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Course and Section: RS 3010-D01: The Bible – Origin and Content

Term: Spring 2023 (ONLINE)

Professor: Dr. Rebekka King

Religious Studies – Student Feedback Form

The questions on the following pages ask you to consider the various
aspects of the course content and your instructor’s work in the classroom
alongside our own work.
Student Self-Evaluation Questions

1) What subject, reading, assignment, or lecture in this course was most

meaningful/useful to you? Why?

2) What subject, assignment, reading, or lecture in this course was least

meaningful/useful to you? Why?

3) Comment on your preparedness and participation in this course as a


4) Comment on your own attention to assigned work (time, energy, effort


5) What do you wish you had known at the very beginning of the course in
order to better prepare for success in this course?

Professor Evaluation Questions

1) Comment on the effectiveness of your professor’s presentation of course

material and use of class time.

2) Did the professor provide clear guidance for understanding course

exercises and assignments? If not, how could this be improved?

3) Comment on your professor’s feedback/evaluative rubric on your

assignments (for example, how informative and helpful was it?).

4) What else would you want your professor to know, concerning any aspect
of this course?

Course Evaluation Questions – Specific to RS 3010

1) Comment on the course’s organization. In other words, was the course

organized in a way that helped you learn? If not, what could be improved?

2) We are considering adding a New Testament course to the MTSU

religious studies course offerings. This would mean that the RS 3010
course would only focus on the Hebrew Bible and a separate course
would be developed to cover content related to the New Testament (and
possibly the Apocrypha). Would you be interested in such courses? Do
you think there would be enough student interest to justify two biblical
studies courses at MTSU?

3) There were two discussion board post assignments that asked students to
draw, rather than write. These assignments are designed to encourage
close reading of a primary source (in this context Exodus 28 and
Revelation 9). Given that this assignment is a little unorthodox, I am
interested in the student’s perception of the effectiveness of these
assignments. Please comment.

4) Please identify areas where the course can be improved.

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