is disconnected. The balloon (B) is used only during contrast material
infusion and is inflated by first pressing in the balloon inflation one-way valve attachment (curved arrow). (B) A Teflon-coated
stainless-steel braided torque guidewire with interchangeable ends is provided. The straight tip of the guidewire is introduced to
the level of the nasal marker (arrow in A) of the suction-infusion lumen before intubation. The 45% angle proximal to the
opposite tip of the 195-cm long guidewire allows the operator to change the direction of the tube tip when necessary. The angled
tip is used only in occasional situations of difficult directional control and to allow atraumatic nasopharyngeal tube passage in
patients with acute nasopharyngeal posterior wall angulation. The straight tip is all that is necessary to provide torque in most
transgastric intubations.
D.T.T. Maglinte et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 263–283 273

agement of adhesive SBO. CT is particularly helpful

and should be used as the primary imaging technique
for patients in whom the obstructive symptoms are Box 1. Suggested instructions for suc-
associated with specific medical conditions, such as a tion with the decompression-enterocly-
history of a previous malignant abdominal tumor, sis catheter
known inflammatory bowel disease, palpable abdom-
inal mass, or sepsis [56]. The following instructions are provided
Several caveats need to be considered in the as a guide. This peelable ‘‘suction order’’
application of CT to SBO. If the plain radiograph instruction, which is attached to the cath-
shows probable or definite SBO, oral contrast should eter box cover, can be removed and
not be used for the CT, because it often does not reach attached to the physician’s orders sheet
the site of obstruction by the time of examination. If it on the patient’s chart.
does, the moderately increased intraluminal attenu-
ation created when bowel fluid dilutes the oral con- 1. Connect decompression (suction)
trast bolus can nearly match the attenuation of a port identified by rubber adapter)
contrast-enhanced bowel wall, making it difficult to to low (___) intermittent (___) con-
assess the bowel wall for thickening. Administration tinuous suction. Modify as needed.
of oral contrast in the emergent setting also has the 2. Remove cap from sumping port and
potential to cause delays in performing the CT exam- inject 2 cc of air into the channel as
ination. The use of water as an intraluminal contrast soon as suction is started. Do not
agent is preferred in this setting and in patients with recap the air channel while suction
suspected mesenteric ischemia. Positive oral contrast is being applied. During section this
in this situation often interferes with vascular recon- port will allow air to enter and
struction algorithms. In the emergent setting, sick bubble back up the suction channel
patients are able to tolerate water better than water- almost continuously. If ‘‘bubbling’’
soluble contrast. With multidetector row CT, many is not observed, proceed to Step 3.
small bowel diseases including inflammatory condi- Check that all connections are tight.
tions, obstruction, or masses can be diagnosed with 3. Irrigate decompression port every
water as enteral contrast in conjunction with intrave- 4 hours with 20 cc of saline and
nous enhancement. In addition, with the use of water, p.r.n. to prevent clogging of the
further diagnostic investigations are not interfered suction port.
with because of residual contrast in the bowel. 4. Inject the sumping port with 2 cc of
Compared with barium enteroclysis or CT enter- air every 4 hours and p.r.n. Do not
oclysis, abdominal CT is faster, more readily avail- aspirate this port. Steps 3 and 4 can
able, noninvasive, less contingent on technical be done at the same time.
expertise, and able to provide a more global evalu- 5. Any time the decompression port is
ation of the abdomen and alimentary tract. This last disconnected, reapply caps to both
advantage is of considerable importance, particularly the decompression and the sump
in the acute setting when intestinal obstruction rep- ports to prevent fluid leak. Repeat
resents only one of many possible etiologies in Step 2 each time the decompression
patients presenting with acute abdominal conditions. tube is reconnected for suction.
The CT examination should be monitored closely and 6. If tube is to be anchored for more
additional sections should be obtained through the than 2 days, apply Bacitracin or
transition zone if the cause of obstruction is unclear Neosporin ointment to nasal cavity
on the initial axial sections. Although identification of once daily.
the transition zone is usually not difficult in higher 7. Do not use balloon channel. This
grades of obstruction, the less distended loops found port is used only during enteroclysis.
with low-grade obstruction can be quite confusing to 8. Remove long tube at the discretion
follow on axial CT images [69]. When CT results are of the attending physician. Notify
equivocal in the search for a transition zone, and radiology if there is difficulty in
closed-loop obstruction has been ruled out, CT enter- removing tube.
oclysis or barium enteroclysis can often help establish
the diagnosis by providing volume-challenge disten- Signed:________________
tion of the proximal loops.
274 D.T.T. Maglinte et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 263–283

CT enteroclysis has emerged as a promising new sional localization of small bowel pathology, CT
method of investigating the small bowel. In this enteroclysis allows objective determination of the
technique, water-soluble contrast is infused through severity of SBO as has been previously defined
an enteroclysis catheter into the proximal small using standard enteroclysis criteria [70]. Initial
bowel, followed immediately by CT cross-sectional reports indicate that the reliability of CT enteroclysis
imaging of the distended small bowel loops. Multi- is equivalent to that of conventional enteroclysis
planar reconstructions of the CT data can be (sensitivity 88% and specificity 82%) in patients
obtained either routinely or on an as-needed basis suspected of having a low-grade partial SBO
for problem solving in difficult cases. Theoretically, [71,72]. Other reports show that it has greater
the volume challenge provided by the intubation- sensitivity and specificity (89% and 100%, respec-
infusion technique of enteroclysis overcomes the tively) than CT alone (50% and 94%, respectively) in
unreliability of CT for diagnosing low-grade obstruc- patients suspected of having a partial SBO, a differ-
tion, whereas the cross-sectional imaging provided ence that was even greater when a history of abdom-
by CT complements the recognized limitations of inal malignancy was known or suspected [72]. CT
conventional enteroclysis in assessing the gut wall enteroclysis is emerging as a promising tool in the
and providing information on extraintestinal causes further work-up of SBO. This topic is reviewed in
of obstruction. In addition to precise three-dimen- detail elsewhere in this issue.

Fig. 4. Therapeutic and diagnostic use of multipurpose long tube. (A) Axial CT of patient who had a history of prior colon
resection for carcinoma who presented with abdominal pain and distention. The ‘‘dirty feces sign’’ (arrow) suggests chronic
obstruction of small bowel with fluid and debris accumulating proximal to the point of obstruction. (From Maglinte D, Herlinger
H. Plain film radiography of the small bowel. In: Herlinger H, Maglinte D, Birnbaum B, editors. Clinical imaging of the small
intestine. 2nd edition. New York: Springer; 1999. p. 47 – 80; with permission.) (B) Following nasogastric suction, no clinical
improvement was noted. Enteroclysis and long tube decompression were requested. The nasogastric tube was replaced with the
multipurpose tube and was advanced under fluoroscopic guidance to the proximal jejunum. The proximal small bowel was atonic
and fluid filled. Long tube suction was done. (C) Following overnight decompression, an abdominal radiograph done before
enteroclysis shows satisfactory decompression of the distended small bowel. (D) Radiograph obtained during barium
enteroclysis shows the ‘‘cobra head’’ appearance (arrow) suggestive of dense adhesive band obstruction, which was confirmed at
surgery. (From Maglinte D, Herlinger H. Plain film radiography of the small bowel. In: Herlinger H, Maglinte D, Birnbaum B,
editors. Clinical imaging of the small intestine. 2nd edition. New York: Springer; 1999. p. 47 – 80; and Maglinte DDT, Reyes BL,
Harmon BH, et al. Reliability and the role of plain film radiography and CT in the diagnosis of small-bowel obstruction. AJR Am
J Roentgenol 1996;167:1451 – 5; with permission.)
D.T.T. Maglinte et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 263–283 275

MR enteroclysis research and experience will help clarify whether it

will become a primary method for investigating the
MR imaging has played only a limited role in the small bowel or be used solely as a problem-solving
clinical evaluation of SBO. The emerging technique examination. This topic is discussed elsewhere in
of MR enteroclysis, however, has the potential to this issue.
change the assessment of the small bowel through
its direct multiplanar imaging capabilities, its lack of
ionizing radiation, and the functional information The role of radiology in the conservative
and soft tissue contrast that it can provide [73]. management of SBO
Compared with CT enteroclysis, MR enteroclysis
provides the distinct advantages of direct imaging in The gastrointestinal tract normally secretes up to
the coronal plane and real-time acquisition of func- 8.5 L of fluid daily, most of which is reabsorbed in
tional information. Additionally, the accuracy of the the small intestine [74]. In cases of SBO, kinking and
MR imaging technique does not rely as heavily on gas-trapping within distended loops of bowel above
fluoroscopist experience as do conventional enter- an obstruction impairs the ability of the small intes-
oclysis techniques [73]. To be the primary method tine to reabsorb secreted fluid and over time results in
of investigation for small bowel disease, MR enter- a net flux of fluid out of the bowel wall into the
oclysis has to provide reliable evidence of normalcy, lumen [75,76]. The physiologic derangements of an
allow diagnosis of early or subtle structural abnor- intestinal obstruction are borne predominantly by the
malities, influence treatment decisions in patient bowel immediately proximal to the point of occlusion
management, and be cost effective [41]. Further [74]. As this part of the gut becomes distended, its

Fig. 4 (continued ).
276 D.T.T. Maglinte et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 263–283

increased intraluminal pressure slows capillary blood proves decompression efficacy over the standard
flow leading to mesenteric venous congestion putting gastric positioning [77]. These pathophysiologic prin-
this segment of bowel at risk for ischemia, gangrene, ciples explain why nasointestinal rather than naso-
and perforation. gastric intubation is considered the optimal method of
With an intact pylorus, nasogastric tubes cannot decompressing the distended small bowel. An added
decompress the small bowel until the pressure of advantage to using a long tube is that as soon as the
backed-up intestinal fluid and gas is strong enough tube passes the pylorus and begins to decompress the
to overcome the strength of the pyloric sphincter. The small bowel, the colicky pain of obstruction is largely
results of several studies have shown that the efficacy relieved. Because nasogastric tube decompression is
of decompression is inversely proportional to the limited to the stomach, a patient’s abdominal pain
distance between the tube tip and the site of the persists until either the obstruction is relieved or
blockage, such that advancement of the tube beyond effective decompression is achieved, either sponta-
the pylorus into the small bowel significantly im- neously or surgically [78].

Fig. 5. Radiographic demonstration of partial or incomplete closed-loop obstruction. (A) Abdominal radiograph of a 72-year-old
woman who presented with abdominal pain, distention, and vomiting and a history of prior appendectomy and lysis of adhesions.
Multiple distended loops of small bowel with little gas in colon are suggestive of small bowel obstruction. Clips are seen in right
lower abdomen from her prior surgery. A nasogastric tube is in the stomach. (B) Intravenous contrast-enhanced axial CT image at
level of lower abdomen shows mild dilatation of small bowel loops and possible edema of an ileal segment (arrow). (C) Axial
CT image at level of upper pelvis shows clips (curved arrow) from prior surgery and normal-caliber loops (arrow) and some
dilated loops. (D) Preliminary abdominal radiograph obtained after 12 hours of long tube decompression shows partial
decompression of distended small bowel and more gas in colon. (E) Early enteroclysis radiograph shows focal narrowing with
proximal dilatation of the small bowel at the level of the clips (curved arrow). The poststenotic loop containing a small amount of
contrast and gas, however, is also dilated (arrow). (F) Further contrast infusion shows the dilated poststenotic segment coursing
back toward the region of the clips (arrow). (G) Delayed radiograph shows two loops of small bowel obstructed at the same level
(curved arrow) consistent with a partial volvulus secondary to dense adhesive band. Collapsed loops are seen distal to
obstruction. This was confirmed at surgery. This is an illustration of how to diagnose multiple points of obstruction by
enteroclysis. (From Maglinte D, Herlinger H. Plain film radiography of the small bowel. In: Herlinger H, Maglinte D, Birnbaum
B, editors. Clinical imaging of the small intestine. 2nd edition. New York: Springer; 1999. p. 47 – 80; with permission.)
D.T.T. Maglinte et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 263–283 277

The Salem pump nasogastric tube (Sherwood (MDEC-1400, Cook, Bloomington, IN) was de-
Medical, St. Louis, MO) cannot be used for enter- veloped in 1992 to be used for both diagnostic and
oclysis and is too short to be advanced into the small therapeutic purposes to eliminate the need for mul-
bowel for nasoenteric decompression. Patients who tiple intubations [79]. This multipurpose tube, a
initially undergo nasogastric tube placement but modification of the standard balloon enteroclysis
later require enteroclysis or CT enteroclysis for the catheter [80], is a 14F catheter, 155-cm long, triple-
evaluation of SBO experience the trauma of mul- lumen disposable catheter made of radiopaque poly-
tiple intubations. The multipurpose intestinal tube vinyl chloride that is adapted for use with hospital

Fig. 5 (continued ).
278 D.T.T. Maglinte et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 263–283

wall suction devices. The important addition of a through mesenteric defects from those caused by
sumping mechanism prevents occlusion of the tube’s prolapse of bowel under adhesive bands [40]. If the
side ports from collapse of the bowel wall against the constriction is tight, there is usually delayed filling
tube during suctioning, thereby allowing effective and delayed emptying of the contrast from the incar-
small bowel decompression (Fig. 3) [81]. The multi- cerated loop [85].
purpose tube kit also includes a preprinted adhesive- CT is a particularly valuable diagnostic tool
backed order sheet that can be affixed to the orders because it can establish the diagnosis of both
page on a patient’s chart (Box 1). This sheet provides closed-loop obstruction and strangulation [27,48,
unambiguous instructions to the patient’s caregivers. 51 – 53,55,56,58,60]. The appearance of closed-loop
In the nonemergent setting, if CT does not answer obstruction on CT depends on the length of the
all questions relevant to a particular patient’s man- closed loop, the degree of bowel distention, and the
agement and nasogastric intubation is desired clin- three-dimensional orientation of the closed loop with
ically, the multipurpose tube can be positioned in the respect to the axial imaging plane [52,53]. If the
stomach for initial gastric decompression. CT enter- incarcerated loop is oriented horizontally, it appears
oclysis or barium enteroclysis can then be performed U- or C-shaped in the axial plane. If an elongated
after advancing the tube, under fluoroscopic guid- segment of bowel is involved, sequential axial images
ance, into the jejunum. The long tube can then be demonstrate a characteristic radial distribution of
anchored in the proximal jejunum after the study for dilated bowel loops having stretched and thickened
further decompression (Fig. 4) [5]. mesenteric vessels converging to the point of obstruc-
tion (Fig. 6). The incarcerated segment of bowel
appears almost entirely fluid-filled, whereas loops
Closed-loop obstruction

Prompt preoperative recognition of closed-loop

obstruction is crucial, because strangulation represents
a dangerous complication that carries a much higher
risk of mortality than simple mechanical SBO. Accu-
rate and early detection of strangulation can expedite
surgery and significantly improve overall patient pro-
gnosis [82,83]. Most closed-loop obstructions result
from entrapment of the small bowel either within an
internal or external hernia. Unless the classic pseudo-
tumor or coffee bean signs are present, plain film
radiography often yields nonspecific and unreliable
results [84]. CT is the imaging modality of choice for
evaluating closed-loop obstruction in the acute setting,
whereas CT or barium enteroclysis serve more com-
plementary roles by establishing the presence of an
incomplete closed-loop obstruction or by helping to
clarify the cause of obstruction (Fig. 5) [37].
The enteroclysis findings of closed-loop obstruc-
tion are similar to those seen in single-band adhesive Fig. 6. CT of closed-loop obstruction. Axial CT of an elderly
obstruction, except that the crossing defect traverses man obtained to investigate abdominal pain and distention.
two adjacent segments of a single loop of bowel [85]. Intravenous contrast-enhanced CT at the level of the lower
Volvulus is diagnosed if the afferent and efferent abdomen shows congested mesentery with distended small
limbs seem to cross or intertwine with twisting of bowel loops converging toward a central point (o) adjacent
the folds at the point of obstruction. A separation to a pointed segment of bowel suggesting closed-loop
obstruction. At surgery volvulus was confirmed; the
between the two obstructed limbs excludes the pres-
mesentery was congested but there was no evidence of
ence of volvulus. In patients with moderate to high-
strangulation. Note normal enhancement of mucosa without
grade obstruction, it may be difficult to exclude evidence of bowel wall thickening. (From Maglinte D,
volvulus if the involved limbs appear closely approxi- Herlinger H. Plain film radiography of the small bowel. In:
mated, tightly compressed, and angulated at the point Herlinger H, Maglinte D, Birnbaum B, editors. Clinical
of obstruction [85]. It is often impossible to differ- imaging of the small intestine. 2nd edition. New York:
entiate closed-loop obstructions caused by herniation Springer; 1999. p. 47 – 80; with permission.)
D.T.T. Maglinte et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 263–283 279

of bowel proximal to the site of obstruction contain and hemorrhage are important findings whose pres-
greater amounts of air. Images obtained near the site ence increases the specificity of the CT diagnosis
of torsion demonstrate progressive, fusiform tapering of strangulation.
of the afferent and efferent limbs manifested as the
beak sign when imaged in longitudinal section. If a
volvulus is present, the whirl sign of a tightly twisted Optimizing the imaging investigation of SBO
mesentery may be seen [56]. CT signs of strangula-
tion are related to the appearance of the incarcerated Open communication among radiologists, primary
bowel wall and its mesentery [52,53]. Ischemia is care physicians, and surgeons is essential in the work-
suggested by the presence of circumferential wall up and management of SBO [86]. The selection of
thickening, increased mural attenuation, and the tar- imaging is based on knowledge of the patient’s
get or double halo sign seen on the intravenous history, physical examination, laboratory results,
contrast-enhanced examination. In the setting of and abdominal plain film findings. The dilemma that
examinations without intravenous contrast, increased radiologists face is not the use of one technique over
bowel wall attenuation is suggestive of ischemia. the other, but the decision of which examination to
Pneumatosis intestinalis may be seen with advanced use first in the context of the clinical presentation and
ischemia and infarction. Mesenteric congestion abdominal plain film findings [56,85].

Fig. 7. Problem solving with CT enteroclysis. (A) Supine abdominal radiograph of a 26-year-old woman who presented with
abdominal distention and vomiting following colectomy and ileoanal pouch construction. Multiple distended loops of small
bowel are noted initially interpreted as consistent with mechanical small bowel obstruction. Conventional abdominal CT with
intravenous contrast (not shown) was unable to differentiate between ileus and mechanical obstruction. Oral contrast given was
vomited and patient refused nasogastric intubation. (B) CT enteroclysis with multipurpose long tube introduced following
conscious sedation was requested. Overnight long tube decompression was performed before infusion of water-soluble contrast.
The patient had a relief of the abdominal distention. Coronal CT image obtained 3 hours after initial infusion of contrast because
of slow flow shows the tip of the multipurpose long tube in proximal jejunum. There is moderate distention of remaining small
bowel with continuity of distention to the ileoanal pouch ( p). (C) Axial image at the level of the upper abdomen shows dilated
loops with retained fluid. (D) Axial image at level of pouch ( p) shows an intact pouch without evidence of peripouch
complications. Additional coronal and axial images did not show a transition point confirming a diagnosis of severe
postoperative ileus. The patient responded to long tube small bowel decompression with return of small bowel peristalsis and
passage of gas and contrast after the examination.
280 D.T.T. Maglinte et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 263–283

Fig. 7 (continued ).

Definitive SBO on plain film radiography con- tool and is easier to perform than barium enteroclysis
firms the clinical diagnosis and opens the door for a particularly in the postoperative patient or those who
decision on whether to perform surgery or use a trial are clinically ill (Fig. 7). CT enteroclysis should be
of conservative nonoperative management. Factors used after the conventional CT study only if addi-
that favor early surgical exploration include no prior tional management questions are left unanswered
history of abdominal surgery; clinical signs of bowel [29,53]. In departments where CT enteroclysis is
compromise; incarcerated hernia; or the presence of a not practical, barium enteroclysis is the preferred
complete SBO (obstipation). Factors that favor initial investigation [5].
conservative management include the presence of a If the abdominal plain film shows colonic disten-
partial SBO; history of resected abdominal tumor; tion in addition to small bowel dilatation, a CT or
prior radiation therapy; history of inflammatory contrast enema should be performed. In this clinical
bowel disease; and early ( < 6 weeks) postoperative setting, CT is preferred in elderly or infirm patients,
obstruction (see Fig. 1M, N). When initial conserva- patients with a clinical suspicion of abscess or diver-
tive management is entertained, CT examination is ticulitis, and in patients with a history of previously
helpful in evaluating the presence and extent of resected colon carcinoma. CT is also necessary in the
neoplastic or inflammatory disease and in excluding acute setting in patients with poor anal sphincter tone
a strangulated obstruction. Postsurgical patients pre- (see Fig. 2) [82]. Where CT is not readily available,
senting early after operation with abdominal disten- the contrast enema is the method of choice.
tion and no signs of bowel compromise (tachycardia, Discordance between the clinical presentation and
leukocytosis, localized tenderness, or fever) are plain film findings often requires additional radiologic
treated conservatively for several days, with CT imaging. In patients with acute abdominal symptoms
advised only if the clinical findings and abdominal who have normal or abnormal but nonspecific bowel
plain films do not improve, or if signs of sepsis or gas pattern on abdominal plain films, CT is recom-
bowel compromise develop. CT enteroclysis with mended (see Fig. 1J, K). CT is not only reliable in
positive enteral contrast is a good problem-solving showing many of the acute abdominal conditions that
D.T.T. Maglinte et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 263–283 281

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