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is critical. Note that an Elm, Cherry or Birch tree will

THE ART OF TREE HOMES have a natural dimeter of two ft feet in 30 years
Apprentice Edition by Yessev Galerbor Oradhe which when stretched into an exaggerated oval will
provide a “wall” of four to five feet in length. Slower
The Children of Siem have long lived in natural growing Oaks and Hickories will take longer to
organic structures but the younger race of my achieve the desired size.
mother have not perfected this art. May the
blessings of the ONE guide your understanding on By using “Verdant Hand” one can achieve in the
my instruction on how to grow a proper structure. spring and summer months every two and one-half
The procedure requires a modest skill in the arts of days under the spell influence equates to a year of
Fyvria and specific knowledge of the spells “Figure growth at the natural rate. Do not use the spell in
of Aestras” and “Verdant Hand”. I have included the fall or winter as this will confuse the tree and
instruction on the casting of these spells and result in the tree not property prepare for winters
appropriate application in the growing of structures, trials. An unprepared tree will most like not survive
in a separate chapter and one should master the the winter.
enchantments before proceeding. Although it is
possible to grow a structure with just the “Figure of Two Level: “Mushroom” Style
Aestras” the process will take thirty to seventy years The Mushroom
depending on the plant selected for the structure. Style requires a
This is the traditional way of the Sindarian, but we high degree of skill
find that most humans require results in a lesser as tree trunks need
time frame. to be “broomed”
The first step in growing your structure is to out and remerged
select an appropriate plant. We recommend the into complex
beginners select a plant that has strong wood, but shapes
also has the trait of sprouting new stems from the
roots. The advantage of root sprouts is three folds:
having only multiple stem to work with speeds the
process; one can form an image of the completed
structure while directing the plant growth through Multi-Level: “Tower” Style
the “Figure of Aestras”; and a single plant results in
fewer spell casting to complete the project. I The Tower Style
recommend a novice hire a good carpenter to assist is one of the
with finish work: doors, floors and windows can vex simplest basic
even the most accomplished masters of the art. form as it is
Good visualization is important as trees have basically a ring of
simple direct spirits abstract instruction will result is trees merges
undesirable growth. One should consider the size together to form a
and shape of the final structure and I highly large cylinder.
recommend drawing the concept out to solidity the This style can be
vision of the project in one own mind. For those made more
who have never grown a home before: a model elaborate with
should be made of what you desire. This will assist embellishments
you in visualizing your instruction to the target tree. like porches and
windows. “Towers can be made round, square,
A plant naturally grows from the inner bark and a octagonal or whatever is desired. Multiple towers
single stem is naturally circular in shape. Convince can be combined for larger structures.
the plant’s spirit to grow in an exaggerated oval is
not overly taxing. Deciding on how many shoots or
stems will be needed and where they should sprout

Copyright © 2020, Richard Delorme, Columbia Games, Inc. & N. Robin Crossby HârnWorld
Special thanks for inciteful reviewers: Rob Barnes, Kerry Mould and Joe Sgammato
Twenty Foot Tree Home for an Apprentice this will protect the bark of the branches and
Select a tree from the list of preserve the living tissue. Bark is generally too
those that sprout additional rough for common people and the activity of normal
trunks from the roots. One living causes extensive damage to the living tissue.
can use other trees, but When forming the roof, the branches of the dome
such a choice will have to are directed into exaggerated curved ovals that
cast many additional merge.
enchantments. Plant the A well grown tree home should live for about four
tree in the desired location: or if using non-sprouting hundred years. Take proper care of your creation
trees plant a circle of trees. The enchantment and observes the teaching of the ONE. Never
“Verdant Hand” accelerates the tree’s growth rate: assume that one’s gifts places one above less gifted.
cast this enchantment on each tree. Then cast the Remember the code and pray for Siem’s guidance
enchantment “Figure of Aestras” to direct the tree and assistance.
form the desired growth patterns. With tree that
produce root sprouts: directed to grow out laterally Root Sprouts
10ft and produce shoots in the desired shape: in this Only some trees
example a simple circle. The diagram shows a set form sprouts from
up for the home and assumes a mature four-foot roots or roots from
linear trunks. One shall need to maintain the the stems. Sadly,
“Verdant Hand” for ten to twenty days to achieve a the might Oak,
good initial core before shaping: A trunk diameter of majestic Hickory, golden Larch and delightful
two inches is desirable. Walnut do not form Roots Sprouts, nor do they form
roots from shoots or cuttings. On our Island there
SHAPING are many trees more pliable to our manipulations
Continue and the following is a list of choice for novices.
“Verdant Hand”
as needed over 1) Alder – Most varieties are too small, but the
the course of Red Alder will do nicely. One can also harvest
this stage which branches to make fine flutes.
will take at least fifty days. Using the Figure of 2) Apple – Splits easily; structurally weak but does
Aestras”, to direct the trunks to become exaggerated provide a good annual food source.
curved ovals that become more linear as they tree 3) Beech – Poor strength but burns well even
matures. The trunks will merge at maturity. The is when wet.
the longest stage which end with living tower. 4) Cherry – Wild cherry trees make better homes
An Elm, Cherry or Birch trees have mature height of than the domestic varieties as they have
eighty to one hundred and forty feet so the lower stronger wood and grow taller.
fifty to sixty feet into a four-story home. Shorter 5) Elm - Use an Elm that grows tall; avoid small
homes may be created and some smaller trees such varieties
as Apples and Olives make lovely two-story homes. 6) Birch – A wide number of varieties that grow
FLOORS & ROOFS tall and are generally strong. The wood
Each story will require a however rots quickly so keep your home
floor, these can be added healthy.
later, or the supports can 7) Olive – These are generally too small for tall
be grown in place. Thou homes but make a fine hut.
shall use the Figure of 8) Plums – Too small for homes; use for huts.
Aestras” to directs the 9) Poplars – there are many varieties, most have
lateral branches to grow weak wood and should be used with care.
in slight arch and 10) Willows – Very pliable wood which has long
merging into a “key” of a flat dome. To finish an been used for basket weaving.
interior floor: place cured board over the branches,

Copyright © 2020, Richard Delorme, Columbia Games, Inc. & N. Robin Crossby HârnWorld
Special thanks for inciteful reviewers: Rob Barnes, Kerry Mould and Joe Sgammato

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